Love is Only a Whisper (Whisper Series) (2 page)

BOOK: Love is Only a Whisper (Whisper Series)
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Through the years they’d heated conversations on many issues. Their debates were legendary among the family. Although, she would never admit it out loud, she enjoyed their talks, which were always exhilarating. But something else simmered between them, a spark that hinged on the edges waiting to be ignited. Looking at his eyes now, she could see angry flames were itching to explode. Not a good thing.

“We were talking. Besides it’s none of your business what we

“Don’t try me tonight, Nicole.”

“It’s not her fault,” Brent touched her arm. “Nicole, will you be alright?”

She nodded. He stepped away from her.

“Wipe that damn lipstick off your mouth before your wife
sees it,” the man snarled.

Brent pulled a starched white handkerchief from his jacket and removed the crimson stain. Then he walked out of door not looking back.

Silence engulfed the air in the room. Finally the distant
sound of the ducks in the pond, behind the gazebo, broke through.

Ashton Campbell Sinclair III stood towering in front of her
like an avenging warrior ready to do battle. Brent’s older brother, at thirty-four,
was, handsome and full of rage, which he struggled to control, was directed
towards her. His lips were drawn into a tight line; the glare he shot her way
was enough to make the strongest person buckle to their knees.

Nicole tilted her head to the side and rested shaky hands on
her hips, hoping he hadn’t notice that the brave face had a clink in its armor.

Her eyes swept over him with boldness that she didn’t feel.
Handsome was too soft a word when it came to describing him. There wasn’t an
adjective available that defined beauty and strength combined with a rawness
that would leave any woman gasping to breathe. It should be against the law for
one person to have all of those attributes plus more.

Last year, he’d been voted number one in the top 100 sexiest
men in

Teased unmercifully by his family, he never seemed to
appreciate the humor. He’d scoffed at the title, commenting that people should
read newspapers instead of rag magazines. Although
magazine was
known to be reputable,
World News Report
were what
Ashton called

Ashton had complained about invasion of privacy, but she understood
why the magazine had bestowed the title on him. He was mesmerizing. Strong
features dominated the penetrating power of his deep-set blue eyes. He was what
most would call a man’s man.

“What in the hell is wrong with you? I can’t believe what I walked in on.” His lips were pinched in a hard line, which only heighten her awareness of him.

She braced herself for what was to come. Nothing changed with him; he was still brooding, irritating and a pain in her ass. He was a true nemesis. She accepted that he was just one angry man and didn’t like her. But tonight she wasn’t in the mood for his snide remarks.

It was a shame he was gorgeous because his bad personality didn’t mirror his looks. Ashton’s broad shoulders scrupled his fitted body. He was well-toned with a six pack of abs that would make any man proud. She knew because she’d come upon him, alone, lounging by his parents’ pool in a bathing trunk that molded his lower body. The sight had left her speechless and clumsy as she made her way back into the house.

Shiny, straight black hair adorned his head with the ends, slightly curling and touching the tip of his starch white collar, a total contrast to Brent’s boyish, cropped blonde looks. The length of his hair was totally inappropriate for corporate America. But knowing Ashton, he probably didn’t give a damn.

Both brothers were blessed with blue eyes, a gene inherited from their aristocratic mother. Whereas Brent’s were a light blue, full of laughter and mischief, Ashton’s were darker, unyielding and dangerous. He made her nervous but she would be damn if she’d let him know it.

She’d never experienced his wrath but if the look on his
face now was any indication she was getting ready to receive it.

“I asked you a question, Nicole.”

“And I didn’t answer it.”

The lift of a brow was the only indication he was pissed. Brent told her once that Ashton wasn’t a man you would want to cross. Although he came from a close-knit family, his personality and attitude certainly didn’t fit the mold of man who had been cherished all his life by loving parents. The only warmth she’d ever seen him display was toward his diminutive but elegant mother and sister, Gia. But it had been so fleeting that within seconds she thought she may have imagined it. Some call him a man with no emotions and she was inclined to agree.

“You aren’t afraid me.” He frowned. “I never could intimidate

“No, so don’t start trying now.”

Nicole needed to get
away from him before World War III broke out. She moved toward the door but Ashton
stepped in front of her, blocking her path.

She looked at the hand on her arm
and then at him. “Excuse me.”

He moved closer. She could smell his breath mixed with bourbon and a faint smell of peppermint on her face. It was intoxicating, reminding of her warm nights and seduction. A liquid heat swarmed her body and settled in a place she refused to acknowledge. Pride wouldn’t allow her to skulk away and hide so she stood still. All of her senses went on alert and she sucked in a ragged breath to steady herself.

