Knight 01 Knight And Play (20 page)

BOOK: Knight 01 Knight And Play
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"Pass it to me, Princess." She had no need to ask what he meant. His finger still slipped slowly in and out of her bottom as she reached for it. "And the lube."

The acorn was heavy in her hand, plum-sized and cool. She raised her eyes to his, unsure what to do next and utterly distracted by his gentle fingers in her bottom.

"Lube it in your hands." They both looked down as she followed his instructions. "Slide your fingers around it." He eased his hand from between their bodies and covered her slippery fingers with his own. "Make it warm."

Sophie's heart beat hard against her breastbone. The silver acorn slid around in their hands as he took it from her, and he kissed her mouth slowly and moved his hand away from her bottom to gather her against him, skin to skin. His tenderness melted away any lingering echoes of anxiety, and when he touched the solid tip of the acorn against her bottom... she was ready.




Lucien held Sophie in his arms and willed himself to go slowly, to give her the very best of this new experience. She'd handed him her trust, and unlike her fuckwitted husband, he wasn't going to break it.

Her skin was warm silk in his hands, and her tongue stroked over his. She was so much more bold now, and her burgeoning courage moved him in a way very few things ever had. He could feel the tremble in her body as he touched the tip of the acorn against her bottom. She was slick with lube and her own excitement, he knew the acorn would slide inside her if she just relaxed and let it in.

"I wish it was my cock right here," he said as he worked the tip of the acorn inside her. She tensed, and then slowly relaxed her muscles. "That's it, Princess... let it in..."

Sophie's eyebrows furrowed over her squeezed shut eyes, and her teeth sank into her bottom lip. He nuzzled the tender spot beneath her ear, giving her time to get used to the new sensation.


She rolled her hips gently and nodded, and he touched his lips against her eyelids as he pushed the acorn deeper inside.

When she took the widest part her she cried out, and he gentled her with his mouth over hers. "Feel it Sophie, full and solid inside you." She was panting, and he was finding it almost as hard to breathe himself. His cock strained to be buried inside her, but this moment was all for her, not him. 


Sophie opened her eyes wide and stared into Lucien's, the butt plug buried to its flared ends in her bottom. She wanted to say something, to tell him how intense the acorn felt nestled inside her, but she couldn't find the words. She felt full, and filthy, and euphoric. Lucien's hands curled around her waist.

"Stand up."

His hands urged her up, so she stood. He did the same and fondled her bottom.

"This feels fucking amazing," he said, as he rocked the curved metal end of the butt plug. Sophie gasped and arched into the additional pressure. He was right. It felt even more amazing for her.

"Now sit on the chair."

She looked down at the hard wooden seat of the chair, then uncertainly back up at Lucien.

Trust me, he’d said.
She closed her eyes as her bottom made contact with the unyielding chair, and the pressure inside her increased ten fold as the plug pushed against her vagina. Lucien dropped onto his knees and parted her legs, and then, with a speed that took her breath away, he ducked down and sucked her clitoris into his mouth. He swirled his tongue over her, and Sophie gasped and pushed her feet down hard onto the floor in erotic shock as a sudden and intense orgasm ricocheted through her body.

"Oh Jesus... Lucien..." Sophie clutched his shoulders as her muscles contracted. Her entire body throbbed, and her muscles tightened deliciously around the acorn. Every sensation was magnified. Every wave of her orgasm became more intense with the new fullness.

He slid up her body and kissed her hard, the taste of her sex on his lips, her body still pulsing with pleasure. She reached down behind her on the ledge for the condom, crazy with need for him.

"Fuck me, Lucien."

He took the silver foil from her fingers, his eyes blue-black with lust.

"Get on your knees, Sophie. I want to look at your beautiful arse when I screw you."

Sophie dissolved into him as he pulled her down to the floor. Lucien had tapped deep into the essence of her womanhood in a way Dan had never dug deep enough to discover. He made her feel more intensely female than ever before, more sexy, more aware of what she wanted and of what she had to give.

He wanted her from behind. She wanted him to take her from behind. But she wanted it her way, and she felt confident enough to take the reins for a moment, certain that he’d be even more turned on if she did. She was on all fours, and as she crawled the few feet to the grey velvet couch, the butt plug moved inside her, a filthy thrill that caught her by surprise and made her gasp. When she reached the sofa she turned and threw a wantonly inviting glance over her shoulder at Lucien, then turned back to rest her elbows on the sofa and rounded her bottom provocatively out at him.

“That’s a mighty fine view, Ms.Black.”

He was behind her and kissing the cheeks of her ass in seconds, his mouth hot and his tongue wet as it trailed around the butt plug. Sophie sucked in air as she heard the tell-tale rip of foil, and his fingers moved forwards to caress between her legs.
Yes, God, yes.
She was open and desperate for him, and she cried out with pleasure when he finally pushed himself inside her. Slow and easy, he instinctively took his time as he introduced her to yet another new experience, and any lingering fear melted away as the incredible sensations took over.
He pulled back slowly, and then rocked into her until his hips touched her body. He was so deep inside that she could feel his cock push against the butt plug. Ecstasy had her trembling, instantly on the edge of coming again, closer with every satisfying thud of Lucien's body into hers.

His fingers were everywhere... putting gentle pressure on the plug in rhythm with each plunge of his cock...  stroking her clitoris, making her whimper with the need for release... tightening in her hair as he neared orgasm himself and banged her harder, faster. Sophie's orgasm began in her fingertips and toes, violent volts of pleasure so intense that she physically jolted and screamed out as it engulfed her. Lucien wound her hair around his hand and pulled her head back, and she slammed herself harder onto his pumping cock until his orgasm ripped out of him; long, pulsating and powerful.

