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Authors: Mackenzie McKade

Irresistible (7 page)

BOOK: Irresistible
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She was so cute, all he could do was chuckle, following her up the steps.

Grabbing a large towel off the stack, she tossed it, hitting him square in the face. Her anger only made him laugh harder.

“Something funny?” Suspicion flashed in Cameron’s eyes as she patted her arms dry. Louisa and Ted had already scurried from the room. Harry stood quietly in the doorway, waiting and watching the interplay between them.

“Nothing,” Sean and Sydney said at once.

His sister draped her towel over a rack. “Fine. But this isn’t over. We need to talk.”

is between Syd and me.”

She harrumphed. “Good luck in convincing Mom of that.”

“Cameron,” Sean hissed.

“I’m just saying that
is going to be one hell of a shock. You better know what you’re doing, because Mom won’t be happy if
doesn’t end good.” Big tears suddenly filled her eyes. She compressed her mouth, and then she trembled. “Dammit, Sean, you better not break her heart—tear this family apart.”

Sydney stood like a marble statue, unmoving. A puddle of water accumulated at her feet as her towel hung limp by her side.

“You don’t have anything to worry about, Sis. We’re getting married.”

“What?” Sydney screeched. “The hell we are.”

Once again Cameron’s eyes had become as big as saucers. “Married? How long has this been going on?”

But Sean’s attention was riveted on Sydney. He moved so he towered over her, and then he glared down at her. “Yes. We. Are,” he enunciated.

…” The rapid shake of her head made her braid tumble down her back. “I don’t think so.”

“Don’t argue with me, Syd. You don’t have a choice.”

“The hell I don’t.” Her face turned beet red. Fire simmered in her eyes. “If you think I’ll marry you just because I might be—” She pinched her mouth closed.

Silence stretched between them.

“Pregnant?” Cameron whispered. “Sydney, are you pregnant?”

“I—I don’t know.”

“What do you mean you don’t know?”

“Well, last night—” No longer was the color in Sydney’s cheeks due to anger. Embarrassment flushed across her face.

Cameron threw back her head, roaring with laughter. Then she glanced at Sydney. “He didn’t use a condom and you’re not on birth control.” When neither of them responded, she laughed harder.

“We used a condom,” Sean murmured before adding, “it broke.”

“You idiot,” she spoke between chuckles.

“I don’t see what’s so funny,” he grumbled.

,” Cameron brushed her hand from him to Sydney, “happened last night then there’s plenty of time to address the issue. I mean…if that’s what both of you want.”

Harry took that moment to join them. “What your sister is trying to say so indelicately is that you two have nothing to worry about.” He draped an arm around Cameron. “The morning-after pill works for five days after— Uhmmm…” he stammered.

“We get it.” Sean wasn’t prepared for the sting of disappointment he felt. “It sounds like you speak from experience.”

Harry shrugged a shoulder. “Come on, babe. Let’s get dressed and hit the slopes.” He guided a hesitant Cameron toward the door.

When they were alone, Sean turned to Sydney to find moisture welling in her eyes. Before he could reach for her, she burst into tears and fled from the room.

Chapter Six

Not thinking about her sodden bathing suit, Sydney flung herself upon her bed. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t staunch the flow of tears. Curling her fingers into the comforter, she buried her face into a pillow and wept.

God, what was wrong with her?

Discovering she had nothing to worry about should have made her happy, relieved. Instead she felt as if she’d lost something—something she hadn’t even known she was missing. As much as she tried to put a name to the emptiness overtaking her, she couldn’t.

A rapid series of knocks pelted the door but she ignored them. When the sharp beats grew in intensity and volume, she raised her head slightly from the now-damp pillow.

“Go away,” she squeezed through broken breaths.


“Go.” She choked, catching her breath on a sob. “Away, Sean.”

Instead of him honoring her wishes, she heard the doorknob turn. Dammit. She’d forgotten to lock the door. Attempting to swallow her emotion, she only managed to slow her tears.

“Baby, what’s the matter?” The bed moaned beneath his weight as he sat down. His warm palm smoothed across her back. “Syd. You’re breaking my heart. Don’t cry. Tell me what’s wrong.”

What could she say? That somewhere deep inside she had wanted to be pregnant, wanted a real family of her own—wanted him.

“Talk to me, Syd. Please.”

Her chest hurt, the pressure unbearable. Could a person’s heart really break?

“Just leave me alone, Sean.”

“I can’t do that.” His strong hands wrapped around her, dragging her into his lap—into his embrace. She pressed her face into his shoulder, refusing to meet his gaze. “Shhh. Now where did all these tears come from?”

“Nowhere. PMS,” she quickly added. That had to be it, because she wasn’t thinking rationally. Neither of them needed a baby or to be forced into a situation they might regret later. “I’m always prone to outbursts and mood swings before my period starts.” At least that wasn’t a lie.

“Nice try, sweetheart, but I’m not buying it. What’s really behind these tears?” He wiped a few lingering drops away with a finger.

A rap on the door saved her from blurting out the truth. She wiggled out of his lap and got to her feet, wiping her eyes with both hands. “Yes?”

Cameron pushed open the door, her eyes flashing concern when she saw Sydney’s tear-streaked face. “What’s wrong? Sean?” His name came out on a frustrated sigh.

“You guys go on. We’re not going skiing.” As he spoke he stood, standing so close to Sydney that she felt his heat, inhaled his masculine scent.


“Cameron.” He firmed his voice. “Close the door. We’ll see you when you get back.”

She hesitated, glancing back and forth between the two of them. In the end she pulled the door closed behind her.

Sean reached for Sydney. She didn’t have the strength to pull away.

Wrapping his arms around her, he rested his chin on her head. For a moment he just held her, until she shivered. The chill in the room made her wet bathing suit uncomfortable.

