Initiative (The Red Gambit Series Book 6) (2 page)

BOOK: Initiative (The Red Gambit Series Book 6)
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Author’s note.

The correlation between the Allied and Soviet forces is difficult to assess for a number of reasons.

Neither side could claim that their units were all at full strength, and information on the relevant strengths over the period this book is set in is limited as far as the Allies are concerned and relatively non-existent for the Soviet forces.

I have had to use some licence regarding force strengths and I hope that the critics will not be too harsh with me if I get things wrong in that regard. A Soviet Rifle Division could vary in strength from the size of two thousand men to be as high as nine thousand men, and in some special cases could be even more.

Indeed, the very names used do not help the reader to understand unless they are already knowledgeable.

A prime example is the Corps. For the British and US forces, a Corps was a collection of Divisions and Brigades directly subservient to an Army. A Soviet Corps, such as the 2nd Guards Tank Corps, bore no relation to a unit such as British XXX Corps. The 2nd G.T.C. was a Tank Division by another name and this difference in ‘naming’ continues to the Soviet Army, which was more akin to the Allied Corps.

The Army Group was mirrored by the Soviet Front.

Going down from the Corps, the differences continue, where a Russian rifle division should probably be more looked at as the equivalent of a US Infantry regiment or British Infantry Brigade, although this was not always the case. The decision to leave the correct nomenclature in place was made early on. In that, I felt that those who already possess knowledge would not become disillusioned, and that those who were new to the concept could acquire knowledge that would stand them in good stead when reading factual accounts of WW2.

There are also some difficulties encountered with ranks. Some readers may feel that a certain battle would have been left in the command of a more senior rank, and the reverse case where seniors seem to have few forces under their authority. Casualties will have played their part but, particularly in the Soviet Army, seniority and rank was a complicated affair, sometimes with Colonels in charge of Divisions larger than those commanded by a General. It is easier for me to attach a chart to give the reader a rough guide of how the ranks equate.

Also, please remember, that by now attrition has downsized units in all armies.

Fig # 1 – Table of comparative ranks

Book Dedication


History is a strange beast.

It contains lessons from which we never seem to truly learn.

And yet, the recorded matters of our past are constantly scrutinised and replayed by academicians and amateurs alike, criticising and second-guessing those who did what they thought was right at the time, and did so without either the benefit and safety of armchair comforts or time to make an extended and reasoned judgement.

World War Two has been replayed in minds since the final shots echoed into history and, in some cases, whilst the firing was still going on.

The armchair warriors and professors often decide that things were not done right, opportunities were missed, or that moral lines were overstepped.

On that last point, I almost always find myself in total disagreement with those who would seek to undermine and criticise those who undertook the missions and tasks that fall under scrutiny post-era.

RAF’s Bomber Command was vilified for many years, a stance first adopted by Churchill, who offered up an opinion about the attack on Dresden that was interpreted as critical, and as distancing himself from the efforts made in the bombing offensive.

We British, as a nation, should be disgusted that we only chose to honour their efforts recently, when most of the survivors had passed away.

The truth is quite simple.

We were at war, total war, and the bombing of civilians and towns was undertaken by all sides.

Not an excuse but an undeniable fact.

History simply teaches that the RAF, USAAF, and Allied units were far better at it than our then enemy, and had far better equipment with which to wage total war.

The dropping of the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki has been criticised from the moment they were detonated.

Even now, the arguments continue to evolve, and criticism is laid at the door of the pilots and men who flew the Silverbirds, and those who commanded them to do the deeds over Japan.

Regardless of how you see the Lancaster over Dresden or the B-29 over Nagasaki, the boys inside were doing a job for their country, under orders, and doing it to the best of their ability, and far too often, at the cost of their lives.

No matter what the arguments, we cannot disparage those who fought for us and carried the battle to the enemy and who did their duty, and what they thought was right, and certainly not because they were more proficient or had technology in excess of the enemy.

