Read Just a Bit Obsessed Online

Authors: Alessandra Hazard

Tags: #Nightmare, #gay for you, #mm romance, #straight guys

Just a Bit Obsessed (2 page)

BOOK: Just a Bit Obsessed
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“If you’re implying I’m a homophobe,” Alexander said, following him into the bedroom, “you couldn’t be more wrong. My favorite cousin is gay.” He pulled his T-shirt off and put it on the chair. “There’s nothing wrong with being gay.”

“Hmm,” Christian said, starting to undress, as well.

Unzipping his jeans, Alexander fixed him with a look. “What is that supposed to mean?”

Christian smiled, shrugging slightly. “Nothing.”

“No, let’s hear it,” Alexander said, removing the rest of his clothes and putting them on the chair. He looked at Christian’s discarded shirt on the floor and pursed his lips.

“You sure you want my honest opinion?” Christian said, shimmying out of his tight jeans. “I think you might have some repressed negative feelings about homosexuality. Sure, you might be ‘open-minded’ and all right with your cousin’s sexuality, but it’s a completely different thing when it concerns you.”

“You’ve known me for a grand total of five minutes.”

Christian shrugged again, that infuriating smile still on his lips. “What can I say? I’m good at reading people,” he said, stepping out of his briefs.

“Pick them up,” Alexander said.

Christian blinked. “Huh?”

Mila started giggling. “Your briefs, Chris. Alexander hates sloppiness and disorder.”

Christian looked between them. “Is this a joke?”

Mila laughed harder. “I wish! When we first started going out, I reorganized his DVDs and he forced me to reorganize them again until I got it right. I did, seven hours later, and I was pissed as hell. We almost broke up because of that. Now I know better.”

“I did warn you not to touch anything,” Alexander murmured.

Christian looked at him. “Do you have OCD?”

Alexander snorted a laugh. “No. I don’t obsessively clean things. I just really dislike sloppiness. Pick them up. Now.”

Christian glanced at the black briefs at his bare feet before looking up at Alexander. His eyes danced with merriment. “No,” he said, looking him in the eye. “What are you gonna do to me?”

Alexander felt his muscles tense up and his heart beat faster. He could almost feel the adrenaline pump into his blood stream, his senses kicking into overdrive.

He walked to Christian.

The guy didn’t move.

Alexander put a hand on Christian’s shoulder and pushed him down.

To his surprise, Christian didn’t offer much resistance and dropped to his knees. Looking up at Alexander through his long dark eyelashes, he picked the briefs up.

“Where should I put them, Master?” he said, in a mock-submissive tone, his eyes laughing. He threw his briefs on the chair. “You want me to kiss your feet while I’m down here? Or kiss something else?”

“You’re not half as funny as you think you are,” Alexander said.

A slow smile spread across Christian’s face. “I wasn’t joking.”

“Get up. I don’t want you to kiss anything.”

“Er, guys?”

Startled, Alexander looked at the bed. Mila was lying naked on the bed, frowning slightly.

Right. Threesome.

Alexander looked down at Christian.

Christian looked back at him.

He was also very naked.

Alexander swept his gaze over his body, lingering on the guy’s hard dick. A bit smaller than his, but definitely nothing to be ashamed of.

Glancing down at himself, Alexander realized that he had an erection too. He didn’t know when he’d managed to get hard.

Christian got to his feet and leaned toward his ear. “Don’t worry,” he murmured. “It’s a pretty normal reaction. Happens all the time when I tell the guy I’ll kiss his dick. Nice dick, by the way.”

He stepped back, grinning, and Alexander gave him a flat look. “It’s not you,” he said in a low voice. “My naked girlfriend is in the room, and I’m going to have with sex her. Of course I’m hard.”

Christian nodded. “Okay. Sure.”

“Guys, I’m getting bored here.”

Christian inclined his head towards the bed, still looking him in the eye. “Let’s go have sex.”

They walked to the bed, keeping a wary eye on each other, and lay on either side of Mila.

