Read Kidnapped! Online

Authors: John Savage

Kidnapped! (12 page)

BOOK: Kidnapped!
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“Theo, you know I own you big time, but is it wise to bring that dame here?”

“Right now I got no place else to go,” Raszini snapped back. “And I ain’t dumping the broad. I’m using her to get back at that fucking PI, Sled Speed.” He paused to smile that wicked smile of his. “She ain’t too bad. Wanta fuck her?”

The subject under discussion was lying on the carpeted floor, tightly bound in a hogtie and gagged a rag stuffed in her mouth and several turns of duct tape wrapped around her head. She was naked now, but had been covered by a blanket when brought in from the trunk of Raszini’s car.

Carlo Lucarelli looked down at the prisoner and frowned. “Yeah, Theo, she’s good looking. But I don’t want to fuck her. Look, you ain’t planning to kill her, are you?”

“Eventually,” was the casual reply. “When she’s not any good for getting at her brother any more.”

“Well, please don’t do it here.”

“What’s the matter, Carlo, getting squeamish? I’ve seen you blow a man’s brains out without batting an eye.”

“Well, this ain’t no man. And anyone I blew away had it coming. Theo, every police department in the country is looking for you. You’re hot.”

Raszini grinned and slapped his old friend on the back. “Don’t worry. I’ll drag her sorry butt off before I waste her. Got a lot of messing with her to do before that.” He smiled. “I meant what I said. You want to fuck her, be my guest.”

“I got a decent fuck already, a slut named Amber. Horny all the time. Besides, looks like you been working this one over.”

“Oh, the whipmarks? Well, like you said, she had it coming. She’ll be in a lot worse shape before I’m finished with her.”

From her position on the floor, Susie could hear all that was said and it gave her a cold feeling in the pit of her stomach. All she could do was pray that Speed would find her.

The two of them went off to get a drink, leaving her there with one guard – not that she was able to go anywhere, what with those tight ropes cutting into her limbs. Raszini had not been gentle with her when I heard that Speed was coming. From what she heard, she knew that her big brother had somehow found where they were keeping her and was coming. She felt a surge of hope at that news, but it faded as she was hogtied and tossed in the trunk of a car. It was totally gone when the car drove off, taking her someplace unknown.

The guard, one of the men who had screwed her while she hung in mid-air, poked her flattened breast with his shoe. “Hey, babe! Was it good for you? Want another fucking? I can do it more than once a day, you know.”

Susie closed her eyes and sighed. He probably couldn’t carry out his promise with her hogtied, but she would not be tied that way forever.


* * * * *


I was creeping around the house to approach it from the ocean side rather than the front door when there was a problem. This problem was about twenty or so, five foot six, slender but with big melons, short blonde hair and was lying on a lounge by the pool. The fact that she had the top of her bikini off, undoubtedly for a more even tan, did not distract from the fact that I could not approach the house from that side with her in the way.

I considered several plans and rejected most them. I could, of course, just kill her, but gunshots tend to alarm those inside the house. I could kidnap her and lock her in the trunk of my… er, Angelica’s car, but that seemed impractical also. I could tell her that I was a meter reader, but I wasn’t dressed for that. So I did the next best thing. I walked right up to her like I belonged there. She glanced at me but said nothing. She also didn’t bother to cover up a nice pair of tits.

“Is Carlo in?” I asked, casually.

“Sure, he’s in with that other guy.” She opened those soft blue eyes and looked me over from head to toe. “Is there something I can do for you, tall dark and handsome?” she purred.

Well, you could go and get my sister, but I didn’t say that. “Maybe,” was all I said. She gracefully rose from the lounge, stretched like a big cat, obviously displaying what she had. Then she said, “I’m good at a lot of things.”

“You Carlo’s girl?” I asked.

“He thinks so. My name’s Amber, what’s yours?”

“Sled. Sled Speed.”

At least she had the good tact not to ask where I had gotten that name, like most people do.

“Well, Speed, Carlo’s busy right now, probably planning something evil. Maybe we could go someplace and have a private talk.”

Since she still hadn’t put on the top of her swimsuit, I figured it would be a real interesting talk. So I took her hand and led her around the cabana and out of sight of the house. There was a grassy area with shade trees. It would be a nice place for a quickie – if that was what you had in mind, but I had other intents right then.

