INDISPENSABLE: Part 3: A Billionaire Romance (7 page)

BOOK: INDISPENSABLE: Part 3: A Billionaire Romance
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Chapter Nine

Brock had enjoyed the light-hearted banter between him and Heather on the car ride to Jodie’s place. Heather was just an awesome person, even if he was biased. Of course, she may not feel that way about him once he’d told her why he’d called an emergency lunch. But he’d wait until they got inside.

Jodie met them in her chair at the door. Her smile was bright as always, but Brock saw the worry in her eyes. He didn’t want to worry her. He’d gotten her into this, and now he’d be abandoning her. Had she become dependent on him? Maybe he’d made it so she didn’t know how to live without being married to him. Maybe he was giving himself a little too much importance.

He’d bring it up as an open topic for discussion. That way he wouldn’t be railroading Jodie into what he wanted. He’d say it was a possibility, not compulsory. The house smelled divine, and he sniffed the air. “Jodie, you’ve been baking.”

“I made some quiche, and a cream cake for dessert.”

“My favorites. Thanks.” He leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. Then, he followed her into the kitchen.

“Yum.” Heather picked up a cookie and munched on it.

“Heather, you’ll spoil your lunch.” Jodie smiled at her daughter.

“No way. I’ll still eat.”

“Let’s eat in here at the breakfast bar.” Jodie placed a plate of mini-quiches in front of them and bowl of salad to share. Plates and cutlery were already out. “So, Brock. We haven’t had a lunch emergency since Heather got a crush on that Greenwood boy and wanted to go to a party.”

“Oh, Mom! Not so graphic please.” Heather screwed her face up. Apparently, a lot changed since the year that young lad was popular with her.

Brock had to laugh at her reaction. “He was so nice. I loved the way his ears stuck out. Very cute.”

Heather swatted him in the arm. “Shut. Up. I was thirteen.”

“Your first love. Positively dreamy.” Brock spoke in a falsetto high pitch and clasped his hands under his chin.

“Dad!” Heather took another swipe at him, and Brock looked at her with a big grin and batted his eyelids. Heather fought her smile and looked at Jodie. “Mom, make him stop.”

“Anyway. Brock. Why are we here?” Jodie served herself a quiche onto her plate and picked up her knife and fork. “Not to pick on Heather’s choice of ears…I mean boys.”

“God. Mom. You too?”

“Say what it is you need to Brock, before Heather never speaks to us again.” Jodie cut into her lunch and placed a small portion into her mouth.

Brock and Heather had both just taken huge bites from the ones they held in their hands.

The flavor was amazing as always, and Brock relished it a minute before he sat it onto his plate. “Sorry, Heather. I can never resist eating these with my hands. So yum.” Brock felt himself stalling, so he pushed the words out of his mouth. “Jodie, we’ve been married a long time. Almost sixteen years.”

“Yes. We have.”

“Heather is well adjusted, successful, and happy. I think.” He looked at Heather who nodded and kept eating. Brock pushed on. “I wondered if maybe you thought there was more to life than me. I mean, just tell me. I won’t be offended. I know I have the…tendency…to like being in control.”

Heather made a weird noise, and he just caught her eye roll before she spoke. “Understatement of the century.”

Brock looked back to Jodie, as she set down her cutlery.

“What are you saying, Brock?” Jodie looked hard at him, as she questioned.

This was way harder than he thought. What if she hated the idea of divorce? What if she loved it? There was only one way through this. “Have you ever thought about a divorce?”

Jodie’s eyes went wide, and she coughed a little with her hand over her mouth, and her eyes as wide as a plate. Heather hooted, and Brock looked at her.

Heather fist-pumped the air. “Hell to the

“Heather!” Jodie scolded her. “Have a thought for your father’s feelings.” Jodie cleared her throat and clearly composed herself. “Yes, Brock, I have thought about divorce.”

