Read Just One Spark Online

Authors: Jenna Bayley-Burke

Tags: #Romance, #stalker, #firefighter, #Contemporary, #Fiction

Just One Spark (18 page)

BOOK: Just One Spark
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Look for these titles by Jenna Bayley-Burke

Now Available:

Her Cinderella Complex

Par for the Course

Compromising Positions

Pride & Passion

Private Scandal

For Kicks

Drive Me Crazy

Under The Caribbean Sun

Caribbean Christmas

Caribbean Casanova

Caribbean Crush

If you can’t stand the heat, stay away from old flames.

Caribbean Crush

© 2013 Jenna Bayley-Burke

Under the Caribbean Sun, Book 3

The second Antonnis Prinsen sees his old flame, he knows she’s the lifeline to keep him from drowning in his brother’s matrimonial mayhem. It’s been years since they’ve talked, but surely by now she understands that a clean break was best. Instead of making a smooth re-introduction into her life, he finds his path blocked by a giant iguana. And Kristen looking at him as if he’s lower than the reptile.

Kristin Taylor spent her youth tangled up in Antonnis, but then he cut ties and disappeared. Now she leads a full and orderly life—until she finds herself walking down the aisle beside him. Thank goodness, it’s only to see his brother and her friend tie the knot.

Except Antonnis seems intent on picking up where they left off, and she has to admit she still has a weakness for him. Especially when he tempts her with an irresistible offer—one hot night, and this time she gets the chance to leave him cold.

Warning: Beware of signature cocktails and old flames rekindled. Either one will weaken your resolve—and your knees—before you know what’s hit you.

Enjoy the following excerpt for
Caribbean Crush:

Antonnis tossed a half-smile at Kristin, wishing he hadn’t been caught like a peeping Tom. But the giant lizard at his feet had to have cousins in the Paleolithic. He’s seen dogs smaller than this behemoth. If the row of green spikes running along the back of the beast weren’t enough, he had a grotesque turkey waddle under his block head and whipped his tail against the ground like a…well, a whip.

“Don’t move.” Kristin made her way to him, her gingham blouse undone and making her look like a very naughty Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. Goodness knew she always sent him over the rainbow.

“He’s planning on making my foot his supper.” The thing puffed up its red waddle like a balloon and started bobbing its head.

“More likely he’s thinking of mating with you.” She knelt down at his feet and peered at the creature, then let out a low whistle. The iguana froze, and then turned tail and ran beneath a scrubby bush.

Kristin sighed and straightened, buttoning her blouse with rapid precision. She was his favorite memory of the island, and he’d hoped to find her here. Though he figured by now she would have moved on, married and had a handful of babies. Her bare fingers and slender, willowy figure had him wondering just when her plans for her future had changed.

“It’s rather brown for a green iguana.” She cast him a smile so fake he furrowed his brow in disbelief. “They washed up here a few years back after a bad hurricane season. I thought it might be one of our native species. They’ve become endangered since the sister species arrived. Competition, hybridization, all that.”

She turned and walked back to her bike like they were strangers. As if the precocious girl he’d known, full of goofy grins and giggles, had never existed. He pocketed his phone and followed her, unease increasing with each step. He called out her name, but she didn’t turn. Instead, she released her blonde hair from its ponytail, golden tresses streaked with sunshine falling down her back.

“Kristin?” he asked again, not sure how to proceed. He always knew the next two steps, and yet she had him on the edge of a cliff. “Are you here for the wedding rehearsal or were you looking for me?”

Anger burst in her chest, causing her heart to race with fury. Looking for him? As if. She spun on her heel to face him and ignored the way his pale-blue eyes sparkled and reminded her of shy glances, how his mouth arced in the same grin he used before stealing a kiss. She even disregarded the way his broad-shouldered frame had filled out, creating a degree of definition that made her fingers tremble for a chance to touch.

Instead, she pulled her hair over one shoulder and vowed to remain civil. He hadn’t deserved her love, and he sure as hell didn’t deserve any of her mental energy five years later.

“I’m one of Saskia’s bridesmaids, just waiting for Janny to arrive.” She turned back to her saddle bags and belted them closed. One didn’t have to worry much about theft on Anguilla, but animals invaded privacy at every opportunity.

“Your best friend, I remember she really had a hate on for me. I think she was jealous of all the time we spent together.” His clipped Dutch accent brought to mind sweltering nights and naughty whispers.

“She saw things about you I didn’t.” She dried her palms on her skirt and turned back to him. Long-forgotten desire surfaced as she refused to recognize the handsomeness of his lean face. He had the most glorious cheekbones. She gave herself a mental shake. “I should have listened to her.”

“What fun would that have been?” The dark velvet of his voice clashed with the disarming twinkle of his clear-blue gaze. He knew how to play her like a piano.

“Don’t you need to be inside, Tonnis? You didn’t come here to toy with me. I doubt you ever expected to see me again.”

“I’m forever optimistic.” The bold desire in his gaze kicked her pulse into high gear. “After the dinner tonight let’s have a drink, for old time’s sake.”