Before I could begin, she put her arms around my neck and planted a wet one on my lips. Those big boobs pressing against my chest and her darting tongue did all the talking for a little bit. It would have been interesting to continue the conversation in the same vein, but I had more important priorities. I slipped a pair of handcuffs out of my pocket and had one cuff locked around her left wrist before she could react.

“So you like it rough, big guy?” she said with the damnedest sweet smile on her face. “Come on with me, I’ve got something to show you.”

I followed, holding the handcuffs half way on her wrists. The trip was very short end ended just around the corner. There, sticking up out of a small concrete slab, was two steel poles about three feet apart. On each was two rings bolted into the pole, one just above head height and the other near the ground.

“Carlo likes to tie me spread-eagle here and screws me standing up,” she said. “Drives me crazy,” she purred. Then: “The ropes are over there.” A small plastic chest did, indeed, hold several lengths of rope. “I prefer the ropes over handcuffs. Softer, you know.”

“Yeah, I know.”

She picked up the piece of rope and handed it to me. Then she slipped off the bottom of her bikini with a graceful, obviously practiced move. Her wonderful little pussy was as bald as a billiard ball.

What could I do? I took her hand, unlocked handcuff and tied rope around it. In a minute I had that wrist tied to one of the upper rings and was working on the other wrist. When all four limbs were comfortably spread wide, and she was totally helpless, I had trouble remembering what it was I had come for. She was one hot dish!

I took the bottom of her bikini, and wadded it up to use as a gag, tiny as it was.

“There’s a ball gag in the box,” she told me. “I get a little loud when I cum and the gag is helpful. Besides, it makes me feel more helpless, you big, strong stud. With that in my mouth, you can do anything you want to my body. I’ll be sooooo helpless.”

I made sure that the gag was buckled tightly in and stood back. Amber was breathing heavily and I could see by those erect nipples that being helpless was rapidly turning her on. That dreamy yet hot look in her eyes spoke loudly to me. “Come and fuck me!” the look said.

It was tempting. Gawd, it was tempting!

“Amber, how many men are there inside?”

She paused the sensuous wiggling to look at me. For the first time, she realized I was not just some friend or business associate of Carlo’s. She shook her head.

I took one hard nipple between my thumb and forefinger and squeezed. She moaned, but it was hard to tell if it was from pain or pleasure. She was apparently that kind of girl. I squeezed harder. “How many men does Carlo have?”

Again, she shook her head. Those lovely eyes were looking frightened.

“I’m not here to hurt you, just get back someone Raszini kidnapped.”

She frowned. Then she nodded.

“How many men total in there?” I asked again. She held up four fingers. “Four?” I said. She held up two. “Six?” She nodded.

Six to one? Not very fair odds, but those bad guys would just have to take their chances.

She tried to talk. “Fuck me,” was what she seemed to be saying.

“Sorry, Amber, but I have something I have to do. I’ll come back later and make all your dreams come true. Meantime, hold that thought.”

A whine came through the gag as I walked away. Well, she would be disappointed, but I really did plan to come back later and… Well, I’m come back. I had promised her, after all.

The gods must have been smiling down on me to make it so easy to eliminate that problem. Now, if they would continue to smile down on me…



Chapter XXV

Fun at Carlo’s


“You really hate this women that much?” Carlo asked.

“Yeah, but mostly I hate her brother. He’s the one who snitched on me to the feds.”

They were talking about Susie, who was still hogtied but had been made much more uncomfortable by being hung from a rafter in the garage. Raszini had tied a rope to that connecting her wrists and ankles behind her and tossed it over a rafter. She was lifted up until her eyes were at the same level as his.

“This bitch is his sister. I’ve been torturing her and sending him the video of it.”

“You’re bad ass,” said Carlos. But he was smiling. “I did something like that once to a guy who tried to cut into my territory. Kidnapped his wife and sent him photos of her being fucked by a dozen men. Drove him crazy.”

Susie was moaning. She couldn’t help it. She was a big girl and her body was arched backwards most painfully by that tie. The rope, driven by her full weight, her cutting in something fierce.

“I’ll just leave her like this. Later, I’ll set up the cameras again and record her some more. You feel like whipping her?”