They honoured us with their efforts, so how can we dishonour them with criticism of their motivation and their morality?

So, to all those who did their duty and were pilloried by act or omission, I dedicate ‘Initiative’ to you.



May I remind the reader that his book is written primarily in English, not American English. Therefore, please expect the unashamed use of ‘U’, such as in honour and armoured, unless I am using the American version to remain true to a character or situation.

By example, I will write the 11th Armoured Division and the 11th US Armored Division, as each is correct in national context.

Where using dialogue, the character uses the correct rank, such as Mayor, instead of Major for the Soviet dialogue, or Maior for the German dialogue.

Otherwise, in non-dialogue circumstances, all ranks and units will be in English.


Although I never served in the Armed forces, I wore a uniform with pride, and carry my own long-term injuries from my service. My admiration for our young service men and women serving in all our names in dangerous areas throughout the world is limitless. As a result, ‘
the Star and Garter Homes’
is a charity that is extremely close to my heart. My fictitious characters carry no real-life heartache with them, whereas every news bulletin from the military stations abroad brings a terrible reality with its own impact, angst, and personal challenges for those left behind when one of our military pays the ultimate price. Therefore, I make donations to
‘the Star and Garter Homes’,
and would encourage you to do so too.







Book #1 - Opening Moves [Chapters 1-54]

Book #2 - Breakthrough [Chapters 55-77]

Book #3 - Stalemate [Chapters 78-102]

Book #4 – Impasse [Chapters 103 – 125]

Book #5 - Sacrifice [Chapters 126 - 148]

Book #6 – Initiative [Chapters 149 - 171]

Book #7 - Endgame [Chapters 172 - ?]



















List of chapters and sections.


Series Dedication

Overview by author Colin Gee

Author’s note.

Book Dedication

List of chapters and sections.

Chapter 149 - THE POWER

1000 hrs, Tuesday 30th April, Frankenberg an der Eder, Germany.

1100 hrs, Wednesday, 1st May, 1946, Red Square, Moscow, USSR, and the Oval Office, Washington DC, USA.

Chapter 150 – THE DISBELIEF

1007hrs, Thursday, 2nd May 1946, the Kremlin, Moscow, USSR.

1106 hrs, Friday 10th May 1946, one kilometre south of Gedser, Denmark.

1956 hrs, Monday 13th May 1946, Mount Washington Hotel, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, USA.

Chapter 151 – THE HORROR

0601 hrs, Monday, 27th May 1946, Briefing room, North Field, Tinian, Mariana Island Group.

0301 hrs, Wednesday, 29th May 1946, North Field, Tinian, Marianas Island Group.

0708 hrs, Wednesday, 29th May 1946, airborne, one hour from Alternate 2, Kyūshū Island, Japan.

0709 hrs, Wednesday, 29th May 1946, airborne, just over an hour from Alternate 2, Kyūshū Island, Japan.

0755 hrs, Wednesday, 29th May 1946, Point Alpha, over Kyūshū Island, Japan.

0827 hrs, Wednesday, 29th May 1946, Kanoya Airfield, Kyūshū, Japan.

0902 hrs, Wednesday, 28th May 1946, above the Hayatonoseto Strait, Uji Island Group, Japan.

1113 hrs, Wednesday, 29th May, 1946, on approach to Futenma Airfield, Okinawa.

1444 hrs, Wednesday, 29th May 1946, Office of the General Secretary, the Kremlin, Moscow, USSR.

Chapter 152 – THE MIKADO

0958 hrs, Monday, 10th June 1946, the Oval Office, Washington DC, USA.

Chapter 153 – THE RONIN

1127 hrs, Monday 10th June 1946, Height 404, Baisha River, Zhujiawan, China.

1141 hrs, Monday 10th June 1946, Height 404, Baisha River, Zhujiawan, China.

1157 hrs, Monday 10th June 1946, airborne over Baisha River valley, Zhujiawan, China.