“You need to get out of this thing.” He pulled the string tied at her back, releasing her top, so that it hung loose around her neck to bare her breasts.


“Shhh. Let me take care of you.”

Pressing several small kisses on her lips, he reached for the string around her neck and worked on the knot to remove her top completely. Then he slid her bottoms past her hips and they fell, sliding down her legs.

She stepped out of the material pooled around her ankles. “Sean—”

He pressed a finger against her lips. “Get into bed.”


“Bed.” He tore back the damp comforter and jerked his head toward the mounds of pillows. “Now.”

Sydney sat on the mattress, watching him retrieve her swimsuit top and bottom and carry them into the adjacent bathroom. When he came back he was as naked as she. His erect cock jutted out of a thatch of curly, dark hair.

As he approached, she licked her lips. “Sean, what do you think you’re doing?”

Ignoring her, he moved to the other side of the bed. She twisted around to see him pull back the blanket and sheet, before he climbed in.

One hand propped his head up as his sensual lashes lowered lazily to shadow even more sensual eyes. “I’ve dreamed of this.”

She blinked. “What? Me looking like a damp dishtowel, crying like a fool?”

“No. You. Me. In bed.” He patted the area next to him. When she didn’t respond, he scooted closer. “Damn, woman, you’ve driven me into a sexual frenzy since we were teenagers.” Looking at her through half-shuttered eyes, he reached over and smoothed his palm down her arm, until his fingers circled her wrist. “And nothing has changed.”

As much as she needed to feel him next to her, inside her, Sydney knew it was best to end this before it went any further. If she wasn’t pregnant, maybe they could pick up the pieces, forget this weekend. But even as the thought entered her mind, she knew it was pointless. She’d never be able to work beside him and stop the yearning, the need to touch and kiss him. She needed more.

“Sean, I can’t do this.”

“Do what?”

“I thought maybe…that I could— Last night—” Damn. It was difficult to face reality. She inhaled, releasing the breath along with her confession. “Last night was a mistake.” It was the right thing to admit, she assured herself. One-night stands weren’t her thing, and she had loved Sean too long to pretend differently. “There’s too much between us. I can’t do a casual affair and then go back to the way things were.” Or watch him date other women, but she left that troubling thought unsaid.

“That’s not what’s happening here. I’ve never met a woman like you. You both infuriate me and thrill me. Since I returned home you’re all I can think about. But most of all you make me forget myself. Want things I didn’t even know I wanted.”

The warmth in his eyes made her heart flutter. “I don’t understand.”

“I want you.” A half-laugh, half-exasperated sound pushed between his lips. “I’m crazy about you, Syd.” He ran his hand across the back of his neck. “I’m probably screwing this up, but I love everything about you. That pertinent nose of yours tilted in the air when you’re mad at me. The throaty growl in your voice when you want to berate me, but instead you turn and walk away, giving me a delicious view of that shapely ass of yours. Your musical laughter. That priceless smile you show me so seldom.” Another uneasy chuckle burst from his mouth. “In other words, I love you, Syd.”

Again something inside her chest tightened. For a moment she couldn’t breathe. She even questioned her hearing. When she didn’t speak he gave her wrist a tug and she fell back upon the bed with an

“Come here,” he purred. The sexy command slid over her skin, leaving goose bumps in its wake.

He loved her?

Speechless, she allowed him to assist her, pull her up alongside him, and then he cupped the back of her head and slanted his mouth over hers. The caress was poignant.

Lips locked in a slow sensual seal, he guided her onto her back, following so his firm body draped hers. With both knees he wedged her legs apart, widening them, before he settled between her thighs. His weight, the feel of his skin touching hers, made her pulse speed, her breasts grow heavy, and her inner muscles contract. As he deepened their kiss, his tongue eased down the length of hers, tangling and then retreating so that she would follow. When she dipped inside his mouth to taste and savor, he sucked, long and hard pulls that forced a cry from her lips.

An answering growl rumbled in his throat as he began to rock his hips. With each delicious thrust his cock rubbed sinfully along her moist slit and across her clit, back and forth. Over and over. The friction of heat burned like a flame to kindling, igniting a tingling sensation that built with alarming speed, twisting and turning inside her.

“Sean,” she gasped into his mouth. “Condom?”

He froze. Beneath half-shuttered eyelids, he stared at her. Then he exhaled and pressed his forehead against hers. “Don’t take that damn pill.”

Sydney’s heart fluttered. “What?”

“Marry me.”

A short burst of laughter met his request. “Marry you?” Had he lost his mind or had she lost hers, because this had to be a dream.

“Just hear me out.” He swallowed hard, nervously licking his lips. “I think this weekend— You. Me. Us. It’s Fate telling us we belong together.”


Soft yet firm lips took hers in a mind-blowing kiss. Each long, wet caress stroked her desire, awakening her body. Her nipples were throbbing peaks burying into his chest. They rasped against his naked skin, creating tendrils of pleasure to unfurl and release between her thighs.

Breaking the kiss, he panted for air. “Let me make love to you, baby, until all my strength is gone.”


Sean had just laid his soul at her feet, praying she didn’t stomp on it.

“Please?” His pulse raced. “Let me touch you.” Never had a woman had this effect on him. His breathing was labored. His hands wandered aimlessly over every inch of her silky skin. “God, I need you.” He glided a palm down her hip, across her abdomen, until his hand slid between them and he touched the heart of her heat. She was warm, wet and all his. The thought put a smile on his face as he slipped a digit between her swollen folds and began to ease it in and out. Another finger joined the first.

“You’re mine.” He thrust deep and her back bowed on a whimper.

“I’ve always been yours. You just never saw me before now.” There was something sad in her tone that tugged at his heart.

BOOK: Irresistible
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