Mila smiled, giving them appreciative looks. “I’m the luckiest girl in the world.” Putting a hand on Alexander’s neck, she pulled him down into a kiss. Alexander obliged and kissed her for a few moments, gently and deeply, though his heart wasn’t really in it. He couldn’t concentrate while another guy was in their bed.

Mila ended the kiss and then pulled Christian to her lips.

Alexander watched them kiss for a moment before he leaned down and started kissing Mila’s neck and the side of her face, his lips nibbling along her jawline to her ear, teasing her lobe before his tongue tickled the sensitive hollow beneath.

Christian broke the kiss, and Alexander stared at his wet, red, slightly swollen lips just inches away.

“You have such girly lips,” he said before kissing Mila again, harder this time, sucking greedily on her lips.

Christian laughed by his ear and whispered, “Your girlfriend wasn’t complaining. Can you taste me in her mouth?”

Alexander stopped kissing Mila and turned his head to glare at him. Christian just smiled innocently.

“Suck on my nipples,” Mila said breathlessly. “Both of you.”

Alexander leaned down and took her right nipple into his mouth. Usually he loved Mila’s breasts, but at the moment he couldn’t focus at all. It felt like a chore, something he must do just not to be outdone. Christian’s presence made it impossible to relax.

He could acutely feel the movement of the air beside him as Christian moved to suck on the other nipple. Mila started moaning and muttering something unintelligible.

Rolling her nipple in his mouth, Alexander glanced at Christian.

He found him looking at him already.

Their faces were so close that Alexander could see Christian’s every eyelash. Holding his gaze, Christian licked Mila’s nipple slowly, the tip of his pink tongue circling around it.

Alexander bit the nipple in his mouth, hard.

Mila moaned, raking her hands through their hair and pushing them closer to her breasts—and to each other. “Harder.”

Alexander’s cheek was pressed against Christian’s now. The guy’s light stubble scratched against his own. Alexander’s cock throbbed. He wanted to fuck.

He slid a hand down Mila’s body and cupped her between legs. She was wet already when he started stroking her.

Mila moaned and spread her legs. “Fuck me. Someone fuck me now.”

Alexander lifted his head and looked at Christian. The guy did the same.

Running his gaze down Christian’s body, Alexander stared at his hard dick for a moment. “You aren’t fucking her.”

A ghost of a smile appeared on Christian’s face. “Jealous? Scared she’ll like me more?”

Alexander gave him a tight smile. “Just an agreement between me and my girlfriend that has nothing to do with you.”

Mila spread her legs wider, looking between them.

“She can suck you off,” Alexander said reluctantly.

“Yeah, come here, I’ll blow you,” Mila said, getting on her fours and presenting Alexander with her back. Alexander put on a condom and threw another to Christian.

Christian caught it, put it on and moved to her head. The problem was, in this position he and Alexander were forced to look at each other.

“Ready?” Christian said, looking at Alexander.

There was something in those dark eyes. Challenge.

Alexander’s cock twitched. “Yes.” He gripped Mila’s hips and pushed into her wet heat. He didn’t want to look at Mila, didn’t want to see her blowing this guy—the noises she was making around Christian’s cock were irritating enough—so he looked at Christian instead.

Time seemed to slow down and the world around him became blurred and unfocused, his vision tunneling on the guy in front of him. Tightness, heat, dark eyes. Christian’s eyes were a bit glazed over, face flushed, plump lips parted as he panted. He didn’t look away from Alexander even for a moment. Moaning, Christian touched his own neck, and Alexander slammed hard into the tight walls that clamped around him. Mila cried out, clenching hard around his cock as she orgasmed.

“Oh,” Christian said as Alexander continued fucking her through her orgasm and Mila continued moaning. Christian looked down at Mila before returning his eyes to Alexander. “It must feel really good. Your cock.”

It startled Alexander so badly his hips jerked and he came with a ragged groan, disoriented and weirded out.

He pulled out and fell back onto the mattress, breathing hard and trying to make sense of what had just happened.

