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Authors: Lynn Hunter

Just Perfect (15 page)

BOOK: Just Perfect
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Chapter 15.



Sam couldn't wait to get his hands on Lily’s sweet little
body.  It had been over three weeks since he was alone with her. 

“What are you doing tonight?”  Dean asked, digging in the

“You need to go somewhere for a while.”


“Don't be an idiot.  Find somewhere to go.”

“Oh.  I see.  You're having Lily over.”

“You're a genius.”

“I know.”  Dean grinned. “Have you told her about the house

Of course, Dean would bring that up. “No.”

“Sam, I know you're the smart brother and all but-”

“Don't say it.” Sam interrupted. “
are the last
person I need advice from.  What the hell was that with Willa today?”

Dean groaned and ran a hand over the back of his neck. “I
don't know.  Everything she says and does drives me nuts.”

“You embarrassed her in front of everyone.”

“I didn't mean to. I just...” he sighed. “Hell, I don't know
why I said it.”

“She was just having fun with the kids.”

“I know, Sam.  Every time I'm in the same room with her she
makes some crack about me and I just... lash out at her.”

“Well, try not to be in the same room with her then.  She
could use a female friend and Lily would be a good one.”  He pointed at his
brother. “But you made her feel stupid and insecure.  What is it with you two

Dean's eyes grew serious. “She doesn't want me.” He murmured.

“She actually turned you down so you have to give her shit
all the time?”

“No! It wasn't like that.  She
want me. I could
tell. Then all the sudden she hated me and I don't know what I did.”

Sam studied his brother. He had a feeling something happened
between them.  “You really don't know what happened?  Did you say or do

“I really don't know.  I keep going over it in my head, but
I just don't know.”  He scrubbed a hand over his face in frustration.

“What happened?”

“We started talking not long after she started working with
us.  I just couldn't resist flirting with her, Sam, she's so damn sexy to me.”

“That's what you did?  Flirt with her?  Guys flirt with her
all the time and she doesn't hate them.  She just laughs it off.”

Shaking his head, Dean said, “No.  It was different.  She
was into it,” he frowned, “but she did look confused by the attention like she
didn't know why I was talking to her.”

“What did you do, Dean?”  Sam just wanted him to get to the
point.  He needed to catch Lily before she drove home.

“I kissed her!”  He dropped his head back on his shoulders
and squeezed his eyes shut. “She kissed me back.  It's not like I attacked
her.  The next day she wouldn't even talk to me, and she's hated me ever

Sam doubted that was all to the story.  He didn't have time
to deal with it now.  Dean was a big boy and would be able to sort it out on
his own.  Otherwise, Glen would have to get involved.  He didn't want that to
happen, though.  Willa was hot-headed and might quit the company if she thought
she did something to make herself look bad.  He had a feeling she really needed
this job.  Glen's company was the best company around for her to work for and
he would hate to see her leave.

“Try to stay clear of her for a while.  We don't want her to
quit and work for another company that wouldn't treat her well just to get away
from you.  She thinks she's tough, but this is her first driving job and she’s
got a lot to learn.”

“She won't quit,” Dean growled.

“Stay away from her for a while, Dean,” Sam warned, “and
when you
around her, keep your mouth shut.”

Just as he snagged his phone to call Lily, it rang.  She
called him.  She was finally loosening up and reaching out to him more often. 
Usually, it was him seeking her out.  His lips quirked.  He knew why she
called.  She wanted him as much as he wanted her. Almost.

“Hey, baby.”

“Hey.”  Her sweet voice said into her ear.

“How was trick or treating?”

“It was fun.  The boys got a lot of candy.  Candace and I
got chocolate and a few great pictures so it was a success.”

“I'm glad they had fun.  What are you doing now?”

“You tell me.”   She was trying to tease but she sounded shy
and unsure.  It worked for him, though.

“Come to my house.  Have you eaten?”  No way was he going to
let this opportunity pass.

“I ate an early dinner with Johnathan.”

“Call your mom and tell her you won't be home.”

“Um... Sam, she hasn't been alone since the stroke.”