Sophie sagged down onto the sofa, exhausted, Lucien's hands gentle now on her hips. He eased out of her as her breathing slowed, then pulled her up with him onto the pillowy depths of the sofa. She was boneless, spent - half way to sleep already, as he tucked her into the crook of his arm and tugged a fur throw off the back of the sofa to nestle around them. It was utter bliss. She sank into the warm circle of his arms and closed her eyes.




Darkness had fallen when Sophie opened her eyes again, and firelight filled the room with dancing golden shadows. She was incredibly comfortable, cocooned in fur, and a small but delicious stretch confirmed that the acorn was still tucked inside her.
Where was Lucien?
She propped herself up on one elbow and glanced around the empty room. Their clothes were still on the floor, and the little glass bottle of neroli oil sat on the coffee table. A crumb trail to the most sensational sex of her life, right there.

The door opened and Lucien appeared with two steaming mugs in his hands.

"I was just about to wake you. Do you always sleep so soundly after sex?"

Sophie pulled herself up to sitting and tucked the blanket underneath her armpits. The hot mug Lucien handed her was topped with cream and chocolate shavings, and delicious wafts of alcohol-laced hot chocolate filled her nostrils.

"You exhausted me." She dipped her finger into the cream and sucked it.

"Naturally," Lucien shrugged.

He was wearing his battered jeans and nothing else, and Sophie admired the way the firelight enhanced the lean muscles across his shoulders.

Why her?
He was a man who could take his pick, so quite why he had zeroed in on her was a mystery she wasn't brave enough to try to solve.
Was it just that she had wandered into his main beam?
The idea that whoever had landed the job as his PA would be here right now flitted into her mind, but she dismissed it. Whatever else Lucien might be, he didn't seem the kind of guy to just fuck for the sake of it. For pleasure, certainly, but just because there was a woman around him whom he hadn't had yet?
She wasn't harbouring romantic hopes or feelings of love, but they had an undeniable connection that was more than just physical.

Sex with Lucien was... immersion. She felt saturated in him, drenched to the skin with lust whenever he touched her. He was touching her now, massaging her ankle as he sat down on the end of the sofa with his mug in his hand. Sophie sipped her steaming chocolate and watched the fire.

When his hand moved a little higher to rub her calf muscle, she stretched her leg out onto his lap.

"Thank you," she said, softly.

Lucien turned to study her.

"For what?"

She inclined her head, encompassing the room, the moment, the setting beyond the dark windows.

"For this. For here."

Lucien stroked the tender skin at the back of her knee.

"It's my pleasure. And yours too, if I’m not mistaken."

She sipped her chocolate, the brandy in it strong and fortifying.

"I've never known pleasure like this."

"Good." He nodded. "As it should be." His eyes didn't meet hers as he massaged her knee absently, and for a few quiet minutes he seemed a world away. "Drink up. There's something you should see."


Sophie stood on the deck overlooking the fjord, her head tipped back to the skies in wonder. Wrapped in the fur blanket to protect her from the cold air, the only thing she noticed was the astral majesty overhead.

The dark night sky was alive with magical streaks of colour. Ethereal white wisps sprinkled with pink glitter swirled around luminous green ghost dancers, great streaks of light that bubbled and rolled as if being stirred from above by an invisible witch. It was easily the most stunning thing Sophie had ever seen.

"Wow," she whispered. It was inadequate, but the sight left her almost speechless. "Wow."

"Pretty special, huh?"

Sophie wanted to answer him, but found she couldn't. Standing there beneath nature's glorious slideshow, words failed her. This world was so far from her own, a bigger, better place where unfaithful husbands and broken marriages didn't matter. These vast, rolling skies reached out and touched her heart, performing their graceful dance just for her. She didn't realise that there were tears on her face until she tasted salt on her lips. Finally, she turned to Lucien behind her.

"Is it always like this?"

He shook his head. "This is quite early in the year for us. The nights are drawing in fast here now, we only see the Aurora in the colder months."

Sophie looked up again, eager to see more, then looked back down as a whirring noise started up behind her. The previously still waters of the jacuzzi had fizzed into life, the warm, steaming bubbles lit by underwater illuminations reminiscent of the skies above. Lucien stood beside it, a bottle of champagne and two glasses in his spread hands.

It was an invitation that no woman could refuse. A beautiful man, and a warm jacuzzi beneath skies painted with an ever-changing palette by Mother Nature’s paintbrush. Already bathed in a heady sense of liberation, Sophie let the fur blanket fall to the floor and walked across the deck towards him.


Lucien watched Sophie cross towards him, naked and free, perfectly framed by the mountains and the neon-flashed skies behind her. She reminded him of a mystical nymph, as if she'd just walked out of the waters of the fjord and onto his deck. A living fantasy.

She had no inkling of how glorious she was - and how much more so now that she had shaken off the grey shroud of unhappiness that she'd worn around her shoulders like an invisible cloak the first time she'd walked into his office.

He had her for one more day, and he was going to make every second count.


Sophie sank into the heavenly bubbles as Lucien stripped off his jeans. He looked so perfectly at home in the nude, it was his default setting. She settled onto the dipped seat beneath the water, reminded again of the butt plug’s presence as it moved a little deeper inside her. She fidgeted, enjoying the dark new sensation of fullness, the way it pressed against the back of her vagina. It was no-hands foreplay, made all the more sexy by the fact that the look in Lucien’s perceptive eyes told her that he knew exactly what she was feeling. As the tingle of sexual excitement began again, Sophie marvelled at how her body continually craved more of this man. He made her insatiable.

“So, tell me. What do you think of the acorn?”

BOOK: Knight 01 Knight And Play
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