Read Holly's Awakening Online

Authors: Sam Crescent

Holly's Awakening (7 page)

BOOK: Holly's Awakening
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“You taste so damn sexy.” He licked his lips then
stood. “Stay and watch. You can get comfortable.”

helped her onto the sofa. She sat and watched as Steven stood and moved toward

Steven grabbed
and licked her juices from his chin. Grabbing a pillow, Holly watched in
fascination as Steven sank to the ground.

Her gaze followed his movements, and
stiff cock stood out hard and proud, waiting for

“Suck it for me.”
gripped Steven’s hair and presented his cock to waiting lips.

Holly gasped as Steven took his entire shaft deep
into his mouth. Glancing up she saw

“He loves sucking my cock. Move the pillow out of
the way.”

She did as he said.

“Touch yourself. Does the sight of Steven on his
knees in front of me turn you on?”

She felt between her thighs and was shocked by the
wetness that greeted her.

Holly nodded.

“Finger your clit while watching us. I’m not going
to last long, and then I’m going to suck him off.”

Holly did as he asked, touching herself as his cock
was sucked.
groaned, thrusting his hips as
Steven took everything. She was so turned on, watching the two hard men.
was darker toned with his hair and eyes whereas Steven
was lighter.

“Fuck, I’m going to come. You better be ready,
said, talking to Steven.

Like in the office, she watched Steven swallow

She didn’t know how she could be turned on by two
men, but she was. Licking her lips, she found her own release as
went down on Steven.



On Saturday morning
opened his eyes and smiled. Holly was still asleep, and her head rested on
Steven’s arm. Her hand was across his chest as Steven cupped one of her large
breasts. She looked so peaceful in sleep.

“You’re awake?” Steven asked, glancing over her
shoulder to look.

“Yeah, I’m awake.”
caressed her hip. After he’d brought Steven to orgasm last night, he’d gone and
eased Holly into a fourth orgasm. He was going to do everything he could to
make her orgasm at least once every day. “She’s perfect.”

“I told you she would be. She’s turned on by both of
us, and she likes watching us together. She’s perfect.” Steven agreed. “Also,
she gives you what you need, her submission.”

Holly had done everything he asked last night
without arguing with him. “That she does.”

She muttered something in her sleep. Both men waited
for her to wake, but she slept on.

“I’ve got something I need to do today,”
said, remembering his vow last night.

“What are you going to do?” Steven asked.

“I’m going to pay her old man a visit, and then I’m
going to get the other kids out of his hair.”

“You can’t do that.”

shrugged. “I don’t give a shit. I’m going to have a word with Matt and see what
I can do.”

Steven let out a curse. “Is there anything I can say
to stop you?”

“Nope, you better leave this shit to me. I’m not
backing down. Her father has already tried to break her, Steven. Without us she
would end up broken. I’m not letting him risk the lives of her five other
siblings. It’s not happening. The sooner I know they’re safe, the better.”

eased out of the bed. He knew Steven wouldn’t risk waking Holly up, and he’d
made sure his lover was cuddled up against their woman. Holly was their woman
as far as
was concerned.

“This is not good,

He pulled on a shirt and a pair of jeans. “I’m
taking the sheriff with me. As far as I’m concerned there’s nothing going to go
glanced at Holly. “They use their power
against her and John. They’re used to being beat down. I’m not. You are not,
Steven. Those kids need a better life and a better future. This ends now.”

Before Steven could say anything,
made his way to the bathroom. He did his business,
brushed his teeth, then made his way outside to his waiting truck.

In no time at all he was on the way to the sheriff’s
office. Matt was always in on Saturday and early. Going through the reception
knocked on the door even though it was

Matt looked up at him. “Why do I feel I’m not going
to like this visit?” Matt said in greeting.

“Because you’re not.”
took a seat opposite him. “I need a favour.”

“I’m the sheriff of Creek Valley. I don’t do favours
to guys about to cause trouble.”

rolled his eyes. “I’m not going to cause a lot of trouble. I need to sort
something out for my woman and for Creek Valley as a whole.”

“This has got something to do with Holly Walker and
the Walker clan?”

said, not
beating around the bush.

“I’ve had Steven’s lawyer around here asking
questions. You’ve stepped this thing up then.”

“Her parents are fuckers, Matt. Holly came into work
with a bruised eye early in the week. Her brother has told us she won’t file a

Matt shook his head. “I had no idea. I’ve not had
many complaints lately about the head Walker.”

cursed. “Has he ever been brought in for domestic violence?”


“Why the fuck not?”

“Because some people are afraid of the bastard. He
lives out in that trailer park, and back in the day he was a tough nut to
crack. There was a time when William was a good man,
Then he got mixed up with that woman, Anita, and she’s the one who turned his
head to drink.”

“Are you seriously making excuses for him?”

“No. I’m not. No matter the cause he shouldn’t have
let himself turn to drink. What do you need from me?”

“I’m not letting Holly go back there. He’s hurt her
one too many times, and she’s mine and Steven’s now. We’re going to protect

Matt nodded. “That’s good. It’s about time someone
took care of that girl.”

