Kindle Indecent 2 (9 page)

BOOK: Kindle Indecent 2
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“Every night, I dreamed about this.” His voice made her skin break out in goose bumps. “About you naked on my bed. I wanted you here.”


“I plan to. I just don’t plan to rush it.”

She felt the bed move but she couldn’t see what he was doing. Then she felt the heat of his body as he put his hands on either side of her torso and leaned forward. His mouth landed on her nape, planting a kiss there, then moving to the side and laying a string of them along her right shoulder. Her left.

Every now and then, she felt the scrape of his teeth and she shuddered, muscles tightening, before he began to make his way down her back.

He bit and sucked and kissed, arousing her to a fever pitch with only his mouth. He was halfway down her back when he stopped. Her lungs stuttered and she found it nearly impossible to breathe as she waited for him.

Finally, she felt something brush against her lower back. But it wasn’t his mouth.

He scraped his beard-roughened cheek against the hollow of her back, just above her ass, and her body reacted as if he’d shocked her.

Barely able to breathe, sensation pulsing through her, uncontrollable and raw, Jules felt herself sinking into a state of heightened awareness, where each rasp of his whiskers, each brush of his fingers against her skin, made her pant for more.

His hands moved now, grabbing her ass before smoothing down her thighs. When he bit her on one ass cheek, she flinched, though not from pain.

“Erik. Please.”

His answer was to bite her other cheek.

Could he smell her arousal? He had to be able to. She wanted him to—

“You are so fucking wet, I can see it from here. I want to draw this out all night but, Christ, I can’t do it. I’ve got to…”

He put his mouth between her legs and swiped his tongue at her sex. Every nerve ending in her body lit up and sharp hunger sliced through her. She moaned, every muscle in her body clenching.

He licked at her like she was his favorite flavor of ice cream. The tip of his tongue flicked out to play with her clit, stimulating it until it ached painfully. He refused to give her exactly what she wanted. Instead, he drove her so close to the edge that she felt, finally, she’d fall. But then he’d pull back and she’d nearly pass out from the unrealized culmination.

He licked at her labia, playing with the sensitive lips and sucking on them. Then he drove his stiffened tongue into her body and fucked her with it.

Not enough. Not nearly enough

Her legs strained against the straps holding her down and he smoothed his hands from her thighs to her calves, easing the aching muscles.

When he pulled away, she wanted to scream but heard the crinkle of foil and her body stilled with anticipation.


He pressed a kiss to the bottom curve of one ass cheek before she felt his knees wedge her legs even farther apart.

As he leaned over her, his cock nestled into the valley of her ass, making her whimper as he rubbed himself against her.

“Do you want me?”

He whispered the words in her ear and they reverberated like a heavy bass line in her stomach.

“God, yes, Erik.”

“Good.” His words were practically a growl. “Because I can’t wait any longer.”

He slid his cock between her cheeks twice before he groaned and pulled away.

But not for long.

She took a deep breath as his cock prodded the entrance to her body. Rubbing the tip against her, he groaned as he smeared her wetness all over his shaft. The stimulation made her suck in a breath and hold it, waiting for the moment he breached her.

He made her wait until she couldn’t take it any longer.

Then he took her in one, hard thrust. His cock filled her, stretched her, made her moan in ecstasy. He filled her completely, gave her a sense of satisfaction that competed with the raw lust eating away at her.

When he’d gotten as far inside as he could and she felt his hips press against her ass, he stopped and held still. One hand grabbed her shoulder while he held his upper body away with the other.

On his knees between her legs, he thrust again, gaining even more ground. Stretching her. Pushing her limits.

Then he started to move and she knew she hadn’t begun to test those limits.

The pace he set had her on the verge of flying apart but the hand he had on her shoulder tethered them together. He held her tight, calmed her down to the point she could sink into each sensation without being overwhelmed by them.

His cock scraped against her inner walls, already highly sensitized, and she felt it clear to her toes. Her sheath tightened around him as he groaned out her name. His hips continued to rock against her, his thighs smacking against her ass.

She was right on the edge of exploding, her body tight. She kept trying to close her legs, to close around him, but she couldn’t because of the restraints.

Behind her, Erik slowed, lowering his head until his forehead pressed against her back and she felt his breath against her skin.

“Christ, Jules. You’re making me crazy.”

“How do you think I feel? Move, Erik. Now.”

“I don’t want this to end.”

“Then don’t be an idiot and not call me later. But right now, you have to move.”

He moved and she felt him lay his cheek against her back. The one that was scarred so badly. She wanted to reach around and touch him, let him know that his scars really didn’t bother her but then he began to move again and she could do nothing except let him take her along with him.

His pace wasn’t as frantic now. He was more focused, more determined.

