Home Is Where the Heart Is (10 page)

BOOK: Home Is Where the Heart Is
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“Maybe I can give the two of them a swift kick in the ass and help matters along a little,” Jake thought aloud.




Dylan had been gone for hours, leaving Kyra alone at his house. She hadn’t really been alone since she had gotten back to Sizzle. Everything was happening so fast and there was always something to do, somewhere to be. Until now. Her world was crumbling to pieces faster than she could mend it, and the only constant in her life at the moment was Dylan. He had really come through for her in her time of need; first with her dad, and now with her mother.

Still, as much as she enjoyed being around him she couldn’t let herself get too close. When the time came to leave Sizzle, it would be just as hard on her heart as before. And no matter what, nothing changed the fact that he was still a married man. Which brought up one thought – Where was Harley? Why wasn’t she here?

The shock of losing her mother and father was taking a toll on her. She needed someone to talk to, someone that would understand her. It wasn’t that Dylan didn’t, but she needed Paula, who had been the only constant in her life for the last five years. There were things that she could talk to Paula about that she couldn’t with Dylan. Kyra needed her best friend now more than ever.

Kyra dug around in her purse for her cell phone and pressed a key. After a few rings, Paula answered. “Hello?”

“Paula, it’s Kyra,” she said before the tears began to fall.

“Kyra, what’s wrong?”

“It’s my mom. Someone attacked her. She’s… Paula, she’s dead,” Kyra replied between sobs.

“Oh my goodness. What’s happening down there? Are you safe?”

“Yes. I don’t know what’s happening. I don’t understand any of this. I’m scared, but I’m staying at Dylan’s house for now.”

“I’m so sorry, Kyra. I hate that this is happening to you. I’m coming down there. Wait… you’re staying with THE Dylan?” Paula asked.

“Yes,” Kyra said, surprised to hear a laugh escape from within her. “The one and only. I could really use a friend right now,” Kyra said feeling a little more cheerful. She rattled off directions to Sizzle.

“I’ll pack tonight,” Paula said, “and get the staff lined up in the morning. Then I’ll head your way.”

“Thanks, Paula. Call me when you get to town and I’ll give you directions to the house.”

They said their goodbyes and Kyra hung up and went back to the kitchen to finish preparing dinner. She felt so much better knowing that her friend would be coming to visit. Having Paula around would make things easier. She didn’t know how to handle the situation with Dylan, so getting some advice from Paula would surely set her on the right track. And she definitely didn’t want to be alone when the time came to sort through her parents’ belongings. That would have to be taken care of before she went back to Houston. There was so much to take care of: the house, funeral arrangements, and god only knew what else.




Excitement filled Dylan as he eased the mini cooper up the driveway. He had never shared his home, or any home for that matter, with a woman. He felt that sharing a space with someone you didn’t have a commitment with was wrong. Maybe it was the small town way of thinking but he would make an exception for Kyra. She was a good girl. He couldn’t see her as being the type of girl to be after the wrong things. Harley had scared the hell out of him.

His friends, especially Jake, had tried like hell to get him to see what kind of woman she really was before he made a lasting commitment to her. As their wedding approached, he started to get cold feet, finding himself questioning his decision. The cop in him said not to do it, and finally he listened to the part of him he could always count on. For some reason, he had been blinded by Harley’s beauty and sex appeal, unable to see the true her until it was almost too damn late.

She had been seeing other men behind his back, just like his friends had said. He had caught her in the back seat of a car in Skells parking lot having sex with a stranger. Even after he told her he had seen her, she had tried to make excuses and eventually begged his forgiveness. He had tried to get past it and give her another chance, but he couldn’t get past it. He kept wondering if she would do it again after they married, and finally it hit him at the church as they stood before God and everyone. He couldn’t go through with it. The risk was too great. He wanted to trust the woman he married, and he didn’t trust Harley at all.

Ever since Kyra had waltzed into Southern Gentlemen’s looking for help, he couldn’t get her out of his mind. His inner cop didn’t try to push her away; instead, he reveled in the thought of having her in his life.

Parking the car by the garage, he locked it and headed to the door. Seeing the house lit up made him smile. He couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to come home to Kyra every night.

