Read Hope Breaks: A New Adult Romantic Comedy Online

Authors: Alice Bello,Stephanie T. Lott

Hope Breaks: A New Adult Romantic Comedy (9 page)

BOOK: Hope Breaks: A New Adult Romantic Comedy
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Chapter 13


THE RAIN WAS STILL pouring by the time Jake’s rattling old truck pulled up in front of my house.  He killed the engine, we stared at each other for a moment, and then he said, “Race you to the porch.”

I cheated.  The second he said race I grabbed for the door handle and took off running. 

I should have won.  I mean, I cheated, I had less distance to run—since he parked with my door facing the house—and he’d have to make it all the way around his truck.

He must have pulled some Dukes of Hazzard style hood sliding…
or just came out the door I’d left open behind me.  Whatever.  He beat me to the porch and caught me as I tried to plow through him.

It was a nice catch, his strong, bare arms wrapping around me.  I looked up into his melted chocolate eyes, and then my eyes slid down to his luscious, rain slicked lips.  I fought very hard not to leap up into his arms and kiss him. 

I was rewarded by a chill breeze slamming into us from the west.  I trembled, and my teeth started chattering immediately.

Jake grimaced…
must be too much of a man to show that he was cold too.

g-g-et inside.” I said.

Jake quirked an eyebrow, and then slid one of his hands into the front pocket of my jeans.  I gulped, his hand searched, grazing something that hadn’t been touched by anything not run on batteries for…
well, for a pretty long time.

I groaned.

He pulled his hand out of my pocket, my house keys dangling from his index finger.

Good god
, he had great hands.

Without letting go of me he reached out, slid the correct key in the lock and magically my front door just popped right open.  I gave the door a hard glare.  It never did that for me.

I walked into my house and Jake followed.  I closed the door behind him and locked it.  I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. 

I expected that old doubt, that dark panic to rear up and incapacitate me.  But it didn’t.  I felt nothing but a building want and a need for the man standing only a couple feet away. 

I turned around to face him.  He pushed his wet hair off his forehead, his brown eyes blazing with heat and drowning deep.  Every inch of his torso was covered in glistening rainwater.  I was suddenly thirsty… like lost in the desert thirsty.

His mouth, that delicious looking, thick lipped mouth of his, opened and he drew in a breath.

Then he just lunged for me, his big strong body slamming into mine, knocking me back against my front door.  The panes of glass in the door rattled.  His mouth captured mine just as I wrapped my arms around his neck.  His hands found purchase as they dipped up under my ass and picked me up, and I wrapped my legs around his hips.

The next few moments were a blur…
but I found myself dropped unceremoniously onto the mattress of my bed.  I gasped, suddenly not pressed fully against his bare chest, and having his delectable lips abruptly missing.  I bounced on the mattress for a couple counts, and it took a moment for my eyes to adjust, but by the time Jake started unbuttoning his fly my vision was crystal clear.  He pushed his soaked jeans down off his hips, and I saw he had gone commando to the concert—and what was in his jeans was very much commanding… commanding my full attention. I gulped and felt heat rise up from my core, spreading with liquid speed to every fiber of my being.

Jake’s cock was already hard, very long
, and amazingly thick.  I watched it bob up and down, mesmerized.  When he was finally out of his jeans—he slung them over the back of a straight back chair—he stood at the foot of the bed, his eyes burning into me with such ardent heat.  That gorgeous piece of manhood defied gravity, rising from his taut balls, thick and oh so strong, until it ended in a beautifully tapered tip.  It curved ever so slightly to the right.

Every inch of him was so damned beautiful.  I licked my lips and pulled myself to the bottom of the bed, and reached out, wrapping my fingers around the thick piece of him. 

Jake jerked, his eyes sliding closed and his head falling back as my hand encompassed his girth, and then I stroked him.  The flesh covering this part of him was so very soft.  But what was inside it grew harder and thicker with every stroke.

It was beautiful, and I wanted to taste that beauty.

I leaned in and licked the lip.  I placed my other hand against his hip to steady me, so I felt him shiver.  I opened my mouth, feeling the buildup of saliva pooling in anticipation, and then took Jake into my mouth.

His entire body jerked, his hips actually slammed forward, pushing his cock deeper
into my mouth than I’d planned, but it tasted so good I couldn’t complain.

I heard him panting as I suckled him, letting my tongue roam over what
my mouth could accommodate of his shaft. Then I pulled back and dug my tongue into his piss slit, roughing up the tip.

Jake’s breathing came rapid and out of control
.  He grabbed my head with both hands, his hands entwining in my wet hair, holding my head in place.  He pulled his hips back, ripping his manhood jarringly from my lips.

I gasped in surprise and looked up at him.  His naked body was glistening with the remnants of the rain, and with sweat.  Every muscle on his body was rigid with strain, and his face was lowered, his eye lids closed tight in deep concentration.

Oh… he’d been close.  I shuddered at the thought of him losing control—of me making him lose control—and pouring himself into my mouth.  I wondered what he would taste like.  I tamped down my curiosity and pulled myself back.  If I took him into my mouth again this would all end way before either one of us wanted it too.

Maybe he was a more than once a night breed of man, but I had to put my bet on the usual
: once a man reached climax it was all over but the falling asleep.

f he fell asleep in my bed now, I’d have to sneak Mr. Wiggles from the nightstand drawer and sneak to the shower to finish myself off.  That or I’d lay awake all night, my inner pendulum clicking wonky and winding me up until I threw myself on him like a desperate, slavering dog.

So I held myself in check and watched with fascination as Jake slowly pushed himself back onto the heels of his feet, and with each infinitesimal movement he regained more and more control over his body.

