Intimate Secrets: 10 (Touched By You) (3 page)

BOOK: Intimate Secrets: 10 (Touched By You)
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Before she could pull off his pants and taste him as she wanted to, Tanner grabbed a handful of her hair, and pulling her head back, said sternly, “Go upstairs and undress completely. Wait for me.”

His command excited her, and Natalie hesitated only a moment before taking a step back from him. She turned on shaky legs and went up the winding stairs, wondering what he intended. The bedroom was warm earth tones, and the light from the sconce gave it a golden glow.

As she undressed, Natalie’s level of excitement increased with each garment she removed. She heard low music playing downstairs, and as she listened she heard the sound of Tanner’s shoes on the stairs. Anticipating his approach, Natalie knew he would take her in the manner that suited him.

6 – The Belt

Tanner stood in the doorway, looking at her. Sitting on the edge of the bed, the satin sheets cool underneath her, Natalie waited. Noticing the stern look in his dark blue eyes, her nipples tightened. His bare chest, contrasted with the designer slacks he still wore, made her ache for him.

Natalie watched his muscles flex as he kicked off his shoes and removed his socks. Stepping over to the closet, he opened the door and took out her lace baby doll nightgown. Holding it out to her, Tanner said, “Put this on.”

Taking it, she slipped it over her. The lavender lace raked over her nipples as it went on, the hem dropping only to the top of her thighs.

“Lie on your stomach,” Tanner commanded.

With one look into his unyielding eyes, she slid up across the bed on her stomach. The short nightgown settled into the curve of her waist, leaving her ass bare. Tanner walked to the end of the bed and held her with his gaze. With her cheek on the sheets, Natalie watched every move he made.

Slowly, he unbuckled his belt, the action threatening. She was riveted to his fingers as he undid the gold buckle. With a strong pull, Tanner yanked the belt out of the loops, causing Natalie to gasp. He held up the leather strap, and butterflies raced in her stomach.

Leaning toward her, Tanner draped the soft leather belt over her bare ass and looked at her without saying a word. The sight of Tanner in soft wool slacks only, taking his time gazing at her, made her clit tighten. The feel of the belt over her ass teased her. Would he use it?

Without emotion, Tanner gripped the belt buckle and dragged the leather over her naked butt. The raging lust in his eyes and commanding presence pinned Natalie to the bed. The feel of the leather as he pulled it across her skin excited her. Knowing she should be wary, but feeling only compliant, Natalie clutched the sheets.

“Did you wear panties tonight?” The deep tenor of his voice put her on guard.

“No. You told me not to.”

“And you should do what I tell you, shouldn’t you?” Tanner dragged the end of the belt over her thighs as he spoke.


“Hold on to the edge of the bed,” he ordered.

Natalie clung to the sheets wrapped over the edge of the bed. She watched Tanner; he held the belt in both hands, pulling the leather tight as if testing it. She gulped.

“Spread your legs,” he said sharply.

As she moved her legs wide, cool air rushed against Natalie’s wet opening. Uneasiness about what Tanner would do next settled in her stomach.

Standing over her, Tanner dragged the tip of the belt over her sex. The light, threatening touch elicited heightened arousal. If only he would put pressure where she needed it, but Natalie knew he was proceeding at a pace of his own design.

Letting the leather drag along her thighs and down her calves, Tanner taunted her. He raked it over her sex and up her spine. Then he drew it back, holding it above her. Natalie quivered.

“Do you trust me?” he whispered.

Natalie nodded, though she had no certainty she could tolerate what he had in mind.

Tanner placed his warm hand on her ass, letting her acclimate to touch. Drawing back, he held the belt in the middle, so as to control its movement. With a sharp flick, the end slapped her round ass, sending powerful sensation through her. Whipping the belt expertly, Tanner stung her skin several times, and Natalie felt warmth where he struck.

