Jessica (Tucked In 2) (7 page)

BOOK: Jessica (Tucked In 2)
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Chapter 13


Jessica wrapped in my arms, sleeping soundly against me, I feel nostalgic. It’s much like old times. I do love this woman, but I’m good enough at my job to know that she’s holding something back from me. She’s keeping something secret and it can either be nothing or it can be deadly important. Either way, she had better spill it soon, or she’s going to end up tied to a chair while the guys and I run this mission. I can’t worry about her turning on us, or getting hurt. Part of me wants to lock her up, just so I can make sure she’s really mine again. But the years of what she’s already been through, that’s just not something I can do to her. She needs to get out there and experience a real life. She is going to need to grow and reacquaint herself with the world.


Unable to fall back asleep, I just stare down at her pale body curled around me. The little moon light drifting from my window falls perfectly over her. Running a finger lighting down her spine, she shivers against me. I pull the blanket up over her, covering her nakedness. As I start to drift off, my cell phone buzzes next to my head, and the alarm panel next to my door lights up like crazy. Jumping up from the bed, I rush to my window, grabbing the night vision binoculars sitting on the dresser. Looking out the window, I see three guys heading up my driveway, in a line, guns drawn. They look much like the guards I saw at the base. She set me up. She told these guys where to find me. That bitch.


Angrily, I stomp over to my bed, ripping the blanket off of her.
“Get the fuck up now.” I yell at her. Shock and fear spread across her face as she sits up, looking around, as if trying to figure out where she is.

“Tuck, you scared the shit out of me. What the hell,” placing her hand on her chest, as if relieved to see it’s me, I’m not falling for it.
“You want to tell me why there are three men with guns walking up my driveway right now?”

“What?” Either she’s a really good actress, better than I remember, or she is genuinely shocked.
She jumps from the bed and rushes to the window. I hand her the binoculars.
“No, no, no, no,” she keeps repeating, curling up into a ball on the floor beneath my window. She begins to rock, hitting her back on the wall. The goggles falling from her hand as she pulls her knees up to her body and continues rocking back and forth, chanting, “No, no, no, no.”


Shit. She didn’t do this. They must have followed her some other way. Crouching in front of her, I scoop her into my arms, and drop her on the bed, where she continues to shake her head in disbelief. I can only imagine the horrors that she has gone through, to make her this afraid of what one man can do. The hopes that she must have built, just coming to me, knowing I can protect her. I won’t let her down this time. Grabbing my .45 from beneath the pillow her head is on, I check the clip and my door flies open. Quickly covering her with the blanket, I see Buzz in the doorway, holding up two fingers and pointing to the rear of the house. The alarm panel in his room must have woken him up. Each room has a panel, and binoculars. The first floor of my house, would be considered a basement in others, it’s underground, and so the windows are right above the ground.


Two means he saw two men out his window. That makes five. I hold up three and point to my window. Following him into the hallway, I close my door behind me.
“You going to put some pants on there Casanova?” He looks down at me.
“Hey, quite looking perv.” I reopen the door, grabbing a pair of jeans from the chair just inside my room, slipping them on quickly. Razor, having heard us in the hallway, comes out.
“Yo, Tuck, why’s this thing in my room flashing.”
“Raz, get the bag with the extra .45’s and my bodyguard from the living room please, then go in my room, and do not let anyone get in there. You understand? Do not let anyone in. If they get past us, you need to keep her safe.” Nodding with understanding, he rushes out to the living room.


“What are we going to do?” Buzz asks me.
“We’re going to take the guns, and sneak up on these bastards. I have an access door in the den, it leads out to the yard, on the side of the house. We can each take a side, and get these guys before they get inside. Just take them out at the knees if you can, I hate paperwork, and kill shots mean paperwork.” Acknowledging me, he heads back to the den. Razor returns with my bag, and I shove the .45 from my hand at him.

“Here, it’s loaded. You keep her safe.” Not waiting for an answer, other than my door clicking shut, I turn to follow Buzz into the den.


