His Pawn (The Manhattan Tales Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: His Pawn (The Manhattan Tales Book 1)
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I didn’t mean to sound so angry but the break in the frames appeared clean which meant it was a deliberate act.  Jill had never been the rebellious type; She was more of a bleeding heart.

She winced at the demanding tone in my voice.  “This girl in my grade- she’s horrible.  She teases me about my hair, my shoes, my glasses.  She gets her followers to taunt me.  I can’t stand it anymore, Mason.  I’m going to ask Travis if I can finish school from home.  There’s an online program and I can send them my transcripts...”  Her voice trailed when she sensed the anger raging within me. 

I didn’t give a fuck about some online school.  Nothing was going to throw a wrench into her dreams of going to Brown.  Her face was pale and she was completely humiliated.

I knew that Travis worked hard to send his sister to a private Catholic school.  The school was nothing to compare to Hillard, but it still beat the local public High School she would have otherwise attended. He was intent on her attending a good college, and this high school was the best he could afford.

Despite his objection, I’ve had to cover the cost of her tuition on occasion. I was more than happy to do it when times were hard for their family. Still, she was surrounded by spoiled rich brats who were intent on making her feel inferior.

“What’s the girl’s name?”  I clenched my jaw, gritting my teeth.  I was interested to know if the girl came from a family within my networking connections.

“Nicole Balinski.” she answered with a frown and a slump of her shoulders. 

Her wild hair fell over her shoulders, and covered her face. 

  I knew her father.   In fact, he worked
me.  Ed Balinski was one of my top financial advisors and I knew he had a daughter around Jill’s age.  I made it a point to know about the people working closest to me, but I said nothing of this to her.

“Get your sweater and bring your glasses.” I said with resolve to eradicate this situation.

“Where are we going?”  She asked, confused, as I guided her out of the bedroom and toward the front door.  I grabbed her emerald sweater that was hanging on the hook by the door as we left the apartment.  I could tell she was worried that we were headed straight to the dean’s office, as we should have, but I had my own way of getting matters corrected.

“We are getting you some new frames.  You cannot walk around without glasses, Jill.”

I called her brother to tell him where I was taking his sister.  After hailing a cab, I took her to an eyeglass boutique on Madison Avenue. Of course, we didn’t have an appointment, but it’s amazing what a few large bills can do speed things along. 

Jill was like a kid in a candy store as a very stylish woman helped her pick out a pair of frames that complimented her face.  I wished I could get excited over little things like this.  She finally chose a pair of taupe frames, or at least that’s what the lady called them. I didn’t care what the fuck they were called as long as they weren’t those chunky black frames that hid half her face.  After waiting around a little while, the prescription lenses were taken out of her old frames and put into her new frames.

“It’s so expensive!” Jill exclaimed in shock.

“You can’t put a price on a good pair of frames, Jillybean.  Do you miss those old frames already?”

My teasing made her laugh, and she pushed my chest. I didn’t budge from the impact, because there was none, but she nearly fell over, because she could hardly see.

“I’ll pay you back,” she promised as I caught her wobbly frame.

“Consider it an early birthday gift.” I said and then added more sternly, “And I’ll not hear another word of it.”

When her new eyeglasses were presented to her, Jill carefully placed them on her face.  She was beaming.  I don’t think I’d ever seen her so happy and it pleased me greatly.

After I dropped Jill off at the apartment, I paid a charming visit to Ed Balinski.  I knew he’d still be at the office.  I’ll spare the details of the visit, but I made it very clear that if his daughter or any of her friends so much as looked at Jillian, there would be repercussions.  I had dirt on Ed that I wasn’t afraid to use if needed, and he knew it.  Unethical?  Absolutely, but it got the job done. When last I checked, Ed had sent his daughter to an all-girl’s boarding school in Connecticut immediately following that visit.  Jill didn’t seem to have a problem at school after that.


Present Day


I stared at the indent on the sofa, still fresh from Jill’s body, fully aware of what I’d just done.  It was a completely dick move to take her for the first time on the sofa of my office. Still, I never claimed to be a nice guy

I’d never cared to be with a virgin before her either; they seemed like they’d be more work than I had patience for.  As it was, I lost my control the second I entered her sweet, tight pussy. 

I wanted nothing more than to fuck her hard, and rough. And I did. My hands wanted to grip those round hips and leave indents as I claimed her over and over again. 
All things in good time,
I told myself. 
Once she signs that contract, she’ll be mine for three months.  I’ll train that delicious little body and by the time the three months are over, I’ll be tired of her.

I tried to focus on those thoughts rather than the true reality of the situation.  I watched her move from the sofa; she was trying to hide how sore I’d made her.  I’d been too rough with her.  She’s not the one I was angry with, but the text from her brother had thrown me into revenge mode. 

I closed my eyes once she went into the bathroom to take care of herself.  Never once did she cry that I was hurting her, and that made my desire for her simmer to a boiling point.  I needed to have her again.  And again.  Still, warning bells were ringing in my head. 

