Read Little Bird (Caged #1) Online

Authors: M. Dauphin,H. Q. Frost

Little Bird (Caged #1) (10 page)

BOOK: Little Bird (Caged #1)
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"Little Bird, do you forgive me for your neck yet?"

"I never blamed you. I know you love me." This game turns my stomach, but soon he won't be a piece on my game board. I just need to exercise my patience. 

The line goes dead and I take a few minutes to figure out what to do with Regina and Bronson. She has no one to rely on except junkies and scum here and I have a feeling if I got her out of the state, the stupid woman would just come back to them and then I will end up dead for lying to Jasper. He won't let this go until he finds out they're dead. 

Who the fuck did she piss off?

Dealing with Regina and Bronson for seven days, Lucas has only come to mind in the mornings when La Petite's whistles wake me up. I don't miss him, but I do miss what he did to my body, but that's the least of my concerns right now.

I still have no idea what to do with Regina because she confirmed my thoughts that she wouldn't stay out of town. She blatantly lied to my face saying she would, but if there's anything I can sense a mile away, it's a liar. If Bronson hadn't come into the room, I would have squeezed the life out of her neck for lying to me like that.

So now I'm stuck with this bitch and only letting her live so Bronson doesn't have to die. I should just say fuck it but I have a feeling if I do, Jasper will make me kill Bronson myself because it's taking me so long to tell him where they are. One bullet to the back of the head, fine. But I know he wouldn't let me get off that easy, and I absolutely refuse to torture a child.

I'm going to get her clean, find her a man that will take her out of this state. Maybe to Canada. He can care for her and her son like he really loves them. I know a few men that would jump at the opportunity of a life away from Jasper. I just need to make it happen under Jasper's radar.  


As I wash Bronson's hair, I hear the doorbell. That can only be one person. The person I've been avoiding for days and it's not Jasper because he's in Venezuela.

I hear Regina arguing then what sounds like forced entry and I quickly close the shower curtain after telling Bronson to keep quiet. Grabbing my gun, I hurry into the living room where Luke is arguing with Regina because she's trying to push him out the door.

"Goddammit, I don't care what the fuck she's doing, I have to talk to her!" He's screaming at Regina and I notice her hand trembling. 

"Regina," I say because the look on his face is determination, and this time I know he's not going away. 

"I tried," she says with a tremble to her voice and I usher her away from the door. 

"Go into the bathroom," I quietly tell her, wanting her to tend to Bronson. "Lucas." I sigh. "I've been busy."

"That's a fucking lie, Megs, and you know it." His growl is deep and he storms toward me, slamming me to the wall by my throat. "One fucking week." His breath is heavy on my neck. "One week and all I can fucking think about is tasting you again." 

My breathing picks up and the pressure he has on my throat is making me want to give in.

"I've had company. Get your hand off me before you scare my company," I quietly, calmly say.

"Your company is in my way. I honestly don't fucking care if that bitch watches, I need to fuck you." He's not loosening his grip on my neck and his other hand has made its way down and into my shorts. "That's what I need," he whispers into my ear as his fingers find me. 

Grabbing his wrist, I remove his hand. "You're such a Neanderthal," I say pushing him back. "I have a child in the house. My nephew, and you met my sister. I'm sorry I can't fill your fantasies tonight."

"Doubtful," he growls then pushes me back against the wall and pushes his forearm against my collarbone.

When his lips slam to mine I instinctively moan, and when his fingers find me again, I lose the will to fight him off. He's strong, and the deeper I bury my nails into his arm, the harder his fingers work on getting me off. 

"God," I growl. "I fucking hate you." At the last of my words, my nails scratch down his arm as my thighs tremble with orgasm. I sink my teeth into his shoulder through his shirt to muffle my scream. 

He slips his fingers out of me and pushes them to my lips. "Taste what I've been missing all week."

I open, part of me wanting to bite him as hard as I can, but just the taste of my arousal has me forgetting that plan. When I moan he pushes his erection against me.

"All fucking week, Megs." 