“Only every day in the last five years.” Heather announced before she took another bite. Brock stared at her, but she just eyed him back and chewed her food. Heather grabbed another quiche and stood up. “Okay, parents. I’m down with this. I’m off to my room. Yell when you’re leaving, Dad.”

Brock was speechless. What could he say to that? He looked at Jodie, and she had half a smile on her face. “Kids, what’ya gonna do with ‘em?”

“Why didn’t you say you wanted a divorce? Why did you tell Heather you did?” Brock wasn’t sure if he should be angry or hurt. In the end, he was just curious.

“I never
Heather. She’s a clever girl. She worked out I wasn’t so happy; she asked me at Christmas last year what was wrong.”

“Why didn’t you just ask me for a divorce then?”

“Because of the way you are. You’ve stood by me for all this time. I couldn’t just ask for a divorce. I’m not sure what’s brought this change of heart for you, but six months ago, you wouldn’t have taken it so well.”

“That’s true. It doesn’t matter, I guess, but I hate that I’ve stopped you from loving and being loved.”

“No. You haven’t.”

Brock was shocked this time. “You mean, you’ve got a boyfriend?”

“Are you angry?” Jodie’s smile lit up her eyes. How could he be angry?

“If he loves you. If he has your best interests at heart, and Heather’s.” Brock was going to say,
As long as he doesn’t want you for your money
. However, he had no right to think Jodie couldn’t find herself a sincere man to love her. “He’s a very lucky man.”

“Oh, Brock. Thank you for everything. I’m a very lucky woman to have had you and Heather all these years.”

“You’ll still have me. Anything you need. If I still get quiche.”

“I’m sure I can manage that.”

“I’ll get the paperwork drawn up ASAP.” Brock smiled and took another quiche from the plate.

“I hope this means you’ve found someone as well.” Jodie looked at him as she spoke.

Brock thought a minute, as he munched and swallowed. “It means I have the opportunity now, anyway.”

“Don’t be afraid of love, Brock. It’s wonderful. If we don’t learn to trust and to love someone, all the hard times will have been a waste. In the end, love is the greatest revenge and the greatest cleanser.”

She was right, of course. Brock craved loved as much as anyone. He knew that now. The problem was, the one he loved needed space.
Just don’t let her be lonely.
Bella’s words came back to him.

“Jodie, give me a woman’s point of view. If I had to ‘give someone space’ but ‘not let her be lonely’ what exactly would that mean?”

“You know how you always gave me my own time, but you always sent me texts or gave a call, first thing in the morning, last thing at night. Flowers for birthday, mother’s day, valentine’s day.”

He nodded.

“But still what I did outside of that time was my choice. We’d discuss it sometimes, but you never judged me, and you never said ‘I told you’ so if I failed.”

“Yeah. That’s a given, I respect you. No one is perfect and mistakes shape you; I should know that.”

“That is how you give someone space but not let her be lonely. All these years, I’ve never been in love with you. I’ve loved you as the father of my child and as a very good man. For many years I knew you weren’t ‘in love’ with me either, but I never, ever felt lonely because I knew you cared. You cared so much; you always put me and my feelings first. That’s all anyone ever wants. That and a frickin’ good orgasm.”

Brock choked on his food, but then he laughed. “True. I guess at fifteen, we had no hope of finding out what that was.”

“We’ve had a good life, Brock. Heather has had a good life. We’re only thirty; it’s not too late. I want Heather to know that a marriage means people are together in every way. I’d like her to see what being ‘in love’ is like.”

“You’re right. I never want her to settle for anything less.”

“So, you know the answer to your question. You better get started.” Jodie smiled. Brock could see how relieved and happy she was. He felt just the same. “She’ll be a very lucky woman.”

“Not half as lucky as I’ll be if I can convince her.” Brock stood up. “Save me some cake and tell Heather to have the rest of the day off. I have some personal work to do.” Brock was going to see Sarah, not to declare his undying love and force her confession of love out of her, but because he wanted to know she was okay.

