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Authors: Deirdre Martin

Tags: #Women lawyers, #Contemporary, #Legal, #General, #Romance, #Hockey players, #Fiction


BOOK: Icebreaker
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Table of Contents
Praise for the novels of Deirdre Martin
Straight Up
“Delightful and filled with Irish charm and dialogue . . . An excellent novel.”
—The Romance Readers Connection

Straight Up
successfully weaves the perils of falling in love amongst the realities of life. Liam and Aislinn’s relationship will tangle your heart with emotions!”
—A Romance Review
“Ms. Martin writes stories about real people in real relationships, which is refreshing in a world of fantastical plot setups and contrived conflicts.”
—All About Romance
“Deirdre Martin brings readers to the rural countryside of Ireland for an entertaining, jovial read that’s sure to please.”
—Romance Reviews Today

Straight Up
rebounds with energy, Irish humor, a little melancholy, but also plenty of love and happiness. Aislinn and Liam take a chance on love and it pays off in spades.”
—Romance Junkies
“Deirdre Martin provides an amusing tale of love.”
—Genre Go Round Reviews
With a Twist
“Deirdre Martin, in expected fashion, [writes] another award-winning story of opposites attracting . . . I loved the book and highly recommend it to anyone.”
—The Romance Studio
“Deirdre Martin provides a fun contemporary restaurant romance . . . Fans will enjoy Quinn’s efforts with the support of both their families to win the heart of the sophisticated snob he loves.”
—Genre Go Round Reviews
“Natalie and Quinn are excellently written as total opposites who are helpless against the attraction between them . . . A first-class contemporary romance; I give it a very high recommendation.”
—Romance Junkies
“A wonderfully delightful story that has all the romance and drama any reader could want . . . This book should top everyone’s must-read list for the summer.”
—Eye on Romance
“Funny, energetic, and loads of fun,
With a Twist
is a tale readers shouldn’t miss . . . Once you start reading
With a Twist
, you won’t want to put it down.”
—Romance Reviews Today
Power Play
“A wickedly fun and steamy hot contemporary romance . . . [I] could not put it down . . .
Power Play
is a definite keeper.”
—Romance Junkies
“A sheer delight from the first page till the last . . . Contemporary romance doesn’t get much better than this.”
—All About Romance
“This is a book you won’t want to put down.”
—The Romance Studio
“Deirdre Martin has another hit on her hands.”
—Romance Reader at Heart
“Sparkling banter and a couple with red-hot chemistry . . . [If you] enjoy a funny, hot romance that sizzles, then you won’t go wrong with
Power Play
—Romance Reviews Today
Just a Taste
“Another victory for Martin.”
“Be prepared to get a little hungry . . . Pick up
Just a Taste
for a tempting read you won’t want to put down.”
—Romance Reviews Today
Chasing Stanley
“Martin has a way of bringing her dissimilar characters together that rings true, and fans and curious new readers won’t want to miss her latest hockey-themed romance.”
The Penalty Box
“[Martin] can touch the heart and the funny bone.”
—Romance Junkies
“Martin scores another goal with another witty, emotionally true-to-life, and charming hockey romance.”
“Fun, fast rink-side contemporary romance . . . Martin scores.”
—Publishers Weekly
“Ms. Martin always delivers heat and romance, with a very strong conflict to keep the reader engaged.”
—Contemporary Romance Writers
Total Rush
“Deirdre Martin is the reason I read romance novels.”
—The Best Reviews
“Martin’s inventive take on opposites attracting is funny and poignant.”
“A heartwarming story of passion, acceptance, and most importantly, love, this book is definitely a
Total Rush
—Romance Reviews Today
Fair Play
“Martin depicts the worlds of both professional hockey and ethnic Brooklyn with deftness and smart detail. She has an unerring eye for humorous family dynamics.”
—Publishers Weekly
“Makes you feel like you’re flying.”
Body Check
“One of the best first novels I have read in a long time.”
—All About Romance
(Desert Isle Keeper)
“Deirdre Martin aims for the net and scores.”
—The Romance Reader
Titles by Deirdre Martin
(with Julia London, Annette Blair, and Geri Buckley)
(with Lori Foster, Jacquie D’Alessandro, and Penny McCall)
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.
BOOK: Icebreaker
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