The way she looked up at me as I was on top of her, so attentive, smoothing my hair away.  She’d given herself to me without a contract, with no other motive than to be with me.  I swallowed hard and fixated on my office computer, in any attempt to distract myself from what I’d just done.

No, I couldn’t lose my resolve.  This plan was set into motion with a specific goal in mind.  I could not break from that.  She was a means to an end.  Nothing more.  Yet, the memories of better times were plaguing my mind now, more than ever.  I could not ignore the fact that Jillian was more than just some piece of collateral damage.  She had been a part of some of the best years of my life.  I used to be very protective of her.  I fought against the truth that I still felt protective of her.  Guilt washed over me, and I fought to ignore the unwanted feeling.  I was a man greatly conflicted.  I had to stick to the plan. I was angry. I needed my revenge.  I warned her not to get attached to me.




I brought her home with me, but she knew something was wrong during dinner as we sat at the long table in my empty dining room.  The filet mignon was tasteless in my mouth as I chewed, lost in thought.  I felt her dark eyes on me and I glanced at her momentarily. Those eyes were as innocent as she was.  I knew she was hoping I would take her to bed with me, but I never took women into my bed.  Especially not in this penthouse.  That’s what my apartment on West 87th Street was for.  This place was my own personal sanctuary.

I excused myself and retired to be on my own for the remainder of the evening.  I could see the hurt and disappointment in her eyes as I left her in the dining room.  I did not see her again until the next afternoon, when I summoned her to my office again to sign the contract.  My clever lawyer worded the contract in such a way that it could not be interpreted as prostitution. 

Even though Jill wouldn’t receive the funds directly, and even though the contract was primarily written up as an understanding between the two of us,  I needed to ensure there as few loopholes as possible.

To my satisfaction, she read through every word carefully.              She was silent as she read through the stipulations we’d discussed.

“I just have one question,” she looked up finally.

“Where will I live when the three months are over? You don’t want me to work, with the exception of ‘helping you around the house or office as you deem necessary,’ but after the three months are over, I’ll be homeless.”

“Keep reading, Jill,”  I pointed to a paragraph that outlined what will transpire once the three months are complete.  “I would never allow you to be homeless.

Once the three months are over, I will lease something until you are able to get on your feet with a job- after you graduate college.”

She pursed her lips and tapped her chin with the fountain pen as she read, considered every word, and thought quietly. I was beginning to grow impatient with the amount of time she took to think about matters we’d already discussed and agreed upon previously, especially since she had no qualms about signing my Confidentiality Clause without reading it. 

Finally, she signed and dated the contract, initialing each section containing the different stipulations to the agreement.  She handed the document back to my lawyer and I felt a deep sense of victory.  She would be mine for the next three months.

“Very good.  I will make a copy for you to keep on file.” my lawyer said eagerly.  I nodded, shook his hand, and showed him out.

Next, I took her to the University, where I paid the balance owed and she picked out her books.  It was a very mundane chore, but necessary.

As she carried an armful of textbooks for social science, statistics and economics, I was briefly reminded of the very first day I’d met Travis as he carted an armload of books across the school lot.  I scowled.

“What’s wrong?”  Jill asked as I took the books from her.

“Nothing.” I answered distantly and walked ahead of her toward the bookstore register.

As the clerk placed her books into a bag, Jill turned to me with a smile on her face.

“Okay, this is definitely better than going to the library to make copies.”  I could tell she was trying to lighten the mood, and I couldn’t help a smile.

“You can use my library to study.  There’s a desk in there that is never used,” I stated, and she beamed up at me, which caused
of the ice around my heart to chip.

I sent Jillian back to my penthouse, and I returned to the office.  I still had work to do, but I had plans for her that night.

I arrived home around seven in the evening.  Mrs. O’Malley had already gone for the day.  Jill sat on the overstuffed brown leather sofa in my entertainment room.  A fire was blazing in the hearth and she was browsing the TV for something to watch. 

I stood in the doorway and watched her.  She wasn’t yet aware of my presence as she sat with her head resting against her hand while she flipped through the channel guide. Dark auburn waves spilled over her shoulders onto the sofa and she was wearing an NYU sweatshirt. 

She suddenly sensed my presence and looked over her shoulder.  Her smile told me that she was genuinely happy to see me, and my lips curved into a slight grin, but I wasn’t about to get distracted from my plans.

“Come here,” I commanded in a low voice.  I watched as she obediently set the remote control down on my glass coffee table and approached me.  I sensed that she was now at least a bit timid. 

Without a word, I grabbed her firmly by both arms and pulled her to me.  I knew I wasn’t hurting her, but my firm hold silently told her who was in charge from this point forward.

She looked up at me and I found those pouty lips much too irresistible.  I bent down and took her lower lip between my teeth gently before I kissed her mouth. I tipped her head back and kissed her as my eyes darted briefly toward the darkened corner behind her, where my surveillance was camouflaged with the rest of the decor.  Then I returned my focus back to the beauty in my arms.

