Read If I Told You Online

Authors: Jennifer Domenico

Tags: #Romance

If I Told You (7 page)

BOOK: If I Told You
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After I dress in my workout clothes, I walk out to the living room. Flynn is already sitting on the couch, hunched over his laptop. Leaning against the wall, I take a moment to admire his features. His light brown wavy hair is still messy, but it’ll be styled soon enough. He transforms from casual guy wearing his jeans and t-shirt to the handsome, accomplished chef in his dress clothes and perfect hair. I like him better like this though. When he’s just Flynn.

Catching me, he turns in my direction. “Hey, Brooks. Whatcha doing?”

“Nothing. You?”

He pats the seat next to him. “Come here.”

I walk over and sit next to him on the couch. “What’s up?”

“Listen, about earlier, I, um… I don’t know what I’m trying to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything. If I was a guy roommate we’d just laugh it off, right?”


“So pretend I’m a guy.”

Flynn smiles. “I wish I could sometimes.”

“What does that mean?”

“We talked about it last night. You know I think you’re hot. Every man does.” He shakes his head. “Sometimes it’s hard to separate what this thing,” he motions to his dick, “thinks when you’re around versus how I think.” He taps his temple. “I’m just a man, Brooks.”

“So it was about me?”

“Did you see what you were wearing? I could see your tits.”

“You’ve seen them before.”

“Not like that. I’m sorry you saw that. I should’ve gone to my room.”

“It’s okay. I hope you’re not mad I touched you. I guess I got carried away, too.”

“Nah, I’m not mad. It was just a moment thing.”

“Yeah. Not gonna lie though, it was amazing to watch you.”

Flynn smiles. “Was it?”

“Mm hmm. I mean, I’ve heard it before, but seeing is different.” I smile. “Have you ever heard me?”

“A few times.” He looks down then back at me. “I watched you once. I didn’t see anything, really. It was dark and you were covered in blankets, but your door was open, and I came in late and there you were.”

“You watched?”

He nods. “And participated.”

A grin spreads across my lips. “Really? That’s pretty hot, Flynn.”

“It was.” He chuckles. “We shouldn’t be talking like this.”

“Why are we?”

Shrugging, he answers. “Maybe I’m just horny.”

“Well then we should both get ourselves fucked before we end up in each other’s bedrooms.” I rub his arm. “That’s not what we want, right?” Flynn gazes in my eyes for a moment, but doesn’t answer me. “Right, Flynn?”

“Right, Brooks.” He leans forward and kisses my cheek. “I’ll see you later tonight.”


He stands, waving as he disappears in his bedroom. Sitting on the couch, I look outside for a moment. Maybe I will go to the studio after all. I suddenly have a lot of excess energy I need to burn off.


Sitting at my desk at work, I dig through my pile of mail. I need a better system for keeping this shit sorted. My phone rings, surprising me.

“Flynn’s,” I answer.

“Is this Chef Flynn?”

“It is. How can I help you?”

“This is Rhys Camden.”

I sit up straight. “Oh, uh, hi. What can I do for you?”

“Well, I was hoping you could help me. My own research has turned up empty.”

“Sure. What do you need?”

“Brooklyn’s phone number.”

His request hits me with the the force of smacking into a wall. “Uh, she didn’t give it to you?”

“I neglected to ask for it. I tried looking her up, but it seems she isn’t listed, and when I called her studio, the phone just rang.”

I nod, knowing he asked and she didn’t give it to him.

“I’ll need to call her and make sure it’s okay.”

“I’d really prefer you didn’t,” Rhys says. “Couldn’t we just keep this between us? I’d like to surprise her if I can. If she’s mad, I’ll take all the blame. I bet she’s something else when she’s mad.”

“Uh, yeah.” I think about it for a minute. I don’t know what to do. Actually, yes I do. Brooklyn wanted him to work for it and apparently he did. “You know what, I’ll give it to you, but if she’s pissed, you’re on your own.”

Rhys chuckles. “Fair enough.” I provide the number to him, confirming when he reads it back. “Thank you. I really appreciate your help.”

