Read His Millionaire Maid Online

Authors: Coleen Kwan

Tags: #Katee Robert, #bed and breakfast, #Lauren Blakely, #Coleen Kwan, #Contemporary Romance, #mistaken identity, #Lovestruck, #entangled, #Romantic Comedy, #tessa bailey

His Millionaire Maid (9 page)

BOOK: His Millionaire Maid
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“The hell you haven’t. Ever since yesterday you’ve been flouncing around in front of me, wiggling your ass in my face.”

“Wiggling!” Several people looked up. Nina flung down her dishcloth, lowering her voice as she said, “Why would I wiggle and flounce at you? You’ve made it clear you don’t want my ass anywhere near your face.”

Blood thudded in his ears. Maybe holding back wasn’t such a good idea after all. For a start, it was bad for his blood pressure. And how could he concentrate on anything if he constantly had to fight his urges? And battle his raging jealousy every time Nina so much as smiled at another guy? If this frustration continued for much longer, he’d explode, and probably at the worst possible time. Better to find a safety valve and release some pressure, right?

He butted in and shoved his elbow on the counter next to her, pressing his forearm against hers. She let out a little gasp as her flesh quivered against his. He was quivering, too, the contact with her skin firing every brain synapse. Her blue eyes, big as saucers, sucked him in.

Yeah, he needed that safety valve real bad right now.

Joe bent his head toward Nina’s. “Meet me out back in half an hour,” he whispered, “and I’ll show you where to put your ass.”

A pulse fluttered in her throat as she swallowed. She moistened her lips, her face flushed and fierce. “You’d better show up,” she huffed, her voice low and hoarse, “or I’ll never speak to you again, Joe Farina.”

He gave her a brash grin. “Now that’s the kind of win-win proposition I like.”

This could be a disaster in so many ways.

As Nina headed for the door that led to the rear of the inn, she considered running back to her room, but her body had a will of its own, and her feet continued down the hallway.

She was setting herself up for humiliation. If she waited out back and Joe didn’t show, she’d be mortified. Joe’s reasons why they shouldn’t fraternize made sense, and deep down she couldn’t help agreeing with them…but she just couldn’t fight the attraction anymore, and if he stood her up she’d be so furious and embarrassed she’d hitchhike out of town—even this late at night—all the way back to San Francisco. And maybe put a hit out on Joe.

Just kidding. Maybe.

Hauling in a deep breath, she barged through the back door. The big spotlight above the door shone over a deserted yard. The pit of her stomach gave way. Then two piercing lights flashed on and off—headlights from a vehicle parked across the entrance to the yard. Joe’s pickup truck.

Her rib cage drew tight, and her heart began to pummel. She scampered across the concrete and jumped into the passenger seat, panting as though she’d just held up a bank. Joe faced her, teeth gleaming white in the dimness.

“Evening, sweet pea.”

Okay, no hit man required. But this could still be a disaster.

He put the truck into gear and pulled off. For a minute or so they didn’t speak, though the silence between them pulsated with surging pheromones and unsteady breathing.

Finally the tension got to be too much for Nina. “Did anyone see you leave?”

“Lots of people saw me leave, but I doubt they suspect anything. You and I seemed to have a convincing argument at the bar. Vince even muttered something to me about easing up on you.”


“Just so you know, I have no intention of easing up on you.” He took one of her hands and raised it to his lips. “Especially not tonight.”

The promise in his voice sent anticipation streaking through her. She stroked her fingers over his jaw, relishing the prickle of his stubble, looking forward to feeling its rasp against her naked body. He changed his grip on her hand and eased the tip of her middle finger into his mouth. She caught her breath. The suck of his hot, moist mouth tugged at her stomach, unleashing a wave of heat.

“Oh, God.” She couldn’t deny the naked hunger in her voice.

Joe slowed the truck. They were a few miles out of town, she had no clue where. The headlights picked out a narrow road, trees, fences. Still holding her hand, he guided it to his thigh. Beneath his pants, the muscled heft of his thighs hinted at the virility about to unleash. Her mouth watered.

She squeezed his leg. “So what position do you play?”

