Knightly Bonds 1: Their Majesties' Knight (7 page)

BOOK: Knightly Bonds 1: Their Majesties' Knight
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“Fuck,” he said when there was air in his lungs again. The pressure didn’t lessen, and this time it had the urgency and taste he recognized.


He growled.

“What was that?” Galena asked, her voice husky.

“I liked it,” Lan said dreamily, letting his body rest on Galena’s. Arin watched him roll his hips experimentally. “Felt like I came already, except I’m still hard and ready to do it again.”

Arin withdrew his hand from his pants, already missing the touch.

“That was magic. I need to go.”

“What?” That was from both Lan and Galena. They both sounded displeased.

Arin shook his head, moving to stand away from the bed. “The Axen is pushing us. If we have sex now, it’s going to form the bond right now.”

He glared at the darkness where he knew his sword lay. It was suspiciously quiet, no visible magic coming from it, but he had felt its presence earlier.

“What’s the problem with that?”

Lan had moved to lie on Galena’s other side, rolling her onto her side and exposing her to Arin’s hungry gaze completely. One pale hand was idly sliding over her skin. He kissed her shoulder. The bastard knew damn well what he was doing.

Arin frowned. “The bond can’t be broken. Once made, it stays that way, and the three of us are irrevocably connected. I’ll always be able to feel you, to know what you are thinking. You’ll feed my magic, could even use it. It won’t matter where we are, the bond will keep us connected.”

“Hmm.” Lan’s hand slid between Galena’s legs. She made a small sound. Arin’s gaze was drawn to the long fingers dipping between her dark, wet locks.

“And that’s a problem because...” Lan prompted, still staring at him. Arin’s tongue was glued to his mouth. He found it hard to think. His senses focused on Lan’s sensual play with Galena. She was moving under his hand, seeking more contact. Her skin was flushed and her lips parted.

“Can’t believe you chose this moment to be noble and considerate,” she complained, grabbing Lan’s hand and stilling it. She shuddered.

“Do either of us look like we aren’t willing?”

“No,” Arin’s brain promptly supplied, his cock endorsing the comment. He swallowed and crossed purposefully to the bed.

“If we do this, it’s just the three of us. Forever,” he warned them once again.

“Yes, yes. Will you fuck me already?” Galena demanded. Her eyes were glazed. Arin lay next to her, his body flush with hers. She sighed and put her leg over his, her forehead resting against his shoulder. Her breasts mashed against his chest, heightening his desire.

Lan’s fingers closed around his dick. Arin shuddered as Galena’s juices were spread over his organ, his dick twitching. Grasping it gently, Lan led it to Galena’s entrance. Both of them groaned as Arin sank inside her. He rolled forward, pushing Galena into Lan’s body.

Magic snapped inside him, spilling his arousal over all three of them. He felt Galena’s muscles tighten around him, and he could practically taste her pleasure and need.

Something brushed against his cock. He glanced down. Lan’s hand was still on Galena’s mound, making slow circles. She was sighing and writhing between them.

“You are going to make her come earlier that way,” he warned Lan.

“You dislike it?” Lan was smirking at him.

With Lan rubbing her clit and Arin fucking her, Galena soon started to shake. He felt her constrict around him and steeled himself to resist. She was deliciously warm. He wasn’t going to finish that quickly.

Lan’s helped, squeezing the root of his dick and forestalling his orgasm.

Galena whimpered as Arin started to move again with slow and delicious thrusts. It was easier to bring her to the peak the second time. Arin hissed as she bit, pain arrowing through him and heightening his pleasure. He buried himself as deep as he could.

* * * *

Galena’s head was spinning, every nerve in her body vibrating with pleasure. Arin’s dick was seated inside her, his fullness teasing her sensitive folds. Lan was draped over her back, his own dick leaking over her back and ass. She shuddered. He still had his hand wedged between her and Arin’s bodies, teasing them both. She withdrew her teeth from Arin’s flesh, licking the salty drops of sweat that were inundated with his taste. Dizziness threatened to overwhelm her. For a moment, she was sure she felt a deep contentment radiating off Arin as her warm flesh welcomed his hard cock. On the heels of that feeling, there was Lan’s hunger and desire, pleasure coming from watching Arin fuck her. She realized he’d almost come just from watching them. She shuddered, which made Arin groan.

