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Authors: Dakota Trace

His Just Desserts (12 page)

BOOK: His Just Desserts
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Oohs and aaahs filled the room as wait staff gathered around the tables. Within moments, the smell of dark rum, bananas, and vanilla teased his nose. Sliding back into his seat, he pressed a kiss to Isaiah’s temple. “Thank you, baby.”

“It was nothing.” Isaiah lit their dessert and served it to the head table. “Kaeli and the rest of the staff at Nonlia’s wanted to make your night special.” Isaiah leaned over to feed him a bite. “But you just earned yourself one helluva punishment. This was supposed to be your day, Counselor.”

He closed his fingers around Isaiah’s hand, licking the ice cream and caramelized bananas off the fork. “It’s our special night, baby. Together, remember?” He couldn’t resist reminding his lover of the promises they’d exchanged nearly four months ago when they’d moved into together.

Isaiah’s eyes narrowed. “But don’t think for a minute it’s going to save your ass.”

Sean licked his lower lip. “Of course not. Just try to wiggle your way out of it.”

Isaiah chuckled. “Not a chance, Counselor.”




~About the Author~



Dakota is a simple Midwest girl, who has found her passion in storytelling at a young age. Her father always said she made up the craziest stories. Most remained unwritten though as writing wasn’t Dakota’s strong suit. That all changed in junior high when she took her first typing class. Problem solved for the dyslexic Dakota. There was no stopping her after that. She wrote her first novel her freshman year about a girl who could speak to animals on an old electric IBM typewriter her dad found at a garage sale. Now writing in several different genres, she is a published author with multiple books under her belt. When she isn’t writing, she’s the crazy mom of three wild Indians who are posing as her children, a loving wife to the man of her dreams and a full time Web Design Major at IADT.


You can visit with Dakota at




Blind Need by Dakota Trace


Two wounded souls, one blind and the other scarred, are matched up by the famous Madame Evangeline—neither one expecting more than a brief meeting of two bodies in the dark for one night.

Xaviera Navarro had it all, a wonderful career ahead of her running her family’s wine business, a sexy fiancé, and her dream-wedding around the corner, but that all changed in the blink of an eye. A freak accident has left the Navarro wine heiress blind with no future other than the company of her seeing-eye dog, Lucy. After licking her wounds, she finally is tired of her own company and ventures out in hopes of finding a man who might be strong enough to stand beside her but not in front of her. If she can’t have that, she’ll settle for a night of hot loving before returning home.

Ignatius "Nate" Ramirez is not only a scarred fire-jumper with a justifiably bad attitude toward women, he’s also under strict orders by his Captain that if he doesn’t get laid on his vacation, he’s going to bench him. After finding out about 1Night Stand, he requests Madame Evangeline find him the perfect fantasy woman to have under the cover of darkness. Figuring he’ll have a better chance with his date with all the lights out, he wasn’t expecting a feisty, no punches pulled heiress to knock him off his feet.

A blind woman and a scarred fire-jumper should be a match made in heaven, but will Nate and Xaviera manage to leave their baggage at the door and find love all in one night.





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BOOK: His Just Desserts
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