It Takes Two (Blindfold Club #0.5) (2 page)

BOOK: It Takes Two (Blindfold Club #0.5)
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Ben’s face clouded with unease. “You want me to choke her?” His gaze snapped my direction, silently demanding me to protest.

“No.” Scott reached up, delicately setting his hand on the base of my neck. “Like this.” My heart pounded at the contact of his warm fingers against my heated skin. There wasn’t pressure in his touch. “Or if you’re behind her, like this.” His grip adjusted so his hand was wrapped around my throat, but his fingers simply rested there. Possessive and seductive.

Oh, man. Did he feel how hard I just swallowed? A smile teased his lips as his touch left me.

“We’re not going to block the scene,” Kimberly said. “Let’s just have fun and do what everyone’s feeling. I’ll only speak up if it’s needed.” Her focus turned to me. “You’re in good hands with Scott.”

Her honest tone helped ease my nerves, and although she’d dropped the bomb of the threesome, I felt like my safety and comfort were more important than getting good footage.

There weren’t any lights on the cameras signaling they were filming, but the air grew intense and serious when she stared down at the viewscreen. “Can you tell us your names?”

I wasn’t sure who was supposed to speak, and exchanged a glance with Scott. “Ladies first.”

I turned back to the camera. “I’m Nina.”

As the guys introduced themselves, Scott took off his hat and tossed it aside, combing his fingers through his wavy hair. Was I subtly leaning toward him? I sat up straighter and turned to Ben, not wanting to show more interest in one over the other.

Ben had a strong jaw, a straight, Roman nose, and eyes like black holes. A force like gravity pulled me in. What would have happened if Ben had shown up first? Would I be leaning his direction?

We chatted for a while about how it was my first time, if I’d ever been with two guys at once, and I know I answered, but my brain raced a million miles an hour. Ben’s fingertips skimmed along the bare skin of my thigh where the dress stopped, making me flinch. He chuckled at my reaction but held his hand up in surrender.

“Sorry,” I said quickly. “You can touch me, you just caught me by surprise.”

He grinned and his fingers were back, tracing the edge of my dress. My breath stalled in my lungs when Scott swept the hair off of my shoulder and leaned in. Warm, damp lips settled on the nape of my neck and caused me to shudder.

My eyes hooded as both men touched me. Ben’s hand slid along the length of my thigh while Scott’s fingers pressed gently into my shoulder, holding me still. His mouth carved a path, his breath steaming across my skin, all while Kimberly and the cameras watched.

The air grew thick and heavy with lust.

My lips parted when I turned to Ben. His black eyes pinned me in place on the edge of the bed, while Scott continued to seduce me with his wicked mouth. I tilted my head to the side to give him more room, and he took it.
Fuck, he was good at that.
He used both tongue and teeth on the sensitive skin just beneath my ear.

A soft moan slipped from me, but both of the men must have heard it, because they acted like it was permission to go further. Ben eased my knees apart, and the pads of his fingers worked up, lifting my skirt with it. The thin fabric trailed and tickled softly as it went, all the way until my pale pink lace underwear was exposed.

Scott was inside the top of my dress, peeling the strap down with a firm hand. Every tiny centimeter of skin the men exposed brought me closer the point of no return, not that I cared anymore. Nina Hale, the girl who couldn’t get anything better than an entry-level temp job, was about to go down in flames, and Nina the porn star would rise in her place.

The strap of my dress hung loose at my elbow and cool air wafted over my breast as Scott bared it for everyone to see. My nipples had tightened into hard peaks, aching for attention.

One of the guys made a sound of appreciation, but my lust-hazy mind couldn’t determine which one. Ben’s fingers tugged at the other strap, pulling the dress until it was a waded rope around my arms, holding me in place.

“Look at those perfect tits,” Ben said. “You want me to suck on them?”

I didn’t need to perform, my answer was genuine. “Yes.”

“Not yet, Nina.” Scott’s voice was like the devil’s. “We need to see all of you first.”

Could the microphone pick up the way he said my name like it was dirty? And
? A rush of warmth spread between my legs.

“Show us,” he commanded.

It was strange. I should have felt vulnerable, but the more undressed I became, the more power flooded through me. I pushed up to stand, no longer shaky on my heels, and shoved the dress down, stretching it over my hips until it was a puddle of fabric on the carpet.