When he opened the door, the smells from the kitchen bombarded his senses, reminding him he hadn’t eaten anything since lunch. He glanced around, hoping to catch sight of Kyra, but she was nowhere to be seen. Moving into the kitchen, he found her bent over in front of the oven checking on the food. He stood still, taking in the view of her firm rear end and taut legs. It was a sight that he’d remember forever. A sudden chill washed over him, an overwhelming pressure building within him. His manhood throbbed with want, begging for release. He cleared his throat, startling her.

Kyra stood up abruptly, shock quickly being replaced by a brilliant smile. “You’re home. I hope you’re hungry.”

Dylan’s stomach rumbled loud enough for Kyra to hear. “Darling, I’m starving.”

She wiped her hands on a dish towel. “Let me just get the rolls out of the oven and we’ll be all set.” Darling? Had he really just called her that? As much as she wanted to believe it meant something, she couldn’t allow that thought to take root. He was married, damn it, and she needed to keep that in mind, although he apparently wasn’t bothered by it.

Dylan stepped up to the kitchen sink and turned on the water to wash his hands, barely able to contain his joy. Having Kyra here was wonderful. It just felt so right. Domesticated. Perfect. He also noticed he wasn’t the only one in a good mood. “You sure seem happy tonight.”

“I talked with a friend in Houston today,” Kyra said. “She’s going to come and help me get thing sorted out here.”

“That’s great. I’m looking forward to meeting her.” Was she planning on returning to Houston? He wanted her to stay so bad. “You’re both welcome to stay here,” he suggested, grasping at any chance to keep her here longer.

Dylan didn’t want to mess up his chances with Kyra by rushing into anything, but he didn’t want to miss his chance with her. Not again. While he felt like he knew her, there was so much more to learn about her. He vowed at that moment to take things slow and easy, knowing she was worth every minute he might have to wait. Turning off the water, he dried his hands and headed to the table.

Kyra had spent the better part of the evening preparing what she hoped was a delicious meal. She had prepared steaks, mashed potatoes with homemade gravy, carrots, and a fresh salad, along with the most scrumptious yeast rolls. They ate and enjoyed each other’s conversation, talking about the old days until they were both full as ticks. Together, they cleared the table, deciding to leave the dishes for tomorrow. It had been a long day and both of them needed some time to relax. Kyra curled up on the couch, letting out a sigh. He could tell she was exhausted mentally and physically.

“Thank you for the amazing dinner,” he said as he sat down next to her. “It’s been a long time since I’ve had such a good meal.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it. I love to cook. It kind of sucks cooking for one.”

“You can cook for me anytime,” Dylan said with a smile. Noticing how tense she looked, he reached over and pulled her tiny little feet into his lap. She smiled as the warmth of his touch worked its way to her core.

He began to massage her feet slowly, working his way up her leg to her knee and back down again. She could feel the moisture between her thighs grow as his fingers slowly worked her into an internal frenzy. She let out a strangled moan.

Dylan looked into her eyes, knowing she was enjoying the massage as much as he was. Her green eyes were filled with desire, revealing how much she wanted him. If he didn’t make a move now, he would regret it.

Slowly, Dylan removed her feet from his lap and turned to face Kyra, who watched him with curiosity. Leaning forward slowly, not wanting to break eye contact with her, he pressed his lips to hers. Kyra moaned into the kiss, the heat from his lips burning with a fiery passion as they worked smoothly over hers. She put her arms around his neck, leaning deeper into the kiss. All of her cares and worries faded away.

Without thought, her hands slid through his dark hair, inciting a pleasure-filled moan from Dylan. He pulled her onto his lap, wanting to feel her in his arms. His cock throbbed with need. Hid grip upon her hips loosened before moving slowly up her sides, his thumbs grazing the sides of her breasts before moving back down her body. She gasped loudly, breaking their passionate kiss. His lips found purchase on her neck, his tongue gently caressing the skin there. Kyra shivered in his arms as he continued towards her shoulder, planting soft kisses along her delicate skin. She had never experienced these feelings before. Her core was blistering hot, aching with need for him so much so that she almost couldn’t stand it.

Dylan’s warm gentle hands descended to her thighs, causing her clit to throb so intensely that she wanted – needed – more. She squirmed, causing her jeans to graze her already sensitive mound, letting out a blissful moan as his hand cupped her mound. She rocked against his palm with fury, begging for release.

