Read In the Still of the Night:Sexy Romantic Suspense (Book 2 The Blonde Barracuda's Sizzling Suspense Series) Online

Authors: Taylor Lee

Tags: #Short Story Prequel to “Big Girls Don’t Cry”

In the Still of the Night:Sexy Romantic Suspense (Book 2 The Blonde Barracuda's Sizzling Suspense Series) (8 page)

BOOK: In the Still of the Night:Sexy Romantic Suspense (Book 2 The Blonde Barracuda's Sizzling Suspense Series)
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Jake glowered at him. “Dammit, Brady. Don’t even kid around like that about Lexie. And yeah, I think it is a hell of a good idea that Dalila meets Lexie now before she gets the idea that I’m the same guy she used to know.”

Brady raised an expressive brow. “For your sake, buddy, I wish that
bit hadn’t been in the biblical sense. Dalila seems like the kinda woman who might just rub that in.”

Jake turned at the sound of Dalila’s sultry voice. He heard Brady’s quick intake of air and followed his gaze. Wouldn’t you know that Brady would pick up on the fact that Dalila had opened the top button on her silk blouse—the blouse that was already straining against her memorable breasts? But then, he’d noticed it as well.


Lexie indicated to the maître di that she was meeting someone. Scanning the restaurant she tugged at her cropped t-shirt but it would only go down so far. Likewise tugging at her hip hugger jeans was a lost cause. They were meant to be worn low on her hips and that’s as far up as she could get them. Damn, leave it to a man to say it didn’t matter if she was dressed casually. At least her four inch stiletto boots completed the picture perfectly. If only the picture wasn’t a total mismatch to the professionally dressed lunch crowd.

She realized that the small dark skinned man was speaking to her.

“You are meeting the three gentlemen and the lady, yes?”

Lexie flipped her long sun streaked hair back over her shoulder and shrugged.

“I guess so. I thought it was four men.”

“Very good. Very good. My hostess is just seating them now.” The maître di pointed to the group preparing to sit at the table by the window. Lexie immediately saw Jake and as always, her heart thrummed in response. His tall broad-shouldered physique sent flutters of heat racing to her core. But her excitement was short lived. The shivers turned to shards of ice when she saw the “lady” beside Jake.

It wasn’t so much that she was stunningly beautiful. Long black hair flowed in shiny waves over her shoulders. Even from this distance, her wide eyes sparkled, precisely matching the emerald pendant at her neck. Lexie was sure that little jewel cost as much as her car before she tricked it up. The pendant nestled between the woman’s lush breasts that seemed intent on bursting out of the white silk blouse that was opened one button too many to carry off the professional look. But it was perfectly consistent with the dark green skirt that stopped at least five inches above her knees. All of this was bad enough if this woman was the “colleague” Jake had referred to. But what hit Lexie in the gut was the way the woman was looking at Jake. Her green cat-like eyes were lowered as if she’d just whispered a very soft, very intimate invitation that Jake had to bend low to hear.

Lexie hesitated, then made a decision. She could still leave, if she were quick enough, but her hesitation cost her. At that moment Jake saw her. If she hadn’t been so shocked at the woman who was still gazing up at her man, Lexie would have thrilled at the way Jake’s expression lit when he saw her. He moved toward her and tugged on her elbow then pulled her up close to him. His eyes twinkled as he murmured in her ear.

“Damn, Darlin’. You are the best thing that I’ve seen since I left you four hours ago. Come, Lexie, let me introduce you to our friends.”

Lexie pulled at his arm.

“Jake, I’m… I’m not dressed appropriately. I told you I was in jeans. I feel—”

“Darlin’, don’t be silly. You look beautiful. Ignore these people, honey. They are all little office mice relegated to cubicles in sterile high rise buildings. Be glad you have a job where you can wear what you want and be who you are.” He leaned down and nuzzled her neck. “Which in case you haven’t noticed is a woman who has me rolling on the ground like an eager puppy begging to have his tummy scratched.”

Lexie would have laughed at his crazy Southernism except that she caught the eye of the gorgeous woman who minutes before had been attaching herself to Jake’s leg. The look was so full of venom it shocked Lexie. And damn, she wasn’t easily shocked. But, if the witch had intended to frighten her she chose the wrong tactic. While she’d been schooled by Master Wan never to look for a fight, Lexie never avoided one either. And seeing the way this woman was looking at her and at Jake—a fight was inevitable.

