Licks and Promises (Texas Threesome Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: Licks and Promises (Texas Threesome Book 2)
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“I’m not sure how the weather is there, but you can’t leave the leather outside,” she said.

“Of course not.
Are any of the doors open?”

“No. The building is locked. I don’t want you to make a trip home with that shipment, so let me think of a place you can leave it.” She tapped her lips with a fingertip.

Alex raked his hand through his hair. The strands ruffled into peaks then fell softly back to his skull.

The idea popped into Loren’s head and he spewed it out.
“The box truck!”

“Yes!” Alex smacked the towel and sat up.

Posy grinned. “Justin, here’s what you do. Around the back, you’ll see an old box truck. It’s open, and you should be able to store the leather there.”

A few months ago
, Loren had purchased the box truck from an old buddy. It was in sore shape and needed a lot of body work, but he saw a diamond in the rough. A tune-up, a little sanding and a great paint job with their logo, and the truck would be perfect for delivering their saddles around the countryside.

By the time Posy hung up, she was splitting with a smile so big and beautiful that Loren felt like a king. She tossed the phone to the side and threw herself at Loren. He caught her, tumbling back onto the heated sand and cradling one of the most precious things in his life.

“You’re amazing.” Her eyes were two bright gems set into her glowing face.

It’s you who always saves the day.” Loren smoothed his hands down her shoulders.

Alex wrapped his arms around both. “I thought you were insane to buy that box truck. Now I see your idea has merit.”

“If another delivery person shows up, we can have him put the goods in the box truck,” Loren said.

Posy laughed. “Hopefully we don’t receive any more calls.”

“Damn straight. I’m about to launch this cell in to the sea.” Alex picked it up and jerked his arm as if to do just that.

“No!” Posy grabbed his arm and lowered it and the phone to the towel. “Give me that. We don’t have money to blow on phones. Let’s try to take care of these. Damn, you jetsetter cowboys are rough on devices.” She rolled off Loren and carefully placed Alex’s cell on top of her

Loren met Alex’s heavy stare. He
was definitely thinking what Loren was thinking.

at that. Posy’s shoes are good for something besides being on her beautiful feet.” He wrapped his fingers around her calf and drew her foot to his lips. In a flash, Alex caught the other, but he didn’t hesitate. He opened his mouth and drew her big toe right in.

She squealed and squirmed, but they didn’t let her go. Worshipping her feet then ankles, calves, and finally working their way up to her honeyed center.


Chapter Seven


After a few days in the sun, surf and sand, Posy was ready to explore Belize. Besides, she was a little sore from all the loving.

revolved through the lobby, scanning brochures. “This excursion sounds good. Snorkeling the most exotic locale in the western hemisphere.” She picked up the pamphlet and raised her gaze to Alex then Loren. “I’m just not sure if cowboys can snorkel.”

“I handle my snorkel quite well,” Alex joked, cupping his dick.

“You did this morning. And last night.” Loren nudged him. “But Posy might be able to get two roughnecks on a boat and down by the reef.”

Alex removed the brochure from her and walked a few steps to the help desk. He spoke to the employee for a short time before handing her his credit card.

Posy started forward, but Loren held her by the forearm. “Relax. We have a little left of the winnings. He’s just securing our trip with the credit card. We’ll pay it as soon as we get home.”

“Okay.” She loved that Loren knew exactly what she’d been thinking. Sharing their worries for the fledgling business was easier with three. Actually, everything was a lot easier and more fun with three people.

She leaned against his side. Days ago she’d stopped caring that so many people stared at them. Whether it was seeing two delicious, smoking-hot cowboys or them showering her with attention, it didn’t matter. She didn’t give a damn what others thought of her or their relationship.

The tour would meet in half an hour. Equipment was provided along with box lunches on the boat. Before they went out, though, they returned to the suite for another layer of sunblock.

“I don’t want any more freckles,” Posy said.

Alex tapped the tip of her nose. “Cute as hell though.”

Heart warm, she and her lovers slathered on lotion. Then Posy captured her hair in a thick ponytail and grabbed Loren’s Hard Work T-shirt.