“You mean soccer? Center midfielder.” He reached over and clasped her thigh. “In bed, I’m up for any position.”

His big, confident grasp on her leg made her laugh breathy. “I-I don’t know why I asked. I don’t have a clue about soccer.”

His eyes grew hot. “Don’t worry. I’ll teach you.” He wasn’t talking about soccer, she was sure. His hand shifted down to the hem of her plaid skirt. “You changed for me? I’m honored.”

“I didn’t want to smell like fries and beer.”

“Men like fries and beer.” He reached the bare flesh above her knee and slipped his hand under her skirt. “I like this even better.”

His husky murmur coupled with his sure touch had her blood pumping. The truck bumped slowly over a rough section of road. She clung onto the armrest, transfixed as Joe stroked her inner thigh, his fingers creating a trail of pleasure across her skin. Her breath came out in fervid puffs. She pressed her booted feet against the floor of the cab, tense with excitement as she silently willed Joe’s fingers to move higher and discover the wet craving between her thighs. But each time he extended his reach, his fingers stopped short of her panties, tantalizing her, provoking and intensifying her need.

“Joe,” she finally gasped out, writhing against his hand. “You—you’re driving me crazy.”

He’d slowed the truck until they were inching along.

“Sweet pea, I’ve been going crazy myself thinking of all the things I want to do with you. And believe me, making you come in my truck while I’m driving is right up there on my list, but I like to do things in the right order. My first priority is to get you into my bedroom, where I’m going to take off your clothes one piece at a time, and then I’m going to kiss you all over and get to know every inch of you before we even think about orgasmic penetration.”

His words, uttered in that sexy timbre of his, almost sent her over the edge. Perspiration prickled in her cleavage, her breasts feeling heavy and straining against her bra. What was it about Joe that worked her into such a frenzy? She’d never considered herself sexually aggressive, but now she was ready to tear the clothes off him. Before she could think, she’d moved her hand from his thigh to cup his groin. The heat and size of his bulge dried her throat. He hissed at her, surprise flashing in his chocolate eyes.

“And this?” she asked. “Is this anywhere on your list?” She kneaded her palm back and forth across his swollen crotch, excited by his reaction.

The truck jerked and bunny hopped. Groaning, Joe grabbed her hand and forced it away. “Christ almighty, if you don’t stop now, I’m going to tie you up.”

She laughed from sheer exhilaration. Tie her up? Joe was giving her wicked ideas. “I’ll behave, as long as we get to your place quick.”

“We’re almost there.”

He swung the wheel and stepped on the accelerator. The truck roared down a long driveway, headlights bouncing off trees and grass before the glare picked out a long, ranch-style house with a wide veranda.

Joe brought the truck to an abrupt halt. They got out, and Joe grabbed her hand and led her into the house. As he flicked on a few lights, she saw a large sitting room with a stone fireplace and raked ceilings.

“So, this is where you live.” The comfy armchairs, rugs, and rustic bric-a-brac gave the room a homely atmosphere. Joe’s house looked like a cozy, unpretentious place where a person could relax. “Have you been here long?”

“About three years. I’ll give you the guided tour later. Right now, there’s only one room I want to show you.”

Joe swung her into his arms and strode down the hallway. He kicked open a door, walked in, and set her slowly to her feet.

His bedroom. The lights were off, but through the window, faint moonlight spilled across the king-size bed that dominated the room. In the silence, Joe’s breathing sounded deep and uneven.

“Joe.” She pressed a hand to his chest. “This…this is just for fun, right?” Before they went any further, she needed to know they still agreed on this.

“Of course,” he murmured. “No fuss, just pure fun.”

He reached for her, and the night swelled and soared around her.

Chapter Six

Nina heard the little gasping noises escaping her lips. A small part of her marveled at how shameless she sounded, but most of her was too high on the pleasure of Joe’s mouth on her to notice. He branded sizzling-hot kisses over her throat, ears, and cheeks before moving back to her lips. Lust unfurled in her as she twined her arms around his neck and returned his kisses, leaving nothing in reserve, showing him just how turned on she was.

