Long Time Gone (Rough Riders) (7 page)

BOOK: Long Time Gone (Rough Riders)
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“It’d be best if I set your suitcases inside the house.”

As soon as Kimi’s feet hit the dirt, she heard yapping. She looked at Cal. “You have a dog?”

“Yeah. It gets lonelier livin’ on your own than I imagined.” A sheepish look crossed his face and she wanted to hug him. “She’s good company. But watch out ’cause she’s still a puppy.”

“What kind of dog?”

“Australian shepherd-blue heeler mix.” Cal lifted the luggage as if it weighed nothing. “She’s in the backyard. You’d better change so she doesn’t tear your stockings and dress to shreds.”

Kimi snagged the small case and once they were inside, headed for the bathroom. She stopped in the living room. “You have furniture.”

“Well, darlin’, it has been over a year since you’ve been here. So why are you surprised?”

“I figured you’d be the type to leave it empty until you got married and let your wife decorate it.”

“Nope. I can’t go that long without a TV. And I have an aversion to a couch covered in flowers that I can’t sit on.”

In the bathroom she changed into a pair of floral pedal pushers and a sleeveless blouse, not bothering to put on shoes. Wandering through the house, she paused by the screen door to watch Cal playing with his dog. He’d ditched the western shirt in favor of his undershirt. Lord. The man looked even more muscled than the last time she’d seen him.

Then her attention was completely commandeered by a black and white and gray puppy bounding all over the place. The little dog would run toward Cal, stop, jump back, jump sideways. The puppy tore circles around him, yipping and barking until Cal was laughing so hard he had to rest on his knees. The puppy plopped right beside him, panting like crazy.

A warm, sweet feeling flowed through her at seeing such an unguarded moment. The instant she opened the screen door, the puppy’s ears perked up. Then she emitted the cutest, most ferocious sounding barks as she raced forward to assess the threat to her master.

“Gigi!” Cal shouted. “Sit.”

Gigi ignored him and jumped up on Kimi, her paws leaving muddy prints on Kimi’s pants, her tail wagging crazily. “Hey, sweet girl.” Kimi felt Cal’s eyes on her. “You’re a pretty little thing. Even your dog has those gorgeous blue eyes like yours.”
Stupid thing to say, Kimi.
Trying to mask the awkward moment, she petted and praised the dog until the pup rolled over and showed her belly. She laughed.

“I’m happy to hear that sound,” Cal said quietly.

“So you’re not chastising me for laughing just a few hours after I buried my mother?”

“Not my business to judge you.” He looked down at her hand on Gigi’s belly. “She likes you.”

“Puppies like everyone.”

“True. But not everyone likes puppies.”

“I love them. We weren’t allowed to have pets, which I understand because they would’ve been neglected.”
Just like I was
. “I swore that someday I’d have as many dogs as I wanted. Now I’ve added chickens to the list of future critters.”

Cal crouched down. “Chickens? Why?”

“A friend of mine from St. Mary’s was from an Ag family. I went home with her one weekend and found out that her mom raised chickens. I thought it was the funnest thing, gathering eggs in the morning. Who knew chickens had different personalities? I went from knowing nothin’ about them to wishing I had my own flock.”

“Maybe someday you will.”

“Maybe.” Gigi whined and Kimi scratched under her chin. “Poor neglected pup. Are you hungry?”

“Speakin’ of… Are you hungry?” Cal asked.

“No. But I wouldn’t turn down a shot of Jack.” Kimi kept ruffling the puppy’s soft fur as she gazed at Cal. “You don’t have to worry that I’m a minor. Two weeks ago I turned eighteen and I’m legally an adult.”

A strange look flitted through Cal’s eyes and then it was gone. “Look, I have no problem with you knocking back a shot. But I can’t in good conscience give you booze and then put you on a bus with a bunch of strangers.” He sighed. “Besides, I don’t think you’re thinkin’ clearly. Grief screws you up.”

