Read Laura's Light Online

Authors: Donna Gallagher

Laura's Light (3 page)

BOOK: Laura's Light
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Listening to Caitlin sing was a joy. Laura thought Caitlin had a voice like an angel—which was her devoted husband’s nickname for her. Laura mused over the fact that Aussie men seemed to require a nickname for everyone, but ‘angel’ was at least a term of endearment and very sweet. It was a good feeling to sit amongst friends, enjoying the entertainment—and having such a handsome companion did not hurt, either.

It was easy for Laura to forget that she was the mother of one of the Jets team. That she was at least half as old again as the young woman singing, and a good many years senior to the rest of the table’s occupants. At the moment, she felt like a normal woman on a date, surrounded by friends. That in itself was an unusual feeling for Laura. She was so used to being a mother first and a woman second.

Relaxed and happy, Laura found there were no uncomfortable silences or gaps in conversation—the night just flowed easily along. The food was delicious and the champagne cold, sweet and bubbly. Trevor was attentive and just the sound of his voice in conversation was doing incredible things to her. His smooth commentator’s voice was like a warm breeze over her body, evoking new and unusual sensations, and on more than one occasion she found herself just staring at his profile in a sort of hypnotic trance.

“Like what you see, Laura?” Mandy giggled to her softly, so as not to be heard by the rest of the table. “I may not have known him long, but Trevor seems like a stand-up sort of guy. Have you been seeing him long, Laura?”

“Well, apart from a few casual conversations at Mitchell’s games and again at Caitlin and Brodie’s wedding, this is the first time we have spent any real length of time together. This is our first date…so to speak. God! That sounds ridiculous at my age. Dating,” Laura replied.

“Rubbish, Laura! You are definitely not too old to go on a date. You don’t look any older than the rest of us. You’re so beautiful and you have way less wrinkles than me—you have to tell me your skincare secrets. Just looking at your sexy figure has me green with envy…and you know me and my colours! I really hope it works out for you and Trevor. You and he would make a brilliant addition to our little group of happy couples, and it would be lovely to have you around more. You know, to talk about motherhood and stuff.”

Laura swallowed the lump in her throat, bought on by Mandy’s heartfelt and lengthy welcome, not to mention her acceptance of the fact Laura was on a date with Trevor.

“You are too kind, Mandy. Thanks for the pep talk—I think I needed it! To be honest with you, I’m a bit terrified of what I’m feeling at the moment. I’ve never had the desire to rip off anyone’s clothes and rub myself over every inch of their extremely hot body. I’m finding it hard to believe I’m actually here with him at all.”

“Laura, what are you talking about? Why wouldn’t you be here with Trevor? You’re a goddess, just look at you. Not to mention how accomplished you are and what a doll Rookie is—thanks to you, I’m sure. Trevor would be nuts not to find you attractive. What man wouldn’t?” Laura hadn’t noticed Caitlin sit down, and was surprised by the angelic redhead’s compliments.

If anyone was accomplished, it was Caitlin—just twenty-one and already so much responsibility thrust into her life, what with looking after her brother and all. Not to mention having dealt with that nasty experience with Brodie’s ex-wife, and the embarrassing media attention it had caused. No—Laura thought if anyone was a goddess and accomplished, it was the emerald-eyed, angel-voiced beauty speaking to her.

“Caitlin, you are a honey, thanks. But I think maybe you are all those things you just mentioned, and more. That voice of yours is divine—I could listen to you all night. How was the honeymoon? And by the way, your wedding was beautiful. Thank you so much for the invitation. Mitchell and I had a lovely night.”

“The honeymoon was…oh, there are no words to describe how perfect it was, Laura. Brodie was just…” Caitlin gushed, her cheeks pinking up a little.

“No, don’t let her get started on ‘hero’
talk—she’ll gush all night,” Mandy joked, cutting off Caitlin’s reply.

“Hero? I don’t understand…?” Laura looked at Mandy in confusion before a growling reply from JT explained his fiancée’s comment.

“Laura, don’t get these two lovebirds started—she is his angel and he is her hero. It’s pathetic, the way they carry on.” JT’s tone was full of sarcasm but the smile that went with it let Laura in on the fact he was teasing the newlyweds.