1224 hrs, Monday 10th June 1946, Height 404, Zhujiawan, China.

Earlier that day… 0455 hrs, Monday, 10th June 1946, Secret dock, Submarine Division One, Kannonzaki, Kure, Japan.

Chapter 155 – DER WERWÖLFE

1200 hrs, Wednesday, 12th June 1946, Amstetten, Germany.

1200 hrs, Wednesday, 12th June 1946, near Route 7312, one kilometre east of Bräunisheim, Germany.

1232 hrs, Wednesday, 12th June 1946, near Route 7312, half a kilometre southeast of Bräunisheim, Germany.

1329 hrs, Wednesday, 12th June 1946, two hundred and fifty metres southwest of Bräunisheim, Germany.

2310 hrs, Wednesday, 12th June 1946, near Route 7312, half a kilometre southeast of Bräunisheim, Germany.

0720 hrs, Thursday, 13th June 1946, near Route 7312, half a kilometre southeast of Bräunisheim, Germany.

2320 hrs, Thursday, 13th June 1946, 74th Surgical Hospital, Bräunisheim, Germany.

2330 hrs, Thursday, 13th June 1946, near Route 7312, half a kilometre southeast of Bräunisheim, Germany.

0007 hrs, Friday, 14th June 1946, 74th Surgical Hospital, Bräunisheim, Germany.

1102 hrs, Friday, 14th June 1946, 10, Downing Street, London, UK.

1517 hrs, Friday, 14th June 1946, Office of the Secretary General, the Kremlin, Moscow, USSR.

Chapter 156 – THE PAIN

1002 hrs, Saturday, 15th June 1946, Makaryev Monastery, Lyskovsky, USSR.

1632 hrs, Saturday, 15th June 1946, Freienwalde, Pomerania.

1635 hrs, Saturday, 15th June 1946, 74th Surgical Hospital, Bräunisheim, Germany.

1635 hrs, Saturday, 15th June 1946, the woods, one kilometre northeast of Lonsee, Germany.

1831 hrs, Saturday, 15th June 1946, St. Jakob’s Kirche, Lonsee-Sinabronn, Germany.

1907 hrs, Saturday, 15th June 1946, 74th Surgical Hospital, Bräunisheim, Germany.

1944 hrs, Saturday, 15th June 1946, Route 7312, southwest of Bräunisheim, Germany.

Chapter 157 – THE MASKIROVKA

1212 hrs, Monday 17th June 1946, the Black Sea, between Novorossiysk and Divnomorskoye, USSR.

1400 hrs, Monday 17th June 1946, Camp Rose, on the Meer van Echternach, Luxembourg.

1800 hrs, Monday 17th June 1946, CP, 71st Infantry Brigade, Lohmühlenstrasse U-Bahn station, Hamburg, Germany.

1937 hrs, Monday 17th June 1946, CP, 4th Royal Welch Fusiliers, Hauptbahnhof Nord, Hamburg, Germany.

2007 hrs, Monday 17th June 1946, CP, Special Group Mogris, the Rathaus, Hamburg, Germany.

2100 hrs, Monday 17th June 1946, CP, 2nd Company, 79th Motorcycle Battalion, Special Group Mogris, St Jacobi, Hamburg, Germany.

2158 hrs, Monday 17th June 1946, frontline positions of 1st Battalion, Highland Light Infantry, Springelwiete, Hamburg, Germany.

2222 hrs, Monday 17th June 1946, CP, 1st Battalion, Highland Light Infantry, Steinstrasse, Hamburg, Germany.

2340 hrs, Monday 17th June 1946, frontline positions, 2nd Company, 79th MC Battalion, Special Group Mogris, Hamburg, Germany.

2351 hrs, Monday 17th June 1946, frontline positions, 1st Company, Special Group Mogris, Hamburg, Germany.

2352 hrs, Monday 17th June 1946, frontline positions, 4th Royal Welch Fusiliers, Brandsende, Hamburg, Germany.