“Glen's with her.  She'll be fine.”  He was acutely aware of
Dean listening to his conversation.  He shot a glare at him.  Dean just smiled
not even trying to hide that he was nosey.

“I'll tell her I'll be late.”  She was actually trying to
bargain with him?

“Lily,” He warned.

“I don't want to argue, Sam.  I'm tired tonight.  Why don't
I just go home and-”

“No.  Just come here for a few hours.”  He’d deal with it
when she got there.  He gave her direction and ended the call.

“I guess I'm leaving then?”  Dean asked unnecessarily.

“Yes. For a while. Hopefully, you’ll have this place all to
yourself when I close on the farmhouse. The closer it got to the closing date
the more anxious he became.  Being anxious wasn't an emotion he had much
experience with so it made him edgy.  The right moment to tell her hadn't
presented itself. He'd tell her tonight
she was sated in his bed.

“You're making a mistake, Sam.  Lily won't understand why
you're lying to her.”

“I know she won't understand at first.  It’ll be fine.”  He
wished he felt as confident as he sounded.  The truth was, he wasn't sure it
be fine.  She didn't give her affections lightly and Sam was the first man
she'd been with since she was a teenager.  He was risking a future with the
only woman he ever really wanted.

“I'll call Rick and see if he wants to go for a beer.”  Dean
started to walk away before stopping next to Sam. “I really like Lily.  She's
sweet and Mom will love her, but you’re gonna lose her if you don't do

“I won't lose her.” Saying the words out loud confirmed that
he was a selfish, deceitful bastard.  But it still didn't matter.  He felt like
he would sell his soul to keep her. 

Just as Dean opened his mouth to argue, thinking it would
make a difference, a light knock sounded at the door.

“Go,” he ordered.

“Can I come back tonight?”

“Late.”  He strode to the door ready to see Lily's beautiful
face.  He jerked the door open with more force than he intended, causing Lily
to jump, her eyes going wide.

“Oh!”  She splayed a hand over her heart. “You startled me. 
Are you okay? Is this a bad time?”

“No.  It's a perfect time.”  He wrapped his hand around her
arm and pulled her inside.  She stiffened.  He was scaring her, damn, he needed
to calm down.  It was like his deception was closing in on him and he was
already losing her.  He had the urge to slam the door behind her and lock it. 
It wasn't like buying her house was so terrible.  How had this gotten so out of

“Sam?”  Her voice trembled and she started to pull away.  He
realized he had her arm in a bruising grip and immediately loosened his hold,
but didn't let go.

She looked so beautiful with her wild blond curls and wide
brown eyes.  She wore a pair of jeans with a white t-shirt under an orange
sweater with a pumpkin pin over her left breast.  Definitely not an outfit worn
to entice men but to him she was the sexiest thing he'd ever seen.

“It's okay.”  He pulled her stiff body to his and rubbed her
back until she relaxed.

“Hey, Lily.”  Dean strolled into the living room. “Sam's
kicking me out.”

“No! You don't have to go.  I'm not staying long.”

“I'm just kidding,” he grinned “I'm headed out for a beer
with Rick.”

“Oh, well, please don't leave on my account.”

Dean started for the door. “It's Saturday night, the ladies
would be devastated if they didn't see me tonight.  I don't want to disappoint
them.  I'm a giver.”  He said in all seriousness.

Lily laughed. “That's very kind of you.”

He pointed a thumb at his chest. “Giver.”  He reminded her
and slipped out the door leaving Sam alone with her. Finally.


Once Dean left, Lily started to feel nervous.  She could
feel the tension coming from Sam.  Had she done something to irritate him?  Was
it because she didn't want to stay the night?  She shifted from foot to foot
and looked around the room.  She’d never been to his house before.  It was a
spacious brick ranch in an older neighborhood. The front door opened into the
large living room.  There was a big leather sofa and matching recliner facing a
floor to ceiling brick fireplace.  Above the mantle was an enormous flat screen
television.  It was obviously a man’s house.    It smelled like Sam too.  She
loved being in his space. It was comforting.

He started pulling her through the living room.  Why did he
keep dragging her around?  She stopped and jerked her arm away. “Sam. Stop.” He
turned to face her. “What's wrong? Did I do something?”

