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Authors: Marissa Dobson

Jinx's Mate (6 page)

BOOK: Jinx's Mate
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Chapter T


had barely stepped out of the bedroom when there was a light knock on the door.
He had arranged for Tad to guard his new family while he met with Lukas about
the upgrades for the resort. He crossed the living area quickly, hoping to
reach the door before Tad knocked again and woke up Claire.

pulled the door open and stepped back. “Come in, Tad, thanks for coming. Summer
just got Claire to sleep and will be joining us in a moment.”

stepped into the room, glancing around for exits. Every move he made showed he
was working. “Milo and Lukas are ten minutes away. Besides this door, is there
another one from the bedroom?”

this is the only way in or out except the windows…and since we’re on the eighth
floor, I doubt there will be any problems in that arena.”

paused in the doorway to the bedroom. “Umm…”

okay, lass. This is Tad, he’s a member of the Kodiak Bears from Nome, Alaska. His
sleuth partnered with Ty, and he agreed to guard you and Claire so I can meet
with Lukas.”

be here, there’s no need for guards.”

told you before that I would see to having Elder guards for you. I had planned
to wait until we were in West Virginia, but with the state of the clan and
Claire becoming our responsibility, it’s necessary. I have four guards arriving
tonight. Until then, Tad has agreed to stay with you when I cannot.” He grabbed
a folder from the table and went to her. “Don’t fight me on this, lass, you
won’t win. I need to go. Lukas will be here soon. I’m just downstairs if
anything happens.”

do you think might happen?” She crossed her arms over her chest.

were there when Ben said he didn’t think Ashley would let this go. There’s that
and other possibilities, but nothing’s going to happen. Tad’s here with you for
now, and I’ll be back shortly. I just want both of you safe. Think of me as an
overprotective new mate and instant father.” He leaned down and kissed her. “I
love you. If you need me, Tad has my cell number. I’m only a few floors away
and can be here in a matter of minutes.”

said that.” She smiled at him.

I did, but it brought a smile to your face.” This time when he kissed her, she
returned his kiss with a hunger of her own.

broke the kiss, forcing himself to the door before they ended up back in the
bedroom. “I’ll be back soon.”

were a number of things he wanted to see to before Lukas’s arrival. Trying to
make up for lost time, he jogged down the hall to the elevator. Hopefully
things with Lukas would go quickly and he could get back to his family.
Just the thought of them filled him with joy.

elevator doors slid open, and Ben was standing there holding a box in his hand.
“How’s Claire?”

What’s that?” He stepped into the elevator and hit the button for the first

is the last box of Avery’s demented shit. Can you believe that man kept journals
of what he did to us and what he wanted to do?” Ben shook his head, disgusted
by the idea. “We’re going to have a bonfire and burn everything that was his.
Tex thinks it will be a symbol of starting over.”

will be good for the clan to put it behind them, might help them move on.”

what Robin said too. She went home with Ty this morning but offered to come
back if we need her.” Ben shifted the box to his other arm. “How’s my sister
handling parenthood?”

just been thrown in the deep end and is trying to doggy paddle. If she starts
trusting her instincts and stops overthinking everything, she’ll be fine. Any
more issues from Ashley or her mate?”

yet. I’m supposed to meet with James in twenty minutes. He said we have a
common interest, and we should discuss it. I suspect it’s about Claire. I’ll
let you know what happens.” The elevator door opened and Ben stepped out. “You
got things covered with Lukas, at least enough to get him started with the
computer system and security?”

got it covered. Tex approved the security measures this morning. Lukas is
bringing a lot of the computer system with him and the rest will be arriving
tomorrow, so it should be up and running the day after at the latest. He’ll
handle the training for the new system.” He followed Ben off the elevator.
“He’ll be here soon and I need to gather a few things, but you know where I am
if anything comes up.”

here.” Ben nodded and went down the hallway in the opposite direction.

was a good man, and he cared about Summer, which made him even better as far as
Jinx was concerned. They had a common goal to see that she was safe and happy.
That would make their relationship easier, especially since he was about to
take her away from the clan and put her in danger just by being her mate.

you are, brother.”

turned to see a younger version of himself. It was uncanny how closely they
resembled each other, even with eight years separating them.

was about to head up to the lobby to meet you.” Jinx gave Lukas a quick hug.
“Did you have a good trip?”

was fine, hit some turbulence but nothing I couldn’t handle. Tex had some clan
members standing by to unlock the equipment I brought, so while they were doing
that I wanted to see what you had in mind.”

into the office, and we’ll go over things.” He pushed open the door. “There’s a
lot that has to be done. Computer system, keycards, and security are the
biggest. Right now all the guest rooms have actual door keys, which needs to be
done away with.”

in I noticed there’s no security cameras on this floor. Is that an issue

The whole place needs wired for cameras. I have Larry coming in with guards.”
Larry was an electrician by trade, he’d be able to help Lukas with whatever he
needed for the new security system.