Texas and work seemed far away. They only had another couple
days left at the resort. She had managed to relax and fall into the routine faster than expected. She’d have to send her guys to Vegas more often. Maybe next time they would treat her to that dream trip to Paris.

The three of them left the suite and boarded the boat with a small group
. With her lovers seated on each side of her, she’d never felt so content. Nothing could shadow this afternoon. Not even a major supplier going bankrupt or the police calling to say her car had been towed from the parking area.

A woman caught Posy’s eyes and smiled. Her husband engaged Alex in conversation, and they exchanged information about where they were from.

Posy could see the woman wanted to say something to her. Thinking her shy, Posy complimented her on her swimsuit.

“Thank you. I can’t wear the skimpy ones like yours anymore, but I don’t have two guys to please.” Her face flushed red.

Posy couldn’t help but smile. They didn’t often get comments about their relationship, and she always welcomed the chance to talk about their unique situation. “It’s actually easier than you’d ever imagine. A lady is always in demand.” She winked, and the woman laughed.

For the rest of the ride,
Posy’s new acquaintance told the tale of how she’d met her husband. As she spoke, Posy noted the happiness in her eyes. Did the woman see that in Posy’s as well?

Alex spun an arm around her waist, and she dropped her head to Loren’s shoulder. Even through her sunglasses the sparkles on the water
blinded her. Kind of like her cowboys.

* * * * *

The group of people drew into a horseshoe shape around the snorkeling instructor. An animated woman held up the equipment they would use and demonstrated its use. Then she talked for a long time about safety. The number one rule for snorkeling was to always have a buddy.

Well, Alex had two.

Still, they all listened carefully. Alex didn’t even reach out and pull Posy against his side or shoot Loren a wink.

They’d go out in groups.
Some families and couples, and of course Alex’s threesome. The word roused something deep in his soul.

Next the instructor and some helpers assisted them all into the water and had them practice using the snorkels. A husband and wife next to Alex went first. He watched them go down and paddle around the shallow area. When they came up, the woman’s eyes were bright with excitement, and her husband
said he couldn’t wait to get out on their own.

The instructor released them, and they swam away to explore. Next Loren, Posy and Alex showed off their new skills. Posy had some trouble at first, and came up sputtering.

Alex and Loren moved close to her. “You okay?” Alex studied her face and saw no signs of distress.

She smiled. “Yes.”

“Maybe cowgirls don’t take to snorkeling,” Loren commented, and she shoved him in the chest.

“This cowgirl can do anything she sets her mind to.” With that, she positioned the snorkel and went back under. This time she swam for quite a long distance. The
instructor gave them the nod to follow, so Alex and Loren sank under the crystal-clear water.

With Loren beside him, Alex’s heart was full. His lover pointed out a small purple-blue fish that seemed like painted sculpture rather than real. The bright hues were unlike anything Alex had ever seen.

Though he adored Falls Creek and his life there, their trip was opening up a new world to him, like eating quinoa for the first time.

Loren clasped his forearm, and they turned together to greet Posy. Her braid floated away from her head, and Alex reached out for it.

She fanned him away and instead lifted a disposable underwater camera purchased in the resort store. Loren shifted his head close to Alex and she snapped a photo. Posy took another picture, the smile in her eyes evident even behind the diving mask.

The three of them continued to explore. The rich pinks of the coral took his breath away. And when
he spotted a stingray, he swam after it, forgetting he was a saddle-maker from a dry, dusty place.

Bubbles and a flailing movement from the corner of his eye made him turn.

Something was happening. Frantic motions from the husband he’d seen earlier. More bubbles. Flickering sunlight over the shallow floor. Then the woman floated.

* * * * *

Alex and two other guys hauled the woman onto the boat. She sprawled lifelessly, head lolling.

Posy made a broken noise and coiled her arms around her middle. Loren cupped her cheek and turned her head against his shoulder so she couldn’t watch as the instructor and a few others worked like crazy to resuscitate the woman.

Anxiety was an angry monster in Loren’s chest. He swallowed back his own noises. Dammit, this was supposed to be safe enough for common folk. What had gone wrong?

