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Authors: Wynter Daniels

Tags: #Erotica

Lawyering Up

BOOK: Lawyering Up
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Lawyering Up

Wynter Daniels


When Public Defender Emmy Mahoney runs into Rudy, one of her college crushes, he suggests they get together with the third member of their old group—Emmy’s one-time flame Pete—to celebrate her upcoming birthday. When the flirting reaches scorching levels, one of the guys asks who she’d prefer to take home. Emmy, a little tipsy and brazen, declares she can’t choose—she’ll have to have them both.

Rudy and Pete, ever eager to please, offer themselves for Emmy’s ménage à trois fantasy. The single evening turns into a full-fledged, sex-filled stay-cation. After a week of untold fantasies, Emmy wonders how they’ll return to their former relationship…while the men have
more in mind.


Lawyering Up

Wynter Daniels


Chapter One


Emmy cringed as the heavy steel door of a holding cell she passed shut with a bone-jarring clang. She continued past the drunk tank and tried to block out the shouts of the inebriated men inside. At least the client she’d just seen had been sober. Conferring with a freshly arrested prisoner still high on something wasn’t her favorite part of the job, but everyone was entitled to a good defense.

“Show me those humongous tits, sweetheart.”

“I love big girls, mama.”

Another inmate made what she assumed were supposed to be kissing sounds although he sounded more like a marine mammal than a person.

After several years as a public defender, she was long past being mortified by the jeers. What made it worse though, was that the catcalls and drunken shouts were the only remotely sexual comments anyone had made to her in far too long. Keeping her head high and her eyes straight ahead, she proceeded to the booking area to turn in her pass and get her driver’s license back.

“Emmy Mahoney?” a vaguely familiar male voice asked from behind her.

She spun around and found her college crush grinning at her. “Rudy!” He was even more muscular than he’d been in school. And she was twenty pounds heavier. She mentally chastised herself for the weight gain, something she did at least once a day.

Before she could say another word, he’d scooped her into his arms for a hug. She breathed in his piney scent. Some things never changed. The man always smelled heavenly. And those green eyes were just as captivating as they’d been six years earlier when they’d been in a small criminal justice study group together at college, when she’d secretly lusted after him. Or maybe not so secretly. She always suspected he knew about the crush she had on him.

He held her at arms’ length. He was as handsome as ever. “Look at you in your fancy business suit.” He tipped his chin at the plastic security badge clipped to her lapel. The warmth that had originally drawn her to him still sparkled in his eyes and eased a fraction of the loneliness that always seemed to plague her lately.

“So I guess you passed the bar. I knew you would. You were obviously the smartest of us all.”

She took in his Miami police uniform that he filled out better than any cop she’d ever seen, noticed the stripes on his shirt. “Looks like you’ve done well too, huh?

He gave her a self-deprecating shrug. “I’m still on the road though. I’m up for promotion again in a few months.”

A corrections officer walked past them with a prisoner.

Rudy hooked Emmy’s arm and led her out of the way. “I just dropped off an arrest. What great timing, huh? So you work for the state attorney?”

He unhanded her way too soon. She shook her head. “Other team. I’m with the public defender’s office.”

“Oh no. We’re on opposite sides of the schoolyard.” He gave her one of those winks that used to give her a little flicker of internal heat back in college. Hell, it still did. “Have you been working in Dade County long?”

“Only a few months. After law school I landed a position in Tampa but my family’s here. So when a job at the PD’s office came available, I applied.”

He tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. The contact gave her a little zing of awareness. “I hope I never have to testify in one of your cases. Stay away from the perps I arrest, would you?”

She had to grin. “Don’t arrest anyone who’s not guilty.”

He raised his fists in a mock challenge then dropped his arms to his side. “Good thing Miami’s a big city with plenty of criminals. Chances are we’ll never see each other in court. Thank God.”

“What do you do when you’re not arresting innocent people?”

He laughed. “Same old thing. Hang with the family, my friends. I’m a volunteer at an intervention-type program. I’m sort of a big brother to a couple at-risk teens.”

Same old Rudy, always helping out where he was needed.

“Did you know Pete’s working here?” he asked.

She swallowed back a gasp. “Here, like at this jail?”

“Yeah. He’s a sergeant already. Moving up the ranks.”

How had she missed the man to whom she’d given her virginity? “I had no idea.” All these years later, Pete Hanover still made frequent appearances in her dreams. They’d spent a little more than a year as boyfriend and girlfriend and two before that as besties. He’d taught her everything she knew about sex. To this day, he was hands down the most skillful lover she’d ever had. Well, she’d only had a few, but Pete was the king. She compared all her subsequent lovers to him and none had measured up.