“Her father takes her money. I’m guessing he’s not
going to like losing an income.”
saw the sheriff
getting angry. “The rest of her brothers and sisters are in danger when he
finds out.”

“And you want to take them out of harm’s way?”

nodded. “I was thinking we could go together to get Holly’s stuff. You see how
he reacts and deem whether or not he’s a threat to her family.”

“This could cause some problems,
I’m not going to lie. William can be a hard man.”

“Do I look like I give a fuck?”

Matt let out a sigh. “Okay, let me grab my things.”

In a matter of minutes both men were leaving the
took his truck while Matt took his
phoned through to John and warned him
of what he was doing.

“I’m guessing Holly doesn’t know,” John said. “She
doesn’t like to cause trouble.”

“Well I do. William is not hurting my woman anymore,
John. I’ll handle him the way I see fit.”

John cursed but agreed to meet.
heard Eric whooping down the line. He smiled. At least one of the Walkers was
happy with his plan.

When they pulled up outside of the trailer, four
children from the ages of seven through to twelve sat outside. They appeared to
be in their night clothes. Seconds after
cut the
power from his truck, Matt turned up.

The kids looked scared, and there was shouting
coming from the inside the trailer.



got home Steven
was going to kill him. For the first time in his life, he was considering
murder. His friend and lover was not known for acting rationally. Even as
Steven cursed him in his head, he knew
was doing
the right thing. There was no way they could let Holly go back there, and she
wouldn’t stay with them with her family at risk.

The only solution was to get her family out of harm’s
way. The only consolation Steven could find was the fact Holly was curled up
beside him.

He hoped she woke up soon. He really needed to use
the bathroom.

As if she heard his thoughts, Holly let out a sigh
and rolled over. Her hand rested on his chest, and her eyes opened.

“Hey,” she said.

“Good morning, beautiful.” He leaned forward and
claimed her lips. Her head still rested on her arm. “I really hate to do this,
but I got to use the bathroom, babe, and you’re stopping me.” He pointed to his
arm, and she lifted up.


“Don’t be sorry, and don’t move. I want you here
when I get back.” He moved out of the bed, went to the bathroom and completed
his business in world record timing. Holly was where he left her when he came

She lay against the pillows watching him.

“How are you?” he asked.

“I’m good. Where’s

Steven was going to give him the benefit of the
doubt when it came to what he was doing.

“He had to run an errand.
didn’t want to wake you.”

Holly nodded and smiled at him. “I enjoyed last
night.” Her hand rested on his chest. The sweetness of her smile caught at him,
and in that moment he hated lying to her.

“Me, too. You’re not bothered by
and me together?”

“No, I thought it was hot.”

“And before last night you’d never achieved orgasm?”
he asked.

“No, never.”

“Holly, baby, you know that’s going to change, don’t

Her cheeks were a lovely red hue. “I think I get
that now.”

He was about to say something else when the phone
rang. “I’ve got to get that. Put on one of mine or
shirts and come down to the kitchen.”

“What about the ranch hands?” she asked, nervously.

“They know not to come through to the main house.
They’ll start work. I’m sure
has left a list of
jobs to do. He’s like that as a guy.” Steven claimed her lips and then groaned
as the phone continued to ring. “I think I need to get an answering machine.”

She chuckled as he walked out of the room. The sound
eased his thoughts. Holly didn’t laugh a lot. He couldn’t recall a time while
working when she’d been carefree enough to laugh.

He answered the phone in the kitchen. “
, this better be you.”

“It is.”

Steven let out a sigh of relief. He filled the
kettle with water as he held the phone between his shoulder and head.

“What’s going on?”

“We’re at the trailer. William Walker is not a happy
man. He’s ranting and raving about Holly and that she’s good for nothing,”

“Why are you phoning me?” Steven asked.

“Because Matt has warned me that if I start a fight,
he’ll arrest me and won’t allow you to post bail. He doesn’t want any fighting
to happen during this. I’ve got William outside while the kids are getting
their stuff and Holly’s. I’m waiting for John to turn up, and I needed to hear
your voice.”

“And why did you need to hear my voice?” Steven
checked to make sure Holly wasn’t on her way down.

“So I can remember why I don’t want to land my ass
in jail. Is Holly awake?”

Steven was touched by his words. “I’m waiting for
her in the kitchen. She asked after you, and she looked happy.”

“Good. I’m hoping to be there soon.”

There was silence over the line, and Steven heard
William’s voice ranting.

a fucking whore. Only good for the money she has. It’s my fucking money. I
raised her. It’s mine.”

“I hear why you need to talk to me.”

“If he doesn’t shut up I’m going to spend time in
the cell,”

Glancing at the stairwell again, Steven started
talking in a rush. “Well think about this every time he starts ranting at you.
While you’re there listening to him I’m going to cook Holly breakfast, and then
I’m going to take her upstairs and try those clamps out I found last night.”

BOOK: Holly's Awakening
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