I have an
enormous bookshelf that takes up almost an entire wall. That swings open, revealing my safe, where I keep all my money, and a doorway. This is just a small access tunnel I had installed, but it comes out by the trees, where just hours ago, we had watched the two women in my life duke it out over me. Slightly my ego inflates as I smile at the recollection. Thankfully it’s dark in here. Now isn’t the time. Buzz follows me, and I point for him to pull the door shut behind him. If any of these guys get past us, I don’t want to have to worry that they will find this.


Quietly, I push up on the hatch, and part of my garden raises up, dirt spilling over the edges of the access point. Quickly, I pull myself up, hidden by the dark shadows of the trees. Pointing towards the rear of the house, where Buzz had seen the two guys, he shakes his head at me and takes off. I try to creep my way closer to the driveway, watching these amateurs as the stomp and clomp loudly down my driveway. There is no way that these are actual professionals. A pro would know to keep quiet and stay in the shadow, unseen, like I am.


Once they are past me, I step out of the brush, and in my bare feet, take a step towards them, their backs to me. Two shots ring out into the night darkness. Startled, the three men start to turn around, looking to figure out where the shots came from. Turning back, they see me standing there, gun aimed, and before any of them can react, I take them out, one by one, shooting their knee, foot and shoulder. As the men tumble to the ground, writhing in pain, I feel content. It’s been awhile since I got to shoot someone and it feels great. Being overly dramatic, this is Hollywood after all, I bring my gun up to my face and blow on the barrel. Yea, I’m a badass, I know it.


Dragging these guys up to the garage, I open the door in search of some rope. Just as I’m getting them hog tied together, Buzz drops his two guys to the garage floor in front of me.
“Sorry man, tried to do what you said, but this one got the drop on me and I had to take him out quickly. So, I got his neck and well, he didn’t exactly make it.”
“It’s okay Buzz, it’s your paperwork to do, not mine,” I laugh at him. As he ties his living guy up, I run inside, back to my bedroom. Buzz will call his friends on the LAPD. They don’t ask too many questions when he calls them about these situations. I’ve worked with Buzz a lot, so it comes in handy.


Bursting through my bedroom door, shouting out, I let Razor know it’s just me, so the idiot doesn’t shoot me. I find a naked Jessica, wrapped around Razor, crying.
“Dude,” he says, his hands raised in the air, the one still holding the gun, “She heard the gun shots and just freaked out, she attached herself to me. I swear, I didn’t see or touch anything.” I have to laugh at his protestations. But it does peak a twinge of jealousy to see my Jessica, my naked Jessica wrapped around another man. Oh shit, when did I begin to refer to her as My Jessica again? I’m so screwed. She looks up to me with her tear stained cheeks.

“Where’s your cell phone?” I ask her, a little more harshly than intended. She points to her helmet that was resting on my desk. Walking over it it, the phone is laying inside of it with the keys.


Pulling the back off, I take out the battery, and inspect it. There’s a tracking chip on it, so even if it’s turned off, the phone can still be tracked. Grabbing her bike keys, I leave the room, not saying anything. Right now
my home has been invaded, the love of my life has returned from the dead and I don’t know who or what to trust and believe. So, right now, I’m just going to take her bike and phone for a ride and get them away from my home, so she can’t be tracked anymore. This is why I’ve always avoided having people here. It complicates things, but also opens my place up to being found. Until now, no one has known where I live. That’s all ruined.


Chapter 14


Racing through the hills on the motorcycle Jessica brought here, I worry there’s a chip on this too, which is why I brought it. At the bottom of my road, I veer left, heading back towards LA and downtown. Right before entering the city, I stop, and jump off the bike. Strapping the cell phone to it, I crank the gas, and let go, sending the bike crashing into the wall of an old warehouse. As I turn around, there’s an unmarked cop car sitting there, just watching me. Recognizing the driver as one of Buzz’s friends, I walk over.


“Hey Tuck,” he says to me. “I was just headed to your place. You look like you could use a ride,” he chuckles.

“Thanks Jones, guess I hadn’t thought about that.” Shaking his head, I hop into the back of the car and he pulls away, back towards my house.
Pulling up my driveway, I see Razor and Buzz standing next to the tied up intruders, the dead one laying on the ground in front of them, so they can see. Jessica, in one of my shirts, and a pair of my boxers, sits on my front step. She’s just staring at the ground. Getting out, I rush over to her, checking to see how she’s holding up.