He looked up at Christian and their gazes locked again. Christian’s mouth opened in a silent moan, his body stiffened, and he went very still.

Realizing he’d just watched another guy come, Alexander looked away, more than a little unsettled.

Christian flopped onto his back next to him, sighing.

“This was fun, wasn’t it?” Mila breathed out, stretching out on the other side of Christian.

Alexander made a non-committal sound.

“Sure,” Christian said, the ever-present amusement in his voice. “Really fun, right, Alex?”

“My name is Alexander.”

“He hates being called Alex,” Mila mumbled, grinning.

“Then you’ll get along smashingly with my grandma,” Christian said, propping himself on his elbow. “She hates nicknames too. She gets so upset when people call me Chris. That’s why I go by Christian, though I don’t mind when people call me Chris. I like Chris better, actually. I think it fits me better—I’m a simple guy. You can call me Chris, Alex.”

Alexander felt his lips press together.

Mila started laughing.

Christian just looked at him innocently. “What?”

“Don’t call me Alex.”

“Actually, you’re right—it’s so unimaginative, and you don’t really look like Alex. Hmm…” Christian eyed him. “You look like an Alec to me. I think I’ll call you Alec.”

“Please don’t,” Alexander said, very evenly.

Christian cocked his head, studying him. The amusement was gone from his face. “You know, when I was a kid, my parents—they’re geologists—used to drag me along when they traveled. I’ve seen a dormant volcano once. My parents said the thing wouldn’t awaken for thousands of years, that it was safe, but it made me uneasy. I could almost feel the ground under me trembling, very faintly. It creeped me out. My parents said the volcano was harmless and I was just imagining it, and I probably was, but still.”

“What does that have to do with anything?” Alexander said.

“I’ve seen you around before, you know—when you come to pick Mila up. You look super calm at all times, but I feel…” Christian put a hand on Alexander’s biceps and watched the muscles tense. “I feel like it’s fake,” he said softly. “Just like I felt when I stood on the sleeping volcano. It looked like a harmless mountain, but it wasn’t.”

Mila laughed, sitting up. “You’re wrong, Chris, believe me. I know him far better than you. Alexander is the most dependable, considerate and calmest person I’ve ever met. He’s practically a perfect boyfriend.”

“Perfect,” Christian murmured, looking at Alexander’s rigid muscles under his hand. He met Alexander’s eyes. “No one’s perfect, sweetheart. Appearances can be very deceiving.”

“My boyfriend is,” Mila said, annoyance creeping into her voice.

“Maybe. I’m sure you know him better.” Removing his hand, Christian hopped off the bed and started dressing.

“You already going?” Mila said.

“Yup. I really gotta go.” Christian zipped up his jeans. “Promised my grandma I’d buy eggs. She’ll be massively disappointed if I don’t, and I’ll become her least favorite grandson.”

Mila smiled and sat up. “That’s very sweet of you. How many grandsons does she have?”

“One,” Christian said, and they laughed together.

“There’s a store just around the corner,” Alexander said.

Christian finally looked at him. “Thanks. You’re very helpful. Just perfect all-around.”

Alexander gave him a flat look that only made Christian smile wider. “All right, thanks, guys, I had a great time. Don’t worry, I’ll let myself out.” He stepped to the bed and pecked Mila on the lips. “Thanks for inviting me. I had fun.” He looked over Mila’s shoulder at Alexander and blew him a kiss. “More fun than I expected.”

And Christian strode out of the room, whistling a cheerful tune.






Chapter 3


“Your crush is here again,” Shawn Wyatt, Christian’s best friend told him.

Chuckling, Christian said, “He’s not my crush.”

“Right. Then how do you even know who I’m talking about?”

Christian glanced in the direction of Alexander, who was leaning against the wall, ignoring all the students around him. As always, he looked impeccable, unapproachable, ridiculously gorgeous, and too damn good for the mere mortals around him. He was probably waiting for Mila again—that was the reason he came to their college, after all.

BOOK: Just a Bit Obsessed
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