Karaoke at the Tumbleweed (2 page)

BOOK: Karaoke at the Tumbleweed
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Stepping closer, Tag’s hard body brushed against Nicole’s. “Why don’t you let me be the judge of that?”

It took a moment for Nicole to figure out what he meant but when she did a blush crept up her face. “I’m Nicole by the way. You can call me Nicole or Nic but if you want to stay friends don’t call me Skeeter.”

Setting the glass of whiskey on the table, Tag ran his fingers through Nicole’s hair. “There’s a break in the competition. Feel like a dance before I have to get back to work?”

Without answering, Nicole let him lead her toward the dance floor. When he pulled her into his arms she thought her heart would beat out of her chest. She looked up into his face as her body spooned against his. Even though she was at least ten inches shorter than Tag, her body seemed to fit perfectly against his.

Nicole didn’t even recognise the woman she became once Tag wrapped her in his arms. She inhaled deeply and moaned at the feel of the prominent erection rubbing against her.

Tag must have taken that as a good sign because almost immediately his heavily muscled thigh insinuated itself between hers. He rubbed her jean covered clit against his leg as he bent to kiss her.

The first touch of his sultry lips overwhelmed her senses. When he ran his tongue across the seam, Nicole automatically opened for him. His tongue pushed into her mouth and began a slow dance of its own. Between his questing tongue and his thigh rubbing against her pussy, Nicole was lost. She wanted this man. No, she needed this man.

When the song ended, Tag pulled back just enough to whisper against her lips. “I want you. I want to bury my cock so far inside of you that you’ll never forget my name.”

Nicole licked her swollen lips, tasting Tag’s flavour as she did so. “Lord help me, but I want you, too.”

Pulling her in for one more deep, tongue tangling kiss, Tag moaned. “I don’t get off work until one. Will you wait for me?” He ran his hands down her back to cup her ass. Grinding his hardened cock against her he pleaded, “Please say you’ll wait.”

Feeling like she was two seconds away from the best orgasm of her life, refusing wasn’t an option. “I’ll wait. I have to be here until the end of the karaoke contest anyway to see if I won.”

“Oh, angel. With a voice like yours you’d better win or I’ll tear this place apart.” He started to lead Nicole off the dance floor. “Come sit at the bar with me.”

Looking over toward her friends who were openly staring at her and Tag, Nicole nodded her head. The last thing she was in the mood for was playing twenty questions with them. She didn’t want to think about anything right now but the feel of Tag’s cock pressed against her.

Leading her over to the barstool against the wall, Tag gave her one last kiss. “Can I get you something to drink?”

“Just a Diet Rite. I’ve got to be at the store by four.”

Bobby Jim started yelling at Tag to get his ass back to work. “Stay right there.” He quickly went around the bar and filled a couple of drink orders. Once he was caught up, Tag took a Diet Rite over to Nicole. Setting the glass in front of her, he leaned over the bar and kissed her again. “Hot damn, woman. I haven’t been this shook up since I was a senior in high school and Rita Palsey got me all hot and bothered.”

Blushing, Nicole bit her lip as she stared into his cobalt blue eyes. “I’ve never been this shook up,” she admitted.

Wiping the bar down in front of her, Tag tried to appear like he was working. “So what kind of store does a person have to open at four in the morning?”

“My store,” Nicole said proudly. “I own a bait shop slash donut shop on the edge of town.”

Furrowing his brow, Tag leaned on the bar. “A bait and donut shop? I’ve never heard of that before.”

Flipping her hair behind her back Nicole smiled. “It makes perfect sense if you think about it. Fishermen come in first thing in the morning to get bait. While they’re there, they pick up a dozen donuts to take out to the lake with them. I also do wedding cakes and stuff like that for the town. In a community the size of Ulrich you have to make money where you can. My daddy owned the bait shop since I was a little bitty thing. When he died I built on a new addition with the insurance money and I’ve been makin’ and sellin’ donuts ever since.”

Taking Nicole’s hand, Tag kissed her palm. “I bet you make the best donuts in the state of Kentucky.”