“Is she all right?” she heard Arin ask, chuckling. He retreated from her, and she felt Lan settling her on the covers, his hand coming to rest on her face.

She opened one eye to see them both staring at her. “She is perfectly all right,” she slurred.

They both chuckled. Galena blinked. She was still connected with them, the faint echoes of their feelings mixing with hers. Her body was still humming with pleasure. She wondered if they were able to feel that.

Arin’s gold gaze fastened on her. “Yes,” he said softly.

“Shit.” Her belly tightened with another onslaught of desire.

“She bit you,” Lan said, drawing Galena’s attention to him. He was staring at Arin’s shoulder.

Arin chuckled. “Yes. And I enjoyed that,” he added wickedly. “So did you.”

“Mmm.” Lan’s gaze was unfocused. He leaned toward Arin, his pink tongue sneaking out to lick at the mark she left. Galena’s pussy creamed again.

“Come here,” Arin said softly. He moved, pulling Lan on top of her, then settling on Lan’s back. Galena sighed, spreading her legs to welcome Lan’s body. His dick dug into her belly. Warm breath teased her shoulder. He braced on his elbows on either side of her, shielding her from Arin’s weight, but she still felt when Arin finally settled himself, sinking into Lan.

The bond between her and Lan heated, allowing her to feel how much he enjoyed Arin penetrating him.

Another wave of pleasure rushed through her.

Arin was still slick with her juices, which helped ease his penetration, but there was a slight edge of pain surrounding Lan’s pleasure. Arin was big. Galena blinked at the sensation that Lan shared with her. It wrapped around her memories of Arin, bouncing between her and Lan. She felt him shudder, his dick twitching where it was imprisoned between their bodies.

“Tell me,” Arin whispered, “how does it feel having her under you with me on top and inside you?”

He punctuated each word with a sharp, insistent thrust. This time, she felt Lan tighten around Arin.

Lan gasped, his head bowing. He moved over her, his dick leaving a wet trail on her belly. He was rubbing against her, small circles heightening her pleasure.

Arin groaned. “That feels so good. Don’t stop.”

Lan’s orgasm slammed into her. His dick jerked against her belly, and warm liquid splashed over her skin, Lan finishing all over her. She arched, her muscles tightening and resisting another flood of pleasure spilling over her. He collapsed on top of her, his hands tightening on her shoulders.

Seconds later, Arin came, too, his orgasm following Lan’s and pushing into her. She screamed, unable to resist. Lan’s weight held her down, held her still as a torrent of sensation swept over her.

She was still breathing hard when Arin nestled next to her.

“I’m not moving,” Lan commented. “I like it here, thank you very much.”

He was still on top of her, his weight comforting.

She heard Arin chuckle. He pulled a blanket over them.

“You just like sleeping on her tits.”

Snuggling his head into the pillow, Lan gave one of the aforementioned tits a squeeze. A tingling spread through her.

Arin’s hand came to rest on her thigh. He dropped a kiss on her shoulder. “Sleep,” he commanded.

For once, she found nothing amiss with his orders.

* * * *

“My queen.” Stopping past the wide, arched doorway, Lan bowed. The sunlight caught on his blond head, causing breath to hitch in her throat. Galena immediately felt hot.

“Sir Lan,” she answered in the same manner. “What can I do for you today?”

He raised his head, his blue eyes dancing with merriment. His gaze swept over her, leaving a trail of fire in its wake. There was no mistaking the hunger in his expression. Her belly tightened, her own desire rising to match his.

Approaching her, he caught her hand and brought it to his lips. Galena swallowed. He bowed slightly, his muscles rippling under the thin, silken tunic that emphasized his broad chest and slim waist.

