Read Kyle’s Bargain Online

Authors: Katherine Kingston

Kyle’s Bargain (20 page)

BOOK: Kyle’s Bargain
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He lifted the switch. Meg turned her face away and clenched
the muscles in her buttocks. The first few strokes he delivered as little more
than firm taps. Meg didn’t react to them at all other than a small wiggle on
the third. Each left a pink streak that faded before the next appeared.

The switch whizzed through the air as he struck a bit harder
the next time. It smacked flesh with an audible pop. Meg sucked in a breath and
her buttocks clenched and unclenched several times. The line started white then
quickly flooded with pink.

Through a dozen more lashes, Meg twitched and occasionally
sucked in a sharp breath but showed no other reaction. She began to moan softly
when he switched a bit harder. The lines no longer faded as fast and a rosy
flush glowed from the center of both buttocks, radiating outward.

Kyle aimed lower for the next few, laying the lines across
the tops of her thighs, inching upward toward the crease where thighs and ass
met. When he finally did lay a line right on that border, it evoked the most
reaction he’d yet gotten from her during a spanking. She yelped and let it
trail off into a sobbing moan, kicking and wriggling in place for several

When she’d settled, he lashed the switch down across both
cheeks just a little above the crease, hard enough to leave another dark line
that swelled rapidly to an impressive welt. Meg squealed and squirmed. He
waited to see if she’d ask him to “Halt” but she didn’t. He couldn’t avoid
noticing the moisture glinting around her pussy, testament to the arousal he

Meg was magnificent in every way he could think of. Pride
that she chose him, that she wanted him and submitted to him this way made him
feel bigger in every way.

“Three more,” he said. With each of them, he increased the
force of his stroke. Meg yelped, jolted, squealed and moaned but she didn’t use
the safe word. By then her bottom had a raw, grated, sore look. He raised the
switch for the last one and brought it down hard right across the highest,
fleshiest part of her ass. Her body rose from the bed in a taut arc and she let
out a thin, squealing yell.

She followed it with several harsh, sobbing breaths before
she said, “Please, Master, can I rub it now?”

Kyle tossed the switch aside. “No. I’ll take care of it.” He
put each palm on a cheek of her ass and rubbed. The flesh felt hot, rough and
thrilling in his hands. His cock got so hard it threatened the zipper of his
pants. Meg relaxed as he massaged the flesh and her moans took on the
unmistakable tone of need and desire.

He drew back. “Get on your hands and knees, legs spread,” he

While she complied, he tore off his clothes, dug in the
drawer for a condom, rolled it on and got on his knees on the bed behind her.
He drew her bottom back against his hips. His cock probed until it found the
entrance and then pressed forward as far as it could, buried deep inside her.
His balls slapped against her pussy lips.

She drew in a sharp breath and he froze, hoping he hadn’t
hurt her.

“Okay?” he asked, holding himself still.

“Fine.” The word came out as a long breath. “It feels
different. In a good way. Need to get used to it.”

“I’ll take it slow at first.”

She nodded. He gritted his teeth against the urge to pump as
hard as he could, to ram himself home over and over until he’d possessed her so
completely she’d never think of another man again. Instead he took it slow and
easy, backing out and pushing in carefully. After a few times, though, her
sighs and wiggles told him she rode the same wave of building need.

He wrapped his hands under her chest to cup her breasts and
tweak the nipples. Her body clenched around him as she murmured, “Oh Lord!”

It almost shook loose the orgasm he tried to hold back while
he rocked in and out. She was so hot and sweet and deep and the spasms that
tightened her squeezed him as well. He couldn’t take it for long, a good thing
because Meg, hovering on the brink, was so tense the bed vibrated with her
trembling. He thrust deep and hard, fast, once, twice, and on the third time,
she jolted hard and spasmed.

As if his cock waited for that cue, it exploded on his next
thrust, releasing his seed. Pleasure, triumph and joy flooded him, drowning him
in it for a few minutes. His breath pumped in and out as hard as his cock had
been doing. He collapsed over her, keeping his weight on his hands, resting his
head on her back.

When energy and awareness returned, he straightened and
moved back out of her, letting go of her warmth reluctantly. Meg remained in
position even after he’d started to slide off the bed.

