Knocked Up by His Werewolf Dom [Lone Wolf Pack 2] (3 page)

BOOK: Knocked Up by His Werewolf Dom [Lone Wolf Pack 2]
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Master Andreas sighed heavily and set the restraints aside. "I want you to be perfectly honest with me, Jessie," he said. "You're scared of being bound, and you're scared of being shared. I can see that much, so clearly. Someone else hurt you in the past, right?"

"Yes," Jessie answered, knowing he was slipping out of the role, but unable to help himself. He'd told himself he wouldn't do this, that he could surpass his past, but here he was, letting it ruin his life all over again.  "It was my first Dom. I... It's a really long story."

The Dom sat down on the edge of the bed and smiled at him. "That's fine. We have time. Do you want to tell me about it?"

Jessie didn't really want to relive the whole debacle, but it seemed that he had no way of exorcising it otherwise. He'd never even told anyone. He'd been so ashamed and so confused, so afraid that Jake would come after him.

Jake. He hadn't dared to say that name in years. The name's owner had always followed him in his nightmares, in the shape of a fanged, clawed beast that somehow always managed to strip Jessie of his dignity and his emotions.

Master Andreas took Jessie's hand and squeezed it tightly. "Jessie?"

That was when Jessie understood. The other man was saying his name whenever they stepped out of their roles—when they weren't Dom and sub, just two people who, for some reason, were inexorably drawn to each other, just Andreas and Jessie.

As that knowledge penetrated Jessie's consciousness, he closed his eyes and started to speak, confessing to Andreas what he hadn't told to anyone—not even to his father or Gavin. "It all happened ten years ago. I'd been home-schooled on my life, and I was in my first years of college, learning what it was like to be with other people. When I met him, I thought he was the one. But it didn't work out that way…

Chapter Two


A few years before

Jessie sat on his knees in front of his Dom, warily eyeing the crowd. He didn't like this party. He and Jake had been to a lot of events that catered to the BDSM community, but tonight, there was a different feel in the air, something that made Jessie uncomfortable and just a little bit apprehensive.

He took a deep breath and leaned against Jake's leg. It was okay. His Dom would protect him. Jake loved him and had always been there for him. He'd be just fine.

Jake nudged Jessie with his foot, and Jessie finally remembered himself. Damn it. He'd forgotten. He needed to keep the perfect stance when they were in public. In private, Jake might turn a blind eye to Jessie's failings as a sub—he was amazing that way—but when they were out, Jessie needed to be on his best behavior.

Jessie straightened his back and forced a serene smile onto his face. If he wanted to be perfectly honest, he didn't like the position, especially since the owners of this particular location seemed enamored with cold and hard marble flooring. But he wouldn't fail his Dom. That was the most important thing in the world.

As Jessie repeated that litany to himself in his mind, another Dom approached, a sub following behind him, completely naked. The Dom didn't acknowledge Jessie in any way, but that didn't surprise Jessie. "Hey, Jake," the strange Dom said. "Long time no see."

"Damn, Clint, it's been what... two years?" Jake chuckled. "How have you been?"

Clint plopped down on the couch next to Jake, while his sub sat on the floor, just like Jessie. "You know me. Same old, same old. Lots of traveling, lots of business."

"Well, you know what they say. All work and no play makes Clint a dull boy."

Clint snorted. "I assure you, I get plenty of play." He gripped his submissive's jet black hair and forced his face into his crotch. "Come on, my pet. Show Jake what you've got."

Obediently, the sub lowered Clint's zipper with his teeth and started sucking the other man's dick. Jessie watched it all through the corner of his eye, all the while struggling to keep his stance perfectly straight. With Jake's friend here, it was all the more important for Jessie not to fuck this up.

The slurping and sucking seemed to last forever, but at last, the other Dom's body shook as he came. Jake applauded. "Very nice. But I think he has nothing on my Jessie."

Jake got up and gestured for Jessie to follow him. Jessie obediently followed, so proud that Jake had praised him in front of his friend. When Jake led him to a St. Andrew's cross in the center of the club, Jessie thought nothing of it. It wasn't something they did on a regular basis, but Jessie had a voyeuristic streak, so he liked watching and being watched sometimes.