0000 hrs, Tuesday 18th June 1946, frontline positions, 4th Royal Welch Fusiliers, Brandsende, Hamburg, Germany.

Chapter 158 – THE WEAPONS

2303 hrs, Thursday, 20th June 1946, Ul. Rostovskaya, Sovetskaya Gavan, Siberia.

1101 hrs, Friday, 21st June 1946, Camp 1001, Akhtubinsk, USSR

1209 hrs, Saturday, 22nd June 1946, Château de Versailles, France.

1209 hrs, Monday, 24th June 1946, Holzhausen, Germany.

1313 hrs, Monday, 24th June 1946, Holzhausen, Germany.

1400 hrs, Monday, 24th June 1946, Holzhausen, Germany.

1525 hrs, Monday, 24th June 1946, Holzhausen, Germany.

1554 hrs, Monday, 24th June 1946, Knickhagen, Germany.

1644 hrs, Monday, 24th June 1946, open ground, north of Fuldatal, Germany.

1700 hrs, Monday, 24th June 1946, south of Knickhagen, Germany.

Chapter 159 – THE HAPPENINGS

1417 hrs, Saturday 29th June 1946, Château de Versailles, France.

1617 hrs, Sunday, 30th June 1946, Sankt Georgen an der Gusen, Austria.

0727 hrs, Monday, 1st July 1946, site of the wreckage of B-N, Sankt Georgen an der Gusen, Austria.

1132 hrs, Tuesday, 2nd July 1946, the Kremlin, Moscow, USSR.

1152 hrs, Thursday, 4th July 1946, Salisbury Plain, UK.

1321 hrs, Sunday, 7th July 1946, the Rathaus, Aachen, Germany.

1812 hrs, Sunday, 7th July 1946, Versailles, France.

2301 hrs, Sunday, 7th July 1946, Sankt Georgen an der Gusen, Austria.

1203 hrs, Monday, 8th July 1946, the Rathaus, Aachen, Germany.

1303 hrs, Tuesday, 9th July 1946, Camp 1001, Akhtubinsk, USSR.

1306 hrs, Wednesday, 10th July 1946, mouth of the Ondusengo River. South-West Africa.

1316 hrs, Wednesday, 10th July 1946, mouth of the Ondusengo River. South-West Africa.

1556 hrs, Wednesday, 10th July 1946, at sea, off the Skeleton Coast. South-West Africa.

0356 hrs, Thursday, 11th July 1946, mouth of the Ondusengo River, South-West Africa.

Chapter 160 – THE BETRAYALS

1600 hrs, Friday 12th July 1946, House of Madame Fleriot, La Vigie, Nogent L’Abbesse, near Reims, France.

1021 hrs, Saturday, 13th July 1946, Château de Versailles, France.

Chapter 161 – THE MATURATION

0930 hrs, Monday, 15th July 1946, Fulda, Germany.

1030 hrs, Monday, 15th July 1946, Fulda, Germany.

1123 hrs, Wednesday, 17th July 1946, Magdeburg, Germany.

1125 hrs, Wednesday, 17th July 1946, approaching Magdeburg, Germany.

1133 hrs, Wednesday, 17th July 1946, skies above Sülzetal, Germany.

0703 hrs, Thursday, 18th July, 1946, Av. V. Lenine 2445, Lourenco Marques. Mozambique.

1952 hrs, Thursday, 18th July 1946, Office of the General Secretary, the Kremlin, Moscow.

1002 hrs, Friday, 19th July 1946, Makaryev Monastery, Lyskovsky, USSR.

Chapter 162 - THE HILL

1002 hrs, Saturday, 20th July 1946, Hemmendorf, Germany.

1029 hrs, Saturday, 20th July 1946, the Saale, Ockensen, Germany.

1107 hrs, Saturday, 20th July 1946, Height 462, near Marienhagen, Germany.

1204 hrs, Saturday, 20th July 1946, Height 462, near Marienhagen, Germany.