“My knees are locked,” she admitted. “I can’t move.”

He assisted her to roll off her knees onto her side,
although it was more of a collapse that left them both sprawled on the bed with
Kyle stretched out over her. Meg giggled and put her arms around him. By moving
a little to the side, he could rest his weight on his elbows and lean down to
kiss her the way she deserved to be kissed—thoroughly and with all his heart.


The next morning he suggested that he and Meg take Laurie
for an outing to a nearby park. She debated only a moment before she accepted
and invited him to have breakfast with them at her apartment and then fix a
picnic basket to take.

Laurie gave him a pouting frown when he entered the
apartment, but her mood shifted rapidly when Meg told her of their plans.

“A picnic in the park!” She sang it in rhythm several times.

Meg smiled at her sister’s enthusiasm and they teased each
other gently while Meg made quick omelets for herself and him for breakfast.
Laurie, who’d already eaten, bounced around while they devoured the food. She
moved things from the refrigerator to the basket she pulled out of a closet
then changed her mind and put them away again. “Should we bring the pickles?”
Laurie asked, holding a jar of dills.

“We’ll bring a few, but why don’t we put them in a plastic
box rather than bring the jar,” Meg suggested.

Finding a plastic container and transferring half a dozen
slices kept Laurie occupied for several minutes. She took time and great care
in the process. Then she went to a cabinet and pulled out a couple of boxes.
“Can we take cakes?”

“Sure,” Meg answered. Her patience and restraint amazed him.
Kyle only hoped he could do as well.

Once they finished eating, Meg examined what Laurie had put
in the picnic basket, took out a couple of things and added a few others.

Laurie continued bouncing in the back seat of his SUV while
they drove to the park and jumped out when they got there. “Wait,” Meg called
as the girl headed for the nearest entrance.

“Why don’t we just walk for a bit,” he suggested. “Leave the
picnic basket here.”

The park had a number of hiking trails. They chose a fairly
easy one that ran by the side of a river for much of its length. A modest amble
was as fast as Laurie could handle and she tended to be constantly distracted
in any case. She stopped often to stare at things in the water or tried to
chase small animals near the path. Kyle watched and enjoyed her pleasure in
simple things. He took his own joy in holding Meg’s hand and talking quietly
with her about their families, nature, things they’d done and places they’d
gone as kids.

The time passed quickly. When they reached the end of the
trail after a couple of hours of walking, they were hungry and hiked straight
to the car for the picnic basket. Laurie ate slowly and ended up surrounded by
bits and crumbs, but in their casual surroundings it hardly mattered. He teased
her about taking all the pickles, an assertion she disputed hotly. They had a
finger race to grab the last one.

After they ate, the three of them lay back on the blanket
for some quiet time. Kyle wrapped his hand around Meg’s again and thought about
how much he wanted to drag her off into the shrubbery and make love to her in
the fresh air.

His mind drifted to the future, to doing this with Meg more
often, someday even bringing their own kids here to enjoy nature in its amazing
diversity and glory.

Maybe he dozed for a bit. The next thing he remembered was
Meg brushing a leaf over his cheek and smiling down at him when his lids swung
open. Mindful of her sister sitting a few feet away, he didn’t drag her down on
top of him and rip her clothes off. He settled for a quick peck that still made
things stand up and take notice.


The next day Kyle arrived at work to find another rejection
of his request for funding waiting on his desk. His heart sank and balls
shriveled, holding the paper in his hand. Only two more applications out and
the odds on those coming back positive didn’t look good. Time to start looking
at a second mortgage on the house maybe.

He called Meg, mostly to hear the sound of her voice. It
soothed him like nothing else did, even knowing that his increasingly
precarious financial position decreased the likelihood he could plan a future
with her. He didn’t tell her about the latest setback—a pride thing, he
realized. It was too raw at the moment to share.

“I need to return the dinner invitation from Rick and
Lindy,” he said instead. “I was thinking of having them over for my
internationally famous spaghetti and meatball dinner on Wednesday. Could you do
that? And act like a hostess, whatever that involves?”

