Read I Was Fated to Love You Online

Authors: Abigail Barnabas

I Was Fated to Love You (7 page)

BOOK: I Was Fated to Love You
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more, Abby…eat more”

dinner, Darren and his grandmother had gone out to meet an old friend whereas
Abby helped to sort out some magazines at the first level. She saw a packet of
cat food on the floor and thought Little Prissy might be hungry. Just as when
she was about to find Little Prissy, Abby realized that Little Prissy,
Tiffany’s beloved cat, was nowhere to be found. She searched every nook and
cranny for the cat but it had virtually disappeared.

gripped Abby. Darren would be furious if he found out that Little Prissy had
ran out of the door but it wasn’t Abby’s fault that he had forgotten to shut
the door. Still, Abby felt responsible for it, and she hurriedly rushed out of
the house, locked it, and then roamed the streets for the missing cat, shouting
“ Little Prissy! Little Prissy!”

had just had supper with a bunch of ex-classmates when he saw Abby at the
corner of the street. He waved excitedly to Abby, then he realized that she looked
kind of worried. He ran towards her.

is wrong, Abby?”

Prissy… our house cat.. it is missing…”

did it go missing?”

ran out I think.. because Darren had forgotten to shut the door…”

let’s search for it. I will help you”


Matthew and Abby began searching for the missing cat together. They made sure
to check every street and ask random passer-bys whether anyone had seen their
white Persian cat. After a dejecting find, Matthew drove Abby back home. Abby
was almost close to tears. She thought, poor Little Prissy is out somewhere.
That was when Matthew saw something moving in the bushes near that estate. He
moved closer and there was Little Prissy! She was licking her fur and gave a
soft purr when she saw Abby. Little Prissy ran towards Abby who lifted her into
her arms.

There you are.. Little Prissy! I missed you”

Abby cuddled with the cat and a beam
slowly lit up on her face. Matthew looked at Abby intently. Her kindness had
moved him and he suddenly realized that she was so beautiful when she smiled.

Darren had just returned home and when he
stepped out of his BMW, he saw the look that Matthew had on his face, and a
wave of annoyance hit him. Without any hesitation, Darren walked hurriedly
towards the pair and placed his arm around Abby. Abby was so shocked that she
nearly jumped.

are you two together here?”

asked, with a look of suspicion.

I bumped into Abby on the streets and we looked for Little Prissy together
because you had forgotten to shut the door when you left. Please take care of
your wife and your cat. Bye Abby”

smiled at Abby, before he walked away.

eyed at Abby, who stared at Darren.


was confused. Why did he have that look on his face?
“Nothing. Just glad that Little Prissy is back. Off you go. Back to the house”

carried the cat into their estate.

Where is Grandma?”

She isn’t back yet. She will come back later”


can I have a word with you in my room?”

shifted around and nodded. What was he going to tell her?





the room, Darren took off his tie and without any warning, he pinned Abby onto
the wall with much force. Abby shut her eyes and she gave a loud ‘Ouch’!

Remember that you are my wife in name. So you can’t be seen with other men. Do
you understand me?”

he let her go and waited for her reply


then went to the bathroom where he had his shower. Abby could hear him singing
in the shower, to the song ‘More than Words’.

The next day, Darren and Abby realized
that Grandma had arranged for them to attend a baby care session. They would
learn how to care for a newborn such as how to feed the baby, bathe the baby
and change the baby.

“Is it really necessary?”

frowned. He felt like a personal maid for Abby where he had to follow her
everywhere she went.

it is! It is a class for couples! So both of you have to attend it together”

Abby looked at Darren with an expecting
look and he looked away from her. Then, he took her by the wrist and led her
out of the house.

felt butterflies because he had never held her that way before. Darren didn’t
know why he had done that, but he let go off his grip on her. He felt a strange

Class will commence! First, you will be learning how to feed the baby…”

Darren proved to be a clumsy father,
dropping the milk bottle and the model baby.

The father in the blue shirt, please be careful!”

instructor said and Abby chuckled.

What is so funny?”

gave a pout. He wanted to prove that he could be less clumsy!

heart melted as she saw how hard he had tried into bathing the model baby. He
suddenly looked so mesmerizing and so manly when he was hard at work.

and Abby met up with Abby’s sister Linda after work, to send her to the nearby
port where she would be meeting her husband there. The drive meant that there
would be passing by the rural countryside, witnessing lots of greenery.

The drive was pierced by a loud screech
as the car came to a standstill.

I think the car has broken down!

got out of the car and went to examine it.

could not believe her luck. Her husband would be waiting for her for ages.

she let out a shriek as she saw a pool of water at her seat.

I think my waterbag has burst! OH NO!”

rushed forward and he scratched his head in frustration.