His punishing strokes were hard enough to sting and potent enough to excite her, but Natalie was not aware of any unwelcome pain. On the contrary—each blow turned her on more than the last, and her sex was hot.

“Turn over,” he said.

No, he wouldn’t
. Natalie hesitated.

Do as I say.”

Reluctantly, Natalie turned on her back, completely at Tanner’s mercy. His predatory look sent a tinge of fear through her, combined with a fire of desire that was unfamiliar.

“Lift your nightgown.”

Natalie grabbed the hem and pulled it up to her ribs, exposing herself for Tanner’s pleasure. He touched the tip of the belt to her belly, a look of admiration in his otherwise cold eyes.

He let the belt drift down over her sex and looked into her eyes. “Tell me if it’s too much,” he said.

Natalie swallowed hard. She nodded.

Gripping the belt, so just a loose end swung free, he tapped it on her vulva. Knowing the touch was preparatory, Natalie clutched the sheets underneath her. Tanner flicked the end of the belt and lightly stung her smoothly waxed skin over and over. The sting of the belt bit her, but it didn’t hurt. It was an amazingly sensual feeling.

Swatting her sex, Tanner took her to a point of arousal Natalie was unfamiliar with. He was hurting her, by all perception. But it didn’t
hurt, it stung so good, she wanted more. If only he would keep it up. If only.

Tanner stung the belt against her upper thighs and across her vulva until Natalie whimpered without end.

“Spread your legs,” he barked.

Natalie complied, eyes wide.

Holding the thin belt very near the end, Tanner tapped at her sex with quick, sharp motions. The tiny sting radiated to her core and her clit hurt. Natalie’s body stiffened, her belly hard. It felt as though she opened her innermost self to Tanner, letting him take her to a place she never knew existed.

The tight, quick strokes against her sex tapped the skin over her clit, sending her into intense arousal. Natalie’s body ached and her world centered in the sting of her skin, the sharp impacts focused on her clit. Over and over, just so, the bite of the belt pushed her deeper into pleasure.

Completely under Tanner’s control, under the spell of the stinging strokes, Natalie exploded into orgasm. Her scream was loud and long. Her only awareness was of the impossible pleasure taking her over, and the caress of the leather on her sex. Trust was everything, as she was unable to resist what was happening.

Orgasm took her, and wrung from her every ounce of energy, leaving her floating on a cloud of pleasure. Tanner was next to her, holding her in his arms. The tantalizing belt lay across them both, straddling their hips. Natalie closed her eyes and sighed. Tanner stroked her hair and held her against him.

7 – Blossoming Sexuality

Feeling Tanner’s hot erection against her thigh, Natalie turned on her side and draped her leg over his hips. He placed his palm on her cheek and sucked on her lower lip. Leaning down, he played his tongue over her nipples.

Natalie’s arousal had crescendoed but not dimmed. His hot mouth on her nipples renewed her desire. She arched her back, offering him better access. Tanner palmed her sex, making her whimper.

He covered her mouth with his and they breathed together, tasting each other and making love with their tongues. Tanner gripped the base of his thick cock and slipped inside Natalie.

She wanted him and had no patience to wait. Lowering over him, Natalie let his cock slide deep, and hearing his moan, began to rock into him. Tanner held her thigh, assisting her movements, and pumping into her. He felt so big, and she craved the feeling.

Tanner stroked her, and Natalie felt her vagina tighten. They moved together, feeling each other, lost in each other. Like a slow-rising wave, the feeling in Natalie grew, and filled with his swollen cock, she was propelled into another orgasm. Panting and clawing at him, the sensation was all consuming.

She felt Tanner stiffen hard as steel, and listened to his groans as he released into her. Holding him at that moment, all sense of separateness evaporated. She melted into him, pressing against him. The waves of orgasm rocked them, and they fell into pleasure as one. Collapsing into each other’s arms, they drifted into a dreamlike state, aware only of each other.


