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Authors: Donna Michaels

Locke and Load (9 page)

BOOK: Locke and Load
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A slew of curses left his lips as he drew them to their feet and crushed her close.


She allowed herself several minutes to soak in his acceptance and forgiveness. The two elusive gifts she longed for, but had never sought over the past four years. Swallowing back a sob, she hugged tight, listening to the reassuring thump of his heart, steady and strong under her ear.

He deserves this…you deserve this…take what the moment has to offer
, her mind and heart urged. Tomorrow could bring sorrow. She drew back and gazed into those incredible eyes, opening her mouth to convey what was in her heart. But a gentle finger to her lips stopped the words forming inside.

“Shh…it’s okay,” he soothed. “I understand. You can’t say anything yet. Just promise me you will the minute you can.”

She nodded, tears streaming down her face.

His thumb gently brushed her wet cheeks. “Nikki…” He inhaled, opened his mouth then closed it, his expression pained as he tripped over his next words. “Do you…”

“I never stopped loving you, Cage. Ever.” She answered the question she knew he struggled to form, knowing how dangerous the admission was to his life, yet recognizing an omission was infinitely more harmful. “You—”

His mouth covered hers, cutting off the rest of her sentence as he kissed her long and deep and desperate. He had a hand tangled in her hair, cupping her head, and the other clamped around her hip, holding her close. He tasted of iced tea, and need, and…love.

When he drew back, he placed his forehead to hers, eyes dark with a burning need. “I never stopped loving you either, Nikki,” he said before capturing her mouth for a soul-searing kiss only Cage could deliver.

Holding nothing back, she trembled against him and slid her hands under his shirt, brushing the hot, corded muscles of his back with one hand while she stroked his taut abs with the other.

He released her mouth to rain wet kisses along her jaw. “I’ve missed you. Missed your touch. Your taste,” he said against her neck where he lingered, his tongue tracing the curve before his mouth followed suit. “I’m going to taste you…all of you.”

Heat funneled through her core so fast and fierce she nearly lost it right then and there. He stepped back and ripped his shirt over his head while she removed her tank top. But when she reached behind for her bra, he stopped her.

“No, wait…let me.”

He kissed her again, his hand stroking above her ribs, brushing the underside of her lacy cup, while the other slid beneath the waistband of her shorts. Just when her legs were about to give out, he broke the kiss to glide his teeth along her jaw and throat to the sensitive spot behind her ear. She inhaled and clutched him close.

“Don’t stop,” she said, her voice deep with the need pulsing through her body.

His hands slid up her spine, and a second later, he unhooked her bra and stepped back to slide the lace down her arms before dropping it on the floor by their shirts. She trembled in anticipation, her nipples tightening under his stare.

“God, you’re so beautiful, Nikki.” His heated gaze devoured her before his hands took over.

Cupping each breast, he brushed her nipples with his thumbs, sending heat spiraling between her legs, then he bent to lick and kiss and nip at each pebbled tip. She grasped his head and held him close, her breath catching in her throat. Her body never reacted like this with anyone but Cage. Only he could consume and make her so hot, make her yearn and throb.

And, oh boy, was she throbbing.

He released her breast to capture her mouth, kissing her fierce and deep while he cupped her ass and crushed her close.

Forget throbbing, she was ready to explode.

She moaned, grinding against the erection poking her from behind his zipper. She had to feel him. Had to have him. Her fingers found their way down and traced the outline of his hard bulge. He groaned deep in his throat before pulling away to quickly remove the rest of his clothes.

Her mouth watered and her core did that throbbing thing again as she took in his naked splendor. He was tanned, and ridged, and sculpted to perfection. And so hard. A tremor rose from deep within. He captured her mouth for a hot, fierce kiss, pressing her back against the wall. She shivered as the cool surface met her heated skin.

Her mind finally completely shut down.

Nothing else mattered. Nothing.

He released her to brush his mouth along her jaw to her ear, his breath warm as he bit down on her lobe, then he soothed the ache with his tongue. Desire spread through her like liquid heat. She writhed and squirmed, needing so much more. He surprised her by gently twisting her around, and her nipples puckered further when they scraped against the wall as he leaned into her, kissing her spine while his hands slid down to the curve of her waist.

“God, I missed this.” He blazed a trail to her shoulder blade where he lingered, tenderly brushing his mouth over her beauty mark before she heard his knees hit the floor. “These are sexy, but in the way.” His fingers slipped under her waistband to slowly tug her shorts and lace underwear down to her feet. She stepped out of them and sucked in a breath as he placed hot, wet kisses over her cheeks and down to her inner thighs.