   My tongue pressed between her lips, demanding entry and she immediately parted her lips for me.  Her mouth was hot and needy, and the blazing heat radiating from her small frame made my cock throb hard.  I released my grip from her arms and moved my hand to the nape of her neck before I grabbed a chunk of her hair in a vice-like grip and pulled her head back.  I wasn’t as rough as I was usually.

The other women I’d fucked in recent years knew exactly what how I took it, and they were more than willing to give it.  I’d have to be slow and steady with Jill as I tested her and watched her blossom.  She was still innocent.  I’d have be mindful of my self-control tonight.

She gasped as I pulled her head back.  I trailed kisses down the porcelain skin of her neck.  Her skin was like silk against my mouth.

“You signed the contract.  You are mine,” I whispered sternly.

“Yes…” She breathed, panting.  Already I had her desperate.

“Yes, what?”  I prompted.

“Yes, Sir.” She answered quickly.  I ravenously pressed my mouth to her lips again, already on-edge. 

In one easy swoop I lifted her and carried her down the hall toward the guest bedroom.  Her legs dangled over my arm as she looked up at me with passion and hunger in her eyes.

“I thought you didn’t fuck in your penthouse,” she said and I arched a brow as I looked down at her in a warning glare.“For you, I’ll make an exception.” I pushed through the door and set her down on her feet in front of me.  Without another word I pulled that bulky sweatshirt from her shoulders and my fingers expertly unfastened the black lace that cupped her supple breasts. 

God, she’s beautiful.
  It was the first time I’d seen those luscious tits with their silky, fair skin and pink nipples that were already hardened from my touch.  I grabbed a handful, gently, kneading them as my cock now ached within the tent of my pants.  I lightly kissed her lips, and then trailed my mouth down her neck, and took each nipple in turn.  She threw her head back and groaned softly from the pleasure. I fucking loved how she didn’t hide from the pleasure I gave her.  I knew every time I hit a delicate nerve, because she’d throw her head back and moan.  The plan was going much more smoothly than I could have imagined. 

I clenched her nipple firmly between my teeth and she gasped while I worked to pull her jeans down to her ankles.

“From now on, you’ll be ready and waiting for me when I arrive home from the office, wearing the lingerie I paid for, or nothing at all.  This… is unacceptable.”  I spoke in a soft, but commanding tone.

I could sense Jillian flame red from my correction, but she had to know what my expectations were regarding this contract.

“Yes, Sir.” she whispered as I pulled the denim away and lay it in a pile atop the sweatshirt.

I sucked in a sharp breath when I saw that she was wearing a slim, silk black thong beneath the denim.

“I will reward you for this, however.” I spoke as I snapped the thin band of her silk thong.  It made a light slapping noise against her hip.  She let out a soft breath in response.  I tossed her back onto the bed so that her feet were dangling over the edge.

I ripped the thong from her body using both hands before I gripped both thighs and parted her legs. She had shaved herself clean earlier that day. I saw how her pink flesh glistened for me, and it pleased me greatly.  I had to taste her.

I felt my cock raging angrily. This woman had a smooth, tight pussy, full tits and hips for grabbing.  And she was all mine for the next three months. 
Life is good when you have the money to support contracts
, I smirked to myself as I admired her slick, greedy cunt spread for me.  I moved my head between her thighs, and felt her breathing pick up more rapidly in anticipation.

“Has any man ever touched you here, sweet thing?”  I asked in a husky voice.

“Only you… Sir.” she added that last part, almost forgetting herself.

“I am the only one, then?”  I asked as my fingers brushed over her wet heat, barely touching her.

“Yes, Sir.” She panted in desperation. 

  I slid my tongue over her juicy slit and felt her take a sharp intake of air in response.
Her response to me was most encouraging, and I worked my magic on her delicate mound.

I caressed her with my tongue, moving in circles around her clit and sucked on it, nibbling on it lightly before sucking on it again. I felt her body writhe against my face and when I slid my tongue into her tight hole, she nearly lost it.  She cried out loudly as I brought her to the edge, and then I slowed my pace to a halt.  She whimpered in objection, gasping and panting.

“Don’t disturb my hotel guests, sugar.” I said with a grin. 

She was delicious and I could have spent the rest of the evening eating her out, but my cock was a raging throb beneath my pants.  She threw her head back against the bed in agony as I denied her of her impending orgasm.

“I thought I was getting rewarded… Sir.” she pouted, nearly forgetting herself again.

“You were… until you became very loud.” I teased as I pulled a small bullet-shaped object from my pants.  Then I unfastened my pants and pulled them down with my boxer briefs. 

My erection angrily sprang free, and I’ll never forget the open-mouthed look on Jill’s face as she saw it for the first time.  Had I any less self-control, I would have grabbed her by the hair and shoved my dick into that already-open mouth.  But her mouth would need training for my thick length and size.

“That… fit inside me yesterday?”  She asked, staring with shock and awe.

I smirked.  “Because I was more gentle with you than I’ve ever been before, yes…”  Then I held up a silver bullet vibrator and her eyes went round.

BOOK: His Pawn (The Manhattan Tales Book 1)
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