Read His Taste of Temptation: In the Line of Duty, Book 3 Online

Authors: Cathryn Fox

Tags: #Military;alpha;hero;protector;pasty chef;mistaken identity;hot sex

His Taste of Temptation: In the Line of Duty, Book 3 (2 page)

BOOK: His Taste of Temptation: In the Line of Duty, Book 3
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Smoothing her hair down and wishing the pipe had broken
she had showered, Madison adjusted her glasses, knotted her apron around her waist and made her way back to the brothers.

“Any luck?” she asked hopefully.

Jonah shook his head and wrung out another wet towel over the tub. “Brad doesn’t have the right parts.”

Her glance shot to Brad, who was down on his knees, and she swallowed hard, because from where she stood, it was abundantly clear that Brad had
the right parts. Then he turned his head and coughed into the crook of his arm and guilt ate at Madison.

The man was sick and the last thing he needed was to be ankle deep in icy water. This was her rental house, her mess, and she should be the one fixing it, not him.

Madison frowned. She knew what she had to do, even though she couldn’t afford it. “It’s okay, Brad. I’m going to call a plumber.”

Brad stood and blue eyes that mirrored his brother’s latched on to hers. “I can fix this for you, Madison. It’s just a matter of getting the right supplies. I can do that after I drop Jonah off.”

Jonah ran his hands through his short, cropped hair and looked at his watch. “Shit, I’m running late. I’ll grab my gear.” He cast his brother a glance. “Mind if I take a quick shower at your place before we go?”

Brad nodded and Madison stepped to the side to let her roommate push past her. With all the commotion and the brain fog from her cold, she’d forgotten that it was the first of the month and Jonah was leaving on a job this morning.

After finishing their tour in Afghanistan, both Jonah and Brad had decided to expound on their military experience and returned home to do contract bomb hunting here on American soil, defusing munitions that had been left over from former training camps during the wars. Today was Jonah’s day to leave on a convoy, heading north for the next month to search for and defuse old bombs. Which, of course, accounted for why his brother had shown up at her place so early. He was here to drive Jonah to the departure site some twenty miles outside of town.

Contracting out as explosive experts was their main line of work, but when they weren’t away they could be found at the old abandoned base training service dogs with their fellow comrades. With Brad’s love of restoring things, he could also be found helping out in their friend’s motorcycle shop, or working on the old Victorian house left to him by his ailing grandfather.

Brad tossed his gear back into his toolbox, then stood, his body crowding hers in the confided space.

When he coughed again, she said, “Brad you don’t have to do this. You’re not feeling well.”

“Neither are you, which is why I need to get this done right away. You won’t get a plumber in here for hours, and I don’t want you without water for that long.”

Her heart tightened at his thoughtfulness but before she could respond, she heard Sophie’s voice at the foot of the stairs. “Hey, Madison, what’s going on?”

“Come on up and see for yourself,” Madison called out. She stepped into the hall to meet her friend, and when Sophie took one look at her hair, she crinkled her nose.

“Did you get in a fight with the egg beater?”

Great, just what she needed, her friend drawing attention to her frazzled hair. As if a red, stuffed-up nose and watery eyes weren’t bad enough. Madison pulled an elastic band off her wrist and tied back her long, wet curls. “Broken pipe.”

“Again?” Sophie groaned when she reached the landing.

“Yeah, because it was never fixed right in the first place,” Brad’s deep voice rumbled from within the bathroom.

Sophie stepped past Madison, and her eyes lit up when she spotted Brad. “Hey, Brad,” she said in the same flirtatious tone she always used around the Crosby brothers. Her gaze rolled over him and Madison worked to smother a spark of jealousy she knew better than to feel. “I didn’t realize you were back.”

“Been back for a while now.”

Surprised to hear that, Madison’s head came back with a start. She hadn’t seen Brad around for weeks and just assumed he was hanging out in Tallulah, Louisiana, after his friend’s wedding. No doubt he’d found himself a nice, hot bridesmaid to occupy himself with.

Come to think of it, Brad had been coming around her place less and less and it made her wonder if the brothers had had a fight, although Jonah hadn’t mentioned anything about it.

“So, how was the wedding?” Sophie asked.