“Cage,” she whispered, not sure what she needed him to do, but knowing her legs weren’t going to hold out much longer.

“I’ve got you,” he said, lightly brushing his finger between her thighs, sending a zing ricocheting through her whole body.

But before her knees could buckle, he was on his feet, pressing her into the wall with his magnificent hot body while he kissed the back of her neck with merciless vigor. She moaned and reached behind her to grab his hips and crush his thick erection against her cheeks. She felt his hot length pulse in response.

“Fuck, Nikki,” he groaned near her ear. He pulled back enough to cup her breasts, and tweak her nipples before gliding his hands down her belly to tease and stroke her upper thighs. “Turnabout’s fair play,” he muttered before biting the curve where her neck met her shoulder.

She cried out and bucked backwards, giving him the leeway he needed to slip his fingers between her legs and slide into where she ached the most.

“So wet.”

In and out, slow strokes drove her mad while his other hand slid up her body to cup her breast, thumb brushing her nipple in tandem with his other wicked, wicked hand. She was barely holding on, barely keeping it together until he blew on her neck.

“Lose yourself on me, Nikki. Come for me,” he urged, kissing the back of her neck, pinching her nipple, and making it impossible for her not to oblige when his fingers sunk into her wet folds and his thumb took over the strokes.


Her orgasm hit hard and fast. She held onto his hips, bucking against his fingers as they stroked, and stroked, and stroked, knowing the exact rhythm to prolong her ecstasy. Nikki didn’t think she’d ever come down. She didn’t think it would ever end. Didn’t want it to. The waves crashed and radiated until she trembled in a head-to-toe quiver that left her breathless and weak.

When it finally subsided, she slumped back against him, trying to catch her breath. “W-what did you do to me?”

He chuckled near her ear and, thankfully, wrapped his arms around her, holding her up because he’d just stroked the strength right the hell out of her. “I was reminding your body how good I could make you feel.”

She turned in his arms and pressed her forehead to his while she regained her strength. “As if I could ever forget.” She brushed her lips over his nose, cheek, then mouth, slipping her tongue inside, skimming and tasting, until he groaned. That’s when she drew back and kissed his jaw, nipping his chin as her hand closed around the erection poking her belly. “My turn to do some reminding.”

Chapter Ten


efore he could respond, she dropped to her knees and licked the underside of his silky, hard length. He cursed. She glanced up and watched him close his eyes and clench his jaw tight.

He was magnificent. All angles, and rigid, and hard.

And it was her turn to drive him mad. She ran her finger tips over his taught abs, reveling at the way he quivered under her touch. Then she grasped his hips and slowly took him into her mouth as far as possible before drawing back to the tip.

“Damn, Nikki…that feels so good.” His hands were on her head, holding her lightly as she drew him back in then out.

She was about to increase the pace when he grasped her arms, pulled her to her feet, and kissed her while he backed her to the bed. When her legs hit the mattress, he followed her down, never breaking contact, just driving her crazy with his talented tongue. Heat built at her core, and she was surprised at how ready she was to ride another wave only Cage could muster.

He broke the kiss and leaned on his side, resting his chin in his hand while the other drew tiny patterns around her shoulders, collarbone, and breasts. His gorgeous emerald gaze was heated and teasing while he lightly stroked her nipple.

A quiver rippled to her core. She smiled up at him and gripped the heavy erection throbbing on her thigh, treating him to the same teasing stroke.

He choked out a curse.

She drew in a breath. “Please tell me you have a condom.”

A delicious grin spread across his mouth. “More than one, thanks to the box Delaney shoved into my duffle bag.”

She laughed. “When did he do that?”

“The day you arrived,” he replied, rolling off the bed. “At the time, I wanted to kill him.” He unzipped the bag on the floor in the corner and withdrew the box. “Now, I need to thank him.”

Me too
, she silently agreed, throat too dry for speech as she watched him roll one on before he walked to the foot of the bed and stared at her, gaze dark and smoldering.

“Gorgeous.” He dipped down and kissed a path up her leg as he nudged her apart with his knees. “I need to taste you…now.” His breath was wickedly warm on her sensitive skin while his roughened fingers stroked her inner thighs then traced her center before he replaced his touch with his tongue.

Nikki sucked in a breath and gripped the covers as her eyes nearly rolled back in her head. Damn, she’d missed this. Missed his magic mouth, and the way he combined finger and tongue to drive her mad.