“You are just jealous, JT, ’cause all you could come up with for me was a car term. ’Mags’—it’s not very imaginative, He-Man, and now I
like a big, black tyre with this belly of mine,” Mandy added, giving her burly husband a lingering kiss. Laura had to look away, the kiss was so passionate.

The conversation flowed on around Laura with more light-hearted teasing, mostly at Brodie’s and Caitlin’s expense. It was about this time that Trevor started rubbing his hand up and down Laura’s thigh, occasionally massaging her leg gently, his fingers dancing all over her skin, before resuming the nerve-tingling, mind-blowing journey. She could feel her nipples grow hard and push against the cups of her bra as her core ached and throbbed in response. He moved farther and farther under the now elevated skirt, closer to her throbbing heat.

When the little moan involuntarily escaped Laura’s lips, she quickly jammed them together, her gaze immediately going in young Riley’s direction as she prayed he had not heard her, or noticed Trevor’s explorations. Thankfully, the boy was absorbed in his hand-held computer game, obviously bored by the adult conversations around him, and was none the wiser when it came to her lustful behaviour. Laura breathed a sigh of relief and pushed Trevor’s hand back more modestly back towards her knee, and away from the needy, hot and increasingly moist junction between her legs.

“You are distracting me from the conversation, Trevor. I can’t think straight when you touch me like that, and I’m a bit concerned over what Riley might think if I climb into your lap and ravish you,” Laura whispered in Trevor’s direction, hoping no-one was listening, her voice breathless. She particularly enjoyed the look on Trevor’s face as he absorbed her words. The man’s eyes widened and his nostrils flared as a look of sexual hunger stole over his features. At least, that was what Laura assumed was behind Trevor’s reaction.

“I think we need to move this date somewhere a little more private.” Trevor’s voice sounded a little huskier than his normal smooth tones, and Laura’s heart raced at the thought of being alone with him and what that might entail.

“Yes, let’s go. Umm… Maybe it would be better if we didn’t go straight back to my place, though. You know, Mitchell and all that…” Laura felt a little bold at suggesting that Trevor not take her home yet, and hoped she hadn’t scared him off by being so forward. But from the look on his face she didn’t think that was the case.

His urgent reply of, “My place,” left her in no doubt.

It was as if Laura’s world was spinning—she did not have the chance to overthink her hasty, blatant suggestion, as it seemed only a fraction of time before Trevor had them back in his car and speeding away from Mia’s. Goodbyes and well wishes had trailed behind them as they had rushed out of the door.


* * * *


Trevor could not get away from Mia’s fast enough. He had never wanted anything as much as he wanted to feel Laura’s body writhing under his, and his rock-hard cock buried to the hilt inside her. He could not believe his lucky stars that this amazing woman wanted him, and he certainly wasn’t going to give her time to change her mind. Trevor gave his steadfast attention to getting her back to his place in the shortest possible time.

He couldn’t help his sigh of relief as he finally pulled into the driveway of his house. He jammed his foot down on the brake and reefed the handbrake up to stop the car. Switching the ignition off, her turned to face her, and was grateful to see she was smiling back at him.

“Well, I think that broke the land speed record—who knew you could get from Ashfield to Summer Hill so quickly?” Laura’s raised eyebrow made him grimace.

“I swear I was under the speed limit the whole way. It’s just I know a few short cuts that make the trip seem faster.” He grinned sheepishly. “Would you still like to come in, have a drink or coffee? If you’d rather not, I could drop you home. Whatever you want.” Trevor put the keys back in the ignition, ready to restart the car to take her home—hoping that this would not be the case, but willing to do anything to make Laura happy.

But he did say a quick prayer of thanks when she took his hand in hers and replied that a drink sounded good to start with.

Chapter Four




Trevor was out of the car and around to the passenger door in a flash, his bung knee—the knee that had ruined his rugby league-playing days—no issue, not a hindrance in his haste to help Laura from the car. He was full of nervous energy, excited to finally have Laura to himself, but it wasn’t the usual deep paralysing dread that Trevor often found swamped him. This nervousness was filled with a bright anticipation of what was to come. Light filled his heart and brain as the touch of Laura’s hand in his sparked a current of energy to race up his arm. The heat caused by her touch travelled immediately to his cock, leaving it throbbing against the fastening of his pants, wanting freedom.