“He works nights. I only see him a couple times a year. Pretty crazy that we all ended up working in the same messed-up arena and we never get to see each other.”

They’d grown apart. She swallowed back a lump in her throat. She’d been so busy during law school, waitressing to pay for school and studying every free moment she had. They’d planned to see each other during school breaks but things had come up and the relationship had just fizzled out.

“We need to get together, go out and have a drink.” She glanced down at his left hand and thankfully saw no ring. Why did it matter? Wasn’t like Rudy had ever shown any interest in her. Well, except that one time. “And I guess you guys can bring along your girlfriends.”

His eyes flashed with amusement. “Don’t have one at the moment. You?”

Her antennae perked up at that news. “No special man in my life right now. What about Pete?” Surely the hottest guy she’d ever met had been corralled by a woman by now.

“He’s divorced. Only stayed married for like a year.”

Her empathy for Pete’s failed marriage was overshadowed by her spark of interest. Maybe… No, she shouldn’t even think that way. Why would he still want her, especially seeing how she’d
let herself go
, as her mother loved to point out to her.

“Job’s tough on relationships,” he added.

“Tell me about it.” But she hadn’t even dated anyone more for more than a few weeks at a time since college. She still compared all men to Pete. And maybe even to Rudy. They were both such sweet guys.

“I’m surprised you’re single.”

There were those adorable dimples. She could just stare at Rudy’s face all day long. And his ripped body that practically oozed sex.

“No time for a boyfriend.” Yeah, right. As if there were a hundred guys beating down her door. Not in this lifetime.

Rudy eyed her and she wondered if he believed her. “Are you free Saturday evening? Pete works nights, the same rotation as I do. It’d be great if the three of us could get together.”

She took her phone out of her purse and checked her calendar even though she knew she was free. Saturday was her damn birthday and all she had planned was lunch and birthday cake with her parents and her sister. “Looks like I’m available.”

Rudy pulled a cell out of his pocket. “I’ll send Pete a text. Give me your number.”

After they’d exchanged information, he drew her into another hug. Damn, his embrace brought back a flood of memories, and a rush of desire. All that strength surrounding her made her feel somehow more like a woman. He was so freaking big and solid. She inhaled his scent again, tried to memorize it. That was what a man ought to smell like.

She recalled that one time in school when they’d nearly kissed, right before she and Pete started seeing each other. Holding on a moment longer than she should have, she shut her eyes and savored the feel of his muscular arms around her, keeping her safe and secure. What would it be like to crawl into bed with that hunk of masculinity? And he had handcuffs. Oh, the possibilities. She’d fantasized about a dozen ways a man could tie her up and handcuffs were right at the top of the list.

Releasing her, he straightened his uniform. “My shift’s been over for half an hour. If I don’t get some shuteye I’m going to collapse. I’ll call you later, soon as I hear back from Pete.”

She waved as he left. Geez, why was her heart pounding so hard? But she knew the answer. The prospect of being reunited with both her college crushes was a bit overwhelming. Not that either one would be interested in her after all this time. She was a good twenty pounds heavier than she’d been in college and she knew her overwhelming workload had taken its toll on her looks.

Still, she had her fantasies. That and a pint of ice cream made up most of her Saturday nights. Maybe this one would be different. After all, it was her birthday and she was supposed to be granted a wish. She knew exactly what she was going to hope for when she blew out the candles. It had been way too long since she’d even had a date, let alone made love with anyone. Hopefully one of them could get past the changes in her figure and go home with her.

Chapter Two


Murphy’s Tavern was just starting to fill up when Emmy arrived. She scanned the tables for the guys but apparently she was the first to arrive. She took a booth in the back, away from the hubbub of the bar, dimly lit and just a little too snug. The closer she could sit to both men, the better.

“There’s my girl.”

She couldn’t hold back a huge smile at that deep voice she’d never forgotten. Pete was taller than she remembered and still impossibly broad. His sandy-brown hair was cut military short and he wore a periwinkle-blue polo shirt that matched his eyes to a tee.

She slid out of the booth and threw herself into his waiting embrace. The familiarity of his hard contours transported her back in time. She knew all too well the feel of those powerful arms, the strong hands and talented fingers that had schooled her in the art of pleasure.

She held on, reluctant to give up the reminiscence. Pete set his hands on her waist and she automatically flinched, self-conscious of her larger size.

“You look great.” Pete stepped back, swept his gaze slowly over her from head to toe and setting off a storm of desire deep inside her.