Squaring her shoulders, Nicole raised her chin. “I like to think so.” Seeing Wendy Jean tapping her long acrylic nail at the end of the bar, Nicole pointed her out to Tag. “Um…I think you’re needed.”

“Damn. All right. I’ll be right back.” Tag went to fill the new drink orders that Wendy Jean had for him.


The closer the time came for Bobby Jim to announce the winner of the contest, the more nervous Nicole became. She knew most people thought the whole contest was stupid but she’d always dreamt of seeing a real live NASCAR race. This was her big chance at realising that dream. If she won tonight she’d go on to the finals in Louisville. Heck, she’d only been to Louisville twice in her entire life. Once on the one and only vacation her daddy ever took and once when she graduated from high school.

When the last singer left the stage after a horrible version of Friends in Low Places, Nicole chewed her fingernails and watched the judges table. She could tell by the look on Mrs. Humphries face that it was a close competition. Nicole wasn’t even paying attention when a hand reached out and ran across her breast. She swatted the hand out of habit and looked up with fire in her eyes. Tag was standing beside her out away from the bar. He chuckled at the fiery look in her eyes.

“Sorry, they were just sticking out there so pretty I couldn’t help myself.” Tag took a step closer and insinuated himself between Nicole’s thighs. Bending over he held the back of her head with one hand as his other hand ran down the length of her neck, across her breast and down to rub against her jean clad pussy. Nicole’s moan was swallowed by his mouth devouring hers.

When she heard her name called over the microphone, Nicole broke the kiss and looked toward the stage. The whole damn bar was staring at them. “Huh? Did ya call my name, Bobby Jim?”

Tag stuck his finger in his ear and stepped back. She winced, knowing she could be a little loud at times. He turned around and looked at Bobby Jim. “Well?”

Bobby Jim started laughing so hard, Nicole thought the beer gut on him would shake right off. “I said ya won Skeeter. You’re The Tumbleweeds Karaoke Competition champion. Come on up here girl and get this trophy afor I give it to Bubba Ray.”

Nicole squealed and jumped off the bar stool. She stopped long enough to give Tag a quick kiss before walking toward the stage. Bobby Jim handed her the trophy and gave her the microphone.

“Oh wow. I-I can’t believe I won. Thank y’all for comin’ out here tonight. I hope to see y’all in Louisville next weekend. I’ll do my best to make ya proud.” She blew the crowd a kiss and walked back toward a clapping Tag. When she set the trophy on the bar, Tag picked her up into his arms.

“Woo wee, am I proud of you. It’s a damn good thing you won because I kinda like this job. It would’ve been a shame to bust the place up.” He kissed her long and hard. “I would’ve done it though for you.”

“Thank you.”

“I’ve still got another hour with clean-up and everything. Did you drive?” Tag set Nicole back on her feet.

“No, I came with Darlene. She’s the tall blonde over playing darts.” Nicole pointed toward a woman with teased hair and lycra pants.

Bending over to give her another kiss, Tag smoothed his knuckles against her cheek. “You going to let me drive you home?”

“You know it.” She gave him a look that would have made the devil himself blush.

Chapter Two




When Nicole followed Tag out to the parking lot, she was a little shocked to see him stop beside a big black Harley Davidson. “This yours? Oh my God. I’ve always wanted to ride on a motorcycle. Around here if it doesn’t have a flat-bed on the back it isn’t a mode of transportation.”

Chuckling, Tag swung his leg over the bike and looked at her. “Climb on and I’ll take you for the ride of your life.”

The heat in Tag’s eyes told Nicole he was about to do just that. She flashed him a smile and climbed up behind him. Reaching back, Tag pulled her closer to his back. “Hang on.”

Nicole leaned against Tag’s back and her hands naturally slid to his washboard stomach. As Tag started the bike, the vibrations ran up through the seat and straight to Nicole’s pussy. “Dayum.”

Laughing, Tag tucked her hands under his T-shirt and yelled over his shoulder. “Feels good doesn’t it?”

