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Authors: Cassandra Zara

Home Intruder 1

BOOK: Home Intruder 1
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Reluctantly Bred by the Home Intruder

Cassandra Zara


Published by Cassandra Zara on Smashwords


Copyright 2012 Cassandra Zara


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Reluctantly Bred by the Home Intruder


"Here's your last bag, Daisy," I said,
hoisting it into the car.

"Thanks, Cammy. You're a life saver. You're
sure you'll be okay here this weekend without me?" Daisy asked.

"I think I can survive one weekend alone by
myself. I'm sorry you have to go," I said.

"Yeah, but my aunt is going to go into
emergency surgery and my mom wanted us all to be there. I'll be
back Sunday night," she said.

I gave her a hug and watched as she got into
the driver's seat. She pulled away, heading into the darkening
clouds and I did suddenly feel quite alone. I looked out at the
approaching storm, wishing I didn't have to be alone tonight. If
only I had a boyfriend like Daisy's. Daisy's boyfriend, Lance, was
just the kind of guy I had always wanted: tall, good looking, and
funny as hell. I wish I had gotten to him first. Oh well, I'll just
curl up in front of the TV and waste my Friday night away, I

I could see lightning flashes in the
distance, but they were still too far away to hear any thunder. As
I went back inside, I made sure to lock the door behind me. I
decided to go and take a quick shower before the storm hit. I made
the water cooler than usual since the day had been so hot. It felt
good to cool down and then put on clean pajamas. I put on a light
tank top and a pair of running shorts, knowing that even with the
storm, I was still probably going to wake up hot.

I flicked on the TV, and the weather report
was on. "It is going to be a doozy of a storm, folks. With the
record breaking temps today, combined with the cold influx of cold
air, we are on a severe thunderstorm warning. Flood watches are in
effect for several counties and radar is showing hail

I cut the TV reporter off with the mute
button. I thought I heard a noise upstairs. My body tensed as I
waited to hear it again. Lightning flashed through the room,
followed by soft thunder. I had almost convinced myself that I
hadn't heard anything and it was just my imagination playing tricks
on me when I heard it again. The storm was moving in, but the thud
upstairs wasn't from thunder.

I stood up slowly, my heart starting to pound
in my chest.

I was alone in the house, or at least I was
supposed to be. Whatever was happening up there, the strange noises
coming from upstairs were making me nervous. I suddenly wished
Daisy was here.

I swallowed hard and set the remote down on
the coffee table and went over to the front door. Daisy kept a
heavy wooden baseball bat next to the door, just in case. I had
always laughed at her since we lived in a nice neighborhood, but
now I was grateful it was there. I picked it up, the wood smooth
under my fingers. It felt heavy in my hands, but I suddenly felt
less afraid.

I walked over to the stairs, the wood floor
cold under my bare feet. Every hair on my body felt like it was
standing on end, but I wasn't sure if it was from nerves or because
of the storm. Thunder rumbled in the distance again, closer this
time. I could hear the wind in the trees outside now that the TV
was quiet. The weather man animatedly ran his arms around in
circles over the map as the different counties changed color to
represent the storm's movements. It wouldn't be long before the
brunt of the storm hit here.

I bit my lip. Was I just being paranoid or
did I actually hear something upstairs? I spun the bat in my hands,
playing with the weight. I thought about calling Daisy's boyfriend
and having him come check it out for me, but I knew he would just
laugh and call me a chicken. Besides he was supposed to be at work.
I had probably just left a window open and the wind was blowing
things around. No big deal. I took a step up onto the first

The upstairs hallway was dark, but there was
enough light from downstairs to see the three doors. The two
bedroom doors were cracked open with the bathroom between them. I
crept forward, my heart in my throat. The floorboard creaked
underneath my foot and I froze next to the picture of Daisy and me
in the hallway. Our smiles blazed out at me, eerie in the dark.
People always said we could be twins, with the two of us both
having the same blue eyes and long dark hair. I had lost count of
the amount of times people, even boyfriends and parents, had gotten
the two of us confused for one another.

The house was silent except for the wind
outside. I went to the first door and raised the bat up over my
shoulder. Babe Ruth would have been proud of my stance as I pushed
my door open with my toe, ready to swing for the fences.

Lightning seared through the room, blinding
me for a moment. Something man-sized waved in the darkness and I
instinctively started swinging as I charged the room. I made a
connection with something and beat down on it, the darkness of the
room making it impossible to see anything. I made sure it was down
on the ground, slamming the bat into whatever I hit a couple more
times before stepping away and turning on the light.

The giant teddy bear I had given Daisy for
her birthday last year slouched sadly on the floor, an eye missing
and its head misshapen. The curtains to her window blew in the wind
like crazy waving arms. I felt like laughing. She must have
forgotten to close her window. The curtains were what I had seen
moving, and the bear was the poor victim of my attack. I shook my
head and set the bat down and started towards the window.

I stopped to fluff poor Mr. Teddy's head back
into the right shape, glancing around the floor for his missing
eye. I giggled, letting the nervous energy out of my system as I
stood up and headed to the window. I pulled hard on the window
frame and it slid down easily. I reached up to lock it when I saw
him behind me in the window's reflection.