A mix of peace and anticipation filled him as his Dom bound him to the X-cross. He was positioned with his front against the cross, which meant that his back and ass were exposed to his Dom. The strong padded cuffs kept him immobilized, and the paradoxical freedom that he always found in this lack of mobility destroyed any misgivings and discomfort he might have had about tonight.

He waited eagerly for the first blow to come, but it never did. Clint walked in front of him, humming in obvious admiration. "He's certainly very beautiful."

The hilt of Jake's whip ran over Jessie's spine, making him shiver. "Indeed. Tell you what. An idea occurred to me just now. How about I trade you? My sub for yours."

Jessie's blood froze in his veins. He tried to tell himself that he'd heard wrong. Jake would never say that. They were more than Dom and sub. They loved each other, and were faithful and exclusive to each other. This had to be some sort of peculiar nightmare.

"You have a deal," Clint said, oblivious to Jessie's incipient panic attack. "I can't wait to fuck that little ass of his."

Jake laughed. "I'm sure I'll have just as much fun with your sub."

A male hand landed on Jessie's back, trailed over his sides, until it reached his naked ass. It wasn't Jake's hand, and Jake didn't stop it. Jessie had had enough. "Vitamin," he croaked out.

"What did you say, Jessie?" his Dom asked from behind him.

"Vitamin," Jessie repeated, louder. It was his safe word. His Dom had to let him go now. He'd apologize, and they'd go home. Jessie would give Jake a piece of his mind and make it clear that, even if he was a sub, he refused to be passed around like a piece of meat. They'd argue, but eventually, they'd kiss and make up.

"Is that his safe word?" Clint inquired, removing his hand off Jessie's body.

"Don't worry about it," Jake said. "We have a deal, don't we?"

Clint chuckled and he stepped closer to Jessie, rubbing against him. Even through the material of the other man's pants, Jessie could feel his already erect dick. This wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening.

"Jake!" he shouted. "Let me out. I don't want this. Vitamin!"

By now, Jessie was sure everyone at the party had to be staring, but no one intervened. Jack stepped up in front of the X-cross, scowling fiercely. "Jessie, stop being such a drama queen. You're embarrassing me."

"I don't want this, Jake," Jessie insisted, giving his Dom a pleading look. "Just let me go."

"When are you going to learn? I'm your Dom and you're my sub. That means you do what I say, whether you like it or not."

Just like that, Jake left him there, trapped on the cross. He took Clint's sub and forced him on all fours in front of the X-cross. The submissive didn't utter a single word as Jake unzipped his pants, spat in his palm and slicked up his dick with saliva.

It was all surreal. As he watched Jake thrust into the other sub, Jessie heard the sound of a zipper being lowered behind him. "Don't worry," Clint whispered in his ear. "This will hurt you so good."

Something inside Jessie snapped. He began to struggle, trying to free himself from the cuffs. Against all odds, it worked. Suddenly, his hands were free and he stumbled away from the X-cross, confused and dazed. Jake tried to reach for him, but Jessie pushed him away. Feeling more frightened than he ever had in his life, Jessie turned on his heel and fled.


"I got lucky," Jessie said as he finished the story. "I think the cuffs were faulty or something. To this day, I don't really remember the details of what happened after that. I got home somehow, and I begged my Dad to move. We packed up and sold everything, and we moved here. I transferred to another university. I never saw Jake again. I vowed to leave the lifestyle behind, and I haven't been in any relationship since. I came here today to try to face that, but it looks like I failed."

He stared at his hands, embarrassed at his own weakness, frustrated with the fact that he'd failed at pleasing the man who could have become his master. Doubtlessly, Andreas wouldn't want to have anything to do with him now. No one needed a broken sub with so much baggage he himself couldn't lug it around.

Much to his surprise, though, Andreas gripped his chin and forced their eyes to meet. "Jessie, listen to me very carefully. That man you were with wasn't a real Dom. He was an abusive asshole who didn't truly understand the lifestyle. What he tried to do to you was despicable and a crime. Contrary to what he might have said to you, what we share together isn't solely about the Dom's desires, but about mutual consent and mutual pleasure. You didn't fail in anything. You're a very brave, very beautiful young man, and I'm honored that you chose to trust me, in spite of everything that happened to you."