Lukas took a seat in front of the desk, setting his laptop bag on the chair
beside him.

mated, and it looks like I’ve gained a daughter of sorts.”

could smell the woman on you but I thought it might have been a clan member. A
daughter of sorts?”

spent the next several minutes explaining how he had managed to become a father
to a two-year-old terrified little girl. All the while, his mind wandered
upstairs to his new family. He wasn’t used to the longing he felt to be near

Lukas leaned back in the chair. “I never expected you to end up with an instant
family, especially now. Are you really going to keep the girl?”

don’t see any choice. Lukas, once you meet her, you’ll see. She worms her way
into your heart with her big brown eyes.” He slipped his cowboy hat off and
tossed it on the desk. “With everything I’ve seen I’ve never had the desire to
tear someone limb from limb, but Claire makes me want to do that to Avery and
the bastard is already dead. She’s gone through so much and all I can think is
she doesn’t deserve more shit in her life. Stability is what she needs, and
Summer and I can provide that.”

to mention danger.”

bothered him that Lukas was right, but he couldn’t step down from his position
or stop assisting the Alaskan Tigers—not with everything that was on the line.
Instead he’d have to make them safe.

know she’ll be in danger. It’s part of the reason I have the new guards coming
in. Larry, Carson, Jackson, and Garth are the best of the clan, they’ll keep my
lasses safe.”

you chosen a Captain of the Guards?”

nodded. “Jackson, with Carson as his second.”

protect them, but what about guards for you? With the changes coming, you could
use your own.”

had already had the conversation with Ty and Raja before they ventured to
Texas. Ty had been forced to make changes in the guards, providing some
additional backup guards for when he or Raja traveled. They were going to be in
the center of things, especially Ty, since without him and Tabitha having a
child the line of tigers couldn’t continue. They’d be destined to fade out. It
had come to the point that Ty believed Jinx should add a line of protection for
himself because of how closely he was tied to the Alaskan Tigers. He had
refused until now. Now he was considering it, because he had a family to

nodded, not convinced he wanted guards. Sometimes what he wanted and what was
needed were two different things. “Once I’m finished here I have to return to
West Virginia and make some changes. I’ll consider adding additional guards for
myself as well.”

kind of changes?”

the other thing I wanted to talk to you about.” He leaned back against the
chair, watching Lukas carefully. This was something that had been building for
some time but he’d always put it off, fearing Lukas’s answer. “Due to me
dividing my time between Alaska and home, I believe it’s time I appointed a Lieutenant
for the clan. You’re strong enough and have authority within the clan, though I
know you’ve always enjoyed the fieldwork. Would you be interested in returning
to our clan and taking the position of Lieutenant?”

eyes widened in shock for a moment before he composed himself and leaned
forward. “That’s an honor.”

not an answer.”

would have to speak with Ty before I made any kind of decision.”

swallowed the lump that was forming. It wasn’t an outright no, but it was too
close for Jinx. There were others in the clan who could do it, but none that he
trusted as much as Lukas.

spoken with Ty. After all, since you’re working with the Nerd Crew you are a
member of his clan at this time and I didn’t want to step on his toes. He said
the decision would be yours, and that he realized when you came to Alaska it
was most likely temporary because of our clan.”

opened the folder on the desk, ready to put this behind him for now. “I
understand you need time to think about it. I only ask that you give me a
decision one way or another before I leave here. If you’re not interested, then
I need to appoint someone else. I don’t want the clan to be seen as unprotected
or an easy target because I’m in Alaska, or somewhere else helping with the

is very sudden. I would appreciate a day to think about it. The clan means
everything to me and I don’t want anything to happen to the members.”

well.” He slid his chair closer to the desk. “Let’s get down to business.”



paced the living area of their suite with a very timid Claire on her hip. The
poor child had no idea what was happening but she didn’t care for Tad being in
her space. The big bear had the girl on the verge of tears just from looking at
her, and Summer’s nerves weren’t much better. In less than twenty minutes she
had to deal with Ashley again. She really didn’t want to put Claire through it,
but Ashley demanded they at least try.

soon as Jinx returns I’ll leave.” Tad sat woefully still across the room,
trying his best not to make Claire more anxious. There was a sadness in his
eyes that made it clear he didn’t like the young girl feeling he was a threat
to her.

not you, Tad, it’s everyone. She was locked away without anyone around, except
her mother, Autumn, and me. Now everyone’s gone but me, and she doesn’t understand
what’s happening.” She ran her hand down Claire’s back, soothing her. “She’s
going to have to get used to people quickly. Clan life isn’t for loners.”

sure a strange-smelling bear doesn’t help matters.”

someone knocked at the door, Claire clung tighter to Summer’s neck. “Get that,
would you?”

making any sudden movements, Tad rose slowly and went to the door. “Who is it?”
None of the doors had peepholes, so they had to rely on their senses.

