Kill Wilson (Petersburg Vampires) (4 page)

BOOK: Kill Wilson (Petersburg Vampires)
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Danner was the first to die, the attack so unexpected Riley
and Amp just stared as their sire’s head was severed by a violent strike from a
sword, the blonde from the bar grinning evilly, his fangs fully elongated. Danner’s
lifeblood spurted in several directions, escaping from the hole where his head
had rested, his torso hitting the ground, quivering, and then
still, his head rolling several feet away, the open,
lifeless eyes staring at nothing.

“I told you to show my sire the respect he deserves,” the
blonde snarled, his blade whipping out towards the remaining two.

Amp stood stunned, her mind awash in a millisecond
recollection of the past 100 years. She felt as though she couldn’t breathe,
staring at the headless carcass; her sire, her mentor, her greatest friend.
After what seemed like hours, but was only scant seconds, she snapped out of
her shock, her entire focus on raining death upon these savages.

Riley has been much faster, dodging left, and then
striking from the side, the blonde flying against a tree, the air leaving his lungs,
down but not out. Another pair of Wilson’s warriors dropped from the roof, each
wielding a similar sword, their intentions clear. There would be no mercy shown
this night; it was a fight to the death.

Amp and Riley stood back-to-back, preparing for the fight
of their lives. Riley went after the closest vamp, dodging the strike from the
sword and knocking him down, twisting the man’s head until his neck broke, grabbing
the sword off the ground and easily taking the head of the
. Amp had grabbed the sword
the blonde had used to take Riley’s head, and she swung it at the third vamp,
slicing first into his shoulder, then bringing it straight down and splitting
the vamps skull.

The girl had never handled a sword before, but
surprisingly she felt as if the weapon was an extension of her arm. She was
swinging it, if not gracefully, lethally. In her mind, she knew she was going
to die; her entire focus was taking as many of the enemy with her as possible. Turning,
she saw six more of Wilson’s crew circle Riley, who had already defeated five
warriors. He was moving in and out of the crowd at an incredible rate of speed,
and the blood was spraying in all directions.

It’s like a dream, Amp thought. Her worst nightmare and
she was in the middle of it, fighting desperately for her life. At least I’m
going to die with my best friend, she thought, mesmerized by the killer
mentality overtaking Riley.

Amp dove right into the middle of the action, her sword
making short work of the first two vamps she reached. These are not good
fighters; she thought as she took the second vamp’s head. We just might be able
to fight our way out of this. We’re inflicting a shitload of casualties.

Just as she reached Riley, she heard a roar; at the same
time Riley was blasted off of his feet.
up, Amp saw two of Wilson’s soldiers holding shotguns, and there was a faint
wisp of smoke from the barrel of both weapons.

Kneeling next to her best friend, Amp cradled Riley’s
head, waiting for the next explosion to take her. The detonation had hit him in
the upper chest, skin and bone visible, Amp certain it was a mortal injury.

The vamps were using human weapons, a reprehensible act
in the vampire world. Riley was trying
to speak, Amp leaning forward to hear.

“When I sit up, you run straight at the fence, they won’t
be expecting it. You get your ass out of here right now, Amp…”

“I stay,” Amp stated, determined to die with Riley.

“You listen to me, Amp. You run, and then you get the
hell off this island, as far away from here as you can. When I sit, you run.”

Riley struggled up, blood pouring from several
different wounds.
The shotgun had knocked him down, but not
out. His left arm and lower abdomen were riddled, as well as his upper left
thigh. Suddenly he stood, his sword held in his right hand at the ready.

Wilson’s vamps stepped back, and then Amp was gone,
streaking across the lawn, one huge leap clearing the spiked fence, and she was
in the woods.

“Catch her!” Wilson cried, but his attention was on Riley,
Amp but an afterthought.

Amp was fast. She had always possessed great speed even
for a vampire. She streaked through the woods, faster than the eye could
follow, putting miles between herself and the pursuers who were scouring the
woods for any sign of her.

Amp didn’t stop until she was across the island, near the
docks. Using her senses, she approached a 55 foot fishing vessel she thought
was empty, stepping onto the deck and trying the hatch leading below deck. It
was locked. With her superior strength she twisted the lock, snapping it. She
crept down the steps, finding a place to hide, a place to plan.



Amp waited two days before she ventured above deck. She
could wait no longer, needing desperately to feed. It was after midnight when
she stepped out onto the wharf, the girl moving silently, waiting for Wilson’s
warriors to attack, trying to sense any humans in the area, food having taken
the priority. If she could eat, she would have enough strength to hunt.

Walking cautiously down the wharf, she heard a voice in
the distance, then somebody jumping down from the deck of a boat. Moving
closer, Amp saw a woman waving back towards the boat, a nice pleasure craft
about 40 feet long, a cabin cruiser. A man stood on the deck, a drink in his
hand, a smile on his face. “I’ll ring you next time I’m up this way,” he called
to the woman.

He didn’t notice Amp until she was standing next to him,
her stealth added to the man’s apparent intoxication making it easy for the

“Oh hell, you scared the shit out of me,” the man gasped,
looking at the skinny vamp. “Where the hell did you come from?”

Amp had no desire to play games or to waste time. She
stared directly into the man’s eyes, taking full control of his mind. “Are you
the owner of this boat?” she asked.

“Yes sir, me and the bank, but mostly me,” he answered, a
slight glaze taking over his eyes. “Who might you be?”

“Where are you going when you leave this town?” Amp
continued, ignoring the man’s question. “Are you alone?”

“Next stop is Ketchikan, then I’m going straight to
Seattle, weather permitting. I’m leaving first thing in the morning. I always travel
alone. No need for a crew with this baby.”