Tanner held Natalie in his embrace. The evening had been a revelation to him. He wondered if it was the same for both of them. The difference was slight, yet in his mind it was a shift in the universe. Dominating sexually was not new; not to Tanner.

He’d been honest with Natalie from the start. It was his preference. He’d educated her sexually, and enjoyed the things he did. Yet, just moments before, Tanner had experienced something new.

It could have been a look in her eyes, a nuance to her response to him. He couldn’t put his finger on it. A familiar boundary had evaporated with no apparent effort. Natalie wasn’t different, exactly. It was more like she got in touch with herself in a new way.

Her response to him, her pleasure, had heated his blood and swelled his cock beyond control. Being inside her and feeling her close had a new tone. Was it less inhibition, greater desire? He couldn’t say.

Watching her sleeping beside him, Tanner wondered if she knew. He hoped she’d opened to the experience and was in touch with her own blossoming sexuality. The idea that she might shut it off, hold it inside, was unwelcome. He wanted her to submit to it and let it take her.

The change was anything but subtle to Tanner, though it might go unnoticed by the woman he loved more than anything in the world. Having tasted of it, he didn’t think he could abstain. It wasn’t in his nature.

Breaking him away from reflection, Natalie started talking in her sleep. He touched her cheek, not wanting to wake her, but not knowing if her dreams were pleasant. She said his name under her breath, but he couldn’t make out the other words. Only a word here and there made sense. She wasn’t talking coherently. “No” and “can’t” spilled out. It could mean anything. Those words could apply to almost any area of her life.

It was a dream, after all. Brushing aside concern that the disturbed sleep-talking had anything to do with their relationship, Tanner pulled Natalie close with her back to his chest. He breathed in her scent, loving her so much it hurt. It was a while before he was able to sleep, unable to quiet the thoughts swirling in his mind.

8 – Desperation

Natalie didn’t get a good night’s sleep. She felt restless, tossing and turning. In the early hours of the morning, listening to Tanner’s heavy breathing, she sank into a mild depression. Maybe she was just tired. Or maybe it was something else. Frustrated, she got up, waking Tanner up in the process.

“Good morning, baby,” he murmured, reaching out a moment too late.

“I didn’t sleep well,” she said. “I’m going to shower.” Disappearing into the bathroom, she wondered what was wrong with her.

The night before had been amazing. She should feel equally amazing. For no reason she could name, a feeling of desperation washed over her. A hot shower would help. It would wake her up.

The shower didn’t help much. Nor did breakfast; the organic fare tasted like cardboard. So, Natalie just sipped her cappuccino and stared out the window.

“What’s the matter with you this morning?”

She looked over at Tanner, fresh from his shower in a cotton shirt and jeans. He looked delectable, but she fought against the urges rising in her breast. Feeling a little crazy, she just shook her head.

Tanner looked at her. “You look pale. Are you ill?”


“Was it something I did?
Because if it is, you can tell me.”

His piercing blue eyes were intimidating. Natalie had no idea what to say. If she didn’t understand the feelings dragging her down, then she couldn’t expect him to. “It’s not you. You were…amazing last night.”

“Then why are you frowning?”

“I’m not frowning.”

“I’m afraid you are.”

“Just ignore me.”

“Considering that we are on a romantic trip to the wine country, that’s going to be hard to do.”

His attempt at a lighthearted view did little to lessen the burden she felt weighing on her. It made no sense.
None at all. But the feeling of desperation wouldn’t go away.

“Can we just eat?”

“Sure, baby. But you’re not eating.”

“Okay—drink, then. Let me just drink my cappuccino. Talking isn’t helping.”

Tanner did not consider that he was an expert with women, not by any stretch. And often he couldn’t decipher what went on in Natalie’s mind. Unable to read her, it was wise to back off. It was more likely he’d say the wrong thing than make anything better. The sight of her, sitting there looking miserable, was tormenting.

“I have some work to do,” he said, sounding more annoyed than he was.

BOOK: Intimate Secrets: 10 (Touched By You)
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