Husband's Request - Demanding Erotica/Hardcore M/f Seduction (2 page)

BOOK: Husband's Request - Demanding Erotica/Hardcore M/f Seduction
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While sitting in my chair trying to grasp the situation I had a sudden realization that it did not seem to matter what my mind was thinking, my body had already reacted to the letter. I realized that my nipples were completely erect and aching. My pussy was drenched and my panties were so wet they were soaked. I was on fire between my legs and down my thighs. I wanted Erik to come in right now and relieve my arousal as only he knew how to do. I could feel his warm breath on my breasts. His kisses were deep and powerful. I wanted his cock inside me as he whispered, "I've got you, Baby Girl, you're mine." I wanted him to cum so hard in me that his entire body would grow rigid and vibrate. I imagined that he would finish his orgasm, hold me tight, and then start all over again. He would lick every inch of me, ending up with his face between my legs, biting the inside of my thighs, licking my pussy until my clit popped up to meet him. I knew he would take my clit between his teeth and gently bite while he alternated delving his tongue deep inside my pussy until he made my body do what he wanted it to do. I wanted to see him emerge from between my thighs with his face all wet with my cum and a huge grin on his face.


As I realized what I was thinking I wondered what brought these feelings to life in me. Was it the description of Mike and Sonja that Erik put in his letter, or was it the intrigue of the possibility of having sex with Mike while Erik watched? I started to understand what Erik must have felt the night he watched while Mike and Sonja made love in front of him. He did not put himself in that situation trying to seek new thrills that I had not or was unwilling to give him. He found himself experiencing something new and it excited and aroused him beyond his control. He could not restrain his physical reaction any more than I seemed to be able to. I stood, picked up the letter and made my way to our bedroom to pack our things for the weekend. I had made my decision. The bags would be at the door when Erik arrived. He would have his answer, and I would never look back and question this decision. I trusted him and I loved him. I truly wanted to do this for him.


I was in bed about half asleep when I heard the front door close. Erik was just coming in after working out of town all day. I knew he would see the bags I packed by the door. I wondered what he was thinking. I wondered if he had second thoughts about leaving me the letter and if he spent his day worried about what he would find when he came through the door. I heard the refrigerator door open and close. Shortly after that the bedroom door opened. I lay in the dark listening for the familiar sounds of him undressing and getting ready for bed. I did not hear these sounds. Instead, I felt his presence and opened my eyes to find him standing over me looking down. Under the soft glow of the night lights he appeared so serene. His face was so kind and so gentle. He smiled when I opened my eyes. He sat on the edge of the bed and ran his fingers down the sides of my cheeks. He whispered to me, "I love you so much." I slid over in the bed and patted the mattress, inviting him in. He undressed quickly and made his way into the bed and into my arms.


I held him so close then turned my head upward to find his lips waiting for me to meet them with mine. I kissed him with all the passion I held in me. It was one of those kisses that I get lost in; the kind where time completely stops and everything that is me becomes him. I no longer knew where I ended and he began. I think that these kisses are reserved for people who have that special partner - The one who knows them so completely that their lips meet and have a silent conversation by touching each other. I felt his tongue in my mouth and my tongue greeted it enthusiastically, softly and tenderly. The kisses became harder and hotter. He pulled me into him tightly. I could feel his hard cock pressing into my abdomen. I reached down and held it, feeling the pulsating hardness in my hands. I wanted to guide it between my legs and place it in the opening of my pussy giving him the encouragement to push it inside of me so I could feel the emptiness inside of me replaced by the fullness of his body. I did not need to help him; he read my mind and rolled his body over on top of me. He was so beautiful this way. He sat up on top of me straddling my pelvis. He took both hands and began to caress my body beginning at my shoulders. I saw the huge hands move across my breasts. I felt so small and so vulnerable yet so incredibly safe and secure with this man on top of me, exploring me with his strong hands.