He's not leaving until I give him what he wants and he's such a fucking pig, he'll do it in front of Regina or the child. 

Shoving him away from me, I seethe, "Go in my bedroom and fucking wait."

With a cocky laugh he walks into my room, slamming the door behind him. What man in their right mind would do this? A man that's trying to get something more than just sex.

"Regina," I quietly say while rushing into the bathroom.

  "Birdie, look!" Bronson shouts trying to show me his bubble beard. 

"You look sophisticated." I try to smile but fall short. "Listen to me," I whisper grabbing Regina's arms so her attention is on me. "When I go into my bedroom, take Bronson and go to a hotel for the night."

  "Birdie, I don't have the money for that."

"Don't interrupt me," I quietly snap at her. "Take the money from my wallet and you can take my car."

  "Your Jag?" she blurts.

"Shut up," I hiss, so close to snapping her neck. She is the most annoying woman I've ever had to deal with since my mother. "Stay there until I call you."

"Is that guy your boyfriend?" She grins at me.

"I said shut up." I glance toward Bronson who's staring at me with fear. "If I find out you didn't go to a hotel and you went to score drugs or somewhere just as stupid. Do you know what will happen to you, and him?"

"I promise you, Birdie." She's fucking lying but I don't know what else to do right now.

And not because Lucas is waiting for sex, but because tonight I find out who the fuck he is and what he wants from me. I can't do that with Regina and Bronson here because I plan on fucking it out of him. 

I sigh and drop my head. "Regina." Letting her arm go, I close my eyes and Bronson's frightened face flashes behind my lids. I look at the boy, almost just walking into my room and slitting Lucas's throat to get the nuisance to go away. "Just keep quiet when you leave."

I walk into my bedroom to him standing there looking impatient as ever.

"What took you so long?" He growls before grabbing me and slamming me to the wall, his mouth on mine.

"I have company." I shove him back. "We could take this to your house?" I'm more comfortable in my element because I know where every hidden weapon is, but the boner straining in his jeans tells me he's actually here for sex, not to kill me.

"Just shut up." He rips my blouse off, literally rips, buttons pop and all.

Before I can scream at him for ruining my Harvey Nichols Red Valentino, his mouth is over mine again and the pressure of his body against mine and his hands desperately pulling to get me closer has me melting into him with a moan.

"Lucas," I moan trying to push away from him, but he doesn't let me.

"I need this," he growls, tugging my bra off, leaving red marks from his fingers and that's when I give in, shoving him backward with a force that makes him fall over the chest at the end of my bed.

There's a heat in his eyes but at the same time his guard is up. He trusts me about as much as I trust him and that's a dead giveaway that he's not who he says he is. When I straddle him, pulling at his shirt, he tries to flip me to my back, but I need the lead. I want it, for once I want to feel what it's like to be in charge. I slam him back by his shoulders and go for his mouth. Something I don't normally do. 

Kissing is too intimate but he tastes minty and his tongue and lips on mine feel like we're in sync in a way I've never experienced with a person. In a way I thought Jasper and I would have, until he showed me the truth.

Me and Lucas are in tune with our bodies, that much is obvious, because he's not dead and I'm eager to fuck him, but when our mouths connect, I feel like we could be in tune with something much more manipulative. I wonder who he works for and if he's willing to make a career change. I think us together, going to the levels I plan on to overthrow Jasper, I think it could be the best union I'll ever experience. I can keep him around to fuck, but possibly involve him with my thoughts.

God! Why do I feel like he'd be someone who understands me and could possibly be the male version of me? Something I once thought would become between me and Jasper.  

"Megs," he rasps and I realize my thoughts overcame me and my fingers are stopped on the button of his jeans.

"Let me lead," I say with too much request in my tone, and when he cocks his head like he's trying to figure me out, I drag my nails down his chest, enjoying the slowly rising marks.

He grabs my wrists and we spin with ease so I'm on bottom now.

"Can't," he says, his teeth clamping my nipple.

