Read Holding Out For A Hero: SEALs, Soldiers, Spies, Cops, FBI Agents and Rangers Online

Authors: Caridad Pineiro,Sharon Hamilton,Gennita Low,Karen Fenech,Tawny Weber,Lisa Hughey,Opal Carew,Denise A. Agnew

Tags: #SEALs, #Soldiers, #Spies, #Cops, #FBI Agents and Rangers

Holding Out For A Hero: SEALs, Soldiers, Spies, Cops, FBI Agents and Rangers (7 page)

BOOK: Holding Out For A Hero: SEALs, Soldiers, Spies, Cops, FBI Agents and Rangers
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Doubt and oh man, doubt was the absolute worst of the emotions.

Like Mark had said earlier that day, any decision was better than indecision.

In the years since her capture and torture, she’d just been running in place. Afraid to make a choice because on some level she held herself responsible for what had happened that night.

She’d been the leader on that Riverine Squadron mission and she’d trusted the intelligence she’d been given. She’d trusted her own observations about the lack of any threat.

She’d been wrong on both counts and she and her men had paid the price. Luckily without any deaths, but not without all of them being wounded in one way or another. Whether physically or emotionally damaged, she felt responsible.

Turning, she faced Zack, who lay asleep on his back.

A hint of a smile teased the corners of his mouth in sleep, making him look more youthful. Maybe because at twenty-eight he was still young. Younger than her by half-a-dozen years, not that it mattered considering what they’d already experienced in their lives.

They were both old beyond their physical years.

His upper torso was bare, revealing the planes and valleys of his lean muscles and the evidence of the trauma he’d suffered.

A magnificent body despite the scars. Maybe even more impressive because of them.

She traced the edges of his smile with her fingertip and the smile grew broader as his eyes fluttered open.

He turned onto his side and propped his head up on one arm. “I can tell you’re deep in thought.”

Puzzled, she was about to ask him why, but he quickly said, “You have a very expressive face. Poker is definitely not your game.”

She smiled. “No, it isn’t. The guys cleaned me out my first time.”

“What were you thinking about?” he asked and bracketed his hand around her waist. He gently stroked the tender flesh there with his thumb.

“You,” she said and laid her hand on his chest. She lightly ran her fingers along the network of scars there as she moved downward before laying her hand along the swell of his hip.

“How did it happen?” she asked and couldn’t fail to notice the way his body stiffened beneath her touch and he tightened his hold on her.

The smile on his lips thinned into a harsh line, but then he blew out a rough breath and the words tumbled from him.

“We were on a mission in Kandahar. Rolling down the road when we started taking fire. An RPG landed close by, disabling our Humvee and we had to run for cover. We made it to a nearby building when I realized two of my men had been hit and were out in the open, easy targets for whoever was firing on us. I told my men to provide cover for me and with one other man, we ran out to get our guys. We’d almost made it back to the building when an explosion sent us flying. I remember landing hard and feeling heat all over my body. Then I blacked out.”

She ran her hand up and down his side, offering comfort. He took a long shuddering breath and held it for a second before finishing. His gaze locked on hers, gauging her emotions.

“When I woke up it was in an Army hospital. My men had been able to fight off whoever had attacked us and gotten all of us back to base alive. I was grateful we hadn’t lost anyone, but then reality hit. Reality and pain. With every breath, there was pain until I finally started to heal.”

Healing. Something she hadn’t really done in the many years since her own ordeal. But Zack’s story brought hope and more.

“I admire what you’ve gone through, Zack. How strong you are,” she said and looked away, unable to face his intense gaze.

With tenderness, he put his thumb and forefinger beneath her chin and applied gentle pressure to urge her head upward. “You’re strong, too, Samantha. You’ve survived and when you’re ready to move on, you will.”

She shook her head and sniffled. “I’m not sure I can. I feel so . . . lost sometimes.”

Something tightened around his heart at the thought of her pain. He cradled her jaw and swiped his thumb across her cheek to wipe away a tear. “You’re not alone. You have all your friends. Me. I’m here to help.”

A ghost of a smile flitted across her lips. “You can’t even begin to understand how much you’ve already helped, Zack. Tonight . . . it’s the first time in so long that I feel almost normal.”

He slipped his thumb across that faint smile and offered up a big grin. “I feel the same, but it doesn’t just have to be about tonight, Sam. We can hold onto this feeling for more than just this night.”

She wanted to hold onto it. She wanted to embrace tonight and the promise of tomorrow that he brought into her life.

“I want that. I want you. Tonight. Tomorrow. For as long as we want,” she said, leaned close and kissed him.

He returned the kiss, one filled with hope and promise. A slow gentle kiss that breathed life back into her as desire grew.

She eased her thigh over his, opening herself to him. Reaching down, she guided him into her center and with a long, tardy thrust, he filled her, but then held steady.

This time it was about being one.

He took his time, touching and caressing her. Kissing her over and over until they were both trembling and aching with need. Only then did he finally move, but it was a slow retreat followed by a determined advance as they locked gazes to not miss a second of their loving.

She couldn’t look away as with each shift of their bodies passion rose ever higher. She trailed her hands all across his body, admiring his strength. Appreciating the play of muscles beneath sun-kissed skin.

He cradled her back, holding her close. The tips of her breasts brushing against his chest until he reached around and caressed her nipples, tugging and tweaking them until she needed more.

With a gentle shove of her hand, she urged him onto his back and rode him. Leaned forward so he could take the tight nubs of her breasts into his mouth and suck them, the strong pull of his lips creating a sympathetic tug between her legs.

