Read Hitched Online

Authors: Mia Watts,Katie Blu

Tags: #Romance

Hitched (7 page)

BOOK: Hitched
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But making it
idea, and not
, yeah, that was still up in the air.

“You want to fuck me.” Kane shot straight to the point and was rewarded with a deepening blush.

She folded her arms across her chest. It did nothing to discourage him.


“Mm,” he agreed. “Seems like all your spit and fire is nothing more than a diversion. You and Bruce want a three-way.”

Bruce came up behind Kane and put his hands on Kane’s shoulders. Kane shrugged them off. It was going to be done his way or no way. Touching another guy definitely needed to be something he decided for himself,
it happened.

Kane ran the silk belt through his fingers. “You play at teasing, Ms. Harper, but you haven’t cut through the coy crap yet. You’ll learn that fucking a man means you have to act like a woman.”

Her lips tightened. “I am a woman. Or did you miss that?” Willow shrugged out of her robe, letting it pool around her feet. She lifted her chin defiantly.

“What are you, twenty?” he asked, deliberately arranging his face into a look of amusement.

“Twenty four.”

“And you, Bruce?” Kane asked without turning to face him.

“One hundred and fifty six.”

Kane snorted. “Right.”

“So since I’m the oldest one in the room, I suggest that you take notes on how fucking is done by the adults,” Kane murmured.

He took her wrists and tied them together using one end of the belt. The other he held, wrapped around his fist and tugged. She stumbled against him, her eyes wide, lips parted. Once again, he’d rattled her. While he liked her confidence, he wanted true confidence, not this fake bravado she seemed keen to put on. He also really liked her honest responses. He got those every time he surprised her.

“Bruce,” he said, looking down into her eyes. “Find condoms.”

Bruce disappeared toward the bathroom.

“You like this, don’t you?” Kane asked her.

When her lips started to firm stubbornly, he shook his head.

“The truth. You like losing control,” he murmured.

Willow bit her bottom lip. This time it wasn’t a coy move, but one that told him she didn’t want to admit to anything, even though he could see the excitement in her eyes.

Bruce came back with condoms, lube, tissue, and a garbage can. Kane nearly laughed at his enthusiastic planning. Guess Bruce didn’t want to leave once they all got going.

“Bruce,” Kane barked. “Strip.”

Kane lifted her tied hands over and behind her head as he moved behind her. He kicked her legs apart, enjoying the hitch in her breath. He slid his free hand around to rest on her belly, teasing her belly button as they watched Bruce undress.

“Do you like it, Ms. Harper?” he whispered in her ear.

“Yes,” she admitted quietly, though she tugged at the silken restraint.

Kane slapped her ass. “Stay still, sweetheart. You have so much more to learn about foreplay than a couple of naughty smiles and showing off your nipples.”





Chapter Six



Willow squirmed. Her skin prickled with excitement. She had no intention of admitting how hot Kane’s control got her. How sexy it was seeing Bruce jump to his commands, and strip for both of them.

Bruce, like any male faery, was sculpturally perfect. Every plane, every muscle glowed with health and symmetry. His brown hair fell over his black as sin eyes while his attention stayed riveted on her helplessness.

In truth, the tie wasn’t so tight that she couldn’t have gotten free. She held it in her fists to keep from letting the material loosen. What was difficult was not giving in to Kane. Her pride demanded that she protest. Her body insisted she throw herself at his mercy and enjoy every minute of play he gave her.

Bruce pulled off his shirt, and kicked off his shoes as he tugged on his belt. She loved the way a man’s body moved when he did that. The chest muscles pulled, and the abdominals tightened to their task.

As he stepped out of his pants and underwear, she heard a surprised grunt from Kane. His finger stopped fondling her belly button, and her nipples tightened as she and Kane admired Bruce’s exquisite male physique. There were reasons male faeries fucked both sexes constantly. They had the free spirit to fuck whom they wanted, and who would turn them down?

“You’ve got a lot going on under the hood,” Kane acknowledged.