“Tuck, they were here for me, weren’t they. They are The Masters’ men. That one,” she says pointing to the dead man, “That’s Turner.” Anger boils in my blood, and I’m shaking, trying to keep it reigned in. I knew they had something to do with her, but the fact that this man sent people to my home to kill her just really angers me.

“Razor, what the hell? You two should have stayed in my room,” directing my vileness at him. I know he doesn’t deserve it, but right now, he’s in my sights.
“I didn’t want to leave her in there alone, and I didn’t think Buzz should be out here alone. I’m sorry dude.” Hanging his head, I feel like an ass. It is a tough position he was in.


Buzz and Jones discuss what happened, and Jones calls in some guys to get this cleaned up. He tells his commanding officer that in the dark, the intruders must not have been able to see Buzz and I and shot at each other. Razor had taken my guns back to the basement and none of the men spoke to defend themselves. They all just shook and moaned with pain. When the ambulances’ show up, the man shot in the shoulder, in the least pain, looks to Jessica.

“Mistress, The Master wants you to know that you will be returned to him. You should not have tried to escape. Brother Elijah will be coming for you.” Watching her tremble with fear, I reach out and punch the man, hearing his jaw pop as he falls to the driveway. The EMT’s and police just stand there like nothing happened, shock flashing through the man’s eyes.


As dawn approaches and everyone leaves, I pull Jessica up off the step and hold her.
“He won’t come near you again, I promise,” I whisper in her ear, and I run my hand through her hair. She shakes against me as I hug her. “It was your phone, I dumped the phone and bike. But, they already know where I live. So, I think we are ok for today, and tonight when we go get Christian and Sebastian, we take them somewhere else, and you can stay with them while we enter the compound.” Shaking her head at me, she takes a step back.
“That bike wasn’t mine. It was Sara’s. She runs the Wiccan store downtown that we frequent. She let me take it to escape. I’m sure she will let us keep Christian and Sebastian there, but I’m coming with you. I want to see the look on his face when the Feds lead him away. I deserve that much at least.”


She’s right, she does deserve that, but I don’t want to go traipsing into this compound and worry about her getting hurt. I can’t be effective if I have to worry about her. Running my hand across her cheek, I pull her in for a kiss. Lightly rubbing my lips across hers, I whisper.
“Let’s go take a shower, and we can figure out what we’re going to do.” Walking into the house, my cell phone in my pocket starts buzzing. Pulling it out, the caller id is private.


“Tuck here,” I answer. The voice on the other end is course, and rough. It sounds raspy almost.
“Devil Tool, you have my Mistress and I want her back. You should have let her go years ago. She never belonged to you. The Mother Goddess told me she was mine.”

“Listen Chazz, or whatever you’re going by these days. She’s not a possession and don’t spew your religious bullshit to me. I don’t want it. You should just take your stolen money and run while you still can. You won’t get your hands on the child,” I can hear things breaking on the other side of the phone.
“You ignorant bastard. You will pay for this. My Mistress belongs by my side, not yours. You will regret this. I have a friend who is dying to meet you.” Slamming the phone in my ear, he disconnects the call. I look over to her.


“Jess, anything you left out and haven’t told me yet?” Her eyes narrow, and she pulls away from me.
“The man, the one who hurt your shoulder and killed your friend, The Master does business with him, I told you that, but, he’s here today.”

“El Burro. So that would be his friend who is dying to meet me, right?”
“Yes, they were discussing you the other day. I overheard it, when I shouldn’t have been listening. He said how you killed that Asian man and he barely escaped with his life. That he wants you dead.”


“Why the hell would you keep that from me? I ask you to be honest with me, to tell me everything. How the hell can I protect you and trust you if you can’t be honest?” Pushing past her I storm into my room, slamming the door behind me, and wiping everything off of the dresser. As bottles of cologne, watches and knives fall to the floor, shattering into a mess, I lean my head against the dresser.