He massaged each breast, stopping at each nipple to play with them until they were so very taut. Then he placed his head between them and rested there. I could feel his warm breath on my chest and hear the sound of his breathing. I ran my hand gently through his hair and pulled his face gently to my breast, indicating it was time for him to place his mouth on the nipple that was begging for his attention. He began to suck it so gently and then to tease it with his tongue. He then moved to the other side and again was sucking and teasing with the breast that awaited him.


He began to work his way down my body with gentle kisses stopping to pay special attention to my belly and the concave curves at my waist. I was longing desperately for him now. I was lost in his touch and waited anxiously to feel more. He gently moved his body to the side now. He spread my legs apart and began to run his fingers along the insides of my thighs, never touching the area close to my pussy. It made me want him there so much that I could not help but begin to softly moan. He leaned down and kissed the inside of my thighs until he was so close to my pussy I could feel his breath on the wetness of the labia and I felt my clit become erect without him ever touching it with any part of him except his warm breath. He moved his face until he was directly between my legs, put his mouth completely over my pussy and just lingered there like he was savoring this moment. Then he gently ran his tongue across my clit and I responded by raising my hips involuntarily to beg for more. He took his tongue and ran it completely down between the lips of my pussy, never entering it, only grazing the outside like the touch of a feather. I thought I would lose my mind. It was so difficult to decide if I wanted him to become more aggressive with the actions he had initiated or if I just wanted to have him continue in this manner until I could stand no more. I was so lost in his touch that it did not matter. My heart pounded. My eyes rolled upward. My hands clenched the sheets. I just wanted to close my eyes and get lost even deeper in what he was doing to me. I wanted him to make all future decisions for my pleasure.


He pushed his tongue inside of me and then came back out again to nibble on my clit. He did this so many times that my hips began to move with him. He raised his body once again to move in between my legs and pushed my legs up until my knees were bent, then he took his fingers, opened my flowering pussy just a bit more and placed his cock at the opening. With one more movement, he was inside of me. I felt his hardness fill me up. I felt the heat rush to the center of my pussy and the burning in my thighs. I lifted my butt and hips eagerly to meet his thrusts and when I heard him begin that moan that comes from somewhere deep within his body, I allowed myself to let go and at the very same moment we both began love's spasm, our bodies shuddering together as one and shaking in orgasm. The entire experience had been such a gentle and loving event, but the end result was hot and hard. It was the kind of orgasm that is often referred to as earth moving. It was incredible. We could read each other's bodies with such precision. I relaxed back onto my pillow, so sleepy and so satisfied. Erik rolled over to the side of me and I turned into him. We held each other in silence and drifted off to sleep.


When I opened my eyes, the sun was shining in. I glanced at the clock and it was nearly noon. I quickly got up, showered and dressed. I could hear Erik busy in the front part of the house. I went to find him.


He greeted me with a smile and told me the car was packed and he had just been waiting for me to wake up. I thanked him for allowing me the extra sleep. He commented that I was very beautiful this morning. I smiled at him. I felt kind of beautiful. I had not really dressed up, but sometimes that was when I felt I looked my best. I was wearing dark blue denim jeans, a white oxford shirt, my favorite Nikes and my hair was down. I felt comfortable. I did not ever remember a time when I felt like I had to do anything particularly special with regards to my appearance to attract Erik. He seemed to think I was appealing no matter what I was wearing or what the condition of my hair or makeup. It was one of those relationships where that just was not the important part of it. The attraction was in the smiles and laughter, the listening and the silences. We respected each other. I could look at him working in the garden with dirt and sweat all over him and be so turned on. It was what he was doing and not how he looked. It was that sweet smile that he gave me when he caught me looking at him in those moments that got to me every time.