“Making sure there are plates and forks on the table?” Meg
ventured. “So no one has to use their fingers to eat? And napkins. Definitely
napkins. Other civilized things like knives and glasses too, I guess. Should I
get some bread to accompany your internationally famous spaghetti and meatball

“Definitely. I think I might actually have some napkins
buried deep in a drawer somewhere we can pull out and dust off.”

“Can do, then. Since you’ll be waist-deep in preparations,
I’ll drive myself over. What else can I bring? I’ll have to stop on the way to
get the bread.”

“I’ll check the cupboard and let you know.”

“Okay. And by the way…about yesterday? Thank you! I had a
great time and so did Laurie. She’s still going on and on about it. You’re
totally rehabilitated in her book.”

“Glad to hear it. I enjoyed the day too.”

He hung up in a better mood. There had to be a way he could
pull this off for all of them. He just had to figure it out.

A couple of calls to Rick and Lindy verified that his
friends had no conflicts for Wednesday night. Both accepted his invitation.

Before he hung up, Rick asked, “Should I bring Lindy’s

“Yes, but I’ll have to check with Meg before we do anything.
I’m still not sure how she feels about it.”

“Gotcha. No problem. It’ll be in my pocket. Can stay there
if necessary.”


On Wednesday, he left work early to get ready for dinner.
Meg showed up at five thirty with the promised bread and a few other things
he’d asked her to pick up at the grocery store.

He’d been musing on the problem all day but still hadn’t
come up with the right way to ask her about playtime with his friends. So when
it came to it, he just went straight out.

He waited until she’d finished slicing the bread she’d
brought and was putting pats of butter on it. He stirred the pot of sauce and
meatballs without turning toward her. “Meg? I have something to ask.”

“I’m betting this has something to do with this evening’s
activities,” she said. “The after-dinner ones?”

He turned to face her. “Damn it. Quit that!”

She lifted her head to meet his gaze. “What?”

“Anticipating me.”

“Oh. Bad habit, I suppose. Anyway, I presume you want to do
some of your ‘playing’. And you want me to participate.”

He shrugged. “That’s pretty much it.”

“I had a feeling it would be coming up. I’ve been thinking
about it too. I think I’m willing to try it…as long as it doesn’t get too… I’m
not sure what.”

“Let’s talk about boundaries then. What is off-limits?”

Meg hesitated, shrugged, and said, “I’m not even sure what’s
in limits.”

“Let’s say…pretty much everything you saw at the club the
night we went. Except of course, not in front of a crowd.”

“Just Rick and Lindy.”

“They’re friends, not a crowd. And this would be part of
your submission to me.”

She nodded. “Here’s the deal. I think I can handle most
things. What I can’t is having anyone else but you have intercourse with me.
And I’m really dubious about oral sex with anyone else but you. I mean I don’t
mind touching Rick or bringing him off with my hands or having him touch me,
but not the rest. And I don’t do women at all. That’s just not me.”

He grinned. “I’m pretty sure it’s not Lindy either. All
that’s reasonable. And you have the safe word if something really doesn’t work
for you. Use it.” He set down the spoon, crossed the kitchen and put his arms
around her. “Whatever we do tonight is for fun. If it makes you uncomfortable
or miserable, that’s not fun and not what any of us want.” He leaned down to
kiss her. As always the fire ignited the moment their lips touched.

The buzz of the doorbell jarred them out of the haze of
desire. “Shit,” Kyle swore. “I hope the spaghetti sauce didn’t burn. Get the
door, please.”

Meg went off to answer while he stuck the spoon back in the
sauce. Mercifully he’d had the heat turned down low, so it had just simmered
nicely while they dallied.

Dinner went off without a hitch. Meg had found a cloth,
napkins and even candleholders. He hadn’t used the dining room table in at
least a couple of years, but it looked very classy the way she’d set it.

“Wow,” Rick said when he saw it. “This is way too much
pressure. Eating spaghetti on this? We’ll have to cut it up with a knife and
eat small bites to keep from getting sauce all over the place.”

“Just because you’re a slob doesn’t mean the rest of us have
to suffer paper tablecloths and napkins,” Meg returned.

BOOK: Kyle’s Bargain
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