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Authors: Lynn Davis

In My Dreams

BOOK: In My Dreams
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Lynn Davis



In My Dreams










Davis Vale Publishing


United States of America




Cover By: Lydia Chai Yee Xuan

Edited By: Mike



© 2013 by Davis Vale Publishers.

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Table of Contents


Table of Contents


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

About the Author

Also by Lynn Davis


wanted something exciting in her life. She was tired of the run of the mill. Her life just seemed to be very ordinary and uneventful. Having just broken up with the love of her life, Gary, she was ready to explore a new journey.

He had liked to keep things neat and orderly. She wanted to do something wild and out of character. They would wake up and shower together, with no hanky
panky. Then they ate breakfast normally, splitting a grapefruit, toast with no butter, and coffee. He would read the paper while she synchronized their calendars. Off to work they would go, talking mid-morning via email or a short phone call. Lunch was on their own unless it was an anniversary or birthday. Once they returned home, it would be dinner and small talk about their day. They would watch TV, and each had their night to control the remote then about 9:30 it was lights out. There might be some lovemaking, but shortly before they broke up, she had begun to pleasure herself in the bathroom before joining him in bed.

To some
, she should be grateful for her life. Gary never stepped out of line. He never hit her, made her cry or had an affair. Her friends told her often how she had a good man. Destiny never doubted that Gary was a good man. She just wondered if she was living the best life she could. She had desires. She had dreams. No matter how she tried to quiet them, they were there, and in the middle of the night, they called to her.

Destiny finally told Gary that she needed and wanted more, it was no surprise to him. He packed his bags and left her apartment and her life without even glancing backwards once. Now it had been six months, and she was ready for some flavor.

She joined Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn because everyone at the office seemed to be on one or the other, if not all. She thought it might be an interesting way to be reintroduced to the dating scene. She even joined a few dating sites but
didn’t check them regularly enough really to see the benefit. She was itching to be back in the saddle and learn a few new tricks along the way.

Her body ached to be touched, and
Destiny was not going to suppress her sexuality any longer. She was a caterpillar that spun her cocoon, only later to transform into a beautiful butterfly, and now she wanted to spread her wings and fly. She wanted to see what her dreams would feel like in reality. She had to experience them all, one dream at a time, no regrets.

Chapter One

After another six months of a party here and there, and her new date night, which mainly consisted of Destiny treating herself to a movie and sometimes dinner, she was stir crazy. She was ready to experience more.

She came across a posting on Facebook about entering a contest to write an essay regarding
“A Weekend with Your Favorite Celebrity.” It was simple. The instructions were to write what you thought the weekend would consist of, and the best essay would get to make that fantasy come true. Destiny thought,
what the hell.
She opened up a Word document and began to type. Three hours and forty-five minutes later, she had a hot and steamy essay for an evening with her celebrity crush, James Michaels, frontman of Master of the World.

She sent the email with her document attached to the contest email address and inhaled deeply
. Well, now I can say I did something sporadic and didn’t let my logic talk me out of it,
she mused
Destiny felt she had no chance in hell of winning, however, whoever read the essay would have to take a cold shower, just as she was about to do herself.

As she showered, she thought about her essay, filled with erotic thoughts, although she hadn’t experienced many of the things
she wrote about in her life, much to her disappointment; she wanted to, hell, she needed to. She wouldn’t call herself a desperate woman. It was more that she felt sexually unfulfilled. She had men who would call to ask her out and others would approach her, but she was looking for a connection, not a transient hookup. She wanted that

he’s the one

feeling and so far, she had only had it with Gary. Obviously, her meter was a little off. However, she was not ready to give up hope.

Her thoughts continued on how it would feel to have James’
s lips on hers and to feel his hands traveling over her body, touching her in her deep places. She let out a moan as her fingers began to morph into his. She could feel his masculine touch as she tweaked a nipple. She felt her body temperature rising. She tilted her head to one side as the water cascaded down on her exposed neck and she imagined it being his lips planting soft lingering kisses on her.

sighed as she continued to explore her body. She was caught up in the moment, the hot water massaging her body as her mind sailed away. Her hands traveled lower to her stomach, her hips and finally she was at her mound, her fingers eagerly spreading her outer lips to reveal her sweet spot. She allowed her fingers to graze against her clit. She shuttered, and then like a well-oiled machine her fingers went to work.

She propped her left leg on the side of the tub to give her better access, slid a finger into her slickness and found her rhythm as she slid another finger in. Her thumb pressed against her clit rubbing ever so often to add to the pleasure. She was on the verge of her climax
as she kept pushing herself, filling with heat starting deep within her belly and spreading down to her sex. She closed her eyes and let the ecstasy carry her to that place of no return.

She was so close to her pleasure
; just a moment more and she would be soaring in satisfaction. Just as she was about to take the plunge over the cliff, her phone rang.

DAMN IT!” she yelled, as her eyes shot open.

Chapter Two

Two weeks later, she received an email.


You have been selected
as one of the top twenty in “A Weekend with Your Favorite Celebrity.” We are working diligently to make sure that we select the final four participants by Valentine’s Day weekend.
Should you be one of the four, you will hear from us. If not selected, there will be no further communication. Good luck to you and best wishes.

Dana Harper

Marketing Director

Bauer Media Group

Destiny squealed with excitement. She crossed her fingers and whispered a prayer. She hadn’t thought she had a shot, and getting this far was amazing. She really just entered the contest to try out her creative writing skills. Since she was taking a class in creative writing, she had started thinking about writing fiction as a hobby.

This would have been considered her first published work
, since one of the prizes was to have her essay published in
InTouch Weekly
, which was one of the sponsors for the contest. Well, it would be nice to meet James, of course, but what she really wanted was to see her thoughts, fantasies, and words in print.


Chapter Three

’s phone rang. She cursed. She was right in the middle of designing new business cards for her new client. She hated interruptions when she was in the middle of creating history, as she called it. She looked at the caller ID on her cell. It said Bauer Publish, and it was a Los Angeles area code. Her eyes widened. She thought that
it couldn’t be. Could it?

Hello?” she answered breathlessly.

BOOK: In My Dreams
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