“You taste so damn good,” he mumbled before lapping at her some more, making her moan and squirm, driving her closer to that glorious edge.

With his lips and hands on her, she could barely breathe—heck, she could barely remember
to breathe.

Then he was crawling up her body, nipping and kissing her stomach and ribs, teasing her taught peaks with soft tugs until she cried out his name. He was driving her mad, filling her with so much need she ached.

And when he covered her body with his and captured her mouth, she only had a slight moment of panic before that need took over. She didn’t want top. Not this time. Not with Cage. She welcomed the weight of his hot, hard body, and although his lips were demanding, they weren’t cruel. She relaxed and let desire take over.

“Look at me, Nikki,” he breathed against her mouth then lifted up to position himself between her legs and tease her with his tip.

She held his gaze, so dark and raw with emotion her heart squeezed in her chest. “I need…” Her voice faltered, so she spread wider and rocked up into him.

“What do you need? Tell me. I’ll give you anything.” He pressed his erection against her.

She sucked in a breath. “Yes. That. You.”

“You have me, Nikki. You’ve always had me,” he stated, then thrust inside so damn achingly slow she couldn’t stop the desperate, needy sounds clogged in her throat.

He felt so good, and it’d been so long, her eyes burned with unshed tears. “Cage…”

“I know.” He bent to lightly kiss her lips. “I feel it too.” He pulled back out just as slow, drawing an even needier noise from her throat. “So damn good.”

Then things got a little crazier as he increased the pace, driving all the way in and nearly all the way out over and over. Her body shook, needing that release just out of her reach.

She lifted up and kissed him, tracing his lower lip with her tongue. He hissed out a breath and pressed her back, his forearms hitting the mattress as he cupped her face and kissed her hungry and deep.

She met his tongue stroke for stroke. Matched the rhythm of his hips thrust for thrust. Heat rushed through her body, flooding her core.

She was close. So damn close to orgasm.

As if knowing, he broke the kiss and held her gaze as he shifted forward and changed the angle. Sliding his hand under her leg, he drew her thigh against his hip as he thrust deep.

The look on his face stole her breath. He appeared completely lost in her. Need. Lust. Love. They were all there, blazing in his eyes, touching off the same emotions resonating deep inside.

Nikki clutched at his hips and cried out as she burst, bucking hard and fast, the movement ripping her name from his lips as he gave one final, deep thrust and followed with his own release.

He continued to move until they were both spent. “Nikki,” he finally whispered, his tone full of deep affection. An onslaught of warmth burst through the wall she’d constructed around her heart. The man effectively blew away every last brick as he pulled her in close and cradled her head with both hands. Gaze open and real…so damn real, he lowered his mouth and kissed her with a tenderness she’d never even dared to hope she’d experience again.

When he drew back, he brushed her forehead with his lips. “I’ll be right back.” He briefly disappeared in the bathroom.

She rolled off the bed and was just sliding under the covers when he returned.

“I hope you’re not ready to sleep.” He strode across the room, grabbed a handful of condoms, then set them on the nightstand before he climbed under the covers and reached for her. “I’m not even close to being done with you.”

Her pulse hiccupped as desire flooded her belly. “Oh?”

“Yeah,” he said, pulling her against him, but instead of getting right to it, he leaned on his side and stared down at her. “There’s something you need to know.”

Her heart stopped for several beats. “Oh?” she repeated.

“I was married.” He entwined their fingers and brushed her knuckles with his mouth. “It was a mistake. A disaster, really. She wasn’t you. And I couldn’t give her what I gave you…what I give you. So, she went looking elsewhere.”

Tears burned behind her eyes as she twisted their hands to press her thumb to his mouth. “It’s okay. And I’m sorry.”

He kissed her knuckles again and squeezed her hand, his open gaze boring down on her. “Don’t be. I just wanted to be honest with you.”

Her heartbeat stopped again. He was giving her the chance to confess. To tell him about any past relationships. But, God, she couldn’t tell him about Rojas. About how the monster had used innocent children to force her to marry him. It wasn’t the same. It was dangerous.

So she switched gears, tugging his knuckles to her lips. “I hope you’re not ready to sleep.”

A wicked smile spread across his face. “Not at all.”

The heat funneling into his gaze sparked a fluttering low in her belly. “Good, because I’m not done with you either,” she stated, rolling onto him, not because she felt less threatened, but because she wanted to kiss every delectable inch of him.

And she did, brushing her mouth over his shoulder, pecs, then the ridges of his abs. Damn, he had great abs. They quivered under her tongue as she licked her way south, enjoying the taste of his hot, salty skin.