We were in the car in a few minutes and headed out for Louisiana by way of I-10. Neither of us mentioned what was probably going to happen. There was no need to discuss it. Erik knew that I was a self-assured, confident woman. If I had decided this was something I was going to do, then he knew that I was okay with my decision. He also knew that I realized and believed that no matter how things went he would be there for me, to protect me and to care for me. There just was no need to talk it to death.


About three hours after we left the house, we turned down the drive to Mike and Sonja's cabin. The drive was so beautiful. It led down to the bayou and it was lined with beautiful moss draped live oak trees. When we were in sight of the cabin I remembered just how beautiful it was there. The cabin had a front porch that went the entire length of the house. It also had a tin roof; when it rained it was the perfect place to snuggle up with someone you love. Erik and I had stayed there many times in the past on a short getaway; I felt happy to be there.


We parked the car and began to get out. Mike and Sonja came out to greet us. There were hugs and kisses all around. We all walked toward the house together, talking and laughing. I was feeling a little uncomfortable, thinking that everyone knew that my presence there was to make love to my best friend's husband so that my husband could watch. I have to admit, even as self-assured as I am, this was starting to give me pause. I would just need to continue to reassure myself that this was going to be a good thing. I was going to do something that would please my husband. That is all that I wanted.


After dinner, we all went into the living room. Sonja put some music on to play, Mike fixed drinks for everyone and we talked. We were telling jokes and laughing a lot, I was starting to feel the comfort of the alcohol and my body was beginning to relax. A really beautiful song came on and the next thing I knew, Mike was beside me asking me to dance. I stood up and he opened his arms for me to take his hand. We began to dance slowly in the middle of the room. Within moments I was so comfortable with this that I was not giving much thought to anyone else in the room with us. He pulled me in closer to him and began to kiss my neck. My instincts were to pull back, but I realized what was happening and I ignored those instincts. Instead, I looked up into his face and smiled warmly. He leaned down and kissed me very softly on the mouth. He pulled his face back up slightly, looked at me to be sure I was okay with this, and then he kissed me again. The second kiss was hard and long. His tongue teased my tongue and went completely throughout my mouth like its mission was to know this area of my body and burn it to his memory.


I don't know when we stopped dancing. I felt Mike begin to unbutton my shirt, then slip it over my shoulders and let it fall to the floor. I was standing in front of him bare breasted. My nipples were so hard and standing at attention like little soldiers waiting for orders. I still did not particularly feel strange. It felt okay. Was it because Erik was in the room and was not objecting? I didn't know the answer to this, but at the moment I did not give it more than a fleeting thought.



Mike continued to undress me. He unsnapped and unzipped my jeans. He slid them over my hips and down my legs. I stepped out of them. Now I was standing before this man completely naked. He took my hand and led me to the sofa. I glanced around the room and saw Erik sitting in a chair across the room watching. The look on his face was one of amazement. I did not see Sonja and that had me a bit worried.


I lay down on the sofa waiting for Mike to lead me. He was slipping out of his clothes when I saw Sonja walk up in front of him. She was not wearing anything. She was so beautiful in her nudity. She knelt to her knees and pulled Mike's erect cock to her mouth. I watched as if in a trance. Sonja tickled the head of his cock with her tongue, then placed her lips around it and began to suck. She moved it slowly down into her mouth, sucking steadily until his cock was completely in her mouth. Then Mike began to gently rock his hips forward and backward, fucking her in the mouth. He looked downward into his wife's eyes with such a passionate look. They continued in this way for only moments when he stopped and Sonja let his cock slip from her mouth and stood up. She disappeared from my sight as Mike moved to the sofa and sat down at the end below my bent knees.


I watched as Mike took my knees and spread them wide apart. He then took his hand and placed his entire palm over my pussy, where he allowed it to rest. I could feel the heat from his hand. Suddenly, I wanted him. I needed him to touch me somewhere, but he continued to just rest his palm over my pussy. It was an incredible and wonderful tease.

BOOK: Husband's Request - Demanding Erotica/Hardcore M/f Seduction
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