He did care about her, and he did love her. Now it was okay to admit that, and slowly do something about it.


Brock sat in the legal boardroom, waiting for Rick’s entourage to arrive. He had an hour yet, but he wanted to show Sarah he was ready and committed to her strategy—even though he didn’t trust Rick at all. He’d sent some flowers to Sarah’s apartment, saying he hoped she’d find a perfect place of her own and anything her and Bella wanted from the apartments he’d furnished for them, they could take as housewarming gifts.

Now, he had all his paperwork together, and he texted Sarah.
Got my A game. See you in an hour

He’d get the coffee pot on and make sure there was cream and sugar available. The staff had brought in some fresh cookies and mini-muffins. Once that was done, Brock decided he’d go to the bathroom, come back, and pour himself a coffee. He was nervous.

Not much made him nervous. It was the thought of Rick anywhere near Sarah. The way he leered and the disgusting things he said. Maybe he should text Sarah not to come, Jason could handle it. No, he couldn’t. He had to let her take the lead and support her on it, no matter the outcome.

Once back in the boardroom, with his coffee, Brock paced the room. He hadn’t had an answer back from Sarah. Maybe the flowers upset her. He should’ve waited longer. Maybe her phone was on silent, and she was busy packing. Anyway, with only thirty minutes to go she’d be here soon. She was never late. He’d find out soon enough how she felt about the flowers.

Brock finished the coffee and stacked his notes again. He set his laptop up, ready to bring up any documents he might need. The door opened and Deidre popped her head in. “The other legal team is here, Mr. Devlin.”

Brock took a deep breath and braced himself to be in the same room as Rick Anderson and not smash him out. “Very good. Send them in.”

Four suited-lawyers came in, including Darren Kirkland. He was a legal force to be reckoned with, and of course the man Rick would turn to. Not that he had anything on Sarah, as Kirkland was about to find out. Brock waited for Rick to come in. But the last suit shut the door behind him.

“Where’s Anderson?” Brock got in Kirkland’s face.

“We don’t need him. I can speak for him.”

Brock didn’t like this one bit. He grabbed his phone. No text back. He found Sarah’s number and connected a call. Straight to her voice message. His unease grew. He shoved his phone into his pocket and grabbed Kirkland’s lapels, yanking him closer to his face. “Where is he?”

“I don’t know. He called and asked me to handle it.”


“Just before lunch, why?”

“I don’t trust him, that’s why. This meeting is off. If you hear from him, tell him there’s a warrant out for his arrest.” Brock raced out the door and headed straight for Bella’s office. He hoped she was in there.

He threw open the door, and it slammed against the wall. Bella was at her desk, and she jumped at the disturbance. “Brock? What?”

“Have you spoke Sarah since you spoke to me this morning?”


“Where is she?”

“I don’t know. Why? You’re scaring me.”

“Did she have plans?”

“She was going to her parents’ place and then back home.”

“Her parents?” Brock mentally calculated the time.


“Has she texted you or anything since then?” Brock was sure his gut feeling was right.

“Actually, no. I’ve been busy and time got away. But she was going to call and let me know how it went. Maybe she’s still there.”

“No way. Not the first visit. She’d have to leave and process that, you know Sarah.”

“You’re right. Brock, what the fuck is it?”

“Rick isn’t in our meeting. I sent Sarah flowers to say good luck finding the perfect home. No reply. I’ve text her about our meeting with Rick. That she set up. No answer. I think he’s got her. If he hurts one hair on her head…”

“I’ll drive. Come on. I have my key, with any luck she has him in the shared lounge so we can get in.”

“Do you think?”

“Come on, Brock! This is Sarah, of course she would. It’ll be half an hour there.”

“What if they aren’t there?”

“Then we panic.”

Brock ran out the door after Bella, and he hoped he was wrong. He really did, because he didn’t want to spend the rest of his life in jail for murder when he’d just realized who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, on any terms.

BOOK: INDISPENSABLE: Part 3: A Billionaire Romance
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