As his tongue penetrated past her lips, the heat engulfing her arrowed straight for her center, and she wrapped one leg around him, eager to get closer to him. Pushing his hand under her skirt, Joe pulled her thigh tight around him and ground his hips against hers, the hard hump in his trousers fitting perfectly into the apex of her legs. Darkness swirled about her, heady with the scent of their musk. She ran her hands down his back and began to tug his shirt from his pants.

Joe’s shoulders bunched up as his fingers got busy with her shirt. It had a tight fit and a long row of buttons.

“Don’t want to tear your shirt,” he said as he wrestled with the buttons.

Oh, that was sweet of him, trying to preserve her cheap shirt because he was under the impression she was poor. Her breasts ached for his touch, but she waited until he was done. Finally he pulled off her shirt along with her jacket and tossed them to the ground. The sight of her black bra made him pause.

“Oh, yeah. I like this.” He ran a finger lightly over the lace trim, leaving her flesh burning.

Lava heat pounded in her breasts, gathered in a liquid pool between her legs. “Why are you waiting?” she breathed, legs trembling. “You’ve seen the goods before.”

“I like seeing them wrapped up in a pretty package.”

His eyes feasted on her as he drew his fingers over one bra cup and rested them against the peak. The way Joe ogled her breasts made her feel like a centerfold model. He curved his hands around her waist, found the zipper of her skirt, and made short work of it. The skirt fell around her feet with a soft

Eek. Now he could see the plain beige panties she’d been forced to buy. She hadn’t minded showing them when they’d jumped off the cliff, but now they were in his bedroom, and she wished she had her usual sexy silk thongs. Suddenly self-conscious, she crossed her hands over the bargain-basement panties.

“Hey, what’re you trying to hide?” Joe tugged at her hands, grinning.

“Uh, the general store was fresh out of Victoria’s Secret.” She reluctantly allowed him to lift her hands away. “It was either this or great big granny panties.”

Joe stared greedily at her panties, and then he brushed his palm over them, making her squirm. He chuckled low in his throat. “I can’t believe you’re embarrassed over this.”

Shoot, she was in danger of giving herself away. Ordinary working-class people didn’t get hung up because they weren’t wearing expensive lingerie.

“I just want to look my best, Joe.”

His eyes flared. “Sweet pea, you could make even granny panties look sexy.”

“I’ll have to test you out on that,” she said, snickering.

He groaned. “You’re testing me right now.” Taking hold of both her hands, he eased them behind her back and lowered his head to her neck. “And I can’t resist…” His lips worked their magic on her, and she became boneless with desire as his wide chest rubbed against hers.

Holding her wrists with one hand, he used his free hand to unfasten her bra and cast it aside. He cupped one breast and lowered his head to the other, his lips closing over her nipple. Taking his time, he sucked and stroked and played until she thought she might pass out with sheer pleasure. Moaning, she pushed her leg between his to get to his pulsing heat, and he responded by pressing his upper thigh hard against her mound. Sexual heat inundated her. Her flesh quivered, rippled, engorged, and before she knew it she was on the edge of a climax. But Joe, seeming to sense this, drew his leg away. She was so jellylike she would have collapsed if he hadn’t been holding her.

“Joe,” she whispered faintly. “You’re testing my limits, too, you know.”

His rich chuckle ruffled her hair. “But I haven’t kissed you all over yet.” He returned his attention to her breasts while his hands nudged inside her panties to knead her tight butt.

It wasn’t fair that he still had his clothes on. She tried to tear off his shirt but the darn thing was too stubborn. Eventually Joe laughed at her impatience and pulled it off. Nina gulped in admiration as she ate up the sight of his muscled pectorals.

“You’re gorgeous,” she said as she coasted her hands across his chest, the dark hairs soft against her palm. She nuzzled his nipples and licked a path over his six-pack, breathing in the heady scent of Joe that was all vigorous, lusty male. As she gorged herself on him, she heard his sharp intake of air before he took charge again and lifted her face up to devour her mouth. Taking charge in the bedroom was his thing, she guessed, and she liked it. A whole lot. Somehow his autocratic behavior didn’t rile her—instead, it turned her on. Right up to eleven.