“Goddamn, that is one fuckable ass,” Ben said. His hand was warm on my cheek and squeezed, his rough fingers digging in. It felt good.

“I want to see that pussy,
,” Scott said.

Kimberly had faded behind the lights. There were just the two men and the cameras now, but I was going to put on a show. I slipped my thumbs beneath the band at my hips and methodically worked the panties down, each side at a time to tease.

It was almost a growl in Scott’s deep voice. “Get those panties off. Don’t make us wait.”

I shuddered with excitement and stepped out, until I was naked except for my glossy beige, open-toe high heels.

Ben stood up behind me, and his hands slid across my belly, one easing its way down to spread my pussy wide for the camera. The brush of his fingertips over my clit was electric. I bit down on my bottom lip, quieting my moan.

“Fuck, she’s wet.” His other hand curled around my breast, kneading it. I had to lean back against his chest for support, and clung to his strong forearm. Beneath his t-shirt, Ben’s heart thumped along at a gallop. Was he nervous or turned on? I pressed further into him.

Oh. Definitely turned on.

“Oh my God,” I said. His fingers stirred, one long stroke down and up, then circled where it felt best.

“You like that, don’t you?” The voice just over my shoulder asked.

My lips pressed into a line and I nodded quickly, not wanting him to stop. Every nerve ending in me was alive and firing.

There was rustling as Scott climbed to his feet. His hand went over his shoulder, tugging a fistful of his shirt over his head until it was off and flung away. I inhaled sharply at the sight of his golden tan skin and the muscles rippling beneath it. My gaze followed the line of his body where his hips arrowed down into the sexy V, the best part just covered with the waistband of his boxers. It sat an inch above where his jeans stopped.

I was going to burst into flames.

Scott set his hand on my shoulder and urged me to turn into him, and then both men were touching me. My breasts, my ass, and the shortest strokes through my slit, torturing me. Ben’s mouth found my earlobe and bit softly, but his hands were more aggressive. Sharp tugs of my nipples stole my breath.

The tremble in my legs was back.

It threatened to collapse me, and my palms flew forward, finding Scott’s shoulders when he dipped down so he could wrap his lips around my breast. I stared at the top of his head with glazed eyes and hung on. Ben’s support was gone so he could yank off his shirt, hurrying to keep up.

I could think of worse ways to make money than being sandwiched between two incredibly hot men while they were focused on me. I mean, I couldn’t think of any worse ways right now, because my brain was functioning on only a basic level. The level that was all about need, and pleasure, and satisfaction.

They both radiated heat as they closed in. Hard chests were against me on both sides, flattening me between them. Scott’s hand tangled in my hair and tugged my head back, forcing my gaze up to the ceiling, and the men descended on me like a pack feasting on their kill.

Chapter Three

I moaned as tongues traced the curve of my neck, and lips followed the line of my collarbone. All sense of what I was supposed to be doing was gone, and I allowed myself to be swept away in the sensations.

“Put your hands on our dicks,” Scott whispered in my ear, quiet enough I was sure the microphone couldn’t hear. My eyelids fluttered open and I blinked back into reality. Time to stop being so selfish.

“You gonna give me some hard cock?” I said, my tone forced. Shit, how lame did that just sound?

Ben didn’t notice, or he covered for me. “You better fucking believe it.”

Both men worked to undo their zippers as I reached to grasp them through their pants. It was awkward with my hand behind my back touching Ben, but holy shit. He was big. Scott was too, from what I could tell. I’d known I’d be working with a guy larger than average, but now a tiny part of me was freaking out. How was I going to handle
enormous cocks?

Anxiety climbed higher when Scott’s jeans and boxers dropped, and I got my first look. It was a monster. His cock was long and thick, just like I’d expected from countless hours of watching porn, but that had been from behind the safety of my computer screen.

When I stood stunned and motionless, Scott grabbed my hand and wrapped it tight around him, squeezing our hands closed. Then he began to fuck my fist. My mouth dropped open, watching him.

“That’s so fucking hot,” I gasped. His eyes flared with approval.

Ben’s shorts were off, and I cupped my other hand around the fat head of his dick, stroking down the length.

“Oh, fuck, yeah.” His hips pumped, spurring me on.