Dylan found her swollen lips once more and she moaned loudly he kissed her intensely. Her nails dug into his shoulders as his fingers slid up beneath her shirt, cupping her breast, finding her pebbled nipples. Her heated core throbbed with wicked abandon as her release overtook her, causing her entire body to tremble beneath his touch, his smoldering gaze burning into her.

“Oh, Dylan,” ahe cried out, her body shuddering as the orgasm rocked her small body.

“I want you, Kyra,” Dylan said, kissing her swollen lips frantically.

“I… Dylan, I’m a…” She dropped her gaze, unable to meet his eyes.

Dylan leaned back looking into her hungry, glazed eyes. Somehow he knew what she was going to say. He could sense her innocence.

Kyra’s cheeks blushed a deep crimson. “I’m a virgin, Dylan.”

“Oh, sweetheart. I had thought you might be. I wasn’t sure, though. There’s no need to rush into this. I have no problem waiting until you’re ready.” He pulled her into a loving embrace, kissing her once more.

“Dylan? Where’s your wife? Where’s Harley?”

“What?” Dylan asked, shocked. “I’m not married. We were going to get married but then she cheated on me. I couldn’t go through with it after that. Without trust, there’s nothing.”

“Oh. Well, that explains a lot.”

At that very moment, Kyra knew he truly was perfect. She had hoped and prayed for this to happen her whole life, and now that it was happening she felt torn. He was, after all, the man she had been saving herself for, but she just wasn’t ready to give up something so precious. Everything was just moving so fast. If they could take things slow, as Dylan had said, then maybe that would help her to let go; let her spread her wings and fly.

They sat together, cuddled on the couch, and watched television for hours. Every now and then, Dylan would brush her hair behind her ear and plant a soft gentle kiss on her temple. It made her feel so very special. Who could ask for a moment more precious than this?




Dylan awoke the next morning, still snuggled up to Kyra on the large couch. She looked so peaceful sleeping in his arms. Being with her made him feel whole, as if she had been what was missing from his life all along.

Kyra opened her eyes, startled by her surroundings, almost forgetting where she was. When her eyes met Dylan’s, she suddenly felt calm and safe.

“Good morning, sweetheart,” he said, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

“Good morning to you, too,” she replied as a pink hue colored her cheeks at the memory of last night.

“Why don’t you hop into the shower while I get breakfast going,” he said, watching her stretch her petite frame.

“Okay.” She flashed him a smile and hurried to the bathroom down the hall. Once inside, she removed yesterday’s wrinkled clothes, leaned into the shower, and adjusted the warmth of the water. When she stepped into the tub, the warmth of the spray hit her, easing some of the tension in her muscles. She lathered up her washcloth and began scrubbing her body thoroughly before letting the warm water rinse the soap off her body. After she dried off, she realized she hadn’t grabbed a change of clothes from her bag. She opened the bathroom door, steam fleeing through the small crack into the hall.

Quickly, Kyra peeked around the door, glancing towards the living room, hoping Dylan was too busy to look her way. Seeing that the coast was clear, she gripped the towel in her fist and scampered down the hall to her room. She was almost to the bedroom door when Dylan stepped out of his bedroom. They collided into each other, her towel dropping to the ground.

Dylan glanced down taking in Kyra’s nakedness, memorizing every curve before she knelt down to grab her towel. Feeling embarrassed and slightly aroused, Kyra wanted to dart into the bedroom and hide behind the closed door. But she couldn’t make herself move. She just stood there, looking into Dylan’s beautiful eyes.

Grinning like a Cheshire cat, Dylan looked longingly into Kyra’s eyes. He wanted so badly to see a glimmer of want in her eyes, telling him she was ready, that she wanted him just as bad as he wanted her. He’d take her right then and there if only she’d give him a sign.

After last night, he knew that pushing her would be a mistake. He would wait and it would damn sure be worth it. But he saw a sparkle in her eyes, and a wicked smile appeared on her gorgeous face. Kyra nodded and Dylan swept her into his arms, carrying her into his bedroom. He gently lay her onto the bed, the soft material of the comforter tickling her heated skin, her nerves sizzling with a fiery need. Dylan gently leaned over the bed, feathering a soft gentle kiss on her lips.

BOOK: Home Is Where the Heart Is
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