Andreas kissed Jessie's hands, and just like that, Jessie's tears dried. "I do trust you," he admitted. "I don't know why, but I feel like I've known you forever."

"Then let me love you, Jessie," Andreas said. "All you have to do is say yes, and I'll show you what a true Dom-sub relationship can be like."

Jessie met Andreas's bright blue eyes and said. "Yes."

The moment he said the word something shifted in Andreas's stance and his gaze. From the understanding man that had listen to Jessie's story and kissed his forehead, Andreas turned into a...predator. Jessie didn't have any other word for it, although even that was probably a poor descriptor. His lover was Master Andreas now, and there was no going around that.

When Master Andreas reached for the cuffs again, Jessie didn't try to fight him. He shivered a bit as the Dom snapped the cuffs around his wrists, but it helped that his master took it slowly. And he was so close to Jessie now, so impossibly close that Jessie's nostrils were invaded by his intoxicating, delicious scent. God, he loved that smell. It was wild and virile, all man, and it aroused Jessie like the strongest of opiates. Before he knew it, he was immobilized against the headboard, his hands now trapped in the cuffs.

Master Andreas left the bed and Jessie watched him with curiosity and anxiety as he waited for the Dom to decide his fate. Oddly, the cuffs didn't feel scary anymore, and in fact, the feel of them just whetted Jessie's appetite. When his Dom returned, he was carrying a simple, black blindfold, which really didn't answer any of Jessie's questions. He wanted to ask, and more than anything he wanted to feel his Dom's touch, but he was at his master's mercy now. He could do nothing but lie there as Master Andreas wrapped the blindfold tightly around his eyes.

Master Andreas's hands were suddenly on his body, mapping every inch of him. Rough, yet gentle, they explored him, tracing the lines of his jaw, brushing against his lips, then going lower down, over his neck and collarbone. The man seemed some sort of artist who wanted to get acquainted with Jessie's body in the most intimate way possible. And when he reached Jessie's nipples, Jessie couldn't help but arch his back and moan. He'd always loved to have his nipples played with, something Jake had once exploited to his full advantage, and sometimes not in the most pleasant of ways.

The memory might have thrown Jessie, but he couldn't really focus on it, not with Master Andreas's fingers doing sinful things to him. The Dom pinched and rubbed Jessie's nipples, sometimes wickedly rough with him, other times, comforting. He actually lowered his mouth over Jessie's tormented buds, soothing the sting with his tongue—before biting down on the bits of flesh. Every touch unavoidably pulsed straight into Jessie's cock, awakening every single nerve ending in his body, driving him wild with lust.

When Master Andreas's touch disappeared, Jessie couldn't help but cry out in protest. He felt the other man's absence with such impossible acuteness, that he couldn't imagine how he'd ever lived without him. Fortunately, Master Andreas didn't seem inclined to go anywhere. He remained right there, next to Jessie. Jessie might not be able to see him, but he could still somehow feel his burning gaze as it roamed over Jessie's body.

His complete focus on his craving for Master Andreas distracted him so much that when the cool metal gripped his tormented nipples, his breath caught and he tensed ever so slightly. The feeling passed as the sensation settled in, and Jessie breathed through the waves of pleasure-pain as the wicked teeth of what seemed to be a nipple clamp abused the already raw buds.

When the second nipple clamp was attached and the cold chain between them fell over Jessie's belly, Jessie feared that he might disappoint his master. His cock throbbed with the need to climax, and he bit the inside of his cheek to push back some of his urgency so that he wouldn't come without permission. It was impossibly hard—no pun intended—and when Master Andreas's hand landed on his dick, Jessie couldn't help but release a moan of distress.

He strained against the padded cuffs, wanting to plead to be allowed a climax, but knowing he couldn't. Master Andreas jacked him off for a few moments, rubbing his thumb over Jessie's cock head. And then, the chain on Jessie's belly moved and the pull of the nipple clamps tightened. Jessie hissed, but the sound turned into a choked cry as Master Andreas expertly slid a cock ring around his prick.

BOOK: Knocked Up by His Werewolf Dom [Lone Wolf Pack 2]
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