Indecent: 15 Erotic Victorian Romance Story Box Set (5 page)

BOOK: Indecent: 15 Erotic Victorian Romance Story Box Set
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Chapter 4


The next morning Elizabeth awoke to sound of knocking on the
front door of Roseneath. Her clothes had dried by the fireplace and she did her
best to remove the worst of the mud before dressing quickly. “Hold on a
moment,” she called out. She had barely finished when the door opened and Jim
was standing there waiting for her.

“Shall we go and collect your bags?” he asked, bowing
slightly to her. The sun shone behind him, the first glimpse of blue skies
since she’d arrived. As they made their way along the rutted tracks leading
away from the cottage, Elizabeth found herself smiling widely.

“Sleep well?” he asked.

“A little too well I fear. I have had no time to make myself
look presentable for you.”

“You look just fine to me.”

Her heart soared when he said that. Don’t fall for him, she reminded
herself as they continued on their way. In little over an hour they were by the
beck, the water level having subsided overnight to leave barely a trickle
passing by the buckled wheel of the coach. The horses were gone as was the
driver but her cases were where she’d left them on top. “At least they’re still
here,” she said. “But how do we carry them back?”

“Walk with me back a little and I shall arrange their
collection,” Jim replied.

Elizabeth found herself marvelling at the countryside around
them as they walked back the way they’d come. What a difference a clear day
made. She could see the mounds of heather sprinkled across the moors, dry stone
walls lower down the valley in crisscrossing patterns, keeping groups of sheep
and cattle apart.

“Come this way,” Jim said, turning from the track to a well
worn path that headed into tall trees that whispered in the wind.

“Where are we going?” she asked as the sunlight faded away
above the canopy.

“I wish to show you something.”

They walked around the outside of a lake, geese hissing a
warning at them as they passed by before finally stopping in a clearing, the
centre filled by the huge trunk and overhanging branches of an enormous ancient
oak tree.

“I remember this,” Elizabeth said in an excited voice. “This
is the tree I climbed when I was last here.”

“It’s one of my favourites,” Jim replied. “Want to?”

“To what? To climb it? I am no longer a child James.”

“Nor am I,” he said, setting his hands onto the lowest
branch and swinging his way upwards. “Nonetheless, would you care to join me?”

“Race you to the top!” she said, leaping past him onto a
higher branch, already climbing above his head.

“Impressive!” He fought to catch up with her but she was too
fast, making her way ever higher until at last she could go no further. Sitting
on a long thick branch, she waited for him to catch up.

“Slow as a snail,” she laughed. “I win.”

“Is there a forfeit for the loser?” he asked as he finally
reached her, sitting beside her on the branch and looking out above the surrounding
trees to the distant moorland.

“I’m sure I can think of something,” she replied, blushing
deeply as the thought of kissing him entered her mind for the first time. “Have
you always lived here?” she asked, changing the subject quickly.

“My family have always been here as far as I know.”

“You’re lucky to live in such a beautiful place.”

“Taking care of it can be a burden at times.”

“You mean farming?”

“Of sorts.”

Elizabeth leaned back and slipped, her body sliding from the
branch. Jim moved quickly, grabbing her and pulling her back up, gripping her
hands tightly in her own.

“Thank you,” she said, staring into his eyes, only too aware
that he hadn’t yet let go of her hands.

“You’re welcome,” he replied.

For a moment she thought he might kiss her but then he
looked away, a flicker of sadness in his eyes. “Let’s get back into the
sunshine,” he said, slipping his hands free and climbing back down.

Elizabeth descended slowly, finding him laid on his back in
the clearing with his shirt off. She looked at his chest in wonder, amazed by
the firmness of his stomach, his biceps bulging as his hands cradled his head.
His eyes were closed. Her eyes moved down him, past his belly button to a
slight line of hair that seemed to point towards his trousers. As she sat beside
him, she found her mind filled with the most obscene thoughts. She thought
about sliding her hand past his waistband. What might she find waiting there
for her? She could grip him in her hand and free him from his clothing, take
him into her mouth or even inside her.

She fanned her face as if to try and wave the thoughts away
as his eyes opened and he glanced at her. Ashamed, she looked away, watching
the trees that surrounded them, refusing to look at him in case the lascivious
thoughts returned.