While he was kissing her, he got rid of her panties. Now she was naked except for her cowboy boots. She went to pull them off, but Joe halted her.

“No, keep them on.” He traced his hands over her thighs. “You look like a pinup for sexiest cowgirl of the year.” His husky drawl had her reaching for him, but he held her off. “Stay there.”

His eyes never left hers as he rid himself of his shoes, unbuckled his belt, and shucked off his pants. His boxer briefs stretched taut over an impressive-sized package, and she didn’t even pretend to look elsewhere. He stripped them off, and heat saturated the folds between her thighs.
My goodness, he’s packing some serious equipment there.

Then he wrapped her in his arms, exploring and kissing every inch of her just like he’d promised, and soon she didn’t know whether she was standing or floating upside down. The haze lifted a little when Joe knelt in front of her, skimming his palms down her legs while his thick black hair nestled against her belly. He nibbled his way down her stomach until he reached the patch of blonde curls covering her mound.

He breathed in deeply, hands cupping her ass, before his tongue snaked between her folds and flickered against her slit. Wet heat drenched her in an instant. She arched her back for more. His lick was measured, erotic, explosive. He controlled her, his lapping first greedy then delicate, always sure, extending her exquisite pleasure to the point of torture. His control grew as her restraint crumbled until she couldn’t wait any longer, and she raked her fingers through his hair, urging him on as she sought release.

But he denied her the screaming orgasm she wanted so badly and rose to his feet, his face flushed, his lips wet from her moisture. He leisurely fondled her breast. “My hot little cowgirl.”

“Joe, I swear…” She could barely speak.

He smiled, cocky, but damn, how she wanted him.


He turned to rummage in the drawer of his nightstand, leaving her to bite her lip as she stared at his taut backside. The urge to hurl herself at him rose, but, as much as she hated admitting it, she was hooked on his domineering lovemaking.

When he turned back, he had a condom on and a burning look in his eyes. He sat on the edge of the bed. “Come here,” he ordered.

She moved toward him, lungs aching with anticipation. When she was within arm’s length, he grasped her waist and pushed his knees between hers until she stood above him, her legs straddled over his thighs. She met his searing gaze, and when his hands pressed her down, she knew what he wanted. What she wanted so desperately.

As she bent her knees, the tip of his erection found her entrance. Burning hot and hard, it teased her, parting her slick folds. He paused, holding her still. She was ready to collapse, her leg muscles quivering, but he held her up, his biceps bulging from the strain. He eased an inch into her, his heat and strength arousing her further. Bending her head back, she let out a growl of pure animal need and tried to push herself down on him. But Joe prevented her, still controlling her descent. As he let her down one solid inch at a time, his thickness stretched her, filled her, melted her. After several breathless seconds, he settled her on his lap, sheathed in her flesh to the hilt, breathing hard as he smiled at her.

“You feel so good.” He took her mouth in one bruising kiss after another until her head was swimming. She moved against him, hands on his shoulders, arching her back as she sought the sweet friction between them. As she’d come to expect, he took over, using his impressive strength to shift her up and down while he thrust himself slowly and evenly into her.

Tension built in her to fever pitch. She tossed her head, wild for release, seeking the button to unleash the pressure. When Joe took her nipple between his lips, she almost bucked right off him, but his hands held her firm. His teeth riffled against her nipple, his thrust pushed her higher, and suddenly she was an explosion of wet, molten flesh, and stars were falling around her, and someone was moaning out, “Oh, God. Oh, Joe,” over and over again.

Joe’s grunts filtered through the hot mist. She was vaguely aware of his hands digging into her hips and his mouth nipping her shoulder as he drove hard into her. It could have hurt, but it didn’t, her wetness assisting his fierce pounding. He gripped her tight, his body tensed as he growled and spasmed deep inside her for several fiery moments, before his body gradually grew slack.

Sighing deeply, he wiped his forearm across his sweaty brow. “Sweet pea, that was the most incredible ride.”

She gulped, shaky and throbbing. “You can say that again,” she whispered.