Going boneless beneath him, she wallowed in every sensation until she couldn’t hold back any longer.

She came, her body jerking against the restraints as she contracted around him.

Through the blood pounding in her ears, she heard him groan out her name. Felt his cock swell and jerk inside her.

He rode her through it, pushing her higher until she literally couldn’t process the feelings coursing through her.

When he finally stopped, he collapsed over her, surrounding her with his scent, his warmth.

Leaving her sated.

But knowing something…someone…was missing.


“I’m not going.”

Keegan barely recognized his own voice as he stared into the heights of the cathedral ceiling in his living room.

The room wasn’t spinning. At least, not yet, though he’d polished off almost an entire bottle of tequila since he’d gotten home.

Yes, he was drunk. No, he didn’t feel any better.

After he’d left the mixer—after he’d banged Jules up against a wall—he’d driven home with the single-minded purpose of getting falling-down drunk.

And forgetting what a prick he’d been.

Christ, he needed to apologize. He should’ve done it right away, should’ve made her listen. Instead, he’d let her go.

Had she gone to Erik’s? Was she there right now?

You could be there too if you weren’t such a dick

But he didn’t think she’d want to see him again.

Why the hell would she? He’d upset her. He’d used her.

And now she probably thought he was a prick.

You are a prick

He took another swallow, trying to drown out that voice in his head.

You should go over and see if she’s there. Apologize

He snorted. “Yeah. Go spy. That’s real mature.”

But was it spying if Erik had told him to show up?

Even though he was mostly drunk—as opposed to being completely drunk and a sloppy mess sitting here unable to think at all—he knew why Erik wanted him there.

They worked well together. They always had. Together, they could handle Jules.

But do you want to handle her together

That was the half-million-dollar question, now, wasn’t it?

They both wanted her. They’d both had her.

Now what?

He and Erik worked together. They owned a business together.

Throw a woman into the mix—No, throw
into the mix and things would get messy.

Not just messy. They’d get downright fucked up.

Things are already fucked up

Alright, he seriously needed to drink more to drown out that asshole voice in his head.

But he didn’t want any more to drink.

He wanted to see Jules. He wanted to watch her while Erik fucked her then he wanted to join them and make her scream.


He got up, catching the arm of couch before he fell back onto the cushions. Hell, maybe he should sleep this off. He wasn’t a mean drunk but he was a sappy one. If he went over there, he didn’t know what’d come out of his mouth.

Spying his phone on the sofa table, he grabbed it to text Erik. Ask what was going on.

And what if he doesn’t get back to you

He needed to grow some fucking balls and go to Erik’s. The gravel lane that connected his house to Erik’s was mostly level and it wasn’t like he’d be stumbling along. The one-mile walk in thirty-degree weather would clear his head.

Grabbing his coat, he headed to the front door. He’d been smart enough to change out of his dress shoes and slacks when he’d gotten home, pulling on a pair of jeans instead. At the door, he pushed his feet into a pair of battered black Chucks then headed out.

The moon was no more than a sliver of silver in the sky, when he could actually get a glimpse of it through the clouds. There were no streetlights along the stretch but he wasn’t worried about wild animals or traffic. Occasionally, the nearest farmer’s cows got out of their grazing land and wandered onto Keegan’s property. But he didn’t think the small wooded area that straddled his and Erik’s land held anything more than deer, raccoons and skunks. And a shit-ton of squirrels and rabbits.

After growing up in large cities—first Dublin then Boston—he’d had culture shock moving here. It was too freaking quiet at night. No traffic noise, no sirens. And holy hell, it got dark.

He liked having his own space but being close enough to Erik that they could see each other in minutes. Watch a game together, eat dinner together, talk business. Erik was the brother he’d never had. Some people thought they were too close. Those people were assholes who had no friends of their own and needed to get a life.

Fuck. He’d thought this walk would help but it was just giving him more time to screw himself up in the head.

And it was fucking cold.

He put his head down and trudged on.

Since this lane led to the back of Erik’s property, he couldn’t tell if Jules’ car was parked out front. He debated going out front to check then talked himself out of it.

If it was there, he might not go in.

Punching in the code to open the back door, he stepped into the mudroom off the kitchen.
The only light he could see was the one over the sink. Erik left that one lit all the time. He didn’t like coming into a dark house.

Keegan paused, listening. Heard nothing.

He considered calling out but didn’t want to bother him—them—if they were…busy.

Walking to the front of the house, he didn’t see anyone.

But there, in the front window, he saw Jules’ car.

He sucked in a breath then forced himself to release it slowly.

If they weren’t down here then he knew where they were.

His body still felt the effects of the alcohol but his head had cleared.

BOOK: Kindle Indecent 2
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