The woman’s husband roared a denial, and Alex took him in his arms. He held the man for long minutes through the initial shock of his
grief. A second boat scudded across the waters—help that came too late. Or maybe they couldn’t have saved the woman at all.

The husband was taken aboard the other boat, along with his wife’s body.

As they watched the vessel turn and head away from the scene, Loren met Alex’s hollow-eyed gaze.

He stumbled a few feet to
where Posy and Loren stood and practically collapsed into their outstretched arms. A sob tore from him.

A lump rose in Loren’s throat
. He gathered his lovers close and tried to digest what they’d just witnessed. A woman’s life had been lost. Somewhere she had more people who loved her and they would grieve along with her husband.

Posy shuddered as tears poured down her face. Alex’s eyes were dark with unshed tears.

The ride back to the resort was subdued. Loren held the people he loved and felt guilty as hell for being glad it
wasn’t one of them who’d died.

How quickly life had taken a nosedive. Less than an hour ago, they’d been
laughing and joking with the couple, and then disaster had struck.

Loren, Alex and Posy
returned to their suite, and Alex sank to the mattress, head in hands.

Posy blew her nose and eyed Loren. What were they to do with these emotions?
A life lost was a tragedy. Having seen it firsthand made them members of an elite club. None of them would ever look at life the same.

Loren dropped to his knees
in front of Alex and took him in his arms. His lover didn’t resist, just allowed the comfort.

“There was nothing you could have done differently,” Loren assured him.

Posy sat beside Alex and hugged him from her side. Four arms wrapped around the man they loved. Hopefully, it would anchor him during this storm.


Chapter Eight


Posy settled in the sand on their private beach.
Alex laid with his head on her thigh and Loren with his head on her other. The blue velvet sky was studded with stars, the world above as gorgeous as the one under the ocean.

But that adventure had
resulted in this tight feeling in Alex’s chest.

None of them had felt up to leaving their room since the event. Loren had gone into the dining area and fetched drinks for them all, but no one had been hungry.

Posy tipped her head up to look at the sky.

As Alex drank in her feminine features—the bow of her lips, the slight upturn of her nose and her heavily fringed eyes—his heart hitched. What if he’d lost
? Or Loren?

The waves rolled in faster as they always did at night. Alex reached for Posy’s hand, and she tangled their fingers with a smile.

“I don’t tell you guys enough what’s in my heart.”

At his words
, Loren and Posy grew motionless.

He pulled his gaze from Posy’s and stared up at the sky. “I’m not good with expressing emotions, and I need to learn how.”

“We know how you feel,” Loren said quietly.

Alex sat up. “Do you? Do either of you know that without you, I’d be lost? That you are the center of my world and I can’t live without you?”

Posy issued a hasty breath and tears glittered in her eyes. Alex hated that he hadn’t said this before now. Sure, they knew. He’d broken down before and stated how he felt. But it had taken a horrific event to force the words from him.

“Damn, it’s so unfair
to you that I don’t say this each and every day. I feel it. Why don’t I say it?” His throat closed.

Loren slowly sat up and put his arms around Alex. “It’s how you are. We know this.”

“And still love you,” Posy interjected.

Alex searched her eyes. “You’re okay with things as they are? You both declare your love all the time.”

Loren stroked Alex’s jaw, rasping the stubble there. “You show us plenty, Alex.”

“Do I?” Pain leaked from him.

Spreading her arms wide, Posy said, “You did this for us. Why?”

“Because I love you.”

Her tender smile filled every crevice of him with longing. “Yes, exactly. Though you don’t say it, we know.”

Loren pressed his forehead against Alex
’s. His eyes were serious. “If you said it to us and never showed us, then we’d worry.”

All at once the agitation Alex had felt since that afternoon
fled, leaving only peace and love.

ran his tongue over Alex’s lower lip. He opened to invite him inside, humming with instant lust for this man. With a moan, Posy added her flavors to the mix, gliding her tongue over theirs in a kiss that rocked Alex’s world.

* * * * *

Posy’s soft, sweet sighs mingled with Alex’s harsher groans. Loren pressed them both back on the mattress, arms braced on either side of them. Angling his head, he slanted his tongue over theirs, collecting more of their noises.