They spent an hour sunbathing before returning to Roseneath.
“I shall have your bags here presently,” Jim said as she stood in the open
doorway. “Perhaps you might walk with me again sometime before you leave?”

“I would like that,” she said before a silence descended,
seeming to thicken in the air until it became oppressive.

Jim stared at her, leaning forwards slightly and before she
knew what was happening, she’d reached out and kissed him. He leapt back from
her and blurted a goodbye, turning on his heels and walking away before she
could say another word.

Walking inside, Elizabeth felt crushed. Had she misread the
signs? Had she offended him? What if he never spoke to her again? She didn’t
think she’d be able to bear it.

That afternoon there came a knock at the door and she ran to
it, hoping it was Jim. She had to fight to hide her disappointment as Calvin
stood there with her bags in a neat pile beside him. “You luggage miss,” he
said, tipping his hat. “Courtesy of Mr Franklin.”

“Wait,” she said as he went to turn away. “What can you tell
me about Jim, I mean Mr Franklin?”

“He’s a good man,” Calvin replied. “Anything else you’ll
have to find out from him.”

He climbed onto his trap and rode away, leaving Elizabeth to
drag her bags into the cottage. Very well, she thought. I’ll find out for



Chapter 5


Her chance didn’t come for a number of days as arranging the
sale took precedence. She spoke to the appointed agent in Whitby forty eight
hours later who informed her there had already been a number of inquiries as to
the cottage. “I have a gentleman who wishes to purchase sight unseen,” he said,
nodding eagerly. “If you accept the sale can be arranged immediately.”

“Excellent,” replied Elizabeth, glancing out of the window
and seeing Jim strolling past. Her jaw almost fell open as she saw he was
holding the hand of a young woman. Why wouldn’t he be courting? He never said
he was available. Think of how shocked he was when you kissed him. He was
clearly spoken for, you foolish girl. Her mind continued to plague her with
such thoughts as the arrangements for the sale were made.

By the time she returned home, she was certain she never
wanted to see Jim again. When there was a knock on her door just as the sun
set, she was in two minds whether or not to answer but in the end politeness
overruled anger and she pulled it open to find Jim standing there. “Care for
that walk?”

She folded her arms. “Care to tell me about the woman in

He looked shocked for a moment before his usual half smile
returned. “Jealous?”

“Who is she?”

“Come with me and I’ll explain.”

He wouldn’t answer any of her questions until they were once
again high in the old oak tree, looking out at the sun just as it sank beneath
the moor top, leaving the sky a deep shade of orange.

“Who is she?” Elizabeth asked, refusing to look at him.

“Her name is Jessica Crampton and she has sought my hand in
marriage for months. That was her final attempt.”

“You said yes?”

“I told her I had met someone else.”


He pressed his fingers to her cheek and turned her face
towards his. “Do you need to ask?” he said quietly, reaching forwards and
kissing her. His arms slid round her back as he shuffled towards her on the
branch, the tip of his tongue tracing its way over her lips before nudging into
her mouth. She felt her heart soar and her entire body tingle as he kissed her,
their bodies pressing together.

His hands ran down her back and she swooned, almost falling
from the branch. He grabbed her and looked worried. “Are you all right? Have I
offended you?”

“Far from it,” she replied. “But perhaps high up in a tree
isn’t the best place to do this.”

“Of course. Come with me. I know the perfect place.”

They made their way out of the trees and onto the moor. Jim pointed
at a nearby cottage set alone amongst the heather.

“Who lives there?” Elizabeth asked.

“Currently no one but I care for the place.”

He took her over the grass as the light of the light
disappeared. Scraping the door open, he lit a number of candles and set them
around the fire, creating a blaze whilst she glanced around her at the humble
one room cottage, her eyes drawn to the nearby bed, remaining there for a long
time as she thought about Jim and that kiss.

He finally got the fire going before turning to her. “Warmer
than the treetop?” he asked.

“By far,” she replied, getting to her feet. “I think I could
happily live somewhere like this.”

“Why not try staying the night?”

“Here? Would that not be improper?”

“I won’t tell anyone if you won’t.”

