Read Holiday in Handcuffs Online

Authors: Yvette Hines

Tags: #erotic romance, #bdsm, #interracial

Holiday in Handcuffs

BOOK: Holiday in Handcuffs
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Holiday in

Stir Sticks & Stilettos


Yvette Hines



This is a work of fiction. Names,
characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s
imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as
real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or
persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved. The unauthorized
reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.
No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in
print without written permission by the author.


Holiday in Handcuffs

Copyright © 2012, Yvette Hines

Proof Editing: Bernadette Shane

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enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to
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Series Note:

I hope you enjoy another
short story edition of the “Stir Sticks & Stilettos” series.
nuggets of erotic shorts are meant to excite you, at the same
time, give you a little happiness at the end. Stay tuned for the
next stories to follow.





Curiosity cannot kill a woman, but it may
lead her to the dark desires of her heart.


I could make you come in
one session of spanking.”

Who is the man talking to?

I turned my head to the
side and stared into the sexiest, most intense hazel eyes I’d ever
seen. Hazel eyes, short light-brown hair with enough gray at his
temples and wisdom in his eyes to make me think of Robert Redford,
but the heart-stopping looks and body brought to mind Channing
Tatum. This man appeared to be possibly mid- to
Oh, hell, he’s looking at

He can’t be talking to me. However, I was
the only one within earshot. I was standing in the archway of the
door, while everyone else was in the room before me.

I’m sorry. I think you
have me mistaken with someone else.”

The intensity in his gaze didn’t decrease as
one corner of his lips lifted in a semi-smile. “I don’t think

I do.” I stepped away
from him, leaving the room where I was observing a woman bent over
a bench with her bare ass in the air facing the whole room being
spanked with a flat paddle. I started down the hall toward one of
the other rooms on that floor of the house. A house painted
charcoal gray with red trim on the outside.

I was only here at the bondage and dominance
mansion because my best friend didn’t want to come here alone.

Just having moved to Charlotte from Texas,
Adrienne, or Tigger as she was called in the ‘scene,’ didn’t want
to come to Greenville alone. Tigger was in some kind of online
fetish community and she’d been given information about this place.
My friend contacted the Domme that was lead co-owner of the house
and was given permission and directions to visit on their play
night at Bondage Seekers.

Now, here I am on New Year’s Eve.

I should not have decided to come with
Adrienne. But, I wanted her to be safe. That’s what I kept telling
myself. Now, my friend was tied to some post outside while one guy
was pouring hot wax over her recently caned ass and another
monitoring the clamps on her nipples. I knew Tigger was in heaven
with the two men, but for me…I’d seen enough. I’d always been a
one-man kind of woman and wasn’t into exhibition.

Not to mention, I had a
demanding enough job that kept me in the public eye. Including the
fact too many people counted on me to stay in control, take charge
and keep everything in order. I didn’t have time to
. It was easy for Adrienne. By day
she was a physical therapist. A lot more flexible than being a

I continued down the hall, smelling a
combination of oils, leather and disinfectant. All secondary to the
scent of sweat and aroused bodies.

The arousal scent was the
part that got me. Mainly, because even though Tigger would tell me
repeatedly how often a
climaxed during a session, I still didn’t believe
her. How could anyone come from pain? “That there was a point that
it became an all-consuming pleasure,” as Tigger would say in her
Texas accent.

Truly, so far the shocker
of the night was the slick feeling of my own thighs. The light
throbbing of my clit. It had to be all the nudity, male and
Who could be aroused in such an

wasn’t my thing.

Passing a few rooms, I wandered into one
that had a big wooden X in the center of it with cuffs on all ends.
Around me, on the walls, various kinds of instruments and whips
hung off nails and hooks. There also stood a cabinet against one
wall with many drawers. I could only imagine what types of things
were inside.

I felt hot and overwhelmed at the same time.
Over the years, I’d heard Adrienne talking about how it felt to
submit to a man dominating her, but I couldn’t understand it. I
couldn’t visualize what she had meant until I’d come here

Seeing the woman in the other room, I
understood now.

I observed you during the
last session.”