“I have handwriting assignments to grade.” Thankfully, Janny’s red Audi curled up the winding road to the church.

“It’s Friday. I’m sure you can find time later in the weekend. I’m staying the week.”

She faced him and deadpanned. “I have to wash my hair.”

“You know how I love doing that for you.” His laugh was deeper, more delicious than she recalled. The grin of a man who always, always got his way weakened the backs of her knees.

“You keep right on remembering that.” She sidestepped him as Janny’s tires crunched on the gravel, adding a swing to her walk as she crossed the parking lot.

Once their love was under wraps. Now it’s burning up the sheets

Private Scandal

© 2011 Jenna Bayley-Burke

Three months ago, Megan Carlton had the world on a string. That was before the man she loved took over her family’s hotel business and wiped out a family fortune it had taken generations to build. And before she caught him kissing another woman.

Her only solace: the secrecy of their affair saved the family from public scandal, and kept her embarrassment private. Meanwhile, with a mountain of self-confidence to rebuild, she trades her Manolos and late-night parties for coffee-stained sneakers and early morning barista shifts.

Brandon Knight had everything he ever wanted—then the woman of his dreams disappeared without one word of explanation. When he finds Megan serving coffee, he wonders if the socialite is suffering from amnesia. A hot venti to the chest proves she recognizes him. But she’s got the situation—and him—all wrong. All he has to do now is prove it.

: Samhain Publishing cannot be held responsible for any characters harmed by flying handbags, improper use of a door or the misguided application of hickies. All activities involving lingerie, towels or ice cream are to be executed with extreme caution.

Enjoy the following excerpt for
Private Scandal:

She slipped her hand in his and lust snapped around him like a whip as he pulled her up. She slid right into place, her body skimming his as she stood. He recognized the passionate promise in her gaze. Blood thrummed in his veins, anticipation simmering as her eyes met his.

Her shining blonde hair tumbled over her shoulders, the waves curling about her face. He lifted a finger to her cheek, tucking the loose waves behind one ear and then the other. She really was breathtakingly beautiful, with features fit for the most fairytale of princesses. Before he could think about the repercussions, he moved his hand to the nape of her neck and threaded his fingers in the warm, silken strands. He curled his hand around the back of her head to hold her still, because he couldn’t stand for her to turn away now. He lowered his head, hesitating for a split second before his lips found hers.

A bolt of sensation shot through him as the world faded into a whirling haze. With the kiss, he tried to show her just how much he’d missed her, how much he hated that he had a hand in what had happened to her family. But as his body went from hot to blazing, he could only think of how long it had been since he’d had her naked.

He skimmed his hands across her soft skin, loving the curve of her waist, the flare of her hips. Her body had always screamed sex to him. He saw her and went hard at the promise of sizzling, wild, mind-blowing sex.

It took nothing but a look and he was ready for anything she had on offer. He moved his hands around to her bottom and pulled her closer, his erection pressing into her belly.

Megan’s hands pushed at his shoulders, breaking the kiss. She arched a brow and gave him a naughty smile. “I think I’ll take that bath now. Alone.”

“Are you sure?”

She gave a coquettish giggle and nodded. “I’ll let you know if I need help with anything, but I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

She stepped back into the laundry room and pulled her shirt over her head. The cream-colored lace edging on her black bra sent his pulse running. She tossed her shirt in the washer and started it up. She stretched for the detergent on the shelf over the machines, but couldn’t quite reach.

Thankful for a reason to get close to her again, he made his way into the small space and snagged the container. She gave him a smile as she added soap to the wash, but it was painted on, not genuine like before. He knew he’d pushed too far with the kiss. He just couldn’t help himself after so long without her.

“Megan, I know things between us are complicated right now, but—”

“We’ve always been very uncomplicated, Brandon. Pleasure for pleasure, no responsibilities, no awkward complications.” She undid her belt and slid it from the loops, then set it atop the dryer.

“It feels awkward right now.”

“That’s because we want different things.” She unfastened her jeans and slid them over her hips and down her legs. Her blue eyes sparkled as she grinned this time. “You want to take care of me, and I want to take care of myself.”

She was the queen of the double entendre. He couldn’t count the number of times she’d worked things into conversations at parties and events that had him ditching everything to be alone with her. He cleared his throat and fisted his hands for strength as she bent over to step out of her jeans. Her breasts were amazing, but when she leaned down they were delectable.

After tossing the jeans into the wash, she reached behind her for her bra clasp. Brandon swallowed hard, and wished for time to speed up. He ran his hand over the top of the dryer, his fingers playing with the soft leather of her belt.

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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

11821 Mason Montgomery Road Suite 4B

Cincinnati OH 45249

Just One Spark

Copyright © 2014 by Jenna Bayley-Burke

ISBN: 978-1-61922-385-1

Edited by Heidi Moore

Cover by Angelique Anderson

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

Original Copyright: 2006

Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
electronic publication: October 2014

BOOK: Just One Spark
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