This is not how this is supposed to go. A simple kidnapping would have been easy to handle. But now, we’re dealing with psychos who think they are witches or wizards, or whatever the hell they call themselves. El Burro is once again making an appearance, and people are coming back from the dead. I swear if Jeremy somehow appears on my doorstep right now, I would not be surprised. This is just messed up, and beyond fucked. My chest heaving as I try to wrangle my blood pressure, I strip down on my way to the bathroom. I need a shower and I need a drink. The bar next to my desk holds a bottle of whiskey. I don’t drink often, and if I do, it’s usually beer. But at times, a man just needs a good glass of something else. Sipping from the rocks glass I pour, I enter the bathroom and turn the hot water on. Being around Jessica, I should take a cold shower. I can’t get my dick to cooperate and stop popping up. It’s been constantly hard since I first spoke to her.


Setting the glass on the sink counter, I step into my shower, sliding the glass door closed. Shutting my eyes, I stand there as the hot water pours over me. Without having heard a sound, hands wrap themselves around my waist, rubbing down my stomach. Even angry, I’m still so attracted to her. No other woman I’ve been with compares. Thoughts of Lianna flood over me, but are quickly washed away when she grabs my shaft from behind me and begins stroking with her hands. Grabbing her wrists, I turn, to face her.
“Jessica,” she cuts me off, crushing her soft lips to mine and claiming me. A growl escapes my mouth, and I push her into the wall. Lifting her up, her back against the tile, she wraps her legs around my hips to anchor herself. My cock sits, pressed between our bodies, up against the warmth of her entrance.


With one arm holding tightly to my neck, she moves the other one down, to position me, ready for entry. With the slightest move of her hips, I thrust, entering her. A sly grin appears on her face, as she holds on with both arms now, moving her hips slowly, forcing my cock to fully penetrate her. Leveraging myself with one hand on the wall, I grab her ass with the other one. Lifting her as she moves herself up and down the length of me, I grab and knead her ass cheek. Her moans go from soft to loud in a minute, as she crests her first orgasm. As she peeks, I enjoy the feeling of her squirting her pleasure all over me, and then holding her with both arms, I begin the throw myself in her hard. Smacking her back against the wall as I assail her, she screams my name, and I realize how much I have missed hearing that. My name falling from her mouth in a moment of passion.
“Lance, please, more,” she says.


As I push harder and harder against her, thoughts of hurting her disperse. I can only think of getting her another orgasm before I cum. Right as I think I’m about to burst, she screams out, announcing that she’s reached her brink again. The feel of her contracting around my cock does me in. As I go still, just spilling myself all over, I lean down, resting my forehead on hers, as the water descends on us. Setting her down carefully and still saying nothing, I begin to soap up, handing her the body wash. Showering in silence, I can see the question in her eyes, at the tip of her tongue, but she remains quiet. When I’m finished, I get out, wrapping myself in a towel and leave her to finish cleaning herself.


When Jessica finally emerges from the bathroom, she sits down on the bed next to me, staring at the floor.

“I know you can’t trust me, but Lance, everything I’ve done, has been out of fear, and hope that I could save you by sacrificing myself. If The Master wants me back, and it means you live, I’ll go.” Jumping up from the bed, I begin to pace.
“Damn it Jessica,” I yell at her. “You’re not going back there. I’m not losing you again. Seriously. This is insane. You’re right. I don’t know if I can trust you, it’s a pretty fucked up situation. But that doesn’t mean I’ll allow you to go back to that man.” She looks from me, to the mess on the floor, she stands, walking over to me. Grabbing my arm, she pulls me to her, as she reaches up to touch my face, she stops, looking at her hand, she puts it back down to her side.


Pulling the hand back to my face, I kiss it.
“It’s just a finger. It doesn’t change how beautiful you are to me. I’ve never stopped loving you Jessica, it’s just a really fucked up situation right now.” She nods her head. Sighing, I step away. It’s time to focus.
“We have to go get the kid. Call Sara from my phone, find out where she wants us to take you. We’ll head out to the hotel soon to meet them.”

BOOK: Jessica (Tucked In 2)
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