He kissed her again, drawing her towards him until their
bodies were pressed together. She could feel his hardness through her dress,
the sensation making her yearn for him all the more. Sliding her hands over the
taut muscles of his back, she let her tongue play with his whilst staring into
his eyes by the light of the fire.

He reached down and bunched her dress in his hands, pulling
it slowly upwards as they moved towards the bed. Elizabeth felt her heart
pounding as her dress reached her hips, knowing he only had to move his fingers
a little and he’d be touching her knickers.

He pushed her back onto the bed and as she landed he climbed
onto her, kissing her again whilst running his hand up her thigh, his rough
fingers gliding over her flesh, stopping just before reaching the spot she was
desperate for him to touch.

She pulled at his shirt, tugging it over his head before
kissing his chest, loving the feel of his skin under her lips.

“You’re beautiful,” he said, his hand gliding over her
knickers, “so beautiful.”

She replied by grabbing his hips and urging him upwards. As
he moved she reached for his trousers, undoing the button and shoving the
unwanted clothing away from his body. Underneath, his cock came free, rigid and
captivating her gaze. She pulled him further up until he was able to thrust
himself into her mouth. He let out a long low groan as she licked her way along
his shaft, gripping the base of him with her hands and holding him tightly, her
tongue never still, circling the head, tasting the heat of him as he thrust
back and forth past her lips.

At last he pulled free, sitting her up and sliding her dress
from her shoulders, drawing it down her body to expose her bare breasts. He
took her left nipple into his mouth, sucking on it as his hands slid her dress
from her, leaving her only in knickers. He toyed with her chest for some time,
groping and squeezing her breasts whilst sucking on her nipples until she ached
with desire.

He kissed his way lower, using his teeth to tug her
underwear from her and letting it fall to the floor. His tongue slid all the
way up her right leg as he shoved her knees apart, tasting her for the first

She let out a gasp as his tongue slid over her wetness
before circling her clit, expertly toying with her whilst she could only beg
for him to enter her whilst her chest heaved, her breathing becoming
increasingly laboured.

He kept teasing her with his tongue even as she yearned to
be filled by him. “I need you inside me,” she said at last, pulling him up her
body and thrusting her hips towards him.

She reached down with her hand and held him tightly, drawing
him into her, keeping her legs wide apart, her clit throbbing with desire. With
a long slow thrust, he slid inside, stretching her whilst she winced at the
sheer size of him.

“Oh my god,” she moaned, drawing him deeper until he was
buried in her, the connection she’d wanted fulfilled at last. She could feel
the pulsing flesh as he rocked back and forth, easing out of her before sliding
back in, again and again until she grew impatient to feel him come inside her,
wanting to know she could bring him to orgasm.

Any hint of composure was gone from Elizabeth, her mouth was
open, her eyes wild as she begged him to move faster, his pelvis brushing her
clit and teasing her ever more intensely.

When he still refused to speed up, she growled and flipped
him onto his back, rolling with him so he remained inside her. Sitting up she
froze with the tip of him just inside her, teasing him for a change. She rocked
in a circle slowly whilst descending, letting his shaft glide into her wetness.
She began to ride him quickly, bringing his hands to her breasts before rubbing
her clit frantically.

She gasped loudly as he squeezed her nipples, her clit
burning with heat until all at once a tidal wave of pleasure washed over her.
She contracted around his cock as she came, her climax spreading through her
body and forcing her to keep still for a moment.

As it faded away she looked down at Jim, his eyes as wild as
hers. She began to ride him again, panting for breath as he matched her rhythm,
getting ever closer to his own climax. At last he couldn’t last any longer and
she sank all the way onto him, feeling his cock jerk and twitch inside her.
There was a delicious pause and then his hot wetness spurted into her, filling
her completely as he groaned with pleasure.

Leaning down, she kissed him as a second spray of cum gushed
into her and then at last he was done. She held him inside her for as long as
she could before sliding off him and rolling onto her side on the bed, his lips
planting kisses on her neck as her body throbbed with sheer satisfaction.

She smiled broadly as he played with her breasts whilst
continuing to kiss her. Leaning down, she took him into her mouth, tasting her
own wetness on him mixed with his salty cum. Sighing again she lay back, her
body entwined with him as they both drifted slowly off to sleep.


BOOK: Indecent: 15 Erotic Victorian Romance Story Box Set
8.33Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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