Buying herself a new outfit for her birthday—tight-fitting black pants and a lacy top—had been a good move. Not to mention the matching bra and panties set she’d splurged on. Something about wearing all new clothes and sexy underwear made her feel a little more attractive.

He stroked her hair and gave her a warm smile. “I’m so glad you ran into Rudy. I’ve wondered about you over the years. He said you’re a public defender now. That’s awesome.”

“And you’re doing well at the jail, huh? You’ve moved up the ranks fast.” Long-dormant intimate muscles deep inside her pulled taut. God, he still inspired her lust. The room felt twenty degrees warmer since he’d arrived.

Get hold of yourself, counselor.

“How’s the family?” he asked.

She rolled her eyes. “My little sister is all grown up and she’s a knockout. Long blonde hair, great figure. She just graduated from UM with a degree in engineering. Thinks she knows everything now. Mom and Dad are the same, still working their fingers to the bone. How about your folks?”

“Your sister must be identical to you then. My mother just got married. That makes number four.” He shook his head and for a second he looked like that hunky boy she’d fallen for in college. “Maybe this time it’ll stick.” He regarded her with what she could swear was lust. And maybe a bit of regret. “Why did we throw
away, Em?”

Good to know he’d missed her too. “Timing, I guess. I was a little overwhelmed at first in law school and neither of us was good at the long-distance-relationship thing. Seems kind of silly in retrospect.” God knew she’d had moments of regret about it over the years.

Before he could say anything, Rudy was there and the guys were shaking hands. Time slipped by as the three of them drank draft beer and reminisced about their college days.

Only one glass of liquid courage had her flirting shamelessly with both men. “Did you leave your handcuffs home tonight, Rudy? I’d hate for them to get lonely.”

“Who said they I left them home?” He waggled a dark eyebrow at her.

“They see a lot of action, do they?” She wet her lips and took great pleasure in watching his gaze drop to her mouth.

He gave her a wry smile. “They’d love to see more.”

Pete topped off his beer. “He’s not the only one here who owns handcuffs, you know. We have all sorts of interesting restraint devices at the jail.”

They all laughed, but the sexual undercurrent remained strong throughout the evening. When the pitcher ran out, Emmy slid out of the booth. “Next one’s on me.”

Rudy hooked her arm and dragged her to a stop. “No way. Why should you buy?”

She thought about a smart answer. Something about lawyers making more money than cops, but in truth, as a freshman public defender she was barely scraping by. “Because today’s my birthday.” The moment the words left her lips she wanted to take them back.

“Today?” Pete inquired. “In that case,
buying. Shots too.”

“Oh God. I haven’t done a shot since our senior year.” She sat back down and contemplated whether she could handle so much liquor.

As soon as Pete was gone, Rudy slipped his arm around her shoulder and drew her close, giving her a whiff of his scent—that amazing cologne mixed with pure man. “You know, I always thought Pete was crazy for letting you go.” There was no mistaking the desire in his smoky eyes.

Her heart sped up. “What exactly are you saying?”

He tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. The familiar gesture made her temperature spike. His Adam’s apple bulged as he swallowed. “That if Pete hadn’t asked you out, I would have.”

Her mouth dropped open but she immediately recovered and shut it. Rudy’s confession boosted her confidence until she remembered he was talking about years earlier and about the old, slimmer Emmy. Too bad, because she was tired of being lonely and sexually frustrated. All she did was work. She needed a man’s touch to remind her she was alive. And who better to touch than one of her dearest old friends?

He twirled a lock of her hair around his finger and smiled. “I find you even more attractive now.”

Okay, now that completely floored her. “Really?”

He narrowed his eyes at her. “Why do you look so surprised? Have you looked in a mirror lately?”

Heat bloomed in her belly. “Well, I’m not exactly the girl I was in college.”

“No, you’re not. You’re a woman now.”

The way he said
—as if it were something mystical and precious—stole her breath. Torrid heat rushed through her.

His gaze dropped to her cleavage for a moment before returning to her eyes. He exhaled and she sucked in his breath, an unspoken exchange laced with carnal promise. Time stood still as they had a whole conversation without saying a single word. Yes, he craved her as much as she did him.

Pete set a pitcher on the table, breaking the spell. “Bartender’s bringing those shots over. I hope you guys know we’re all taking a cab home tonight.” He looked from her to Rudy and back. “What’s going on?”

She straightened, tried to compose herself. And to bury the tiny shard of guilt poking at her side. “Nothing.”

Pete slid in across from her. “You make a move on her while I was gone, bro?” he asked Rudy. His tone was menacing but his crooked smile removed all the venom from his words.

Still, her mouth suddenly felt stuffed with cotton.