She put her hand over the top of his as he pet the dog. “You’re probably right. Still, I could use whiskey to take the edge off. But then I’d be shit outta luck as far as where to go because I won’t spend another night under my dad’s roof and I’m too mad at Carolyn to stay with her and Carson.”

“Then have that drink and stay with me tonight. I’ve got plenty of room.”

“Stay here with you?”

“Yeah. You could crash on the couch. It’d just be a friend helpin’ out another friend.”

Their eyes met.

Kimi saw nothing but sincerity in his steady gaze. Maybe the fact Cal hadn’t heard from her or seen her in a year had cooled his feelings. “No girlfriend to get jealous?”

“Nope. Gigi here is my only girl.”

“Okay. I’ll stay. But you’ll take me to the bus station tomorrow?”

“As soon as I finish chores I’ll take you wherever you want to go.”


“Sit tight. I’ll grab the bottle.”

“The whole bottle?”

Cal smoothed a wayward curl behind her ear. “Somehow I don’t think a single shot is gonna be enough for you.”

Kimi played with the puppy until Gigi tired of fetch and settled in the grass. She crossed the yard and looked around.

In the last year Cal had added a roof over the cement slab, turning the area into a shaded patio. He even had two lounge chairs. He set two shot glasses on the stump that served as a table. Then he filled the glasses halfway before he sat next to her.

She picked up her purse, pulling out her cigarettes and matches. “Mind if I smoke?”

“Go ahead.”

Cal passed over her shot.

It went down so smoothly she decided to have another.

After a bit, he said, “I know I told you I wouldn’t pester you to talk, but I have to ask if you knew your mother was so sick?”

Kimi exhaled a stream of smoke and waggled her empty shot glass at him. “Can I answer that after I’ve had a few more of these?”

“It’s your liver. But I’ll warn ya. Have too many and you’re on your own. I’m not the kinda guy who holds your hair back as you puke.”

“I don’t plan on puking.”

His raised dark eyebrow was a blatant
we’ll see

Following Kimi’s second cigarette and third shot, Cal reached for her hand and threaded their fingers together. “Time to pay the piper and tell me what’s goin’ on.”

That provided the push she needed to tell him everything. She didn’t leave anything out, including what’d happened after she’d left his house last year.

“Hell, darlin’. That is some seriously fucked-up stuff.”

“I know.” She looked at him. “Carolyn didn’t tell you any of this?”

He shook his head. “Carson only mentioned he’d known your mom was on death’s door when he came over to tell me she’d died. And I ain’t gonna lie. I gave him what-for about Carolyn keepin’ you in the dark.”

“Is that why you were so eager to help me?”

“Partially. And knowin’ what happened after you left here that night explains a lot as to why I hadn’t heard from you at all.”

“I figured it was a one-night thing.”

“Wrong. And you damn well know that’s wrong.”

Kimi stubbed out her cigarette, wondering how far she should go in this truth telling. “You’re right. I’m sorry I didn’t write you a letter or anything. I had some stuff to work out.” As soon as she’d returned to Montana last year, she’d started making plans.

“It wasn’t like I could ask Carolyn how you were doin’. Not even why you didn’t come back for Christmas.”

“She didn’t know why I’d cut out all contact with Mom and Dad.” She felt Cal studying her.

“So the last time you spoke to your folks…?”

“Was the night we had the big blow-up. So I’ve got a ton of guilt over that. But now I’m pissed that Carolyn didn’t say shit to me about what was really goin’ on with Mom. Neither did Aunt Hulda. So then I get here and find out every one of my siblings knew she was dying except for me.” She firmed her wobbling chin. “How is that fair? The one child who needed to make amends didn’t get the chance.” That’s when her voice broke and the tears started.

Cal picked her up and tucked her against his side. He whispered, “Hey. It’s okay. Let it out, darlin’. I got you.”

She blubbered in his arms until calmness and too many shots of Jack turned the lights out.

Chapter Six

Kimi slept like the dead.

