Read I Dare You Online

Authors: Desiree Holt

I Dare You (4 page)

BOOK: I Dare You
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She had to try twice before she could finally get the words out.

“Ohmigod. Michael?
Cock Robin?”


I Dare You

Chapter Three

He just stood in the doorway with his lopsided smile that still made her heart race.

But what was he doing here? How had all this happened?

“Misty, I presume?” His grin widened and his hand reached out to clasp gently over her elbow, tugging her inside. “Come on in, sugar. Have you enjoyed your little treasure hunt?”

Shannon wobbled into the cabin on legs that could have been made of rubber. She’d been prepared for a stranger yet here was Michael! The man who had simply walked out of her life.

“I-I don’t understand.”

“You will. Come sit down.”

Still trying to steady herself and absorb the shock of what was happening, she pulled her cell phone from her pocket, said, “It’s okay. You’re done for the night,” and disconnected. Marti, who had cursed Michael until a fly wouldn’t light on him, would be furious but there was no physical threat from Michael, her life was not in danger and Marti didn’t need to come to this party.

Michael raised his eyebrows. “You had Marti on an open line?”

Shannon shrugged. “I had no idea who you were. Smart women have failsafes.”

“And you are definitely a smart woman.” He brushed a kiss across her mouth then guided her to a big chair in front of the fireplace and eased her into it.

“But you still took a chance. If I didn’t know you already, as a good Dom I would have asked you to meet me first in a public place, then later taken you to the cabin. But I did it this way because, whatever was happening to our relationship, we did know and 27

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trust each other. I was hoping I’d managed to make you believe that you would be safe with me.

“The fireplace is electric,” he told her, “and really doesn’t throw much heat. But I turned on the air conditioning unit so I could use it.” He winked at her. “More romantic, don’t you think?”

“Romantic? Mike, I haven’t heard from you in days—make that weeks—and you set up a romantic evening? What’s going on? And how did you know I was Misty?”

He pulled a bottle of wine from an ice bucket near the chair, filled a crystal flute and handed it to her. “Here, sugar. Sip on this while I answer your questions.”

Shannon wanted to gulp the wine as shaky as she was, but she made herself drink slowly. “And what’s the treasure? Is it you?”

“Would that disappoint you?” he asked with a wry grin.

“No. Oh no, not at all.”

I can’t believe I did all those things with him over the computer, thinking he was a stranger.

And now, slut that I’ve become, I want to do them and more with him in person. If that’s the
treasure… Oh hell, I’m so hot I might come just from what I’m thinking.

“Good. But I’m only part of it. The rest will be here later.”

Her eyes never left him as he sat down on a big hassock next to her and took her free hand in his.

“There are things about myself I’ve never told you,” he began. “Especially where it concerns sex, but it spills over into the rest of my life too.”

“Like what?”

“A few years ago I realized my sex life wasn’t doing it for me. It was little more than exercise. A friend took me to a very private club where people could learn the BDSM lifestyle and practice it outside their homes. The first night there I realized this was what I was.”

“A Dom.”


I Dare You

He nodded. “But a very strong one. In all facets of my life. I spent time with different women at the club but then you came along and…things kind of went to hell.”

“But why?” she asked. “Why didn’t you tell me straight-out?”

“Shannon, you are every man’s wet dream, but I knew—no, I sensed—this might be more than you could handle. The more I was with you, the more I wanted you to be my sub, but the more certain I became you’d turn away from me. After a while it became too much for me to hold in.” He rested his forearms on his thighs and leaned forward.

“One night when I was at your place and couldn’t sleep, I wandered into the kitchen for a beer. I saw your laptop on in the den and couldn’t resist taking a look. Sorry.”

Shannon felt heat climb up her cheeks. “You saw the websites I was on.”

“Yes. Shocked the hell out of me that you would be inquisitive about such erotic things but it got me thinking.”

“Why didn’t you just ask me about it?” she wanted to know, taking another sip of wine.