I turned with a scream, but it was too late.
A tall figure in black rushed towards me, his face obscured by a
black mask. I broke for the door, scrambling to twist past him as I
lunged for the baseball bat. My fingers grasped at it, knocking it
over. The man in black lurched forward, grabbing at my body. I
fumbled with the bat, picking it up and swinging wildly. Lightning
flashed again and the power shut off, throwing the room into

I screamed and swung the bat as hard as I
could from side to side. I felt the bat collide with something, and
then twist out of my grasp. He took the bat from me like I was a
small child; I heard it clatter to the floor as the lightning
flashed again. In the brief flash of light I saw him lunge forward
at me, as I turned for the door.

I tripped and landed on the floor on my
stomach, the wind rushing out of me. The man in black was on me in
a second, pinning me to the ground as he pushed me into the floor
with his knees on the small of my back. I wanted to scream, but I
had no air left in my lungs. I felt rope wrap around my wrists,
tying them together.

Hot tears burned in my eyes as he pushed down
harder on my back. My breath came in small gasps as my lungs tried
to remember how to function. I felt a rolled-up kerchief go over my
head and into my mouth, gagging me. I tried to scream, but the gag
did its job well. I pulled on my wrists, but he had tied them to
the bed and the most I could do was twist. I wriggled my body,
trying to get out from under his knee, but he had me firmly pinned
to the floor. I was completely at his mercy.

I felt his hand caress my hair, tracing it
down my back. He ran his fingers lightly across my spine, down to
the curve of my buttocks. My tank top had ridden up in my
struggles, leaving a gap of skin on my lower back between my shirt
and the running shorts I wore as pajamas. He touched my skin
softly, his fingers hot against my back. I fought again to free
myself, but he just pushed his knee harder into my back until I
held still.

He shushed me quietly, running his fingers
along the delicate skin. I found myself almost enjoying his soft
touch, but fear still pounded through my veins. I wondered what
else he was going to do to me. His fingers traced the elastic of my
waistband, tracing it from hip to hip before hooking his finger on
it and pulling it down. He pulled my shorts down off my ass as far
as he could with the front of the shorts pinned between my body and
the floor. His fingers kneaded into the taught flesh of my ass, my
muscles squeezing as he touched it through the fabric of my
bikini-cut panties.

He traced his fingers along the edges of my
underwear, the touch soft and curious. I struggled again, but he
just pushed down harder until I stopped. I tried again and he
brought his hand down hard against my ass in a powerful spank. I
yelped and tried to rise up off the floor, but he just brought his
hand down again. It stung enough to bring tears to my eyes even
through the thin fabric of my panties.

"Don't struggle," he whispered, rubbing his
hand against my injured ass. I held perfectly still, feeling his
hand caress the curve of my ass. I felt a strange warmth growing in
my core the more he touched me.

"Spread your legs," he growled. I pushed my
legs together tightly. He pushed down with his knee again, pushing
the air out of my body again.

"Will you just relax and enjoy this, Daisy?"
a familiar masculine voice asked, the sinister growl gone. My eyes
shot open. Lance was supposed to be at work, but instead he was
here. My fear disappeared quicker than lightning, excitement and
lust quickly replacing it.
He thinks I am Daisy
, I thought.
We looked similar enough that, in the darkness, there would be no
way to tell.

I tried to yell around the gag, to tell him
that I was Cammy, but I couldn't. I had a huge crush on Lance, and
I knew this might be my only opportunity to be with him. I tried
once more to yell through the gag, but he just shushed me and kept
touching my skin. I closed my eyes again, ready to play the game. I
slowly gave in and relaxed my legs, spreading them slightly. As
soon as I had an inch between them, he let up on the pressure.

He slid his hand further south along my
panties and in between my legs, chuckling as he came across
moisture. I didn't realize how turned on I was until I felt him
push up against my wet spot. I moaned softly, excitement and need
fighting for dominance. He simply chuckled again, shifting his
weight off of me slightly. He slid a finger under my panties,
brushing up against my skin.

I jerked instantly, feeling someone so close
to such an intimate area. He worked two fingers between my legs and
under my panties. It only took a moment for him to find my clit,
rubbing small circles that made my body twitch with want.

With his knee still in my back, he slid his
other hand under my chest to grab my breast. He groped it, digging
his fingers into the tender flesh. I arched my back, lust surging
through me as he pinched a nipple. He sped up the circles on my
clit, and slid his thumb into my pussy, making me moan into the

I could feel my body tightening, my muscles
clenching as my body worked towards orgasm. The adrenaline pumping
through my system was only making the ascent quicker. I knew I was
going to cum. I wanted to feel the relief of release, my body
quickly climbing towards it as he worked his thumb in and out of my
dripping pussy.

Lightning flashed as my body seized, finally
succumbing to pleasure. I screamed into the gag, my body shaking
with energy as I found my blinding moment of release. As the
tremors slowly subsided, he stopped moving his thumb and withdrew
his hand. I heard him put his fingers in his mouth, tasting my
juices. He smacked his lips and took his knee from my back. I lay
in a haze of pleasure, as he straddled my legs.

I heard the fabric rip before I felt it. The
thin material of my panties tore easily under his strong hands as
he exposed me to the world. He brushed the tatters to the side,
rubbing his finger along the slit of my opening. I heard his zipper
unzip and then fabric move. I knew what was coming.

I knew I should fight, but I didn't. I knew I
should be afraid, but my heart was pounding with desire rather than
fear. I'd wanted Lance for a long time. I wanted to feel him within
me. I wanted to have him take me. I could feel his cock press up
against my opening, my juices coating him, preparing him to slide

BOOK: Home Intruder 1
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