Tad opened the door and Ben strolled in. “What’s wrong with my little cub?”

just woke up and came out of the bedroom to find me. Instead she stumbled into
Tad. It just scared her, but she’s okay.” She moved Claire to her other hip.
“Right, sweetie?” In answer, the girl buried her face in Summer’s shoulder.

stood across the room, not coming any closer. “Jinx is running a little behind
bringing Tex up to speed. He asked me to accompany you to the meeting with
Ashley and he’ll meet us there.”

She dragged a hand through her hair, pulling the blonde strands away from
Claire’s grip. “I still think this is a bad idea.”

too,” Ben said. “Tex and Jinx discussed it. If we do it now, maybe Ashley will
lay off and allow you to help Claire. Has she spoken yet?”

a word. If she’s not crying, she doesn’t make a sound.” She glanced down at
Claire before looking up at Ben again. “What if she does something to make
matters worse for Claire? If she tries to force Claire to come to her, it

nothing to worry about. I’m not going to let anything happen to her. Tad, Jinx,
and Tex are going to be there as well.”


and I are going to be there because we’re family, and Tad is your guard until
the men from West Virginia arrive. Tex is there as Alpha. If any decisions need
to be made, he’ll be there to do it.”

shook her head. “That’s too many people for Claire.”

meeting in the fifth floor lobby. It’s open enough that we can stand back so
you, Claire, and Ashley can do this without feeling closed in.” He looked at
his watch. “It’s the best you’re going to get. Now we should go. Jinx wants us
there before Ashley so it will give Claire a chance to feel comfortable with
her surroundings.”

She paused until the girl moved her head away from Summer’s shoulder and looked
up. “There’s someone who wants to see you, so we’re going to go downstairs.”

shook her head, sending her blonde curls flying.

okay, sweetie. I’m going to be with you the whole time. To get there, we’re
going to take an elevator with Tad and Ben. I promise you’re going to be fine,
they’re here to protect us.” She tried to soothe the girl, but she wasn’t sure
if she was making things better or worse.

doubts began to rise within her. She knew nothing about raising a child. Not to
mention the fact Claire had yet to speak. How was she supposed to deal with
that? Claire had always been a quiet child, but this was more than that. She
was completely silent.

* * *

stood in the back of room watching his mate work her magic on little Claire. In
just the few minutes he had been watching, Summer had gotten Claire to sit on
her lap without burying her head away. The little cub wouldn’t look at Tad, but
she clung to the stuffed tiger Ben had brought her earlier. Summer had doubts
about being an instant parent to Claire, but already she was proving she was
the only one capable of the job. Claire trusted her, and with half the tiger
shifter cubs not making it past their second birthday, they need Summer and
Claire to keep the bond strong.

might already be two but she wasn’t out of the woods yet. There was still a
high casualty rate until cubs reached five. Three more years that Claire would
be relying on Summer and Jinx for everything—they were her key to survive in a
clan. Maybe longer due to what she’d suffered already. Either way, they’d be
there for her.

what I have for the little lass.” Jinx came toward them carrying the crocheted

a bright smile, the first one Jinx had seen since he met her, Claire held out
her hand for the blanket. She didn’t say anything, but this was a start.

you seen Ashley?” Summer whispered as he neared.

headed them off, giving me time to slip up here to make sure things were okay.
They’ll be up in a few minutes. Is she ready?”

ready as she’s going to be.” She draped the blanket over Claire’s legs. “As
long as Tad keeps his distance she’s okay. For some reason he scares her.”

and I both brought her gifts, maybe Tad just needs to bribe her.” He knelt down
so he was at eye level with Claire. “Mind if I sit next to you two beautiful lasses?”
Instead of answering, she pulled the blanket closer to her face, snuggling with
it and the tiger. He took that as a yes, and sat next to them.

are going to be fine, Summer?” Several feet away, Ben stood off to the side.

hope so. If things go badly, it could be disastrous for Claire.” The elevator
dinged and she hugged the girl to her.

the show begin,” Ben whispered.