"Fuck!" screams from me and I hope Regina has already left.

"Quiet, don't want your sister and nephew to hear," he snarls like he knows the truth.

I want to squeeze the life from Lucas's throat while I ride him to orgasm. I think this is what Jasper must feel like at times. 

Picking me up, he throws me to the center of the bed and growls, "My lead."

I know how to play a man to get what I want. Any man except Jasper, that is. And I wonder if Lucas is a typical man or more like Jasper. My attraction to him is he reminds me of the man I thought Jasper would be to me, but more than likely he's probably your typical male that would eat out of my hand if I mustered tears.

"I've never lead," I say with pathetic undertones of sadness I don't actually feel. Eat, my pet, eat. "Let me take charge just this once."

He's over me, staring down at me sympathetically and I almost laugh because he's so predictable. They're always so predictable.

With a gentle shove, I get him to his back and drag my nails down his legs as I pull down his jeans. I wanted to play, tease, maybe give him a few more marks, but when he springs free and is standing tall and at attention waiting for me, I don't have the willpower to wait. As I position him, I sink down hard and fast and wrap my hands around his throat. His hand grabs my wrist but he doesn't make me stop. The harder I thrust over him, the tighter my grip on his neck gets.

Not loosening and continuing the methodical roll of my hips, I lean down and clamp his lip in my teeth, biting until I draw blood. He likes things rough and the thrill that brings me has me tightening my hands on his throat, wondering what it'd feel like if I didn't stop.

He's trusting me, but won't remove his hand from my wrist as a precautionary measure. As I stare down at him, slamming over him harder and harder, and his face is getting redder and redder, the orgasm building inside is one of the most liberating feelings I think I'll ever experience. 

Yes I want to kill Lucas, but I know this fun will be over, so I won't. Maybe make him go unconscious because I can't stop now or I'll lose this build.

I dig my nails into his neck as my body starts to uncontrollably vibrate, and when the orgasm hits, I gasp in a breath as if I'm the one being strangled. I let his neck go, giving into the sensation of complete bliss taking over my body from one orgasm. That is until he grabs my throat and we spin and he slams me into my mattress by not only his hand on my throat, but a forceful thrust of his hips. It gets him deep enough I scream from pain that immediately turns to pleasure when he withdraws and does it again and again, applying more pressure on my throat that I feel the start of unconsciousness.

As my eyes close, he lets go and grabs my hair yanking my head to get his mouth to mine and I lose it again, cumming so hard that I still feel like I could black out because it all came on so fast and he's kissing me so deep I'm still unable to get air but this orgasm is better than the last. This orgasm might be the best one yet and the epiphany that Lucas can bring pain and pleasure without scarring me makes me want to keep him locked in my basement for personal pleasure until death.

He was never letting me lead, he was getting what he wanted and that was to make me cum so fucking hard I'll never forget it.

His grunts and my moans are loud enough that if I had close neighbors, they could probably hear us, but it wouldn't stop me. I need this. Him. Him fucking me, I mean.

"You're bleeding," I moan when I see the blood rolling from his neck.

His response is to slam harder while pinching my nipple so tight I tremble from the pain.

Digging my hand into his hair, I yank and pull to get his neck to my lips and I drag my tongue over his blood. My eyes roll back as orgasm takes over from the vile but arousing taste of his blood. This time he cums with me, barely able to ride out my orgasm because his is contracting his muscles so hard it's hitting him in jerky movements but it doesn't ruin my orgasm. The feel of him emptying inside of me and his blood on my tongue has my fucked up fantasies carrying me through to the end.

This is how I want to be fucked for the rest of my life. And the thought that this might be my last time with Lucas is bitter sweet. Enough so that when he collapses next to me, I actually roll toward him and rest my head on his shoulder while draping my leg across him. It's an odd feeling being this close to someone because I don't cuddle, but I look at this as my way of saying thank you. He can take it or leave it, and when his arm wraps around me, pulling me just a little closer, I assume he's taking it.

BOOK: Little Bird (Caged #1)
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