Not that Cal would say that to her, beings she’d buried her mother today.

Gigi woke up wanting to play and brought the ball over. With Kimi sacked out almost on top of him, Cal kept one hand on her back and used his other hand to play fetch.

When the day began to dim, his stomach growled. He carefully shifted to standing and carried Kimi into the house, the puppy on his heels.

Cal paused in the living room, debating on whether to lay her on the couch. But if he wanted to watch TV, the noise would wake her, so he headed down the hallway to his bedroom. He started to lower her onto the bed when she stirred. Glancing into her face, a surge of tenderness overwhelmed him.

“So sleepy,” she slurred.

“I know. Which is why I’m tuckin’ you into bed, sweet darlin’.” Cal left her clothes on and slipped her between his sheets. He sat on the edge of the bed, his heart heavy. He murmured, “Glad you decided to stay tonight.”

“Me too.” Kimi rolled over, giving him her back.

Gigi immediately jumped up and snuggled in beside her.

“Good girl. Keep an eye on her.”


Cal slept on the couch.

He tried not to disturb Kimi early the next morning as he rummaged in his closet for work clothes.

The bed squeaked and he turned around just as Kimi sat up.

At some point during the night she’d whipped off her shirt, leaving her in a black bra that emphasized the fullness of her breasts.


Look at her face.
But goddamn, that wasn’t any better. She looked cute as hell, her hair sticking up all over the place. Her eyes slumberous.


She stretched her arms over her head and released a satisfied-sounding groan. “How long was I out?”

So much for not looking at her tits. “Twelve hours.”

Kimi froze. “What? It’s…morning?”

“Yeah. I’ve gotta check cattle but I’ll be back around noon.”

She looked at the other side of the bed. “Where did you sleep last night?”

“On the couch. Gigi stayed with you.”

“So I took your bed and your dog.” Realizing she was half-naked, she pulled the sheet up. “I’m sorry to be such a pain in the ass, Cal.”

“You had a rough day. You obviously needed to sleep. I’m just glad you were here and not on a bus to god knows where.”



“You’ve said ‘on a bus to god knows where’ a couple of times. I’m goin’ to Vancouver and then I’ll get on a boat that’s takin’ workers to Juneau.”

Stunned, he said, “You’re movin’ to Alaska? Why?”

Kimi tossed her hair over her shoulder. “One of my classmates was from Alaska. She kept talkin’ about how beautiful it was, and how much better the wages were up there. She said she could get me a job workin’ in her uncle’s dry cleaning business. At first I thought she was just blowing smoke, but it turned out she was serious. Right before we graduated, I got an official letter from the business offering me the job. They’re paying my travel expenses to Juneau, but I have to sign a one-year contract.” She yawned. “It’s too great of a chance to pass up.”

“Did you tell your family?”

“I told Aunt Hulda because she had to find a seamstress to replace me, but I didn’t tell her too far ahead of time because she’d try and talk me out of it. I let Carolyn know in the letter I left her. And I don’t give a damn about the rest of my family.”

“When do you start?”

“Whenever I get there. I had to call them long distance to tell them my mother died and I’d be delayed.”

He wanted to be supportive, but Alaska? Christ. “Well, that’s…great they’re so understanding.”

“Cal. That wasn’t even close to sincere.”

“It just threw me, okay? That’s a long way from here, especially for someone—”

“Who’s never been south of Denver or north of Miles City?” She leaned forward. “That’s exactly why I
to go. I thought you, of all people, would understand.”

“My travel experiences are as limited as yours have been, so darlin’, I’d be lyin’ if I said I understood. But I’m damn proud of you for doin’ something adventurous. Few people have the guts to do it.” That’d sounded somewhat supportive.


“But if you don’t have a set schedule to meet, and you need a few days to sort things out, you can stay here.”

That took her aback. “Thanks. I’ll think about it.”

“Make yourself at home and we’ll talk when I get back, okay?”

BOOK: Long Time Gone (Rough Riders)
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