“Hell yeah. I might need to get one of these just to park in my bedroom. Better than a vibrator any day.” She ran her hands over his rippled stomach and up to his nipples. This Harley was better than Spanish-fly, she thought as Tag roared out of the parking lot. Her hair blew in the early morning wind as they raced toward the shop. Nicole circled Tag’s nipples with her fingers as she scooted even closer.

Reaching up, Tag took one of Nicole’s hands and placed it on his hard cock. Not one to let an opportunity pass her by, Nicole ran her hand up and down the huge length hidden behind a pair of faded blue jeans. Damn this man was built. Her pussy started to ache as she took her hand off his nipple and pointed to the Bait and Donut Shop at the edge of town.

Nicole kept pointing and Tag headed around to the back of the store. He pulled up to her tiny white clapboard house tucked behind the shop. Turning off the engine and setting the kick-stand, Tag reached behind him and pulled Nicole off the bike and around to straddle his lap. He took her mouth in a lazy seductive kiss that seemed to last for hours. The longer they kissed the more clothes they seemed to lose and by the time the kiss broke, Nicole was naked from the waist up.

Looking at her bare breasts, Tag shook his head. “Perfect.” He traced her nipples with the tip of his fingers and Nicole felt them bloom. Groaning, Tag readjusted his cock and leaned forward. Taking one of the pale pink nipples into his mouth, Tag suckled as his other hand began working on her jeans.

Arching her back, Nicole was swept away in a world she’d never known before. Where was this passion coming from? Lonnie told her all the time she was as passionate as a nun.
Well screw him
, she thought.
Oh wait, no, screw me.

Lifting up, Nicole allowed Tag to take off her pants and special Saturday underwear. At least she hoped she’d put on the ones that said Saturday. Tag might have second thoughts if she was wearing underwear that said Tuesday. Tag didn’t seem to mind so Nicole figured that yeah, she must have grabbed the right ones out of the drawer.

Nicole totally forgot what she was thinking when Tag swung his leg over the bike and stood. He quickly pulled off his tight T-shirt and shucked his jeans. The sight of his perfectly sculpted chest, sprinkled with tattoos made her mouth water. But even that was nothing compared to the site of him from the waist down. “Dayum you look good.”

Following the thin strip of black hair that lead from his belly-button southward, Nicole gazed at the thickest cock she’d ever seen. Standing proud and leaking pre-cum, Tag’s cock was a work of art. She looked from his cock back up to his face. “Oh please tell me you have a rubber in your wallet.”

Smiling, Tag picked up his discarded jeans and pulled out his billfold. Extracting two condoms from inside, he stuffed the billfold back into his jeans and dropped them back into the dirt. Walking back over to the bike, Tag swung his leg over and sat back down on the seat facing her. Handing her one of the condoms, he tore the other package open with his teeth.

Nicole’s mouth watered as she watched him roll it on. Fully extended the condom only reached about halfway down his cock. “That won’t fall off will it?”

Chuckling, Tag shook his head. “You’re safe, angel.” He patted his lap. “Come on up here and sit on papa bear’s lap.” Tag finished the sentence by holding his cock by its base and tapping it against Nicole’s stomach.

Refusing to give him the chance to back out, Nicole launched herself at him. Tag fell backward and nearly toppled off the motorcycle seat. Laughing, he shook his head. “You’re a little spit-fire aren’t you?”

Climbing more carefully into his lap, Nicole didn’t answer him right away. When she had her pussy poised over the head of his penis she smiled. “Get ready for the ride of your life.” Nicole sat down and impaled herself on Tag’s long, thick length. “Oh Jesus, Mary and Joseph.”

She felt like she was being split in two. She closed her eyes and wiggled around in Tag’s lap for a few minutes trying to get stretched. “Sorry, papa bear. It’s been a long time for me.”

Nicole put her feet down on the bike’s foot peddles and started a slow rise and fall on his cock. Tag moaned and gripped her ass in his big hands. He helped her slide up and down his length in an increasing rhythm. Moaning, Nicole panted in Tag’s ear. “You feel better than freshly shaved legs against nylon tricot sheets.”


BOOK: Karaoke at the Tumbleweed
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