Read Little Tease Online

Authors: Amy Valenti

Tags: #romantic bdsm, #Kink, #Erotica, #switching, #erotic romance, #submission, #ds, #Bdsm, #rack and ruin, #erotic romance series, #dominance and submission, #erotica series, #adult romance, #amy valenti

Little Tease (10 page)

BOOK: Little Tease
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My exhibitionism fetish wasn’t usually this extreme, but another surge of heat rushed through me at his words, and I was almost sobbing with frustration now. “Please… Sir…”

You’re begging me to take you in full view of everyone here?” Josh adopted a mildly shocked tone, and I thanked god the spectators’ area was far enough away that they wouldn’t be able to hear him over the music. “Sorry, little tease. Not really my style. While you’re mine, only
get to watch you come…”

I scrambled for the last shred of my defiance, the only part that hadn’t been frayed by time and imagination, his voice and his gaze. But there was nothing left. I was tired of resisting. I wanted him, and to be his. Completely his.

Give me your orders, Sir.”

Oh, I plan to.” Grabbing a fistful of my hair, he pulled me to my feet and over to the spanking bench. Though I moved quickly to lessen the tug against my scalp, the pain brought reflexive tears to my eyes, and by the time my knees hit the spanking bench, I’d forgotten all about the voyeurs.

For a second he let me go, as if he was strategising. Then he trailed a finger down my spine, ending with a swift double-tap of his fingertips against my ass. “Come on, little tease. Stretch out.”

The spanking bench was two-tiered—a lower tier to kneel on, and an upper tier to lay the rest of my body down on. Once I was in position, Josh indicated that I should pillow my head on my folded arms, then stepped out of my view.

After a few tense seconds I relaxed, listening to the club’s soundtrack of music, thuds, slaps and intermittent cries of pain. It was relaxing in its own way, and every now and then a particularly loud groan or yelp made me smile.

Josh returned, crouching beside the bench to look into my face. “Doing okay, little tease?”

I’m good, Sir.”

Recognise this?” He held up the paddle he’d given me to study the first time he’d driven me home, waiting for my nod before continuing. “I plan to use it. Not right away, but eventually.”

I couldn’t wait to feel it against my skin, and he read the impatience in my face, laughing softly. “Still want me to kiss you?”

I licked my lips before I realised I was planning to, anticipating the sensations of his mouth on mine. “You know I do, Sir.”

Josh leaned in closer, his fingertips stroking my hair back from my face. Closer still, until I could feel his breath against my lips and my pulse pounded through my unfulfilled cunt… and then he stood up abruptly, leaving me to whimper and squirm against the bench.

Not yet,” he murmured in my ear. “Not until we’re alone.”

It was on the tip of my tongue to beg him to just skip the scene, drive me home, and oh, god, just
kiss me, already!
The anticipation was driving me insane, but what was another hour or two on top of the months we’d already spent denying each other?

At least, that was the logic I tried to calm myself with. I wasn’t sure it was working.

You told me your safeword months ago, hoping I’d drag you in here and hurt you until you used it, didn’t you, little tease?” I remembered that night, and couldn’t help but smile. I’d really only told him to tease him, and he’d known that, but his creative interpretation of the moment played hell with my imagination, and I nodded.

Tell me again.”

Scarlet,” I said, loud enough for him to hear me without leaning in too close.

His hand ran possessively over my exposed ass. My thong offered the cheeks no protection, and when he slapped there for the first time, the sting was mild, but definitely noticeable.

I bit down on the plea, waiting for his next move, and after commanding me to use it if I needed to, he began in earnest. He started lightly, slapping each cheek in turn, then began to intensify the blows.

By the time he finished the first set, my breath was quavering and my ass stinging, and I wanted him so badly I could hardly stand it. “Fuck,” I whispered to myself, and he noticed my lips move, coming around to crouch in front of my face again.

Say something, little tease?”

His eyes were dark with lust, and I almost melted at the slight smile that curved the corners of his lips.

No, Sir.”

He stood up again after one careful, lingering look at my face, resuming his position. His next barrage of slaps was slower, but each slap left me breathless. I squeezed my eyes shut and counted along in my mind: ten slaps, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five, oh,

He stopped just as I was about to whimper, smoothing the pain into my skin, easing it with comforting strokes, and I tried to catch my breath, relaxing gradually. His fingers slipped between my legs again, rubbing my thong against my clit and drawing a sharp cry of longing from my throat. “Sir, please!”

Oh, you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” His voice was filled with amused heat, low and primal and perfect. “Look at you, wriggling and rubbing your nipples against the bench, trying to get yourself off in the middle of a crowded dungeon. You really are a tease.”

Without warning he curled his fingers, squeezing my labia for one delicious second before releasing me completely. I moaned and squirmed, desperate for more, but all I got was another round of spanks against my ass and thighs—searing heat to complement the hot, deep pulses of desire inside me.

I lost track of time when he switched to the paddle.


* * * *




She was perfect.

I’d craved this for so long—to watch her skin grow rosier under my hand, blushing more with every slap I dealt. To see her writhe against the spanking bench, seeking the friction I refused to give her. To know that it would only take a few moments of the right kind of pressure to bring her to a shattering climax, and to deny her, again and again.

She tolerated the paddle a little better than Alex did, breathing deeply to bear the pain until it became too much, then quivering and gasping as I set the instrument aside to caress her instinctive fear away. I crouched beside her, checking in, loving the dreamy distance in her expression that indicated she was soaring through subspace.

More?” I asked, and she nodded, smiling, her eyes fluttering closed with anticipation.

