Read His Lady Godiva (Lovers and Other Strangers) Online

Authors: L.C. Giroux

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

His Lady Godiva (Lovers and Other Strangers) (16 page)

BOOK: His Lady Godiva (Lovers and Other Strangers)
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She had done her homework which made her smile thinking about it. No one could make any promises but with what she had read using repeated stimulation, engaging his mind, the ED drugs, should mean he would at least have a chance. Maybe it didn’t matter. He was enjoying how she felt and looked on top of him. He was startled when she stopped and got off him. But that was nothing compared to his surprise following her gaze at his penis. Holy hell! his mind whirled.

“I believe I was correct then, Doctor.” She was laughing at him while she slid her fingers up and down the still wet shaft. “Well, what do you want to do with it now?”

“I’d like you back up where you were. I’d like to… make love to you, you my own brave beautiful Lady Godiva.” he growled. Even in the half light she could see his eyes shining. She did as he asked. He reached his arms out and massaged her breasts pulling her down and forward so he could bathe the nipples with his tongue. She used her feet to spread his legs and then arching her back reached behind her and found his peritoneum and began stroking it. She saw his eyes roll back in his head, it was accompanied by a low throaty moan. She could feel him stiffen inside her. She loved what she was doing to him and what he was doing to her. Then suddenly her breath caught in her throat. She could feel herself tense, get tight and then close on him again and again. Oh god, that was what was missing. He felt so good inside her. She fought to remain upright. She heard him keen and then collapsed on top of him. He pulled her in close both of them panting.

She had hurt him, she knew it, this wasn’t a nip on the finger, she was sure she had wounded him. Why else would he scream like that? She steeled herself to look up into his face. He looked in shock. “Oh, Michael, I love you so much. I’m sorry” she whispered. He snapped out of his reverie. He turned them both over so that now she was pinned under him with her legs wrapped around his hips.

“Sorry! You’re sorry? You’ve raised the dead and you’re sorry!

She was so confused. “I heard you scream, I... Thought I had hurt you when I...” now she blushed. He laughed deeply, till tears formed in his eyes. Then kissed her till she was laughing too.

"Violet, I know this will sound ridiculous considering everything I have done with and to you but... Damn this is embarrassing. I... I was, I had never done that before. He looked to the side so she couldn't see his face. She reached over and turned his face to hers.

"Michael, I... Are you saying what I think you are saying?" She was grinning from ear to ear.

"Violet, if you start laughing I swear..."

"I only laugh at you when you are being an ass, remember? No, I want to scream to the world, I... how long do those pills last? No, I don't care. So all that and no ill effects right? I mean other than the scream which I'll chalk up to not knowing exactly what it was all going to feel like." She was so excited she was talking a mile a minute. Then she licked her lips.

"Darling, we have an awful lot of catching up to do. Can you stand me to touch you yet?"

"You can always touch me."

"You may regret saying that."




"How are the wedding plans going darling?"


"That well." Michael started laughing

"Oh, you have no idea. You get to just glide in and... Are you laughing at me?"

"Never dear. Maybe you are just feeling more emotional than usual."

"What is that supposed to mean? Why do you have that smirk on your face? Oh, has Cam agreed to be your best man?"

"Yes, you know we could just go get married at City Hall. Avoid all the bother of..."

"Oh wouldn't you be surprised if I said yes!"

"We may want to move the wedding up dear."

"What? I don't know how I'm going to get everything done as it is."

"Well, it will be your first so you shouldn't show too much?"

"Wait what, my It will be my only damn wedding I can tell you."

"No dear, um, in all the excitement you haven't forgotten something? Something that shows up fairly regularly, monthly to be exact."

"Michael, I am up to my ears in plans, the invasion of Normandy was less work. What are you talking about?"

Violet, dear, you are pregnant, at least I suspect so."

"I'm what?"

"With child, my child, hence the ridiculous grin I can't get rid of. Um, that first night, we were rather focused on other things. We never really considered protection, I especially should have known better but..."

"That can't be right, I got my period... Oh! Oh! Michael!"

"Violet is it so awful?"

"No, just a shock, I'm scared."

"I promise to be with you every step of the way. So, Violet, can we just elope, tell a few friends, be done with the formalities. I want to spend every minute I can with my wife and child. God, in a million years I never thought I'd say that."

Violet let the papers she was holding fall to the floor. Walking over to Michael she sat on his lap. "I want that too. I suppose this means I am not your Kitten anymore?"

"You will always be my Kitten, quite frankly, I think that when you are 9 months pregnant I will still want you to walk around naked if for no other reason than I find you breathtaking. Though for the sake of the children things would have to get a little tamer."


"Oh, yes, a village to fill this huge house of yours my Lady Godiva."



Writing a story with a paralyzed romance hero may seem odd but I have no doubt that they are out there. I tried to be sensitive to the actualities of what may or may not be possible for a man with that level of impairment. Every spinal injury patient is different and I drew inspiration from many factual sources. If you or a loved one has a spinal cord injury I recommend the following sites for more information.



Other books by L.C. Giroux

Fall Into His Arms

More Lovers and Other Strangers Series Books

Pay Back

His Deception

Lovers and Other Strangers Boxed Set:

The Boston Stories
(Digital Only)

Second Chance at Salvation

All In

Where’s My Cowboy?

Skater’s Girl

...And Keep Her

Series Short Stories:

Wild Child (only available in the Boston Boxed Set or the WG2E Summer Fling Anthology)

The Day Before the Night Before Christmas


Cupid Must Be Irish



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This is a work of fiction, names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


His Lady Godiva

L.C. Giroux

Copyright L.C. Giroux 2011


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BOOK: His Lady Godiva (Lovers and Other Strangers)
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