A throbbing started between her legs. She shifted. Damn it. What that man did to a pair of tights should have been illegal. He caught her hand and brought it to his lips. His gaze, hot and hungry, traveled to her face.

“My queen,” he said in a deep voice, “you are looking beautiful today. Indeed, you are...” He paused, his hot breath teasing her wrist. “Stealing my breath away.” He pressed his lips to her hand.

Galena sucked in a breath. The kiss lasted an indecently long time. Flashes of fire spread through her arm to curl in her belly, the arousal making her tremble.

She let out a relieved breath when those lips finally left her skin—only to gasp when his tongue snuck out, swirling over her skin. She twitched.

Glittering blue eyes met hers. Oh, yes, he knew damn well what he was doing to her.

She snatched her hand back. “What was it you wanted?” she asked, trying to regain her balance.

He straightened, one elegant eyebrow arching. His teeth flashed. She felt herself flush.

“Besides that.”

“I was wondering if you wanted to go riding,” he offered, dropping all pretense.

Her anger died a swift death. It was a beautiful day, with the sky clear and bright and just the faintest breeze in the crisp air.

“I would love to.” Her excitement faded. “Arin isn’t going to let me.”

“He will,” Lan answered. “You are going with me.”

Galena glanced at the window.

Meaning, Galena translated, that he trusted Lan to stop her from leaving. Not that she was going to leave, she thought, giving Lan a once-over. And Arin was likely to be free when they came back, and spending an evening with both of her lovers should be a wonderful end to the day.

She accepted the offered hand.

“Lead the way, my knight.”

Chapter 5

Squealing with delight, Galena urged her horse past Lan. She saw him shake his head before urging his horse to join her. Breathless, she turned toward him as his horse reached hers.

She reined her animal in.

“I take it you are enjoying yourself.”

“I do. It’s not often that I—” She cut herself off.

“What is it?” Lan asked, following her gaze. She felt his leg brush hers and gathered her reins.

“I thought I saw something.” She paused. “There! Do you see that rider?”

Lan’s gaze swept their surroundings. They were some distance from the town, near the green hills gently rolling toward the town.

“Could be anyone.”

“Perhaps.” But she didn’t think so. Actually, she was sure she recognized the bay horse under the rider. It belonged to Count Bardian, and she disliked the blustering, fat man. He’d once been a ruler of a small independent country, Ataria. He was a bad ruler, demanding high taxes which he then promptly frittered on expensive food, luxurious clothing, gambling, and his mistresses. She had no doubt someone would’ve put a stop to it with a swift method of a knife in the back. Recognizing danger, Bardian, coward that he was, offered his allegiance to Arin in exchange for keeping his title and his life. If he’d meant he could continue as he was, he quickly found out he was mistaken. Arin had him installed in his palace in Hearthstone, where he was completely under his control and essentially harmless.

“I want to see.”

Lan rolled his eyes but followed her.

“Look.” Galena pointed toward the ground and filthy grass.

“A trail.”

“Yes, but the trail looks like someone tried to hide it. Arin’s foresters don’t use horses, and there has been more than one. And it looks like the trail has been here for some time. Whoever it was, it came back. More than once. Besides...” She let her voice trail off.

“Besides, what?”

“You saw Bardian. He is not really fond of riding.”

Lan’s gaze sharpened. “Okay. Let’s see what he is up to then.”

They waited until Bardian disappeared into a small group of trees to their left. Lan nodded at Galena, and they followed at a more leisurely pace. She didn’t want Bardian to see them. After they reached the first trees, Galena dismounted. Looking through the branches, she noticed Bardian’s horse not far from them. Bardian was nowhere in sight.

Lan picked up the reins from her hands and used them to tie both horses to a tree.

“He must have left,” Galena said, frowning.

“He is not alone.” Lan indicated two horses that stood next to Bardian’s. “I would guess he arranged to meet someone. They must be here somewhere.”

BOOK: Knightly Bonds 1: Their Majesties' Knight
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