His muffled curse made her grin.

A second later, he grasped her shoulders and hauled her up his deliciously hot, hard body. She moaned at the feel of her flesh brushing his. Then he was kissing her lips, thrusting a hand through her hair to hold the back of her head while the other cupped her ass as he ground against her.

She was lost, found…done.

“Cage,” she breathed, and then held on as he flipped them over and took his time, reacquainting every inch of her body with his tongue and his hands.

By the time he opened another condom, she’d had her third orgasm and was riding a wave to that blissful edge again. Then he was entering her, saying her name, his gaze smoldering with desire and heated affection.

Time stood still. The world faded away. Rojas and her fears faded away. All she knew was Cage, and the feel of him on top of her, inside her, the long, delicious pull of their bodies as he took her apart, then put her back together, making her whole, bringing her home.

When they were finally spent, and breathing ragged, he rolled onto his back and tucked her against him. Nikki’s last thought as she drifted off to sleep was of how hard it was going to be to leave him when the mission was over.


he next morning, Cage was in the kitchen, devouring what was left of their midnight snack. He was famished, and the reheated quesadilla they’d made between round three and four hit the spot. The beauty slumbering in his bed had reduced him to a boneless mass before dawn.

Nikki always had taken everything out of him.

Twenty minutes ago, he’d snuck from the room, careful not to wake her. They’d been at it all night, reacquainting their bodies, reawakening temptations, healing old wounds. She deserved some rest…
some rest. Especially since he intended to continue to make up for lost time today, too.

First, he’d needed to recharge. He glanced at his empty plate.


Second, he needed to check in with his partner.

He grabbed his phone and battery near their discarded glasses from yesterday. What a difference a day made. He felt lighter, content, happier than he had in a long time.

Epiphanies had that affect. So did great sex.

And answered questions.

For years, he’d walked around confused, tortured by the thought that the woman he’d opened up to, bared his soul to, given everything to, could throw him away and move on to another man.

But now he knew the truth—well, at least part of it, and it made a world of difference knowing Nikki hadn’t thrown him aside, hadn’t moved on.

She’d been undercover.

Of course, learning she’d been an NIO shocked the shit of him, and…yeah, if he was going to be a pansy about it, he had to admit it hurt that she’d never confided her real job to him. He’d been nothing but open and honest with her.

Speaking of covers, he was eager to crawl between the sheets and lose himself in her mouthwatering, naked curves. He slipped the battery back in the phone, turned it on, and set it on the counter near a bowl of fruit while he waited for the cell to power up.

He’d spent way too much time dwelling in the past. It was time to concentrate on the present. Nikki was here. And loved him, and he wasn’t letting her get away again.

“There you are.”

He turned to watch her walk into the kitchen, wearing his gray Jacksonville PD T-shirt…and nothing else. Heat immediately flooded his groin, and he grew hard watching the bounce of her gorgeous breasts and the way her nipples brushed the thin material in a high-beamed salute. He dropped his gaze to her long, curvy legs, noting the shirt barely covered the top of her supple thighs.

“Good morning,” she said, sauntering close and sliding her hands up his chest while she lifted up on tip-toe to kiss him.

Warm and soft, she melted against him, her tongue greeting his, as he grabbed two handfuls of her sweet ass and rocked his hips.

A good morning indeed.

And about to get better.

He broke the kiss and lifted her up, smiling at her squeak when her hot ass hit the cold granite.

“Don’t worry. I’ll heat you up,” he promised with a grin as he reached for his phone near the fruit bowl. “Just let me check in first.”

She nodded, grabbing a banana. He knew he should look away, but instead, he held her wicked, mischievous gaze as she shoved the peeled banana in her mouth and slowly bit down.

His erection throbbed with the action and he muttered a curse. Eager to replace the fruit with his body, he dialed his partner.

“Jesus, it’s about time you checked in.” The urgency in Jersey’s normally jovial tone spoke volumes.

Cage stiffened, on instant alert. “Why? What’s wrong?”

“Hutchins was shot. He’s in ICU. Wilson is missing. And Rivera is on a rampage.”

He stepped back, thrust a hand through his hair, and blew out a breath. “I’m off the grid for less than a day and the world goes to pot.”

“Yeah, I know. It’s insane.” An undercurrent in Delaney’s tone kicked up his adrenaline.

Nikki jumped down, concern darkening her questioning gaze.

“Look, Cage, there’s more. Where are you?” Jersey asked.

BOOK: Locke and Load
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