Bruce grinned, looking up at them under the hanging fringe of dark chocolate hair. Bruce knew he looked good. It was apparent every time he and Willow had sex. He enjoyed his body, and he sure as hell enjoyed hers. What would he do with Kane’s?

“Your turn,” Bruce taunted.

God, she hoped Kane let her watch him strip. As though he sensed her need, he turned her and looped her arms backward around Bruce’s neck.

Bruce’s cock nudged her lower back. She whimpered, trying to rub against him, but one look from Kane stopped her.

“Patience, Ms. Harper. If I think you’re getting ahead of me, I’ll walk out right now,” Kane warned.

Kane unbuttoned his shirt and flung it onto her dressing table. It surprised her to see tiny stainless steel nipple rings. The incongruity of pain and pleasure those little ornaments promised made her body riot with need. Kane was full of surprises. His tough, no-nonsense exterior didn’t hint at this other side of him—one that crumbled the facade that she might know a thing or two more than he.

Again she watched as a muscled torso bent to the work of belt loosening, and sure fingers pushed off pants. Kane didn’t wear underwear. It was like an underscore of proof that the nipple piercings weren’t an aberration.

Lean, chiseled, aged to perfection on every one of his thirty some years, he had the body of a man who’d lived a man’s life. No faery-coddled finery, here. Kane was solid, tight muscle.

Her gaze tracked lower, widening as though having bigger eyes meant she could see more. Like Bruce, Kane’s cock stood tall and ready. Thicker, ropier than Bruce’s with a ruddy color darkening its length. Kane’s couldn’t be described as beautiful. But holy shit it made her pussy tremble to take him. Like the rest of him, Kane’s cock was rough, confident, and dangerous looking.

Bruce echoed her gasp with a guttural grunt.

“You’re packing some heat too,” Bruce noted huskily. He drew his hand up, cupping Willow’s breasts and lifting them like offerings.

She wanted Kane inside her immediately. When Bruce took her, it was smooth and fluid, ethereal sex. She could only imagine that when Kane entered her, it would be a harsh, grinding, earthy fucking for the sake of getting off with as much friction as possible. And she wanted to ride every ridge.

“He’s perfect, for a human,” Bruce murmured for her only.

She’d never seen two men together. The chance that she might, made her tummy spiral and her pussy ache sweetly. She didn’t know what it was that made the idea so appealing, but being the center of it made her eager to get things going.

Willow tugged at her bindings, wanting to touch Bruce’s proud, bold cock pressing her spine, as she visually devoured Kane. She loved the way Bruce’s shaft slid in her hands, and the way he held nothing back when in the throes of pleasure. With sudden insight, she realized that might be what Kane wanted from her.

Bruce jerked her upper arms, holding them over his head where Kane had left them. “Wait your turn, Will. Don’t make him leave.”

The way Kane approached her sent chills over her body, made the air in the room feel like an erotic caress on her bare skin. She wanted—no, she
Kane’s hands on her body.

Her heart raced. She wanted to give over to her hunger the way Bruce did, but the little she knew about Kane was layered with inconsistency. They’d fought, and teased, she’d tried to manipulate him and he hadn’t fallen prey to her usual tactics. He didn’t fit the mold of the men she knew. It was exciting. It terrified her. If she gave in to him now, let him have everything, what would he do with it?

No, she assured herself. This was just a fling. Just sex. Just her way of proving to Kane that she could have him, too. Let him think he was in control. When it came down to who actually held the power, the possessor was the one with the cunt both men wanted.

She bolstered herself with that wisdom, praying to all that was holy she was right. The alternative was unthinkable. Then Kane touched her and she realized just how naive that thinking was.

It was the barest of strokes, similar to the negligent touch when he’d put the wire on her. Just the back of two fingers to the outer curve of her breast. So little made her feel so much. Was it anticipation that focused her entire being on his next move? She didn’t know, but she wanted so much more.

“What is it, Ms. Harper?” Kane asked roughly.

Fledgling stubbornness poked its head through her arousal. He wanted her to admit his control? Never. She clamped her jaw and stared at him defiantly.