His breathing slowed as mine quickened; just watching him reclaim his body from its looming climax made me want him even more.  He wanted to climax with me—that meant he cared…

Oh hell…don’t start getting all mushy because the guy decided he wanted to end during actual sex and not just some

That thought brought a cold shiver through my body. 

“You’re freezing,” Jake said, his voice a ragged growl.

He leaned down before me and kissed me, his lips light, barely grazing my mouth
, making my body shudder all the more.  When he pulled away he caught my gaze with his own, and his deep brown eyes leveled me.

“I think we need to get you out of those wet clothes.”

I couldn’t agree more.

I trembled as his hands slid up my thighs, over my hips, and then up my sides.  His fingers caught the fabric of his borrowed t-shirt, and he pulled it up over my head in one smooth, very sexy move
ment.  I sat there breathless and topless, and he leaned in and ran his lips—his soft, wonderful lips—down over my collar bone and then lower, down the curve of my breasts, until his handsome face snuggled in between both breasts.  His five o’clock shadow tickled, his lips and tongue taunted, and his ragged breaths made my flesh catch fire.  My back arched.

His fingers dug into my hips as his tongue flicked a nipple, and then pulled it into his mouth, sucking long and slow at the hardening flesh.

I moaned, my hands tangling in his wet hair.  Lower things warmed and tightened, and my hips undulated, my thighs opening.

Jake treated my other breast to the same exquisite
tongue-lashing, and then slowly his attention slid down my ribs to my belly.  I fell back against my mattress, my spine suddenly made of Jell-O, my hands still gripping Jake’s head.

He pulled open my wet jeans and pulled them down over my legs, tossing them who
-knows-where.  Then his fingers found the slender fabric of my panties and tugged them slowly down over my hips until I was totally and completely naked before him, lying on my back. 


For the first time in so very long, I was completely exposed to another human being.  As his longing gaze slid over my body, ending with such need and hunger as he gazed into my eyes, I felt my defenses fall like a house of cards.

Without taking his eyes from mine, he slowly lowered his face until his lips brushed my inner thigh.  I felt all the muscles in my lower half contract.  The spot where his lips touched burned deliciously.  Was I just that cold from the rain,
or was he on fire… feverish.

Maybe I was feverish?

His hands pressed into my thighs, his fingers digging into my flesh, and he slid his lips slowly up my thigh, never losing contact, with neither his eyes nor his mouth.

I shook with desire, my passion and longing building stronger and stronger with every second, ever
y heartbeat.  His strong, calloused hands pulled my thighs apart and his face dipped down into the V my spread legs created.  My head snapped back and I clenched my eyes, my mouth falling open as a desperate moan escaped my lips. 

The feel of his warm, wet, flicking tongue set my core on fire, made my heart pound like it wanted to burst from my ribcage…
and made my toes curl.

If I wasn’t caught up in a cacophony of desire and sexual need, I’d probably be hearing a dulcet choir of angels singing some old master’s
requiem for an orgasm.

I looked down and he still had his eyes set on my face.  I watched in stunned silence as his mouth opened and his tongue swept out and licked up into me like it belong
ed to some big jungle cat.  His thick lips were shiny with my juices, and as I writhed at every flick and lick of his talented tongue, a small, lopsided smile made those lips curve.

His eyes closed and he buried his face into my pussy, licking up one side, down the other, and then sliding his swirling
tongue as deep inside me as he could.  My head fell back again, and I found it even harder this time to regain any control at all over my body. 

All it wanted to do was writhe like a snake, and to pull itself open even further, to allow Jake’s tongue even more access.

Finally, I drew my head back up and watched him as he feasted upon my sex.  His face had the expression of a man with a single-minded ambition.  Lucky me; that goal was to give me pleasure.  Go single-minded men!

His chorded chest and bulging shoulders were unbelievably beautiful.

Inside me… I want you inside me.

I reached out and took hold of his face.  He startled, as if he’d forgotten about everything else in the world except the part of me that was splayed before him.

“I need you inside me… now!” I said, my voice hoarse, my body shaking with near explosive need.  If I didn’t have him inside me in the next few minutes I was going to combust and burn like a Roman candle.

gave me that lopsided smile again.  Powerful arms carried him up onto me, his every inch, every part, every bit of smooth skin and hard muscle—and hard cock—slid up and over my body.

my… god…

He held his weight over me, and every so slowly undulated his hips, making his long, hard manhood run against my burning sex.

He kissed me, tasting of him and of me.  I didn’t care.  I wanted to taste him so much the other taste didn’t matter.  Through it all my body was boiling for him to push inside me.

He pulled his lips from mine, gasping for air.  “We need a condom,”

A condom…


The subject of condoms was always such a touchy thing. 

“I didn’t bring any because I didn’t want to assume…,” he said apologetically.

And if I had some—say stashed not a foot away from the bed—that would mean I had assumed…
or I was a slut.  And if I held out, then no sex would happen, and I’d…


I reached over and threw open the drawer to my bedside table before my vagina exploded. 

“Under the Twizzlers!” I moaned.

That smile returned.  It brought a smirking raised eyebrow with it.  Jake leaned over, squishing more of his lovely naked self against me, and pulled out the half-empty pack of Rainbow Twizzlers, set them by my alarm clock, and then reached back in for the condoms.

hen his little smile spread across his face like the Cheshire cat’s.

Oh god…
had I not put Mr. Wiggles in the back of the drawer again?

Slowly he extricated his hand and then jerked free…
a book.

Oh no…
why me?

He held it up in the air as I tried to make a grab for it.

BOOK: Hope Breaks: A New Adult Romantic Comedy
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