Shocks of need claimed Loren’s control. He nipped Posy’s lower lip then sucked on Alex’s tongue.

The passion and love flowing through the three of them was heightened by the day’s events. Alex’s desire to show them how he felt amplified Loren’s emotions.

Posy twisted onto her hip and wrapped an arm around Alex while Loren worked down their lover’s muscular body. He opened Alex’s f
ly and reached inside for his cock.

“I could get used to you never wearing boxers,” he growled as Alex’s thick shaft fell into his palm.

With glowing eyes, Posy slid down Alex’s body, kissing his bare torso. She paused to scrape her teeth over each of his nipples, and Alex’s breaths came faster.

Loren prostrated himself on the bed, positioned to take Alex into his throat. Cock throbbing, he rubbed it against the mattress
. He needed release, and bad. But first he wanted to blow Alex’s mind.

Posy worked her way down, kissing a trail over the ridges of muscle lining his abdomen. A glance at her, and Loren knew what she was going to do. He gripped Alex’s cock at the base and guided the swollen tip to Posy’s lips.

An earthy groan escaped Alex. His shaft hardened in Loren’s fist. He pumped it, rubbing the head against Posy’s flattened tongue.

When a
tremor racked Alex, Loren’s own desires took over. He opened his mouth over Alex’s cock, riding it up from the trimmed nest of pubic hair, over the veined shaft and to the tip. Posy did the same on the other side of his cock, until their mouths met over the head.

lifted his back off the bed, arching into their caress. Posy slid her lips down his erection and so did Loren. Feeling her lips as they both crested the mushroomed head threatened Loren’s sanity.

And obviously Alex’s too. “Enough,” Alex grated out. He caught Posy’s hair, and twisting it around his fist, dragged her gently up his body. They kissed for a long moment before Alex moved her to lie on top of him, facing up.

Shifting back on his knees, Loren zeroed in on Posy’s beautiful face then Alex’s. His cock bobbed against his stomach, his balls clenched tight.

“Sink down on top of me,” Alex said.

Posy’s eyelids lowered as she eased herself over Alex’s arousal. Loren watched every inch disappear into her tight body and couldn’t hold back another second. He buried his face in her pussy.

The folds were already slick for him. He licked up one side of her lips and down the other, swirling up and over the place where Alex stretched her. “Fuck, you taste good together.”

He burrowed his tongue alongside Alex’s cock, and they all moaned.

Alex found Loren’s hair and pulled lightly.
“This angle…pure fucking bliss.”

In response to his
words, Posy’s pussy clenched under Loren’s tongue. He threw himself into delivering the most pleasure she’d ever known in her life. Locating her clit, he ground it with the point of his tongue.

Juices seeped out from around Alex. Wild with need, Loren tasted them, smearing the cream over her
nubbin. Again and again.

Reaching up, Loren covered her breasts with his hands. The tips
were hard and waiting for his touch. He closed his fingers gently over each…and she came apart.

Her pussy pulsating, she cried out. Alex went deadly still, holding her hips in a way that revealed how close to blowing he was.

Loren brought her down from her high, slowing his licks and gently rubbing her nipples until the final shudder left her.

“Loren.” Alex’s voice sounded strangled. His pupils were wide, lips tense.

Knowing what Alex was asking, Loren pulled Posy into his arms. She was boneless and the sweetest thing he’d ever known. While he drew her into a kiss, he positioned them. Loren stretched on his back with her straddling him. Alex reached for the condoms and rolled one on.

“I have to get inside her,” Loren whispered.

Alex delivered a light slap to her ass that made her jerk. She tossed a look over her shoulder at him even as she thrust herself down on Loren’s cock.


Her wet heat was almost too much. He wasn’t going to last long, especially once Alex shared that cramped space with him.

The instant Alex slid into her ass, his gaze locked with Loren’s and he grunted, “Fucking love you both.”

The most beautiful declaration ever.

* * * * *

The three of them began to move. Primitive noises erupted from Posy against her will. She closed her eyes and drifted in the ecstasy only her men could give her.

Her first orgasm was just the base camp at the bottom of a very steep mountain. Every long glide of Alex’s cock against Loren’
s drove her upward.