He was still buried deep inside her, and she didn’t want to let him go. For a while he scattered kisses over her face and neck again, this time his mouth soft, gentle, reassuring. When he finally lifted her off his lap, the night air nipped at her, raising goose bumps on her bottom. Joe got rid of the condom, pulled off her boots, and held up the quilt covering the bed. “Come here, sweet pea.”

She slipped gratefully under the covers, Joe quickly joining her. The sheets were cool, but Joe pulled her into his arms, his warmth surrounding her. She turned to him, surprised and a little dismayed at how eagerly she sought him out. Was it simply because Joe had given her the best sex of her life? Or was there something more to it?

Joe didn’t seem to be troubled by such worries. He kissed her hair and wrapped his arms around her. “Just a heads-up. I’m going to let you rest for a little while, but in about ten minutes I have another activity planned for us.”

Anticipation stirred in her loins. She shifted her legs against his. “What kind of activity?”

“It’s a surprise.”

“Can’t you give me a clue?”

His lips curled into a lazy, teasing smile. “All I’ll tell you is that I’m going to make you say ‘Oh, God’ and ‘Oh, Joe’ again. Several times. Maybe if I make the right moves, I’ll even get you to scream it out. Sound good to you?”

Nina nodded, her hunger already returning. Whatever Joe did to her would be good, as long as she remembered that this was just sex. Great, awesome sex, yes, but that was all it was. It didn’t—couldn’t—change anything between them.

Joe peered down at Nina’s prone form. She looked deeply asleep, which was no wonder, considering the epic sex they’d enjoyed through the night. But dawn was touching the bedroom curtains, and he had to rouse her.

Gently he shook her awake. “Hey, sleepyhead. It’s time to get up.”

“Wha…?” She yawned, blonde hair sexily tousled, lips still swollen from all that kissing.

His cock stirred. If only he could strip again and join her in the bed for an early morning quickie… But that was asking for even more trouble.

Nina blinked several times before her blue eyes cleared and focused on him already dressed in jeans and a T-shirt. “Where’re you going?”

“I’m taking you back to the inn before anyone else gets there.” He paused before sinking on the bed next to her. “Nina, last night was incredible, but…”

Her mouth turned down. “But you don’t want a repeat?”

“Of course I want a repeat,” he answered quickly, even as the logical part of his brain told him that was a dumb idea. Even dumber than last night. But his body was completely enthralled with her. “I want you in my bed as often as possible, but it has to stay between us. I can’t have the rest of the staff finding out. Not because I’m ashamed to be with you, but—”

“I understand.” She squeezed his hand briefly. “This is just a bit of fun between you and me, right? Nothing serious. We don’t need the whole town sticking their noses into our private business.”

He breathed out a sigh of relief. Nina understood his dilemma, and she wasn’t fussed about keeping this a secret. It wasn’t how he usually conducted his brief affairs, but then again he’d never had an affair with an employee. Again, his logical brain sent out a warning, but he ignored it. Nina was in his bloodstream, and for however long this crazy fever lasted, he was her captive.

Nina yawned as she scraped and rinsed plates. The bustle in the kitchen was dying down after the dinner rush, but she still had plenty of clearing up to do. It didn’t help that she’d barely caught a few hours’ sleep last night. She closed her eyes, and for a moment she was transported back to the heady sweetness of being with Joe. All day the memories of him had teased her. Tonight he’d gone to his usual soccer practice, which was just as well. She didn’t need him distracting her again in front of staff and customers.

“Glad you’ve got time to daydream.” Sarah’s bark sounded just inches from her ear.

Nina jerked, and the plate she’d been holding slipped and crashed to the floor. “Oh, crap!”

Sarah’s lips thinned as others paused to see the cause of the commotion. “Well, that’s one way of doing the dishes. I’ll tell Joe to dock your pay again. What’s that, like your fourth since you started?”

“Only my third.” Nina grabbed a brush and pan and began cleaning up the broken plate. “And I don’t mind Joe docking my pay.”

“I thought you were desperate for a job.” Sarah continued to stand over her, and when Nina straightened, the head chef’s face was filled with suspicion. “I already know you lied about working in a coffee shop. And now you’re acting like you don’t even care about the money you’re losing. So why are you really here in Hartley?”

BOOK: His Millionaire Maid
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