Okay.. don’t worry.. I went for a course on natural birth before..I can help
you deliver it, Linda.. don’t worry…”

Abby grabbed onto Linda’s hand and
positioned her properly to aid in the childbearing process. Beads of
perspiration had formed on her forehead and she was now clenching onto Abby’s
hand tightly.

Abby.. I am scared….”

worry, Linda. Okay, now give a hard push!”

grimaced as she gave a hard push and she looked and her face had turned pale

Darren yelled as he knelt beside Abby and looked on helplessly. That boy was
always so adorable when he was helpless.

Linda! You can do it! 1..2..3.. PUSSSSSSSSH!”

went on for what seemed like eternity and finally, the baby’s head had emerged.

The baby’s head is out! Now all you need is one final push! PUSSSSSSSH!”

took a deep breath and with all her might, she gave one final push.

baby slipped out effortlessly and glided into Abby’s hands.

have a spare towel and a scissors in the car!”

exclaimed, excited about the birth of a newborn and also excited that he was
finally of some help. Abby told him to cut the umbilical cord and he passed the
towel to Abby who wiped the baby who was covered in blood.

He’s a little boy”


was so exhausted that she lay down and panted heavily. Darren cradled the baby
and for once, he had felt that it was the closest experience to enjoying
fatherfood. Something in Darren had changed. He was beginning to enjoy being a

Chapter 13

Meteor Shower


A week later, Darren had received invitations to watch the yearly meteor
shower and he decided to bring Abby along, since he had no one to go with. Abby
was so excited for it, as it was the first time that Darren had initiated any
outing with her. It had came across as a rather big surprise for Abby since he
seemed rather nonchalant most of the time.

It appeared that there were
many other couples at the gathering. He lay a mat and they begun waiting for
the first meteor. After what seemed like ages, the first meteor arrived and it
shot across the sky.

The moment seemed magical,
almost inexplicable. It was the most romantic thing to do, to watch a meteor
shower with someone you love. He had been so happy. He didn’t know why, since
he thought he didn’t love Abby. Abby was so excited! She had never seen a
meteor shower before.

Abby put her hands together
and made a silent wish.

Darren chuckled when he saw

“So what wish did you make?”

“I can’t tell you, otherwise it won’t come through.”

He smirked as he gave her a light poke.

She burst into a fit of laughter as she tried to move away from him.

“ Okay..okay.. I will tell you.. I wish that the baby and you will be
happy forever…”

Darren froze. Then, he

He looked at her, and he started stroking her hair.

Abby froze. He had never
been so affectionate before. She turned around to face him, staring at him with
widened eyes.

Their faces had been of such close proximity, and he gave a light peck
on her lips...

Abby flushed instantly. So did Darren who looked away.

Abby was so shy that she jerked, and spilled her drink
and it landed on Darren’s pants. She nearly died and quickly grabbed a
serviette to rub it away when she accidentally touched his crotch.

He blinked and then he
realized he had gone hard. There was a pulsing and throbbing sensation.

The night ended soon
thereafter and the couple went back to the car, both not uttering a word, as
they lay side by side on the bed, with a feeling of awkwardness.


The next day, Darren joined
Abby at the cafeteria in their workplace for lunch. He smiled and she flushed,
as she was still caught up with what happened last night.

“ You have sauce all over
your face, Abby.”

“ Huh really??”

Darren grabbed a tissue and helped wipe it off her.

Abby looked around nervously.

“ Will you be free for a movie later?”

He asked.

She blinked and nearly spat out her food. It was so comical that it
startled Darren.

It was a
thriller and Darren was fond of thrillers. He held a large popcorn in his hand
whereas Abby was covering her eyes, looking like a frightened cat. He handed
the popcorn over to her, asking if she wanted some. She took a bite, and
proceeded back to covering her eyes.

She was so cute, he thought.

After the movie, Darren was
hungry and he asked if Abby wanted to go for supper at a famous dessert place.
Abby complied.

He bought the house dessert
for her- Tiramisu with strawberries, and she was so moved by his gesture. Today
had felt like a date to her. Their first date. She was slightly overwhelmed.

“ Don’t look so moved that you cry”

He chuckled.

“What do you want for your birthday?”

She asked him.

Darren was taken aback by the question.

“Hmm.. I want someone to dress in a bear mascot and surprise me…just
joking.. I don’t really know what I want…”

Abby nodded.


He asked.

“Ohhh nothing much!”

Abby beamed and she continued eating her dessert.

Darren looked at her, with a look of curiosity, wondering what she’s up
to this time.




Chapter 14



2 weeks later, it had been Darren’s birthday. Tiffany
had called him the night before to inform him that she would be flying back. He
suddenly recalled that he still had Tiffany, and felt guilty that he had not
missed her as much as before. He also wondered how he was going to cover up his
marriage with Abby.

BOOK: I Was Fated to Love You
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