Fuck, I wanted to kiss her, but I wouldn’t. Not when half the club was watching. We’d endured too many stares already; some things had to be private.

Not that I objected to having an audience. Every time I reminded Lena of the fact, she trembled a little, hyperaware of the eyes on us, her exhibitionistic streak flaring.

I kept my back to the crowd for most of the scene. I was harder than steel, my cock demanding that I take her, possess her, make her mine in every possible way. My arousal was for her alone, and I wasn’t letting the rest of the club get an eyeful.

Lena noticed after the third round of paddle strikes, and the tip of her tongue darted out to moisten her upper lip, though I doubted she was aware of the movement. “Is that a paddle in your pocket, Sir?” she teased, her voice languid and lazy with euphoria.

I reached between her legs again, my pulse pounding at the feel of the soaked fabric of her underwear. She moaned softly at my exploration, her eyes pleading as I kept the touch slow, tormenting her.

It’s not a paddle, little tease, but you’ll be feeling it later. I promise you that.”

She grinned, wriggling just a little. “Not too much later, I hope.”

After a few more rounds with the paddle, she was trembling, and I sensed her fear along with her anticipation. The muscles of her shoulders were bunched tight, and her ass and the backs of her thighs were red and noticeably warmer than the rest of her. She could take a little more, but I didn’t want to push too far, so I dealt two more hard spanks with the homemade instrument and then set it aside, massaging away her pain with firm hands and relishing her whimpers.

There were tears in her eyes when I bent to talk to her. “You did well, little tease.”

Her smile was genuine and proud. “Thank you, Sir.”

I undid the rope securing her wrists behind her back, and a flicker of disappointment crossed her face as I helped her to sit up. It would pass—she really couldn’t have taken much more, and deep down, she knew it, but she still craved the pain, and the pleasure that went with it.

While I put away my rope and paddle, and calmed down enough that I could turn to face the crowd again, Lena slipped her dress over her head, then sat gingerly on the edge of the bench to pull on her boots. Once she was done, I guided her over to one of the recovery couches, and she curled up beside me, content to drift on the endorphins the pain had released into her bloodstream.

Doing okay, little tease?” I asked quietly, offering her one of the bottles of water the dungeon master handed me.

Lena nodded, taking the bottle and putting it aside, then resting her head in my lap. I allowed it for a couple of minutes, stroking her hair, and then coaxed her upright. “Come on. Drink something.”

She opened the bottle with shaky hands and drank deeply, glad of the hydrating liquid within. I stretched out my aching paddle-arm before downing my own water, glancing at the clock on the wall. We’d played solidly for an hour and a half, and I hadn’t even noticed.

After allowing us fifteen minutes or so to recuperate, I led Lena out of the dungeon, over to the couches where our friends waited. Alex jumped up and hugged us both, seeming over the moon that we’d finally played together, and I couldn’t help but laugh at her enthusiasm. “Enjoy the show?”

, yeah. But not as much as you guys did.” Her lascivious wink told me that she, at least, understood why I’d had my back to the spectators the whole time.

I rolled my eyes and sat down, and Lena settled onto a cushion at my feet, looking as though she belonged there.

As far as I was concerned, she did.

Anyone want a drink?” I asked the assembled group.

You guys sit. I’m buying.” Heidi got to her feet, smiling widely. “Hey, now you’re together, does this leave Smurfette free for play?”

Alex sighed. “I don’t know. Josh is like the only person who actually uses my real name. I kinda like that.”

Oh, I wouldn’t be calling you Smurfette. Thought I’d start with ‘slut’ and work out something more personal as we go along.” Heidi beckoned, and a suddenly red-faced and stammering Alex followed her toward the bar as the rest of us laughed.

Lena looked up at me, a question in her expression, and I leaned down to kiss the top of her head. “One drink, and then I’m taking you home, little tease.”

She nodded and rested her head against my knee, closing her eyes. “Ready when you are, Sir.”


* * * *




By the time Josh tugged me to my feet, I’d recovered from our first scene a little. It had been intense and frustrating and wonderful, and the night wasn’t over yet.

Predictably, bawdy comments and catcalls followed us as we headed toward the exit, and we bore them with grins and rolled eyes. The last thing I saw as I glanced back was Heidi pulling Smurfette away toward the dungeon, and I made a mental note to get the details from her when she called the next day—and she

The car ride home was quiet and charged with expectancy. We were both completely focused on what was to come, and though we made a little conversation here and there, we were mainly content with silence. I focused on the residual tingling of my ass, which had received a thorough paddling in the dungeon.

After a while, Josh pulled up in the driveway of a small but well-kept house. “Nice place,” I said, studying the exterior.

It’s not bad,” he replied, and got out of the car.

I followed him up the path, my heart beginning to thud as I remembered his hard-on in the club. I’d been so desperate for him in the dungeon, and though the craving for sex had faded after the scene finished, now it was back and sharper than ever.

When we got inside, he issued his next orders calmly. “Go upstairs—first door on the left. Close the curtains, strip down to your underwear and kneel by the bed with your back to the doorway.”

Yes, Sir,” I murmured, and went.

My hands shook a little as I obeyed his instructions, slowly peeling off my outer layers for the second time that night and then kneeling close to the bed. The room was comfortably warm, and I sank into an expectant calm, waiting for Josh to arrive.

His footsteps approached after a few minutes, ascending the stairs and then stopping somewhere behind me. “Good girl.”

I lowered my head in acknowledgment of his words, closing my eyes and waiting for his next instructions.

BOOK: Little Tease
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