She rocked on him, her movements growing wilder as she sought her release and his.

Zack moved his hands to her hips, guiding her. Helping her drive down on him as he raised his hips and thrust up into her, lost in the feel of her. In the taste of her, nipples so hard and tight against his lips.

He groaned against her skin as his balls constricted and the swell of his climax rose ever higher until he just couldn’t hold back anymore.

With a roll she was beneath him and he pounded into her, watching her expressive face as the powerful thrusts rocked her.

She raised her knees and pushed against him, deepening his penetration and as her body fisted around him, he lost it.

He came inside her, so powerfully that the edges of his gaze dimmed for a moment, but he held on, wanting to see her join him. Somehow finding the control to move again and take her over the edge, her back arching, her gaze meeting his as she climaxed.

He held still, buried deep. Her body holding him like an embrace.

She ran her hands across his back and urged him down, cradling him to her for long minutes.

“I’m too heavy,” he finally said and went to move, but she caressed his back and said, “You feel just right.”

Despite her comment, he shifted them so that they were face-to-face again, still joined until he eventually slipped out of her.

By then her long, regular breaths and the lax weight of her body confirmed that she was finally getting some rest.

He joined her, allowing himself to drift off until the first rays of light warmed his back and cast shadows along the opposite wall of the room.

She was still tucked against him, sheltered by his body against the sunlight.

He hated waking her, but nature called and he wanted to surprise her with breakfast in bed. Maybe take her up on that bath she had mentioned earlier.

Easing from her side, she flopped onto her back, still asleep, and he hurried from the room.

Embrace The Night: Chapter Ten



The enticing aroma of bacon awakened her and surprise settled in as she sat up in bed.

She had slept. A very real, deep, and peaceful sleep.

But she didn’t have time to ponder it farther as he sauntered into the bedroom carrying a tray covered with plates of food and mugs of coffee.

Her stomach grumbled noisily with hunger and she laid her hand on her midsection as embarrassed heat rushed to her face.

“Sorry, I’m hungry and that smells delicious.”

He grinned and placed the tray across her lap. Bent and dropped a quick kiss on her lips.

“I like a woman who’s not afraid to admit to what she wants.”

“I want some of those pancakes and the eggs and the bacon and the pork roll and good God, how many people did you plan on feeding?” she teased and grabbed a fork.

“I’m a growing boy and I’m very hungry,” he said and from the heat in his gaze it was obvious he was hungry for more than food.

“Eat up. We wouldn’t want you too weak for what I’ve got planned for you later.”

He forked up a big bite of pancakes, but paused with the syrupy mess in mid-air. “Just what did you have in mind?” he asked just as a big drop of syrup fell off the pancake and onto his chest.

She smiled, leaned forward, and licked the syrup off his skin. It was a tasty mix of maple sweetness and skin saltiness. Her lick dragged a rough inhalation from him and her smile broadened.

“I think I promised you a bath for starters, but if you don’t mind, I need your help with something else first.”

He narrowed his gaze and considered her, chewing on his food thoughtfully. “Sure. Whatever you’d like.”

She grabbed the mug of coffee and held it in her hands to keep them from shaking. What she was asking seemed simple, but it wasn’t. It meant she might be finally be taking yet another step toward being whole.

“I could use some help with those boxes downstairs. It’s long past time I put that stuff somewhere,” she said.

His gaze widened with surprise. “Are you sure?”

Am I
? she thought for a fleeting moment before answering. “We said we wanted this to be about more than just last night. To do that, I need to put the past behind me and take another step toward the future.”

“Another step?” he asked, his gaze skipping over her features, trying to understand her statement.

She smiled tenderly and cradled his jaw. “
were the first step, Zack. Being with you has shown me what I was missing thanks to my fear and indecision.”

He covered her hand and twined his fingers with hers. “The feeling is mutual, Samantha. You weren’t the only one who was afraid of that first step. Together we are stronger.”

Leaning forward, she danced a kiss across his lips and whispered, “Together. I like the sound of that.”

“So do I. Breakfast can wait, don’t you think?”

She answered him with a kiss that left no doubt about what the future might hold for them.

Together they would embrace everything in life that their one night of courage had made possible.



—The End—


About the Author


Caridad Pineiro



NY Times
USA Today
Bestseller Caridad Pineiro is a Jersey Girl who writes romantic suspense, military romance, contemporary romance, paranormal romance, and vampire suspense. Caridad loves to travel, cook, & spend time with family & friends. Caridad is the author of nearly 50 novels/novellas. Caridad writes dark and sexy novels and novellas for those who live to love on the edge. Her sweet, but still naughty side, Charity Pineiro, writes contemporary romances packed with emotion and humor. For more information on Caridad/Charity, please visit
. You can also find Caridad/Charity on:








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Additional Books by Caridad Pineiro














by Sharon Hamilton







Nashville Seal: Chapter One



The bright stage lights always set Jameson Daniels’ nerves on edge, until he began to feel the music in his bones. He covered up his shyness, closing his eyes and falling into the rhythm of his music. Then he felt comfortable enough looking out into the crowd he knew to be mostly women, about twenty deep, standing as close to the stage as his security would allow. Though he wore his Transitions shades, in time his eyes adjusted so he could see their gleaming faces. Flashing cameras still made him jump.

BOOK: Holding Out For A Hero: SEALs, Soldiers, Spies, Cops, FBI Agents and Rangers
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