Leah's Seduction: 2 (Gianni and Leah - Leah's Seduction) (7 page)

BOOK: Leah's Seduction: 2 (Gianni and Leah - Leah's Seduction)
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Chapter 13

The week started like any other, with meetings, adjusting strategies, monitoring sales, and dealing with buyers. Leah kept the prospect of going with Gianni in mind, but had yet to think of any brilliant leverage to make that happen.

Then, one morning, as she argued with Vadim about a particular suggestion she had made about merchandizing, the company owner walked in. Mason Barrington was older than Vadim. Leah guessed he was in his late forties.

She had met him a couple of times before, but hadn’t spoken with him at length. He wore a white shirt under a light gray blazer, casual but still professional. His short brown hair was spiked, making him appear younger. But his brown eyes were intense, and Leah knew he wasn’t a man to argue with.

Vadim stood. “Mason, good to see you. I didn’t know you were going to drop by.”

“It wasn’t planned. I have something I want to discuss with you.”

Leah stood. “I was just leaving. Nice to see you again, Mr. Barrington.”

“Wait just a second,” he said.

Sitting back down, she looked up at him.

“You’ve been doing some nice work for us, Leah.”

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Vadim stiffen, and knew such a compliment grated on him. “Thank you, sir. It’s kind of you to mention it.”

His eyes narrowed. “No, it’s not kind at all. I don’t do kind. But I know when someone on my team is valuable. And when they are not.”

Mason didn’t look over at Vadim as he spoke, although she would have taken evil delight in it if he had.

“You’ve been attending all the major shows, and I’ve stayed up to date on your insights.” Now he
look at Vadim. “She’s a sharp lady.”

Leah could feel the tension between the two men.

Mason spoke directly to her. “What about Amsterdam?”

The mention caught her off guard. Her vision went momentarily blurry. Mason couldn’t have spoken to Gianni recently. “Fashion Week, sir?”

“Yes, Fashion Week.” He glared at Vadim. “I’m displeased you haven’t arranged this yet. It’s next week. The shows these days in Amsterdam are key in the industry. I can’t allow Leah to miss them. Keeping her eye on the trends will reflect in our sales.”

Leah’s heart soared, but she made an effort to keep her composure. She didn’t want to give Vadim any reason to counter the decision.

“Make the arrangements, Vadim.”

Mason shook her hand and nodded.

“Thank you, sir. I won’t disappoint you.”

“See that you don’t.”

Leah left, and went straight to her office and shut the door. Then she pumped her fist in the air. “Yes!” She was going to Amsterdam. And the look on Vadim’s face was priceless. He hated that it was Mason’s idea, and he had no choice in the matter.

She strutted across the few feet of floor space in her tiny office, and imitated Mason: “Make the arrangements, Vadim.” She fell into her chair, gasping with relief. Then she picked up her phone to text Gianni. She couldn’t wait to tell him.


Gianni had been pleased with the news. He assured her that he would make all the arrangements. Leah was determined to look her best during the stay. She had never traveled outside the country, and the chance to go to the Netherlands had her beyond excited.

Kyra went shopping with her, and helped her make choices of what to wear for the summer weather in Amsterdam. On a tight budget, it was tough. Garments had to be interchangeable, yet fashionable. Her friend was in her element, and easily approved or discarded outfits as she tried them on.

She’d told her family that she was going, so they would know she’d be unavailable for a few weeks. But she told Jena to call if there were any changes in her mother’s condition. Otherwise, there wasn’t much holding her in New York.

And there was every reason to be in Amsterdam:

She looked forward to being alone with him. Although she was with him once or twice a week, it wasn’t enough. She remembered how it had been in Los Angeles. Somehow going away made things better.

As she counted off the days until departure, Leah continued to work hard at Barrington’s. Since Mason had expressed his faith in her, she was more inspired to do well. And she wanted to rub Vadim’s face in it. The more she was recognized for her achievements, the more it irked her boss.

At some point, it would blow up. Leah intended to be in a strong position when that happened. Or even on the way out, to work for another company. She wasn’t sure yet. Meanwhile, she did her best, confident that Mason would recognize her for it.

The night before they left, Leah was a bundle of nerves. She couldn’t sleep, only tossed and turned. But she got up energized and excited. It was finally happening. Soon she would be with Gianni in his private jet on her way to the Netherlands.

He had wanted to be with her the night before departure, but it wasn’t easy for him to leave the city. He had late meetings to attend, and she suspected he didn’t get home until the early hours. Gianni would be as tired as she was. Maybe they could sleep on the plane. Although Leah knew what they’d really do once they were in his suite.

The driver arrived on time, and helped with her bags. Dressed comfortably, Leah slipped into the back seat, knowing Gianni would be waiting for her. She felt like a princess the way she was escorted out to the airport.

The private jet was the height of luxury, decorated in ivory leather, with wood shelving and accents. Gianni sat at a desk, but got up immediately when she entered. He pulled her into a tight embrace, and didn’t seem anxious to let her go.

“I wish we could have been together last night,” he said. “We will have a lot of time once we get there.”

Leah pressed her cheek to his chest. “I’m really looking forward to it.”

While waiting for takeoff, the stewardess brought them martinis.

“I need this,” Leah said, and took a sip.

“Have as much as you want.” Gianni lifted his glass. “It’s a long flight.”