1204 hrs, Saturday, 20th July 1946, the Stadtpark, Gronau, Germany.

1215 hrs, Saturday, 20th July 1946, Height 462, near Marienhagen, Germany.

1300 hrs, Saturday, 20th July 1946, Height 462, near Marienhagen, Germany.

1331 hrs, Saturday, 20th July 1946, Height 462, near Marienhagen, Germany.

1530 hrs, Saturday, 20th July 1946, Height 462, near Marienhagen, Germany.

1530 hrs, Saturday, 20th July 1946, slopes of Height 329, southeast of Marienhagen, Germany.

1602 hrs, Saturday, 20th July 1946, Bruggen, Germany.

1604 hrs, Saturday, 20th July 1946, Height 462, Marienhagen, Germany.

1628 hrs,
Saturday, 20th July 1946, Château de Versailles, France.

Chapter 163 - THE MEDALS

2228 hrs,
Monday, 22nd July 1946, Schloss Hartenfels, Torgau, Germany.

2028 hrs,
Tuesday, 23rd July 1946, the Duingerwald, east of Folziehausen, Germany.

Chapter 164 - THE SCIENTISTS

1109 hrs, Thursday, 25th July 1946, Arzamas-2510, VNIIEF Secret Facility within Prison Camp 1001, Akhtubinsk, USSR.

1829 hrs, Thursday, 25th July 1946, Prison Camp 1001, Akhtubinsk, USSR.

2242 hrs, Thursday, 25th July 1946, Arzamas-2510, VNIIEF Secret Facility within Prison Camp 1001, Akhtubinsk, USSR.

1009 hrs, Friday, 26th July 1946, Prison Camp 1001, Akhtubinsk, USSR.

2229 hrs, Friday, 26th July 1946, Grossglockener, Carinthia, Austria.

1058 hrs, Saturday, 27th July 1946, Schloss Hartenfels, Torgau, Germany.

1238 hrs, Saturday, 27th July 1946, Private Dacha of the Deputy Head of NKVD, Kuntsevo, Moscow.

1500 hrs, Sunday, 27th July 1946, United States Embassy, Grosvenor Square, London.

Chapter 165 - THE BRITISH

0803 hrs, Sunday, 28th July 1946, office of the General Secretary, the Kremlin, Moscow, USSR.

1223 hrs, Sunday, 28th July 1946, office of the General Secretary, the Kremlin, Moscow, USSR.

1333 hrs, Sunday, 28th July 1946, south of Neu Matzlow, Parchim, Germany.

1413 hrs, Sunday, 28th July 1946, Elde River crossing, Parchim, Germany.

1410 hrs, Sunday, 28th July 1946, Parchim, Germany.

1420 hrs, Sunday, 28th July 1946, Parchim, Germany.

1456 hrs, Sunday, 28th July, 1946, Route 59, Dütschow, Germany.

1502 hrs, Sunday, 28th July, 1946, Dütschow, Germany.

1559 hrs, Sunday, 28th July 1946, Friedensstrasse, Spornitz, Germany.

0053 hrs, Monday, 29th July, 1946, Hotel National, Moscow, USSR.

0948 hrs, Monday, 29th July 1946, Vnukovo Airfield, USSR.

1539 hrs, Monday, 29th July 1946, Grossglockener, Carinthia, Austria.

1701 hrs, Tuesday, 30th July 1946, Karup Air Base, Denmark.

Chapter 166 - THE STRAW

0934 hrs, Wednesday, 31st July 1946, the docks, Swinemünde, Pomerania.

1017 hrs, Thursday, 1st August 1946, the Oval Office, Washington DC, USA.

2357 hrs, Thursday, 1st August 1946, eight kilometres northwest of Darsser Ort, the Baltic Sea.

2357 hrs, Thursday, 1st August 1946, eight kilometres northwest of Darsser Ort, the Baltic Sea.

BOOK: Initiative (The Red Gambit Series Book 6)
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