“We were barely speaking at that point. Besides, I still didn’t know how you’d react to the whole Dom/sub thing. And for me, Shannon, it’s all or nothing. I like my sex dominant and rough, but I also want to care for my sub in every facet of her life. For many women it becomes suffocating rather than a pleasure. I didn’t know how to show you the difference.”

“But you didn’t give me any choice,” she cried. “I had a right to have a say too.”

“Yes, and I apologize for that. I was wrong. But I was getting in over my head and was afraid to let you see the truth. Your foray into the internet gave me an idea.”

“So you set up our meeting in the chat room and then sent me a private IM.”

“And here we are.” His thumb brushed back and forth across her knuckles. “Please tell me you’re not angry. I want this with you very much. This and more.”

Shannon dropped her eyes to her lap. “Ménage.”


Desiree Holt

“But only if you agree.” His voice softened. “It can bring us both incredible pleasure if you’re into it. More than you can imagine. Two cocks fucking you at the same time.

One man fucking you in the ass while the other sucks your cunt. And the power you’ll hold, knowing you hold the pleasure of two men in your hands.”

She lifted her gaze and looked around. “I don’t see anyone else here.”

“Not yet. I wanted us to have some time alone together first. You know it isn’t just the sharing that’s important. Displaying your pleasure for others to see only increases my own enjoyment. There are times I
people to see me fuck you. To see your orgasm. Something else for you to think about in this relationship.”

“I know. I read about it on some of the websites.”

“So. Do we take this further? You’re free to walk out of here any time you want.”

She was sure she should have taken more time to think about her answer but it just popped out of her mouth. “I want to stay. I want this with

He let out a breath. “All right then.” He opened her coat wide, exposing her body to him. Fingers pinched her swollen nipples before he bent to lick each one with his tongue. “Magnificent. I always loved your breasts and dreamed of seeing them so swollen from clamps like these that they looked like overripe berries.” When he bit each one gently, Shannon couldn‘t keep herself from crying out. “But there is pleasure in the pain, isn’t there, sugar?”

His eyes when he looked at her were dark with passion.

“Well, Shannon? Answer me. Do you enjoy the pain? Does it give you a rush?”

She nodded once. “Y-yes, I, do.”

“Yes, who? You will address me as Master.”

She wet her lips. “Y-yes, Master.”

“He took the wineglass from her and set it aside, held both of her hands and leaned closer. “Shannon, I want to be your master. I want you to feel comfortable with the things I want to do to you. With you. I want to teach you how great the pleasure in 30

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submission can be. The fact you’re here, that you’ve done everything I’ve told you to, makes me believe this will work. Am I right?”

“Yes.” The word was barely a whisper.

He was right. She’d done it all—shaving her cunt, masturbating and describing it to him, all the orders she’d followed tonight. She was aware of how the clamps distended her nipples and the pain from the pressure and his teeth that was more pleasure than anything else. And she realized something else. She loved Mike and she wasn’t afraid of him. She wanted to share this with him. She was so glad it was him and not some stranger.

“Then let us begin. Stand up,” he ordered, rising himself.

Shannon stood facing him.

“Take off the coat and stand with your legs apart, shoulder width. You will always stand that way when we are in our roles, understood?

“Yes, Master.” She knew the lingo very well from the websites but she was surprised at how easily she said it.

She unfastened the wide buckle, opened the coat and tossed it to the chair. Mike reached into his pants pocket and suddenly the butterfly began doing its dance. Her legs shook as the vibrations raced through her clit into her pussy. She knew her inner thighs were already wet with her moisture and she was sure they were getting wetter now. She bit her lip, trying not to topple over from the sensations.

Mike pulled his hand out of his pocket and showed her the little cell phone he was holding. “Did this make your ride more exciting?”

“Ohmigod,” she gasped. “Exciting isn’t the word for it. How did you do that?”

He grinned. “Technology. The butterfly has a tiny chip embedded in it. When I press the speed dial for it, the butterfly automatically begins to flutter on your sweet little clit.” He cupped her chin and tilted it toward him. “I’m giving the orders now, sweet Shannon. Do you understand that? Are you ready for this?”