He fumbled with the key to unlock his front door, taking three attempts to engage the lock. As he pushed the door closed behind them, Laura forcefully shoved him back against it. She placed her arms around his neck and pulled his head down towards her face. He went eagerly, and as their lips connected Trevor was lost for all time. The sensation of her soft lips against him was so electric, yet so soothing at the same time. Trevor could not gentle his response. He growled, the sound muffled between their lips as he greedily plundered her mouth with his tongue.

Her taste was unique. Trevor could not compare the kiss to any that had come before it. She tasted sweet, hot, and refreshing all at once. Addictive—he couldn’t get enough of her. He felt her tongue mingle with his—their first kiss and yet it was as if they’d kissed a thousand times before.

He grabbed her by the backside and drew her up his body until she wrapped her legs around his hips. She was so slight and weighed almost nothing at all. He moved towards his bedroom, all the while keeping them joined at the lips as he continued to devour her mouth. He wasn’t sure which of them was in control of the kiss, but didn’t care as long as it never ended.

Finally, he stumbled into his bedroom and although the thought of ending their kiss was not appealing to Trevor, the thought of getting Laura naked was. He drew away from her and carefully set her down on the bed, ignoring the little mewling sound she made, signalling her displeasure at his actions.

“I want you naked. Tell me you want the same thing, Laura, before I go mad with need.” He groaned the thought of her rejecting him to terrifying to consider.

“I’m so out of control I can hardly think. I have never felt this hot before, this needy. Trevor, please help me.” Laura’s response to him, her plea, drove Trevor’s insanity to new levels. His desire was also all-consuming.

In a frenzy of arms and hands they undressed, Laura unbuttoning his shirt as he unzipped the back of her dress. Trevor finished removing the remainder of this clothes, his shoes and pants, as Laura threw his shirt behind her and stepped from her dress. Standing in nothing but his boxers, now tented by his rigid cock, he gazed at her. He was struck motionless by her beauty, the way she thrust her breasts towards him. Her nipples pressed against the fabric of her bra—he could see the berry-coloured temptations and needed to taste them. His gaze roamed over her taut, toned skin, down to her slightly flared hips. There was a small swell to her belly, a womanly softness that begged to be worshipped, and as his gaze lingered on the sheer fabric of her panties, he could clearly see the blonde patch of hair that covered her pussy. His mouth watered—he hungered for her.

Slowly he reached out towards her, the movement hesitant. He was trying not to scare her, still half expecting her to change her mind, refuse his advances, still not quite believing she was here with him.

As his hands made contact with the skin on either side of Laura’s hips, she moaned, the sound a melody to his ears. He dropped to his knees and carefully removed the slip of material that stood between him and his hunger. After she had stepped away from the dainty underwear, Trevor encouraged Laura to sit on the edge of his bed. He pushed her thighs apart and ran a fingertip over the curls above her pussy. Trevor preferred his women with a more natural covering—the manicured, sculpted look wasn’t a turn-on for him, too fake for his liking. He could feel the heat emanating from Laura’s pussy, could see a glistening of moisture under her soft, blonde covering.

“Trevor, please…”

Trevor lowered his head between her thighs and with a deliberate, strong swipe of his tongue he licked her from vagina to clit. The taste of her juices was sweet nectar to his tastebuds. Her hips jerked in response and she moaned again. He adjusted his position so his arms were now holding down her legs, immobilising her, as he went to work feasting on her.

Like the first rainfall on a drought-parched land, her juices quenched him, seeped into his body. Gently holding apart her wet pussy lips with his thumbs, he sucked and ravished her, left nothing untouched, unexplored as he worshipped her with his tongue, lips and mouth. As she writhed, moaned and begged, he took her up higher and higher, then backed off just in time to not let her peak, loving the sounds she made—her frenzied gasps, her pleas, the thrash of her head from side to side—as she strove for completion. When Trevor felt she could take no more, he clamped his lips around her unhooded bud and sucked as he plunged two fingers into her depths, the rhythm fast and deliberate. Trevor felt her tense, felt her push herself hard against his face, and tasted the cream from her orgasm as she shuddered, screamed, then went still beneath his onslaught.

BOOK: Laura's Light
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