“No problem. Thanks again for choosing Flynn’s to review.”

“My pleasure. Really, it was. Company aside, the meal was spectacular. It’s always a joy to discover a new place and help others find it as well.”

“Thank you.”

“I’ve taken enough of your time. Have a good day.”

“You too, Rhys.”

I hang up and text Brooklyn to warn her that he’ll probably call soon. She might be mad, but I doubt it. She wants him, even if she’s playing hard to get. At this point, I need her to hook up with him so all this sexual tension between us can subside. At least on her part. Nothing can help me. I’m always horny for her.


As I walk down the street on my way to my studio, my phone buzzes in my pocket. I pull it out and look at the unrecognized number for a brief moment before deciding to answer.

“This is Brooklyn.”

“Good morning,” the male voice says, and I immediately recognize it.

“How did you get my number?”

“Did you doubt I would?”

“I’m unlisted.”

“Perhaps I’m more resourceful than you gave me credit for.”

“Obviously. What can I do for you?”

“Well, I know it’s short notice, but I was wondering if you’d be my date tonight? It’s a rare Saturday night off, and I thought we could spend some time together and get to know each other better.”

My eyes shift up to the cloud covered sky as I recall his spectacular features. I want to be a smart ass and tell him no, but I’d really like to see him again, without Flynn lingering nearby. “You don’t think I already have plans?”

“How would I know if I don’t ask?” We’re both silent for a moment. “Give me a chance, Brooklyn. I won’t disappoint you.”

“I guess since you went to the trouble of hunting me down.”

“You’ll go?”


“Excellent. What time can I pick you up?”

“Whatever works for you.”

“How about eight?”

“That’s fine.” I give him my address.

“Great. I’ll work on a reservation for us. Somewhere quiet where I can focus on you.”

I smile, listening to his words. “Sounds good.”

“See you tonight.”


Hanging up my phone, I continue my walk, then notice the text message from Flynn.

Rhys called. I gave him your number. Hope that’s cool.

My eyes open wide as I read it. Rhys called Flynn to get my info? That’s classic. I respond.

Not mad. He already called. Tell u more later.


When I reach my destination, I pop inside to see a surprised Jill.

“Hey, girlie,” she says. “Thought you were taking the day off?”

“I am. I came to work out. I just have a ton of energy.”

“Anything going on?”

I lean on the counter. “Not really.” I look down for a moment, then back up again. “Actually, do you know who Rhys Camden is?”


“He’s a food critic. Like the biggest one in the city. He reviewed Flynn’s last night.”

“Oh really? How’d it go?”

“Great. He loved it. I guess he’s interested in me.”

“Cool. Is he good looking?” I pull out my phone and produce a picture of him. Jill’s eyes open wide. “Holy shit.”

“I know, right? He’s even better in real life if you can believe it.”

“Wow. So what happened?”

“He asked me to eat with him last night so I did. Then he called a few minutes ago to ask me out for tonight.”

“That’s awesome. He’s hot.”

“I know.”

“Why don’t you seem excited?”

“I am. I guess, I don’t know, it almost feels like a conflict of interest.”

“Why? You don’t own Flynn’s.”

“No, but Flynn’s my best friend, you know?”

“Yeah, but the review is done, right?”

I nod. “Yeah, I think so.”

“So it should be okay now.” She looks down at the phone again. “Besides, this guy is hot. If he wanted to go out with me, nothing could stop me.”

I laugh softly. “Yeah, he’s hot. He’s intense and arrogant, shit that totally gets me going. I don’t know why I love the cocky bastards, but I do.”

“I have a theory.”

“Hit me.”

“You have a strong personality. Not every man is capable of handling a woman like you. You don’t need his money, you don’t need his name, you don’t need anything but his penis, and as pretty as you are, you can get it from anyone. It’s an interesting position of power you hold. A lot of men can’t stand up to that. The cocky ones at least give it a shot.”

I smile. “Maybe that’s it.”

“What did Flynn think?”


“Hot food critic asking you to eat with him?”

“I don’t know. He seemed okay with it. Why wouldn’t he be?”

BOOK: If I Told You
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