Jake led her over to the table. Brady and the other man leapt to their feet. The chair between the two men was open as was the one beside the woman. Lexie accepted Brady’s kiss on her cheek and prepared to sit beside him. Jake frowned as though just noticing the awkward arrangement of the chairs. Lexie leaned into Brady and sat down in the chair next to him. Seeing Jake’s frown, she gave him an almost imperceptible shake of her head and murmured, “It’s okay, Jake, this way I can keep an eye on you.”

Jake chuckled, his relief at her response apparent. “That’s not necessary, Darlin’, but I do like having clear shot at Brady if he oversteps his boundaries.”

Nodding to the others, he started to introduce them. “Lexie, this is Paul Prentiss and Dalila Minyawi. Paul and Dalila are both agents in the Office of Immigration Enforcement. They’re the folks I told you about. As long as their boss can afford to pay Brady’s and my outrageous fees, we will be working with them on a couple of projects.”

Paul stood staring at Lexie, clearly dumbstruck. When she smiled up at him he flushed to the roots of his reddish blond hair. He seemed to realize that he was still standing when Jake motioned to his chair. In his hurry to sit, he stumbled against the edge of the table tipping his water glass precariously. Without Lexie’s quick catch, he would have dumped it in her lap.

Jake chuckled and nuzzled her ear.

“Good save, Darlin’. Sit down, Paul before you drench this beautiful woman.”

Paul visibly swallowed and muttered his apologies.

Jake laughed as he pushed in Lexie’s chair and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

“No need to apologize, Paul. Lexie has that effect on men.” He looked from Paul to the women at the other side of the table then continued with his introductions.

“Paul, Dalila, I’d like you to meet Alexis Beloi. With her permission you may call her Lexie as we do. Lexie is—”

Before he could continue, Dalila interrupted.

“You must be Anthony’s sister. I was sorry to hear about his death. You look just like him.” She gave Lexie an appraising once over. “I knew Anthony had a younger sister, but I had no idea you were as young as you are. Anthony was your age, wasn’t he, Jake?”

Jake’s hands clamped on Lexie’s shoulders and Brady’s hand grabbed her knee. Lexie pushed them both away and focused on the green-eyed witch across the table.

If Dalila noticed the stormy looks Jake and Brady were throwing her way, she ignored them—instead taking a delicate sip of water.

Lexie sucked in a deep breath of air. If she had been standing, her fighting stance would have been apparent. As it was, Brady noticed and winked at her. She motioned to Jake to sit down. He frowned and hesitated but she smiled at him and said softly, “At ease, Jake. I like a clear view of the target.”

He gave her a forced grin then nodded and reluctantly took his place beside Dalila.

Dalila turned her attention to Lexie.

“Are you a fighter like your brother was?”

“Yes, I am.”

Lexie’s curt response was purposeful. She was grateful that neither Jake nor Brady jumped in to amplify. It was an acknowledgment that she could handle this situation without their help.

Dalila replied, “All of you are?” She gazed up at Jake and added with a sly smile, “How interesting. It makes for some interesting nights.”

In the silence that followed, Jake moved back in his chair obviously preparing a response. But before he could speak, Dalila brushed against his arm and gave Lexie an understanding if patronizing glance.

“I’m not surprised that you want to associate with Jake. He is popular for many reasons, not the least of which is that he is a true hero. I’m sure you know that he singlehandedly took down the drug cartel that had taken over the Army base in Yuma.”

Jake laughed his infectious laugh, and shook his head.

“You’ve got that one wrong, Dalila. The true hero of that adventure was Lexie. If it wasn’t for Lexie and the fact that she throws a mean knife, I wouldn’t be here.” He winked at Brady and added, “Oh, and Brady played a role as well.”

Dalila’s lip curled at the corner. “How sweet. No wonder you feel as though you owe her something. I know how protective you were of Anthony. I’m not surprised you feel the need to protect his little sister.”

At that moment the waitress appeared and they were saved from further conversation by the ordering process. As they were deciding, Dalila smiled up at Jake.

“I don’t think I’ve had Indonesian food since the last time that you and I were in Cairo, Jake. I remember how charmed we were to find an Indonesian restaurant in the heart of the capital of Egypt. But then it is a more cosmopolitan city then many of the places we were stationed.”

Lexie reached for Brady’s hand but he beat her to it. It was on her knee before she could grab for it. He grasped hers and gave it a comforting squeeze. Lexie struggled not to bite her bottom lip but the habit was too entrenched. Through the roar in her ears, she heard Jake’s laconic reply.

“Hmm, Dalila, I didn’t remember that you were on that mission. But then there were at least forty CID agents at that dinner. I didn’t have time to meet them all. That’s the challenge of being both the commander and the dinner speaker. Hard to be social.”