It was him again. Just the sound of his
voice had heat racing along my spine and my nipples pulling tight.
Taking a deep breath I slowly turned. He was leaning against the
doorjamb about eight feet away from me. I took a moment to really
observe him. Tall, sexy and dressed in a burgundy t-shirt and black
jeans, he drew the eye. The cotton material of his t-shirt pulled
at his broad shoulders, conforming to his chest.

I could see this man was in great physical
shape. He wasn’t football-player big, but he’d give a basketball
player a run for his money. I was five eleven out of shoes and he
was still at least three inches taller than me in my heels. It
would have been foolish for me to deny that my heart tripped a few
beats just looking at him.

Did you now?”

You couldn’t keep from
watching. I saw you leave, and return twice.”

I folded my arms over my chest and shifted
my weight so my hip was jutted to the side. “Is watching a crime

His eyebrow rose slowly, arching high above
one of his eyes making him appear intense, serious. I couldn’t help
swallowing. If I were in a cartoon, I’m sure there would have been
a gulping sound effect added.

No crime.” He entered the
room and moved to the other side of the big X. “Did you like what
you saw?”

Oh, hell, here was the real question. Trying
to avoid admitting to him or myself what I was feeling, I shrugged
a shoulder.

A shrug is not an
answer.” There was just enough bite in his voice to make me lift my

Is this guy admonishing
It was on the tip of my tongue to give
him a smart ass comment. However, for a reason I couldn’t explain,
I resisted the urge.

I don’t know.” I glanced
away from those eyes of his that seemed to be penetrating,

He took a step around the front of the
wooden structure. “I think you do. You’re just afraid of your

I moved around the back of the equipment. We
seemed to be in some type of slow chase or dance.

How do you know? You
don’t even know me.” I lifted my chin, daring him to contradict

Pausing, he was now on the opposite side of
the X, with me across from him once again. “I don’t have to know
you personally to read the telltale signs.”

What signs?
Was I giving off some neon light of ignorance? Possibly
sign on my back? Licking my
lips, I stared at him. “Signs?”

His gaze tracked the movement of my tongue
before he raised his eyes to mine again—hazel met brown.

That’s one.” He continued
as if I didn’t know what he was referring to. “The way you keep
licking your lips and swallowing.”

Maybe I’m

How do you explain the
rapid beating of your heart?”

When his gaze dropped to my neck, I slapped
my hand against my throat to cover the evidence of my pulse. The
only problem was that I could feel the fast tapping of my pulse
against my fingers. Not that I needed that to make me aware,
because the pounding in my chest was clue enough.

This is all new to me.
I’m nervous. It’s not everyday in my world people are getting

I’ll give you that.
However, can you tell me that none of your lovers or boyfriends has
ever spanked you during sex?”

When did he get so close? At some point he’d
closed the distance between us and I didn’t even realize it. Now he
was standing before me. Too close. Not because I thought he would
grab me and string me up on some device, but because I was finding
it hard to breathe with his nearness. It wasn’t just his imposing
presence, but his scent was driving me to distraction. Warm and
woodsy with a hint of mint on his breath.

I think that’s a little
too personal to ask on a first meeting.” I didn’t step away, not
wanting him to think he was making me uncomfortable. However, I
turned to the side, giving myself a little breathing

His chuckle was deep, rough and filled with
too much confidence. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

You’re choice.” I tossed

There went that damn eyebrow of his again.
Like he didn’t like my flippant tone.

. I eyed him down, challenging him to correct me. In my
career I was a force to be reckoned with and few wanted to come up
against me.

Are you wet?”

I stopped breathing. My
mouth opened then closed.
. I gave him this round. I’d
never been around a man that was so bold, confident and

As the silence stretched between us, his
eyes darkened.

Concentrating, I exhaled. “What’s the point
of this?”

Being defensive was a lot easier than
admitting to this man or myself how soaked my panties were from
watching the woman being taken through her paces.

Let me ask you a simpler
question. Why are you at Bondage Seekers?” He moved away, going to
the instruments on the wall and lightly touching each tool, one at
a time. However, regardless of what his body was doing, his gaze
never left mine, as if he were searching for something in

Watching him, I said, “My friend is in the

And?” His feet stopped,
but his hands stroked along the length of a whip.

And that’s

I believe my question was
why did

This man was frustrating. I wanted to stomp
my foot into the floor, but I restrained myself. “I told you

BOOK: Holiday in Handcuffs
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