Scott’s expression twisted with pleasure and Ben issued a loud sigh when I gripped them tighter. Damp, hard, and throbbing skin pushed against my palms, and the heavy breathing of the men was enough to make me ache. My pussy was dripping wet.

“On your knees,

I stared up into Scott’s sky-blue eyes as I folded one leg beneath me, then the other, resting my knees on the carpet, my grip on the men never letting up. I’d seen enough porn to know what to do. I stroked my hands in sync, down their impressive lengths, and twisted as I came back up.

Without prompting, I swept my tongue over the tip of Scott’s dick and he jerked under my hold. He stared down over his sculpted body to connect with mine, and the hunger in his eyes was dangerous and enticing. I parted my lips and took him in my welcoming mouth.

There was a sharp inhale from him through clenched teeth that sounded like a hiss, but was filled with satisfaction. Such a perfect sound, and it made me pause on Ben for a moment so I could hear it better.

“Don’t fucking stop,” Ben pleaded.

He moaned when I resumed my jerky hand job. The girls in the pornos made it look easy, but it wasn’t. Concentrating on both men while also worrying about how I looked was exhausting. Plus it was insane what I was doing. Something so intimate, my first time with two men, who were strangers, all in front of another stranger and a camera. How wrong was it that I liked this?

No. There was something wrong with Nina the office temp. Nina the porn star had no shame.

I released Scott from my mouth and tore my gaze away from him, finding Ben’s, which was fixed on me.

“So patiently waiting your turn,” I said, my voice rasping.

His eyes turned an even darker shade of black and his expression was wild. Raw. Fuck, he looked good like that. His hand curled around the back of my neck and pulled me to him, slamming his cock in my mouth. There was so much force I had to let go of Scott and put both hands on Ben’s hips to slow him down. Maybe he hadn’t been so patiently waiting.

“Yeah, suck that cock,” he whispered. In videos, I wasn’t a fan of the dirty-talk. It felt fake and laughable, but here with Ben it was the opposite. I believed the words that tumbled from his lips. “Shit, that’s good.”

When I had Ben’s pace under control, I reached back for Scott. Butterflies fluttered in my belly when his hand took mine and guided it, which made no sense whatsoever. I’d already sucked his dick. Why had an innocent touch caused this reaction?

Ben gathered my hair in his hands, keeping it out of my way and out of the shot, which was great. This was just as much his first role as it was mine. I looked up at him and wondered what had happened at his audition. There hadn’t even been a hint of stage fright today.

He was in good shape. Not perfectly cut like Scott, but real. There was a different kind of sexiness in Ben’s authenticity. I understood the hierarchy of our threesome. Scott was the top, the one controlling the scene, and I was all the way at the bottom, setting the rules. I was naturally submissive, so I had no issues with our roles. Was Ben comfortable in his?

My tongue swirled and cartwheeled on his cock, and it drew a shudder from him. It was sexy. His soft moans, coupled with the subtle tightening of his hold on my hair, showed me how much I was pleasing him. I felt powerful, even on my knees.

Scott’s voice rang out from above. “I want her sucking your cock while I lick her pussy.”

Oh, God,
. Scott seized my arm and lifted me from my knees, pulling me off of Ben.

“Get up on the bed.” It wasn’t a request. The weight and authority in Scott’s voice had my skin tingling, and me eager to obey.

He’d been talking to both of us. Ben climbed onto the bed, his naked body scurrying noisily over the sheets, and sat back against the headboard. His hard cock was clenched in a fist, pointing straight toward the ceiling. Waiting for me.

There was fire and lust in his eyes as I stepped out of Scott’s embrace and put a knee on the bed. I crawled as seductively as I could manage across the comforter, slowly making my way to Ben. The camera and Scott behind me, I assumed, could see every naked inch of my pussy, and I hoped it looked good.

.” Ben cursed on a long breath, one of his hands going to his forehead as I ran the edge of my tongue from base to tip of his heated, damp flesh. Then I swirled over the slit and the parted legs around me quivered.

The bed jostled as Scott joined us. His hand caressed the round curve of my ass, which was up in the air. I buried my knees and elbows into the mattress, flipped my hair over a shoulder, and wrapped my lips around Ben’s dick. Scott’s fingers skimmed through my pussy, feathering the softest touch.

BOOK: It Takes Two (Blindfold Club #0.5)
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