Kane chuckled. “That would be more convincing if you weren’t so eager.”

“I’m tied up,” she bit out. “Eagerness has nothing to do with it.”

Kane lifted an eyebrow in question. He held his finger in front of her face, then locking his amused gaze on hers, his hand dipped out of sight. She gasped at the rough-fingered swipe between her legs. When he brought it back up, it glistened.

His lips quirked into a wry smile as he dragged his tongue over that tip to taste her cream. “Tastes like arousal to me.”

Willow’s clamp-mouthed scream only made him wink. When that same finger disappeared to rub feather-light on one nipple, her gasp couldn’t be hidden.

“Let’s try again, shall we, Ms. Harper? What do you want?” Kane asked.

“Fucking tell him already, before I come all over your ass,” Bruce snarled impatiently.

“I want you to call me Willow.”

Kane put his face to hers, his lips just touching as he slowly pronounced her name. His tongue flickered out on the double l, teasing the seam of her lips. Willow arched her neck, reaching for a full kiss.

He gave it to her, brushing his mouth across hers. Kane cupped her pussy, holding it in his hand. Then as he tested, touched her lips with his, he pressed his tongue in at the same moment one thick digit penetrated her body.

Willow sobbed with need.

“Tell me,” he demanded.

“I can’t,” she confessed. Couldn’t they just fuck? Couldn’t they have this night with the three of them and never make her bare her soul to this man, this agent, she wasn’t sure she wanted in her head?

Bruce’s hot mouth closed on her earlobe, suckling firmly. “Let go, Will,” he murmured around it.

Bruce kneaded her breasts, leaving her nipples for Kane. It was torture, she decided. Fantastic, glorious, maddening, sensual torture. Bruce, who’d never been timid about taking her, held himself in check for Kane’s commands. He seemed to be following Kane’s lead and Kane’s lead wasn’t nearly fast enough for Willow.

Kane dragged the back of his hand between her breasts, over her belly. Willow sucked in, hoping he’d go lower. When he did, she nearly wept. He lightly rubbed her mons. To her embarrassment, she could feel the escaped moisture spreading over her pussy with each pass.

“Why are you holding back? Do you like the torment?” Kane asked softly. “Is that what it is? It’s about control for you,” he finished when she didn’t answer him. Kane nodded, a small smile playing about his lips. “All right, we can do that, sweetheart. Bruce, take her to the bed. Cradle her between your legs in the same position you’re in now.”

“You got it,” Bruce agreed.

Bruce walked her backward, carefully guiding her until she lay on her back, arms still trapped behind and above, with Bruce underneath her. Kane drew near. He took each ankle in turn and draped her legs over Bruce’s so that she was spread wide.

It should have been awkward. Instead, splayed for Kane to see, she felt powerful and delicate at once. Bruce’s cock rubbed deliciously between her ass cheeks. He lifted his hips, seeming to need Kane to take things further as much as she did. But Kane wasn’t asking Bruce for a confession. It was her admission of need Kane wanted.

Kane brought the condoms and lube within reach, handing one to Bruce and taking one for himself.

He crawled up between her legs. “You don’t want to talk? Then you’re no longer allowed to.” He dropped a finger across her lips. “Not a word unless you want this to stop. Nod if you agree.”

Willow nodded, feeling her anxiety retreat, perfectly willing to hold her silence and enjoy their encounter.

Kane wrapped her long hair around his fist, using it to turn her face toward Bruce. Bruce took advantage, kissing her. He cupped her breasts and gently pulled on her nipples. Willow’s pussy tingled. She arched her neck further, trying to reach that sweet taste of honey that full faeries seemed to have lacing their kisses. It was drugging, intoxicating. She opened for him, drawing his skilled tongue into her mouth.

Hot wet lips closed on one of her nipples, but Bruce swallowed her sharp cry of pleasure. Another pair of hands roamed her body. Willow lifted her hips to encourage them there, and she wasn’t disappointed.

BOOK: Hitched
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