Loren’s rough jaw scraped her sensitive skin. Turning her face into it, she found his lips. He teased her mouth with his tongue, running it around
hers until she thought she’d go mad.

Pleasure built. A deep ache spread, promising an unseen end unlike any before.

Emotion had a warm grasp on her heart. Each thrust echoed with love. The bed rocked, and Alex grew harder within her.

“Can’t stop.”
His throaty words funneled deep into her psyche, shooting her toward release.

She shuddered as the waves stole her every thought. Liquid heat warmed her
, and Loren shouted. Alex pumped into her body more slowly while Loren churned his hips faster.

Her body clenched and released around th
em, taking everything they had.

Loren chased her tongue around her mouth as the last shivers of pleasure rushed through her.
She collapsed atop him, and Alex blanketed her spine with his chest.

Beside her head
, Alex meshed his fingers with Loren’s. Trying to reclaim her senses, she stared at their big strong hands. They’d united to claim her months ago. Now she felt as if they’d all bonded in a brand new way.

Sure, they’d loved each other. But the roots of their emotions ran deeper, entangling the three of them so closely she didn’t think it could ever be undone.

Alex trailed his lips over her shoulders. She dropped her face to Loren’s chest and smiled against his skin.

They gave her so much happiness and fulfilled her every desire. When they’d realized how unhappy she’d been to be left behind in Texas, they’d seen to her emotional needs too.

Locked between her cowboys, a contented sigh seeped from her. “Have I told you guys how much I love Belize?”

Alex placed a kiss between her shoulder blades before pulling free of her body. He went into the bathroom, and a second later returned to take Loren and Posy into his arms.

They cuddled against his chest. “Good thing your chest is big enough for two,” Posy murmured, wrung out after the emotional day.

Loren stroked her hair off her forehead and nuzzled her temple. “You know, if we’re together, I don’t think there’s anything we can’t do.”

Her mind skimmed over the parts of life where his words applied. Their support system made their bond unbreakable. When one was down, the others picked him up. And the business that had brought them together would thrive with all three of their devotion.

Posy clung to both lovers. “Can we fix the weather in Texas? I hate the idea of going back to those temperatures.”

“It’s never cold in Texas for more than a few days. Let me see.” Alex reached out and snagged his phone from the nightstand. He spent a minute sliding his finger over the screen. “Oh damn.”

“What is
it?” Loren asked, trying to see.

Gonna be cold in Texas when we get home and for a week after.”

Posy grabbed the phone and threw it. It hit the wall
, and the sound of breaking plastic filled the room.

Alex’s eyes were wide with shock,
but Loren burst out laughing. “Baby, I was kidding! You broke my phone.”

She stilled as the weight of what she’d done took hold. She’d spent days trying to keep their cells from being ruined in the sand and surf, yet she’d shattered Alex’s phone in a tantrum over cold weather.

Did she really care? “You can take it out of my pay.”

Loren squeezed her hip and rubbed his swelling cock against her thigh. “I’ll make you pay, all right.”

“It’s my phone she busted. I say I call the shots.”

Oh no.
Posy bit back a grin.

“I think it’s time for a swim.” He jumped off the bed and Loren followed. They lifted Posy and carried her, shrieking, out of the suite and to the warm waters, where they
bathed her in more love.


The End




From the author:


Thank you so much for purchasing my book. If you’ve enjoyed it, I’d love for you to leave a review!


Also available book 1
available only on Amazon.
Haven’t read it? Here’s a peek:


“Good morning, Falls Creek Custom Saddlery. How can I help you?”

“Josephine, is my son around there? I need to talk to him.”

Posy gritted her teeth at the use of her full—and despised—name. The only thing worse than her mother calling her Josephine was somebody else’s mother calling her that. Her boss’s mother.

“Sure thing.
Let me see if I can run him to earth.” Posy spun her chair away from the desk—and came face-to-face with two long, denim-clad thighs.


The phone almost slipped from her ear as she tried like hell not to notice the cowboy attached to those muscular legs—all five-feet-ten-inches of tanned man with the features of a god and abs she could wash the whole village’s clothes on.

BOOK: Licks and Promises (Texas Threesome Book 2)
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