Rudy slung his arm over the back of the booth. “You had your chance at her.” His grin seemed to defuse any residual tension in the air, thank goodness.

After the bartender dropped off their shots, Pete raised his glass for a toast. “To the birthday girl. May all her wishes come true tonight and always.” He fixed her with a poignant stare that hinted at erotic intentions. Then he knocked back his shot.

Unspoken innuendo hung heavy in the air. She drew a steadying breath. Were they both actually coming on to her or was it merely harmless flirtation? Long forgotten awareness stole through her, hot and thick.

She drank her shot, enjoyed the slow burn as the alcohol went down. A very naughty thought took root. She imagined being the recipient of both men’s attentions and had to fan herself to cool down.

Rudy moved closer and squeezed her shoulder. “So you tell
Emmy. Which one of us would you choose?”

She chewed at the corner of her mouth. “W-what do you mean?” A nervous, alcohol-induced giggle stuck in her throat. This was turning into her most interesting birthday yet.

“Don’t be coy,” Pete teased.

“Yeah, if you could go home with one of us, who would it be?” Rudy asked.

Her heart kaboomed. “I could never choose between the two of you. I’d have to have you both.” She’d have never been able to voice such a thing if not for the alcohol.

The men stared at each other a few seconds before they started laughing. Unsure of what to do, she joined in. Had they been kidding around with her? The sobering thought gave her pause.

Pete stared at her for what seemed like minutes. Muscles ticked around his jaw. He leaned his elbows on the table and steepled his fingers. “I’m game.”

Rudy’s answering grin made it clear that he was too.

Okay, so they weren’t just blowing smoke. Holy cow.


Emmy grabbed her beer and took a gulp. Was she seriously going to have both men? At once? She’d never done anything half as decadent, but the idea made her knees weak. A threesome was something she’d only fantasized about, never expecting she’d actually do it. Talk about getting what you wished for. In spades. And with the best men she knew.

“My place is only a few blocks away. We could walk,” Rudy offered.

Pete finished his beer then set it down hard on the table. “Works for me.”

God, this was getting too real. Moisture slicked her panties at the mere thought of having sex with both men. She clasped her hands in her lap to keep them from shaking.

Rudy took her chin and turned her face to his. “Are you sure?”

She thought about the question. Yeah, she was surer of this than she’d been of anything in a long time. These were the men she trusted, even after all the time that had passed since they’d been together. All her life she’d played it safe, done what was expected of her. This was her chance to take something for herself. Yes, she wanted this. She
it. “Positive.”

Rudy snaked his hand around her neck and reeled her in for a blistering kiss. He tasted of beer and erotic need. Something deep inside her melted as his tongue coaxed hers into a sensual dance.

Tendrils of desire curled through her. Had the alcohol diminished her inhibitions? She didn’t care. There was something so natural and comfortable about kissing Rudy.

She remembered Pete was there and broke the kiss, glanced across the table at him and caught his wicked grin. “You look like you’re enjoying this,” she said. The notion that Pete had been watching them added a whole new dimension to the game.

He tilted his head, regarded her for a several seconds before nodding. “It’s very hot.” He tugged at the collar of his polo shirt. “I say we get going while the night’s still young.”

All the moisture wicked from her mouth. How was this going to work? “Um, I have a question.”

Rudy smoothed a hand over her hair. “I’m sure you do. What is it?”

“Will you two be…?” She cleared her throat. “Are you going to…do anything to each other?” She looked from one to the other.

Pete laughed. “Nope, we’re straight as arrows. You’re our common denominator.”

“You good with that?” Rudy started twirling one of her curls again.

A sweet ache took root low in her belly. “I’m
good with that. Have you ever done this sort of thing before, like the two of you and one woman?”

Pete reached across the table to hold her hand. “Yes and no. We’ve never done a threesome together before but I, for one, have participated in a
ménage à trois
once before.”

She glanced at Rudy.

“It’s been a long time since I did, but yeah. I’ve had a couple. Does that bother you?”

She thought about it a moment. “No, it really doesn’t. At least you two know what to expect.” But she didn’t. And damn if that didn’t make her panties even wetter.

Pete had always been such an amazing lover, so tender and concerned with her gratification over his own. She knew he’d keep her safe and satisfied. And she still trusted Rudy completely. If ever she was going to do this, now was the time and these men were the ones she trusted to do it.

Pete squeezed her hand. “We’ll take good care of you, babe. Now let’s get the hell out of here before we ravage you right in the middle of Murphy’s.”

Okay, they both seemed pretty into her. But she still wondered if her body issues would turn them off. Could she really go through with this?

BOOK: Lawyering Up
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