Read Laura 01 The Jaguar Prophecy Online

Authors: Anton Swanepoel

Laura 01 The Jaguar Prophecy (28 page)

BOOK: Laura 01 The Jaguar Prophecy
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“Victor, Victor, Victor, you know no one get’s out of this business, and the girl knows too much. Do your job, or have you gone soft?” 15 seconds.

“Go to hell.” Victor replies and prepares to end the call. 10 seconds.

“We will find you and her and..” Victor cuts the call. 4 seconds left.

Looking at Laura he says, “We need to go.”

“Are they coming for us?” Laura asks as she stands up, taking Victor’s hand.


“How many?”

“All they have.”

Laura turns to face him, blocking his path. “What are we going to do?”

“Find out where all of this started and who is behind all of this, and then end it all.” Laura nods then smiles as she takes her place next to Victor again, hand in hand they walk out of the room, into a new life for both of them.

BOOK: Laura 01 The Jaguar Prophecy
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