Lexie looked up in time to see Jake gazing at her. Clearly his response was meant for her, not the woman at his side who had the decency to flush. Even so, Lexie knew it was unlikely that she would be able to eat and wondered if she shouldn’t just leave now. Dalila seemed to sense the opening and said in a patronizing voice stroking the emerald at her neck, “Is that a diamond you are wearing in your navel, Alexis? How quaint. The only people who wear jewels in their navels in my country are belly dancers.”

Her emphasis on ‘belly dancers’ underscored that at least in Dalila’s view they were tantamount to prostitutes.

Lexie smiled. “No, it isn’t a diamond. It is a dimestore bauble. I only wish I were like the belly dancers. They are much more skilled than I am. They’re able to keep their jewelry in place when they dance. I’m not nearly that accomplished.”

Dalila’s eyes widened as though in shock. “You don’t mean to tell me that you have
your navel.”

Lexie gave her a casual nod. “Mm hmm. To match the piercings on my nipples.”

Brady choked on his beer, spraying a mouthful across the table. Lexie pounded him helpfully on his back. Brady knew full well that she didn’t have pierced nipples. She glanced over to see Jake looking at her through narrowed eyes. His lips were twitching clearly holding back a hoot of laughter. But as he continued to gaze at her he slowly licked his lips. The gesture was so blatantly sexual that Lexie felt the heat on her cheeks hit between her thighs. She trembled, knowing that it would serve her right if their next stop was the tattoo parlor. Of course, Jake would love it if she pierced her nipples. The more for him to play with.

Lexie suddenly decided she’d had enough. She glanced at her watch and startled as though surprised at the time. “Oh my goodness, I really must leave. I forgot that I have a class at two. Will you all please forgive me? This wasn’t good planning on my part.”

Jake rose, as did Brady and Paul. Lexie immediately raised her hands.

“Please, all of you, sit. I can see myself out. I apologize for interrupting your lunch. Clearly you have many things to discuss now that you all will be working together. I don’t want to intrude.”

Jake moved toward her. His expression and his voice were stern. He gripped her arm.

“Lexie, don’t leave. You have time to eat.”

Lexie twisted away. Her anger was close to choking her but she managed to keep her voice soft. “No, Jake. I really do not have time. But you can bring some home if there is any left.”

Jake took a deep breath then nodded. His voice was firm. “I’ll walk you out.”

Lexie knew there was no use arguing with him. She leaned over and gave Brady a kiss, and smiled at Paul. Glancing across the table she tried to ignore the other woman’s gloating expression. Clearly, Dalila thought she’d won. That she’d run Lexie off. And Lexie thought with a surge of emotion, she was right. She couldn’t sit another moment and look in those cool green eyes of the woman who wanted Lexie to know that she and Jake had a past. Lexie shrugged and smiled at Dalila as if to say, “So noted.”

Lexie allowed Jake to steer her across the dining room but when they got to the entrance she shook off his hand. Outside, Jake stopped her. He was clearly upset. “I’m sorry, Lexie. This is my fault.”

Lexie whirled on him. “What is, Jake? That you invited me to have lunch with one of the women you’ve fucked? Or did you just want me to know that once a woman has had you, she isn’t willing to let you go?”

Jake’s lips tightened, his remorse switching to anger as he reached for her hand.

“I’m not letting you leave like this. I’m taking you home. Let me tell the others.”

Lexie twisted away from him. She glared at him, not attempting to hide her fury. She clenched her hands in fists at her sides. “Oh no, you don’t, Jake. You think I’m going to let that bitch think I am so upset that you have to leave a business luncheon to take care of me? Absolutely not! If you care about how I feel, go back in there and when you negotiate with her boss, double your fees. You’re going to have to work hard for that money, Jake. Make sure it is worth it.”

“Lexie, wait.”

But she was down the sidewalk and jerking open the cab door before he could react. She didn’t look back, not wanting him to see the tears streaming down her face.

Chapter 8

Lexie finished teaching her last class and headed for her quarters. She heard Jake talking with Master Wan but went by his office without stopping. She was too angry to speak to either of them. She hadn’t had time to hit the bag and knowing Jake she didn’t dare stay in the dojo by herself. As she marched down the hallway, she regretted that she didn’t have a lock on the door to her quarters. But then knowing Jake, he’d probably break the door rather than let her kick him out.

BOOK: In the Still of the Night:Sexy Romantic Suspense (Book 2 The Blonde Barracuda's Sizzling Suspense Series)
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