Carlo thought about it. “Yeah, might be fun. I’ll have Amber sucking me off while I do it!”

They laughed about that. Then they left the garage, turning the light off as they went, leaving her hanging there.


* * * * *


I figured there was the two that I saw “helping” Raszini in the video. And probably two thugs working for this Carlo. That left Raszini and Carlo themselves. Six in all. Exactly the number of round in Wilma’s clip. Coincidence? I think not.

Of course, I had another filled clip in my pocket. Can’t be too careful, you know.

Putting Amber out of my mind, I snuck into the house, listening carefully for the sound of anyone approaching. The door I used entered the kitchen, which was empty. Faintly I could hear men’s voices. They were in a den, shooting pool. Two heavy set men, both packing .45 autos in shoulder holsters. They seemed to be arguing over some sporting event or another as they took turns trying to sink the balls.

What to do? I could eliminate these two easy enough, but the shots would alert the others. I thought about rushing in and knocking both senseless with my big fists. But how fast could they draw those .45’s? I bypassed that room and continued looking for Susie.

A noise alerted me and I ducked into a side room just in time to be missed by two more men coming in the front door. They were carrying large cases, apparently the video camera and tripods. The sight of those made me mad. Those were the cameras used to record Susie’s suffering.

Again, what to do? I could take these two out but only by alerting the others. What I really needed was a way to find Susie and get her out of there. Then I could deal with these assholes.

I followed them, but the room where they set the cameras down was empty. No Susie. They walked by only a few feet from where I hid, apparently returning to the car for something else. I continued my search.

The room was probably a library, but the few books on the shelves had the look of props, not books that were really read. Raszini and some other guy were sitting there, holding old fashioned glasses in their hands and reminiscing about the old times. I could hardly hold back Wilma from killing Raszini right then and there. One .50 caliber bullet would take his head clean off. The only pity is that it would happen so fast that he would never know it.

I stepped into the room. Having the two bosses under my gun should give me enough bargaining power to get Susie out of here. Their hired help wouldn’t want to see their bosses shot and would obey. All I had to do was get these two to cooperate.

Both of them froze at the sound of Wilma’s hammer being cocked.

“It would be a good idea if you didn’t move,” I told them. “I’m looking for an excuse to blow you away.”

Carlo’s slowly turned his head my way. “Who the hell are you?” he said.

“That’s Sled Speed,” Raszini informed. “Private Dick and a real asshole.”

“You know what I came here for,” I told him. “So shut up and show me where Susie is.”

For a while neither of the men moved or said a thing. I could tell they were thinking furiously. Where were their henchmen? Should they obey or try to trick me? Finally, it was Carlo who spoke.

“Give him the girl,” he said. “You see that cannon he’s holding?”

I was glad that Wilma made a good impression.

Raszini said nothing. Hell, he didn’t even bother to turn around to look at me.

“Might as well cooperate,” I told him. “If I blow your head off, Carlo here will show me where she is.”

Apparently, Raszini couldn’t argue with that logic. Slowly he rose from the sofa, finished his drink casually, and then put the glass down. He was just turning around to face me when a noise came from behind me.

“Hey, boss, I got the… What the hell?!”

The man behind me would be going for his gun. These kind of men shoot first and ask questions later. I began as fast a turn as I could. Would I be able to turn, aim and get a shot off before he could draw and do the same?

It was close. His .45 was coming up just as Wilma swung around. The shots were almost simultaneous. I felt something jerk me to one side. At the same time I saw the guy before me suddenly jump backwards.

It wasn’t really him jumping, it was the tremendous impact of a .50 caliber bullet striking the center of his chest that picked him up and tossed him backwards. He crashed into a second man behind him, knocking him down. Before this second man could draw and fire, I aimed and my second round struck him in the shoulder. No amount of surgery would be able to repair that injury. The bullet shattered the shoulder bone and damned near tore the whole corner of his chest off. He would not be getting up quickly – if at all.

My left side felt numb, but I didn’t have time to stop and find out what had happened there. I was too aware of the other men behind me. They might or might not have weapons themselves, but I couldn’t count on it. One or both might be pointing a gun at my back right then. I began a turn back but it seemed so slow, almost as if I were moving in slow motion. I just couldn’t move fast.

