Killing Time: The Bonus Collection

BOOK: Killing Time: The Bonus Collection
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Killing Time

The Bonus Collection

The Ties That Bind Trilogy

Elle Chardou

Killing Time, A Novel

Killing Heartache, A Novelette

The Bonus Collection

The Ties That Bind Trilogy

Copyright © 2012 Elle Chardou

All Rights Reserved.

Cover Artist:
Tamra Westberry

Photographs: Konrad Bak and Francesco Cura
Copyright © 2012


Publisher: Midnight Engel Press

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This book is a work of fiction. People, places, events, and situations are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or historical events, is purely coincidental.

Table of Contents








Part One: Shock & Awe


Chapter One


Chapter Two


Chapter Three


Chapter Four


Chapter Five


Chapter Six – Rory


Chapter Seven


Chapter Eight


Chapter Nine


Chapter Ten


Chapter Eleven


Chapter Twelve


Part Two: Discovery


Chapter Thirteen


Chapter Fourteen


Chapter Fifteen


Chapter Sixteen


Chapter Seventeen


Chapter Eighteen – Rory


Chapter Nineteen


Killing Heartache, A Novella










Excerpt from Killing Desire (The Ties That Bind Trilogy)


About the Author


Contacts & Resources


Books Available & Coming Soon




This is dedicated to my girls: Roisin and Brigette, my sister Nikki, Laura, Jessica, Tamra and Stephanie. Thank you so much and remember, women are capable of so many wonderful gifts, including the power to heal and the power to inspire one another when everything seems so dire. You women are my rock and the wind beneath my wings.



There are so many people who helped me on this fabulous and fascinating journey so I will try to start at the top. My FB Groups, Indie Insiders (shh) The Secret Society of Indie Writers, Indie Writers Unite; my friends: Jessica Meigs, Stephanie Abbott, and Laura Yirak – thank you for taking the time to read this and advising me because you made this book so much better than I could have ever made it by myself.

Laura, for all your advice (she knows what I am talking about), Nikki (for being such a supportive sister), Jess (for just hearing me bitch and moan all the time); others who I will be eternally grateful for include Tamra Westberry, for your kick ass covers and putting up with me when I know she just wanted to press the delete button on yet another email from me, and last but not least, Alicia Garbut. This isn’t the type of book you would read but thank you for all your help, love and support anyway.



days since she’d been in the cage, down in the dungeon. Her eyes were covered with a leather blindfold and there was no way to see through the thick yet soft material. This wasn’t the first time she’d gone through one of these sensory deprivation exercises but they always freaked her the fuck out.

She sat in the dungeon and although it was contained enough and the door at the top of the stairs was locked, she’d been placed in a cage. Her hands were free but she was deprived of even the smallest amount of pleasure as she wore an uncomfortable chastity belt with two metal dildos attached inside. One was planted firmly up her anus while the other one surged in her wet, aching sex.

Her clitoris could not be touched in any way as it was covered by a metal plate. Her master told her these punishments were to teach her how to behave in their relationship. She believed him but sometimes, she pissed him off purposely just to be sent down to the dungeon and locked in the tight, confined space of the cage too.

Many in the vanilla world would never truly understand real BDSM thanks to crappy mommy porn books which explored a fairy tale version of a world which simply did not exist for those who were truly part of the community. They weren’t all sick, twisted sadists and masochists with parent and background issues.

She considered herself perfectly normal as she had a very fulfilling job where she spent most of her time half naked anyway therefore modesty was not an issue. Once she left that job and came home, she was in a complete and utterly fulfilling relationship which consisted of total power exchange or TPE as it was known to those in the community.

At home, she was merely a slave and the receptacle of her master’s pleasure. Nothing he craved or desired was taboo and she would grant him any wish he wanted. Although, technically, a slave, she wasn’t really treated like one and that pleased her very deeply. He liked the sound of slave and master though in fact they had more of a dominant-submissive relationship.

She did not have to eat on the floor beside her master as he preferred them to take their meals together. She also did not do any housework and although they spent way too much time at one of the many locations of Club X-Tasy, her master didn’t believe in participating in orgies, at least not any where she would be forced to participate. He did go to them as was his right and something he put together at least twice per month to keep his customers happy but she was never on the menu.

She almost laughed at the absurdity of it all when she thought about the dungeon and how she’d gotten herself sent there in the first place. She’d just arrived home from a photo shoot on location and she was bone tired. Her master greeted her at the front door after his manservant, Albert, answered the door. His staff was completely aware of what went on between them but they acted as if it was perfectly normal and in a way, it was—they were two consenting adults after all.

He wanted her to undress as soon as Albert shut the door and kneel before him naked. She’d wanted to comply but something inside her rebelled and she quickly figured it out. She didn’t want to submit on her own that night; she’d wanted him to beat her into submission and that is exactly what happened. He’d grabbed her by the arm and frog-marched her through the grand foyer with all of its pale marble floorings and straight to the dungeon.

The place where he beat her was completely soundproof and looked very much like an ancient dungeon except it was manmade and the place wasn’t the least bit dark or damp. The lights were painfully bright and the whole place had mirrors instead of walls. There was an inbuilt closet which opened with the touch of one of the mirrors and inside was a sadist’s wet dream.

There were different lubes of all flavors, colors and varieties. Some to enhance pleasure while others brought pain; condoms though they no longer used them very often unless he decided to take her in her anus and she had not undergone a proper fast or colon cleansing. Those could get messy and everything was there to prevent the space from ever becoming unhygienic.

There were dildos and butt plugs, all made of high-end metals and glass which were easy to clean and easier to use. The dungeon had its own mini-kitchen with a fridge and dishwasher for cleaning the toys they used without degrading the material. Where her master had bought the cleansing solution which was one hundred percent safe and would not cause any skin infections or irritate her most intimate parts was beyond her.

He grabbed all the necessary equipment he would need: fur-lined ankle cuffs, supercuffs for her wrists, the blindfold and a glass ball gag, that although seemed dangerous, was the best money could buy. He didn’t expect her to run and knew she wouldn’t.

“Undress,” he commanded in a voice a mixture dark chocolate and velvety sweetness.

She slipped her tight ivory cashmere sweater off and undid her expensive jeans before rolling them down her legs to her ankles. She slipped off the five-inch high-heel Christian Louboutin booties she’d been wearing and then slid her jeans off the rest of the way.

“That’s enough. I’ll take over from there.”

Something about his voice wasn’t right but she couldn’t place what was different really. She would never understand him, not really because he truly did have the personality of a borderline sociopath.

Sometimes, he was the sweetest lover in the world and although he was a firm master, he never failed to please her. Other times, a completely sadistic part of his personality would take over and he seemed to do things to hurt her just because he could.

BOOK: Killing Time: The Bonus Collection
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