Leah nibbled on some nuts from a small dish, and took a few more sips of her drink. She started to relax. Gianni slipped off one shoe, and rubbed his toes on her ankle. The sensation made her skin tingle. Arousal, simmering below the surface, came to life.

She looked over at Gianni, and he traced her lips with his fingertip. “I’m glad you are going with me,” he said. Then he took another sip, before lifting his glass to let the stewardess know to bring refills. “Was Vadim grateful?”

Leah tilted her head. “For what? Getting rid of me?”

“No, for saving money by not having to pay for your airline ticket?”

“Oh, that.” She finished her drink, just in time for the refill that arrived. “He doesn’t know.”

“Why is that? I thought that would seal the deal.”

She hesitated. Leah wasn’t sure how much to say. Even though she slept with Gianni, and did things with him she couldn’t imagine doing with anyone else, she balked. It was the first time the subject had come up. And she didn’t know how he would react.

“If Vadim knew I was on your private jet, he would know we are seeing each other.”

“He hasn’t figured that out?”

“Not yet.” She paused. “Should he? I mean…do you care if he knows?”

Gianni considered that. “It’s not like I want photos of us blasted out to the media. I like my privacy, what I have of it. But I assumed those close to you would know.”

“I’m not close to Vadim.”

“True.” Gianni pressed his thigh to hers and squeezed her knee. “What about you? Do you want to keep us a secret?”

“Not from my family or friends. Kyra knows. She knows we are seeing each other. Not

Gianni smiled. “I wouldn’t think so.”

“I just don’t know if I want Vadim to know, or to have it be publicly known.” She looked into his blue eyes. “I have a career to think of. And I work for Mason Barrington. What if he thought I was sleeping with the competition?”

“You are.”

“Yes, but there is more than that between you two, isn’t there?” Leah had said too much. She knew it the instant the words spilled out.

Gianni’s grip on her knee tightened. “Who told you that?”

She was in too far, and there was no way to backpedal. “Cody.”

“You met him once, and you were already discussing

Leah shook her head. “It wasn’t like that.”

“I’m listening.”

“He was one of the photographers at your show,” she said. “Before you came out to be with me, he saw me sitting alone, and came over to say hello.”

“It sounds like he said more than that.”

Leah glanced down. She was in over her head, and knew it. “I didn’t start it. He was worried about me.” She was just making it worse.

Gianni jaw tightened. “Oh, was he? And you don’t think he was warning you away from me so he could have you for himself?”

“I thought of that.”

He raised his eyebrows. “And?”

“Yes, that’s part of it.” Leah took a deep breath. “But I have no interest in him. You are the only man I’m interested in.”

Gianni’s eyes pierced into her, and she went on, despite her misgivings.

“But is there something between you and Mason Barrington. Cody mentioned that you have a history, but he wouldn’t say what.”

Gianni rubbed the back of his neck and let out a sigh of exasperation. “It’s history, so there is no need to dredge it up now. Let’s just say that Mason Barrington isn’t the man I thought he was, and leave it at that.”

Leah decided not to push for more. It was better to drop the subject. Gianni had admitted something had happened, and his reaction made it clear he didn’t think highly of Mason. But she wasn’t going to learn any more right then. Not about the falling out he’d had with Barrington, or whether Gianni cared about discretion concerning the nature of their relationship.

Not knowing what she was up against, Leah decided it was best not to change anything. Vadim didn’t need to know about her personal life. Actually, the less he knew the better. She didn’t trust him. But despite Cody’s warnings, she did trust Gianni.

She couldn’t sleep with a man, and share her innermost desires, without knowing something about him. Gianni had treated her with respect, and cared about how she was doing, both physically and emotionally.

There was no reason to think he would use her. Or that his intentions weren’t just what he had said. Things were good between them, and Leah didn’t want to mess it up. She looked over at him, wanting him. And so glad she would have time with him.

The stewardess came back to tell them to buckle up for takeoff. She took their empty glasses. And they got ready for the flight. Gianni seemed quiet, and Leah gave him a few minutes to chill. But she didn’t want to start the trip this way.

“I don’t care about the history. I only care about now,” Leah said.

Gianni squeezed her hand. “Just stay away from Cody.”

That wasn’t an issue. She didn’t intend to see Cody again, for any more than a polite hello in passing. Leah didn’t need him causing trouble.

Everything would work out. They would have time to sightsee, and experience the region. Plus, she would have the opportunity to attend fashion shows, and get a sense of Euro fashion. She was on her way to Amsterdam, for God’s sake. With an amazing, sexy man by her side. It was more than she’d dreamed of. So what could go wrong?

Leah squeezed Gianni’s arm. “You are the only man I want to be with.”

Visions of the bed in the suite at the back of the plane, with Gianni’s muscled body over hers, came to mind. Her skin tingled, and her pulse raced. Leah was grateful it was a long flight. She couldn’t wait to be alone with him.

Gianni looked at her, his intent unmistakable. And she knew he was thinking the same thing she was. “That’s good to know,” he said, “because as soon as this plane takes off, we’re going to the bedroom. If you think I’m waiting until Amsterdam to have you, you’re wrong. I’ll have you,
many times
, before we land.” He looked at her intently, and Leah melted inside. “Like I told you, baby. I’m a greedy man.”

# # #


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“Leah takes a risk that will change her life!”


BOOK: Leah's Seduction: 2 (Gianni and Leah - Leah's Seduction)
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