His grin was wry, highly sardonic. “Let’s just say it’s good to be home.” The look on his face combined with his dark tone let them both know how he felt about love and marriage. Unlike his brother, who loved to play the field and had no desire to change his lifestyle, Brad hadn’t always hated the idea of settling down. In fact, he’d been engaged once himself. But it had turned out badly when he’d come back from his tour early to find his girl in bed with another guy—or at least that’s what Madison had heard. He’d changed after that, dating casually, avoiding commitment, and rarely staying in one place for very long.

“Why don’t you grab your stuff—” Brad gestured past Madison’s shoulder, nodding toward her bedroom, “—and you can shower at my place while I drop Jonah off and make a quick trip to the hardware store.”

The thought of climbing into his shower, using the same soap he’d lathered his body with earlier that morning had her nipples aching and her sex moistening. Hoping to hide her body’s reaction, she coughed into her sleeve and said, “That’s okay, I can just grab a shower at Sophie’s.”

“Only if you’re really, really quiet.” Sophie frowned and smoothed her blonde hair behind her ears. “Karley was up with the baby all night and the two are sleeping it off.”

Madison drove her hands into her apron pockets. She’d forgotten that their friend Karley and her newborn Brooklyn were staying with Sophie until her husband returned from overseas.

“Besides,” Brad said, “you don’t want to spread your cold germs around.”

It was true. She didn’t want to risk giving her germs to an infant.

“Yeah,” Sophie agreed, her expression deadpan as she nudged Madison with her elbow. “You should probably go to Brad’s. That way you can make as much noise as you want. Heck, you could even scream and no one would hear you.”

Fully aware of her friend’s innuendo, Madison sniffed and glared at her. Oh, she was so going to kill her when she got her alone. “But then I’ll be spreading my germs around his place, won’t I?”

As if on cue Brad sneezed. “I’ve got a cold too, so it won’t matter.” Madison exhaled slowly, grateful that he hadn’t picked up on Sophie’s sexual innuendo. Giving her no time to protest, Brad slipped past them. “I’ll meet you at the truck.”

When he disappeared down the steps, Jonah came out from his room looking rugged and handsome dressed in his army fatigues. “Hey, Sophie,” he greeted before turning to Madison. “Dibs on the first shower,” he said, in typical Jonah fashion, then rushed down the steps after his brother.

A wide grin split Sophie’s face as she watched him go, her gaze latched on his backside until he disappeared outside. “So,” she said, “you live with one of the hottest guys I know and are about to shower at his gorgeous brother’s place.” Sophie tapped a painted nail on her pursed lips and Madison could almost hear the wheels turning when a sound of delight rumbled in her friend’s throat. “Forget S’mores Cracker, girlfriend. I think it’s high time you made yourself a
Graham Sandwich
, don’t you?”

Jesus Christ, Madison was going to be the death of him.

He’d been hoping to avoid her when he showed up to collect his brother, and the last thing he expected was to find her in a goddamn wet T-shirt, looking so fucking hot he almost shot off a load then and there.

Brad drummed his fingers on his steering wheel and shifted in his seat, uncomfortable as his cock pressed insistently against his unforgiving jeans. Christ, seeing her in that T-shirt, blinking up at him with those dark bedroom eyes of hers as the lush swell of her body beckoned his touch—his cock—had damn near done him in.


He’d be lying if he said he didn’t want her in his bed. Every time he looked at her all he could think about was caging her beneath him and fucking her long and hard, driving balls deep until she screamed out his name. Oh yeah, he’d make her scream, and when he did—contrary to what Sophie thought—
would hear it.

Maybe then he’d be able to stop thinking about her when he was alone at night. Hell, who was he kidding? He thought about her even when he wasn’t alone.

He’d always liked his kid brother’s best friend, but six months ago, after returning home from a long overseas tour, he suddenly began to see the sweet girl next door in different ways.

Sinful ways…

But he wasn’t going to act on his urges, not when she had something going on with Jonah. Shit…

Truthfully, Brad wasn’t sure what kind of relationship the two had, considering he’d seen them both date other people over the years. But from the comfort level between them, to the way they took care of each other, even going so far as to sharing a place when Jonah had finished his last tour, he knew there had to be deeper feelings involved, and he wasn’t about to take her to his bed, no matter how much he wanted her naked and beneath him. Or naked and on top.

Or just plain naked.

Jonah tossed his rucksack into the truck bed and slid into the cab, pulling Brad’s thoughts back from fantasyland. “Hey, bro, what’s up?”