Desiree Holt

This was it. She’d finally discovered what she wanted in a relationship. Mike had been smart enough to realize she had to find it out for herself. Now he was offering it to her. Time to make up her mind. In or out. Forward or…nowhere.

Shannon swallowed and nodded her head.

“I need to hear you say the words,” Mike said.

She knew what he needed her to say. The websites had been very explicit. “Y-yes, Master.”

“Good. Here’s your first command. From now on when we go out, you’ll wear this.

I want to be able to stimulate your clit no matter where we are. You will not give anything away and you will not come, understood?”

“Yes.” She wet her lips. “Understood.”

“Before we go any further, I want you to pick a safe word. You know what that is.”

Shannon knew that in any good Dom/sub relationship a safe word was necessary. The sub had to know he or she was always protected, that their welfare was important to their Master.

“Sunflower.” Now why did she blurt that out, of all words?

A tiny grin tilted one corner of Mike’s lips. “Sunflower it is.” Then the grin was gone. “But you were very naughty to conceal what you did from me, sugar. Not to talk to me about it. I believe that deserves some punishment, don’t you?”

“Y-yes, Master.” A tiny shiver raced over her body.

“I’m going to sit down. Come and place yourself across my knees in the appropriate position.”

He sat in a straight chair across from the one she’d been sitting in and motioned for her to move. Shannon arranged herself across his lap, her ass tilted in the air.

“Hands behind your back, fingers locked. And don’t move them.”

His voice was deeper now than usual, rough with the edge of lust. Shannon could feel the thickness of his cock pressing into her side through the fabric of his pants.


I Dare You

As soon as he was satisfied with her position, a hand caressed her buttocks, gliding gently over the round globes.

“You have a gorgeous ass, sugar. I don’t think I told you often enough.” Fingers trailed into the cleft, the tip of one pausing at the tight muscle of her anus. “I’m going to take you here, Shannon. I would have done it long ago if you’d given me any indication you weren’t afraid of it. But rest assured, I’m going to fuck this ass until you scream with pleasure. Until you beg for my cock again and again.”

Without warning he lifted his hand and a stinging slap landed on one cheek of her ass. Shannon bit her lip and swallowed a yelp. She clenched her fingers together tighter where her hands rested at the small of her back. Heat spread from the point of contact, a not unpleasant feeling. Then a slap landed on the other cheek and soon Mike was raining slaps on her, warming the flesh, the sensations spreading down to her pussy and her thighs.

The spanking stopped as suddenly as it started and a finger traced the line through the cleft down to her pussy.

“Wet.” Mike’s voice was rich with satisfaction. “Dripping in fact. Good. That’s what I want. Let’s add a little something to it.”

The butterfly began to buzz lightly on her clit and the spanking resumed. Shannon was assaulted by sensations from every direction. Her clit throbbed, the walls of her cunt fluttered with expectancy and streaks of heat jolted to every part of her body. She felt tears running down her cheeks, shocked to realize they were tears of pleasure because the effect on her body was so intense.

Mike’s arm moved and in a moment soft linen caressed her cheeks, wiping away the dampness. ”I hope these are good tears.”

“Yes, Master.” She managed to get the words out even though her pulses were racing like a runaway car and her heart was thudding in her chest.


Desiree Holt

“Good. Very good.” His palm drifted over the globes of her ass. “You took your punishment with more enjoyment that I could have hoped for. I can hardly wait to use the flogger on your smooth skin.”

Shannon heard an indrawn breath and the outline of his cock pressing against the side of her thigh grew larger.

Lifting her from her position on his lap, he stood her on her feet, hands still behind her back and reached out to pinch the tips of her nipples lightly. She would never have believed the streaks of pain would give her such intense pleasure. And when he leaned forward and licked the tip of each one, she had all she could do to control herself.

“Now,” he said, palming her breasts, “the next thing for you to remember is you must never come until I tell you. Is that understood?”

Shannon gritted her teeth, knowing a climax roiled just beneath the surface and nodded.

“I didn’t hear you,” Mike said, pinching a nipple.

BOOK: I Dare You
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