“Of course not,” he said tersely.

She took a step away from him.  He was so tall and loomed
over her making her feel intimidated. “Can we sit and talk for a while?”

“I don't want to talk.”

Why did he want her here if he was just going to snap and
growl at her?  “I'll go then.  You said you wanted me to come here.  I could
have just gone home.”

“You're not leaving.”  His voice lowered but didn't sound
any friendlier.

Her stomach clenched.  He was acting so strange. What was
wrong with him?

“I don't want to leave yet.  I wanted to see you.”

She watched his shoulders relax and she willing went into
his outstretched arms.

“Let's go to bed.  Being with you again is all I can think

His arms held her tightly and she could feel the heat of his
body through her clothes.  Her breasts immediately tingled and swelled.  Her
mind flashed back to when they were together those weeks ago.  Remembering the
feel of his hard body between her thighs and the incredible orgasms he gave

“Okay,” she whispered.  No point in waiting.  She wanted him
too and now was the perfect opportunity.

He wasted no time dragging her down a hallway and threw open
a door to pull her inside.  He never let go of her arm as he shut the door and
drew her to the king size bed covered with a dark blue comforter.

After yanking his shirt over his head and tossing it to the
floor, he grabbed her sweater.

He was going too fast and she wrapped her fingers around his
wrists in an attempt to slow him down.  “Sam, slow down.”

He let out a frustrated groan and sat down on the bed.

Lily slowly approached him placing her hands on his muscled
shoulders and tried to massage away the tension.

“Are you sure you don't want to talk about anything?” It was
strange to see him so upset.

“I'm fine.  I'm glad you're here.”  His hands spanned her
waist and his eyes searched her face. 

“I'm glad I'm here too.”  She slipped the sweater off her
arms and draped it over the bed next to him, then rested her hands on his
shoulders again.

He touched the button on her jeans. “Take these off.”

His voice was low and strained.  She decided not to tease
him and quickly shed her jeans and kicked them away.  Moister pooled between
her legs and her heart thumped wildly in her chest.  Her body was oversensitive. 
Probably because she knew how he could make her feel and she shivered in
anticipation. Surprisingly, she wanted to skip the foreplay to push him onto
his back and... well, she wasn't sure what she wanted except to relieve the
ache he caused inside her.

He tugged on the hem of her t-shirt. “Get rid of this too,”
he growled, “just take it all off,” he said at the same time he jerked the
panties down her legs.

With trembling fingers, she lifted her shirt off and threw
it on top of her sweater.  Reaching behind her she unclasped her bra and let
the straps fall down her arms, then tossed it onto the growing pile next to

Pure delight flowed through her at the look on his face.  It
made her feel sexy

“You're so beautiful Lily.”  His big hands gripped her bottom
and jerked her to him. The crisp hair on his chest teased her stiff nipples and
she moaned with need.  Just touching him felt amazing.

“You want me tonight, baby?” 

“Yes. Please, Sam.”  She didn’t want to wait.  She wanted to
get right to the good stuff.

He grabbed her neck and brought her lips to his to thrust
his tongue deep.  Yes, that's what she wanted.  She wrapped her arms around his
neck and relished heat of his body.

She whimpered when he ended the kiss and set her away from
him.  He took hold of her arm and gently pushed her to the bed.

“Put your hands on the bed,” he demanded in a firm voice.

She hesitated briefly before leaning over and flattening her
palms on the comforter.  The sensation of her breasts swaying with her
movements made her feel wanton and sexy. She arched her back to prolong the

“You're perfect, Lily.”  He ran a rough palm down her back
before giving her hip a firm squeeze.

She moaned and her hips swayed.  She was on fire and wanted

“Look at me,” he asked tautly.

She immediately swung her head to look over her shoulder and
saw his body close behind her.  His big erection curved high and proud.

“Put on a condom, I can't wait anymore.”  Was that throaty,
needy voice hers?

His eyes flashed at her and his jaw clenched.  One fist made
slow pumps along his thick length. “I don't want anything between us.  I'm

BOOK: Just Perfect
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