Brad put his key into the ignition and turned the engine over. “Nothing.” He clenched his jaw hard as he watched Madison and Sophie exit from the downstairs bakery. A frown marred Madison’s pretty face as she spoke to her friend, the Sweetie’s Bakery
sign on the door behind her rattling against the glass pane as she locked up. Brad gripped the steering wheel harder. He hated seeing her living and working in such a shitty place, and he knew today’s loss of income was going to have a serious effect on her bank account.

“You have that look on your face again.”

Brad angled his head toward his brother. “What look is that?”

Jonah grinned. “The one you get just before you kick the shit out of me.”

Brad glared at his brother and scoffed. “Evidently, I should have beaten you more often.” Okay, so he might have roughed up his punk-ass brother a time or two over the years, but it was only because Jonah had needed it. The boy was a damn fool sometimes, getting into messes that Brad had to clean up behind him.

“Yeah, well, that’s a matter of opinion,” Jonah said.

He held his brother’s gaze. “You got something to say?”

Jonah held his hands up and laughed. “Nope.”

Madison tapped on the window and Jonah jumped onto the sidewalk to let her climb into the middle. Without conscious thought Brad’s eyes roamed the sexy curves she always kept hidden behind those baggy clothes and icing-stained apron. Damned if he didn’t want to peel those loose-fitting work clothes from her body so he could touch and kiss her lush contours until she writhed beneath him and cried out his name.

As Madison slid in beside him, her duffle bag clutched to her chest, want pumped through his veins, the sudden, urgent need to help himself to a taste of her sweetness pulling at him hard. Fuck. He looked away, staring at some random woman walking her dog while he did his damnedest to ignore his raging hard-on.

“Here, give me that.” Jonah took the bag from her and tossed it into the truck bed with his.

Once he jumped back into the cab, Brad put the vehicle into gear, turned his attention to the road ahead and slipped into traffic. Jonah punched up the volume on the radio and hooked his left arm over the back of the seat, pulling Madison toward him.

Brad tried to focus on his driving, he really did, but with Madison’s leg rubbing up against his it took effort to stay on the road.

He drove through the downtown core, and when they passed a vacant building, a
For Sale
sign on the window, Jonah turned to Madison. “Maybe when I get back we can look for a new place to live.”

She looked at the building, and there was a hint of gloom in her voice when she said, “I can’t afford to rent an apartment
a business front, and it won’t be easy to find a place where I can live upstairs and turn the main level into Sweetie’s.”

Jonah curved his arm around her and pulled her in closer. As she rested her head on his shoulder, he brushed a light kiss over her hair. “Don’t worry. I’ll be making some good coin out on the road. It’ll go a long way in finding something nicer than we have now.”

Feeling like a third wheel, an eavesdropper listening in on a private, intimate conversation, Brad cast a glance their way. His gut clenched when he saw Madison smile up at Jonah. Hell, the two of them even talked like an old married couple. There was no missing how much his brother cared for her, which only solidified Brad’s vow to keep his distance where Madison was concerned.

Of course, she wasn’t the first girl Brad had walked away from because of his brother. Jonah was fun, wild and had a reputation with the ladies. As teens, a few of Brad’s girlfriends had gravitated toward his charismatic younger brother. Even though Brad wanted to beat the shit out of Jonah for taking his girl instead of doing the honorable thing and backing off, Brad always walked away. Blood was blood and no way would he allow a girl to come between him and his brother. How much could any of those girls have cared anyway, if they had no trouble leaving one brother for the other? Besides, he’d promised his dad that he’d take care of Jonah, and as a man of his word, he chose his family battles carefully. As long as Jonah treated the women properly, there’d be no trouble between brothers.

His thoughts careened back to a couple years ago, to the night he found his fiancée Jocelyn in bed with another man—doing the one thing he wouldn’t dream of asking her to do for him, considering she’d blatantly told him oral sex was disgusting and there wasn’t a girl in the world who enjoyed giving it. Although she enjoyed the hell out of it when he’d gone down on her, which he did frequently. Fuck, he wasn’t sure what hurt more, seeing her mouth wrapped around some douchebag’s cock, or realizing how stupid she thought he was when she starting spilling lies, telling him it wasn’t what he thought. Sure, whatever. Wouldn’t be the first time a woman had fallen and landed with a hard-on in her mouth and a pair of balls in her hand. Oh yeah, shit like that happened all the time.

BOOK: His Taste of Temptation: In the Line of Duty, Book 3
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