As Raszini came into my view, he was moving towards me. In this hand was a black rod held over his head. Wilma was coming around also but so damned slowly! That fireplace poker in his hand began a downward swing that would connect with my arm and knock Wilma aside, maybe even out of my hand.

I couldn’t let that happen. Susie was depending on me.

If that poker hit my arm, it could break the bone. I was not going to let that happen. Instead of containing my swing around, I lowered my shoulder and dove forward - just in time to meet the on-rushing Raszini. My shoulder took him in the chest and we both went down. The poker continued in its downward arc but missed my arm.

I rolled as I went down, twisting back around the other way. As I turned, I brought Wilma up. Raszini was struggling to get back to his feet, only an arm’s distance away. His arm lifted the poker again. Wilma barked – no, make that roared. In the library the noise was deafening, a thunderclap. It left your ears ringing. It also lifted Raszini’s body upward and back. I could see behind him blood and bone and other stuff spraying out from the exit wound. He was dead before his body came to rest on the carpet.

I turned to Carlo. He was standing there, both hands shaking in the air before him in a sign of surrender. “No, no!” he cried. “I have no gun!”

I was sorely tempted to fire anyway. He was a bad guy, just like Raszini. But a noise behind me reminded me that there were two more armed men in the house, and both could not have missed hearing Wilma’s big voice. I began twisting around from my kneeling position on the floor.

The two who had been playing pool were charging through the door, leaping over the bodies of the first two. Both of them had their .45’s drawn and in their hands. I knew it would take them only a second to take in the scene and then shoot me dead. I might take out the first, but the second would get me.

I did the only thing I could; I fired at the first man. Again that thunderclap and Wilma bucked in my hand. A look of surprise crossed the man’s face as the bullet impacted his chest. I could see the other man’s gun coming around the first man and pointed at my chest. Then the man I shot’s backward motion hit the other man. I began struggling to get to my feet, but knew that I would not be in time to avoid the second man’s shot.

But there was no flash of light, no feeling of a lead bullet striking my body. I struggled to bring Wilma up to fire again but didn’t have to. I saw that the second man had dropped his gun. Moving slowly, and keeping Carlo in sight out of the corner of my eye, I approached the two fresh bodies. It was then that I realized that the .50 round had passed completely through the first man, and struck the second, killing them both!

Talk about killing two birds… Tell that to the Green Berets and their “One Shot – One Kill” motto.

I finally realized that my side was burning and a dull pain was trying to get my attention. Looking down, I found blood staining my coat and pants. Feeling around, I found a tender spot where a bullet had grazed my side. Kind of messy, but probably not life threatening.

I struggled out of my coat and used it as padding to stanch the flow of blood. It hurt but I had things to do before I could rest.

Carlo was nice enough to show me where Susie was. It tore at my heart to see her suffering so. Wilma and I suggested the Carlo let her down and untie her. She could hardly stand but was aware enough to know it was me and her ordeal was finally at an end.

Carlo provided a coat to cover her nudity. He even opened the front door for us as I helped support Susie. Well, she helped me; neither of us was in perfect condition.

The keys were in one of the big cars in the driveway, probably Raszini’s, so I didn’t have to walk to where I had Angelica’s sports car parked. I let Susie drive because she was hurting less than I. At least, I think she was. She said she was okay. I didn’t feel too good, so I let her drive.

Just before I got into the car, I looked back at Carlo standing here. Wilma was still in my hand and his eyes were fixed on her. Would I plug him before I left? I probably should have. He was one of the bad guys, after all. But I just told him to call the cops and report the dead bodies. He didn’t look to anxious to do that, so I told him that I would tell the police that I came to rescue Susie and found Raszini trying to impose on his friend to hide him. In my rescue of Susie, he was shot, along with the others. I told him I would tell the police that I shot them all (truth). Self defense, of course. If he backed up my story, they would probably not arrest him.

I left him nodding, probably extremely thankful not to have been killed himself.

We stopped at a doctor’s office, a man I had once done a favor for, and I got patched up. He said the wound wasn’t too bad; I would live.

Then we went to Bernie’s to pick up Angelica. On the drive there, I remembered that I hadn’t told Carlo where Amber was. Oh, well, no big deal. He would find her sooner or later.


BOOK: Kidnapped!
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