Amp’s mind was working hard, trying to decide if she had
enough time before morning to get a few things done. Like all vamps, Amp tried
to stay out of the sun, the rays sucking her strength. She had heard some older
vamps could function in the sun for extended periods, but she didn’t want to
test the theory. Sunlight drained her, and she wanted to be finished in this
town before sunrise.

“What’s your name?” she asked the man, the boat owner
still standing where he had been.

“Donny Garrett…but my friends just call me Garrett.
What’s your name, sugar?”

“Okay Donny, here’s the plan. You and I are going to
leave together in the morning straight through to Seattle. No Ketchikan this
time. First thing, we’re going below to the mess and get to know each other a little
better, and then I have some errands to run.
When I get back,
we are gone…and I mean right away.
Any questions?”

The man looked like he had a lot of questions, but his mind
didn’t seem to be working too well. In the back of his mind he heard the girl
say they were going to get to know each other. The thought was dictating his
move to the steps. Amp followed.

Below deck of the cruiser was beautiful, a lavish mess,
two cabins, and a spotless engine. Without a word, Amp turned to the man,
wrapping her arms around his neck, her razor sharp fangs extended, and sank
them into the man’s neck, sinking into his jugular, drinking hungrily, but with
restraint. She needed this man for a few more days, and she didn’t want him
weak or dead. Not right now. At first Donny tried pushing her off, afraid of
what was happening, but when Amp’s serum entered his
he was struck with first a small, wonderful orgasm, then a mighty, erupting

Sated, Amp licked the puncture shut, and then gave Donny
a kiss on his cheek. “So, was it good for you, Garrett?” she asked, smiling.

“Oh my god, I don’t know what just happened, but you can
do it any
’ time you want, little lady,” he

“Look at me, Donny,” Amp ordered. “You do not leave Petersburg
without me…got it? If you do, I will track you down…and you do not want me
hunting you. Understand?”

going anywhere without
you, honey. I’ll wait as long as it takes.” His eyes still held the glaze of
Amp’s control, the girl hoping her power would last for several more hours.

“I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Her strength returning
with the fresh donation from Donny, Amp was gone.



Making her way through the town, moving from shadow to
shadow, she reached the forest on the east end of the village where she was
able to move with all her speed toward the Wilson compound. She had to find out
where they were keeping Riley, and then figure a way to break him free and get
him back to Donny’s boat. She had tossed her sword into a creek bed after she
had hurled the fence, and now, approaching the compound, she found the creek,
and after a quick search, found the sword beneath a dead bush.

Feeling a little better now she was armed, she crept
quietly towards the spiked fence, her perfect night vision making it easier
than she expected. She needed to find an opening, knowing the fence was
probably armed with a high tech alarm.

Making her way
north, keeping to the forest, she rounded the corner of the fence, stopping
suddenly, her mind refusing to accept what her eyes saw. She stifled the scream
starting deep in her chest, the horror of staring into the dead eyes of her two
best friends, their heads jammed atop the spikes of the fence, trophies for
everybody to see.

The flaking away of the vampire remains had been retarded
by Wilson’s people, a common practice in the dark ages in order for the victors
to exhibit their prizes. The chemicals were just now starting to wear, and the
heads of the two had started to deteriorate. The picture it presented to Amp
was so grotesque she would never be able to exorcise it from her deepest

Taking one last look, Amp turned into the woods,
stumbling away from the horror of Beryl Wilson.

I promise you, I promise with everything I have, I will take
vengeance for this,
will kill Wilson and all of his
children. If it is the only thing I ever do, I will avenge your death.

For the first time
as a vampire, Amp cried the red tears of grief.



Amp returned to town, across the street from the Harbor
Bar, the same place she and the guys had first met Wilson. Leaning against a
wall in an alley, her form hidden in the shadows, Amp tried to gain control of
. Seeing her friends spiked had set something off in
her she didn’t know existed.

She was vampire, but she had never been a trained
fighter, had only been in a few scrapes over the years, mostly backing up
Danner or Riley when they got into trouble. Now, she felt something primitive,
something she didn’t recognize consuming her soul. Revenge was all she could
think about, but she knew one vampire could not defeat Wilson’s lair. She
would need
help to fulfill her promise to her friends. But
if the chance presented itself, she wanted to send a message before leaving the

She took one quick look inside the bar, hoping to find
her new friends from Washington still at the bar, but they were nowhere to be

She stood in the alley for another hour before she saw
her chance, and it was heaven sent. A black BMW sedan slowly made its way down
the deserted street, passing within a few feet of Amp’s concealed form. Her
night vision clearly saw the face of the blonde boy, and sitting across from
him in the passenger seat, Wilson’s whore.

Perfect, Amp thought, watching the car as it pulled into
a parking area next to the bar. Grasping her sword, she moved with lightning
speed, standing at the end of the BMW when the doors opened.

As his head emerged from the car door, Amp struck, a
clean strike, the blonde head severing with a geyser of blood. Without missing
a beat, Amp was on it, picking up the head by the blonde hair, bending to throw
it into the car, the bloody package landing in Miriam’s lap. The woman was in
shock, a scream starting but suddenly stopping when she saw the look on Amp’s
face, a murderous scowl speaking volumes. Miriam knew without a doubt she was
dead, the severed head on her lap not important to her at all.

“Take it back to your master, whore,” Amp spit at her. “Tell
him this is just the start. I’ll be back, and when I return, every one of your
heads will hang on his fence…including you, human. If you’re still here, I will
personally stake your head.”

Without another word, Amp was gone into the night,
leaving Miriam holding the bloody head of the beautiful Sheldon.

BOOK: Kill Wilson (Petersburg Vampires)
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