Claire’s sake, I hope it won’t be a show.” Jinx slid his arm around Summer’s

strolled in—maybe
was a better word—with her hand on her stomach.
She was due any day and it showed. Her belly was round and full with the cub
she carried. Her eyes were still red and puffy from crying. Her mate, Michael,
walked behind her.

She cried out, holding her arms open as if she expected the girl to run to her.
When she didn’t, Ashley glared at Summer. “You’ve turned her against me.”

could she have done that?” Tex asked, coming farther into the lobby sitting

don’t know, but she did. I’m her sister.”

cuddled deeper against Summer, holding tighter. “She doesn’t know you as family,”
Summer said calmly. “She’s scared, and you coming in here screaming isn’t
helping anything. How about you sit down and we do this at Claire’s pace? You
can’t expect miracles.”

do you think you are giving me orders?” Ashley raved until her mate placed a
hand on her shoulder.

Michael began until Ashley turned and glared at him.

right. Sit down or you can leave,” Tex ordered. “I won’t have you doing more
harm to the child.”

would force me from her life? I thought this clan you’re building was supposed
to be about family, and responsibilities. Or does that only apply when it suits

you are out of line.” Michael took hold of her arm.

he’s out of line trying to keep me away from her.” She gripped her stomach as a
cry of pain tore through her lips.

you okay? Do we need to get a doctor?” Michael wrapped his arm around her,
keeping her on her feet. “See what you’re doing to yourself and our child?”

doctor.” She cried out, pain lacing her words.

her sit.” Ben pushed a chair over so Ashley didn’t have to move. When she sat,
he knelt next to her. “Look at Claire. Really look at her, and see what this is
doing to her. Is this what you want her to remember?”

remember I fought for her.”

she’ll remember the fighting, the anger. She’s scared and you’re making it
worse.” He held up a hand before she could cut him off. “I know you’re family,
but she doesn’t know you. Blood means little when you’re scared. Right now all
she knows is her mother is gone, and Summer is the only one who’s familiar to

do you want me to do?”

can see Summer cares for the girl. Why not let her help Claire adjust to this
new life? She’s been through a lot, and forcing her to stay with you when she’s
terrified is only going to make matters worse.” Ben glanced back to Summer and
Claire. “You know she’ll be leaving once Jinx has helped with the security
issues for the resort, but they’ll be back often so you can see Claire. If
things change in the future, we can reevaluate it then.”

needs help.” Jinx waited until Ashley looked at him. “She hasn’t spoken to
anyone, not even Summer, since she was brought out of her prison. You met
Robin, the therapist from the Alaskan Tigers clan. She believes Summer can

swear she’ll help her?” There was a pity in Ashley’s voice that wasn’t there

do everything we can for her.” Summer soothed the last of the tension from the
little girl’s shoulders. “I didn’t realize it before, but every day I’d go
visit Claire, she won my heart. I love her as if she was my own flesh and blood.
I’ll do right by her.”

about you?” Ashley glared at Jinx. “Are you going to be jealous of having to
share your new mate with Claire? Will she be forced aside so you can have
Summer to yourself? Or once Summer is pregnant with your own child?” Ashley shot
the questions at Jinx faster than he could answer.

will be like a daughter to both of us. She’ll want for nothing, not love,
attention, or material things. She’ll be surrounded by people who love and care
for her in West Virginia, as well as here.”

looked to Tex who stood silently waiting. “You swear you’ll let them come

nodded. “They are no threat to this clan, and are always welcome. We will
forever be indebted to Jinx’s clan as well as the Alaskan Tigers for what
they’ve done for us.”

take her.” Ashley stood and rushed out of the room.

have to go after her.” Michael glanced around the room before settling on Ben.
“You better be right on this. If not, she’ll never forgive any of us.”

watched him go after Ashley. “What did he mean by that?”

and I met earlier.” Ben took the seat Ashley had vacated. “He worked on her
even before she came here.”

forced them to see our way?” Summer’s voice held an edge of anger.

only to see what was right for Claire. If I thought Ashley could have handled
the care she needs, and the new baby, I would have fought for them. You know
Ashley, she can’t handle it, even Michael didn’t believe she could. It isn’t
about you being my sister, it’s about what’s right for Claire.”

was slightly amazed that Ben was able to overlook the bond he had with Summer
and think only of the child. It proved that Tex had chosen right when he picked
his Lieutenant. The Texas Tigers were on their way to a very happy future.

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