Ashton blithely ignored her request and the frown line that formed between his sleek, dark brows dismissed her words all together. She stood in a perfected stance, waiting for the flood to happen.

His skin olive, inherited from his mother, who was half-Italian
and half-Greek, was smooth and tight across his face. His broad shoulders, his
height and no nonsense approach were attributes shared with his father.

With Ashton’s feet
slightly apart and arms folded across his wide chest he seemed larger than life.
The power in his body only elevated his magnetism. Women, married and single, coveted
him, openly, with heated eyes. He was what Sally and Danielle, her best friends,
called a babe magnet. Hell, although she was in love with Brent, she even
noticed the man had sex appeal. She could see why he was the one of the most
eligible bachelors in Texas.

This was the first time she was completely alone with him and it made her a little nervous.

“You’re going to talk to me, Nicole, whether want to or

Her mouth felled open to deliver a blistering retort and
then shut it. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.

“What in the hell did you think you were doing with Brent?”
he barked.

Silently counting to ten, she inhaled and then exhaled. “First
of all, you’re not my father or brother. I don’t, and I reiterate, I don’t answer
to you. Now get out of my way.”

“When it comes to you, he’s off limits. Stay away from him.”

Nicole’s anger spiked, which she tried hard to control. Who did he think he was to talk to her like that? Okay, girl. Inhale. Exhale. “Brent is my friend.”

Ashton eyes were hard with censure. “Not after tonight.”

“I’m not going to let you dictate who I can have in my life.”
 She made a move past him, but he stopped her again.

“We will talk, Nicole.”

“Not going to happen.”

“Don’t push me.”

“Oh, am I supposed to be scared now?”

He didn’t say anything but the tick in his cheek worked overtime.

“You’re pissing me off, Ashton.”

“What else is new?’

His eyes ran slowly over her face. What was he looking for? She tried not to squirm, but he was silent so long she’d grown uncomfortable. He was deliberately trying to provoke her.

“Your skin is so smooth…a creamy fudge like—”

“Ah…you want to talk, so talk.” Did she really hear those words come from his mouth? What had gotten into him? He was definitely out of character tonight.

He just stood there with that lethal stare of his. Damn. She would not be intimidated. And she wasn’t playing this odd game with him.

“What I witnessed between you and my brother will never
happen again,” he spat out.

She bristled. Now this was the Ashton she knew, an asshole.
“How many times do I need to tell you, Brent and I are friends?”

“Friends?” His tone was menacing. “Really? Is that what you
call it?”

“I don’t have to justify myself to you.”

“Too damn bad. Let’s go.”

“Go where?” She stepped back.

He reached for her arm, guided her out of the gazebo, and through the backyard to the front of the house. To mentally exhausted, she let him lead. Any other time she would have given him a piece of her mind for manhandling her. At his car, a S500 black Mercedes. The car was powerful and sleek— just like him.

He threw open the passenger door. “Get in.”

A brow lifted at his tone. This man ran the entire Sinclair billionaire empire and when he spoke, people listened but she wasn’t one of his puppets or workers.

“Say, please.”

“Now, you want to play games.”

Not moving, she tilted her head, crossed her arms and glared.

He swiped a hand through his hair, making it unruly. It did
nothing to make him less handsome but added to his rugged appeal.

“Will you, get in the car? Please?”

She still didn’t move.

“Melissa saw you and Brent together. They have been married forty-eight
hours and already her husband has been found in another woman’s arms. How do
you think she felt? Along with my parents’ anniversary celebration, they are
also celebrating Brent and Melissa’s marriage. It was a good thing I found her
crying and not the parents.”

Nicole choked back a gasp.

“That’s right. She saw you. I’m not going to let you ruin
this night for her, or is that what you want?”

Nicole got into the car and he slammed the door. She locked
her fingers together in her lap, and stared straight ahead.

He was right but she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of
knowing that. She should’ve known better. Her aunt would’ve been mortified if
she’d found Brent and her together.

He slid in, started the powerful engine, and then pulled out onto the highway with speed. The silence in the car was deafening but it was fine with her. She ignored him, happy that he didn’t try to make conversation. Through the car window, she saw nothing but darkness. Although the tall buildings in downtown Dallas were aligned with sparkling lights, it didn’t nothing to brighten her mood.

Her mind drifted to Brent and his marriage. Why didn’t he tell her he was going to marry Melissa? The bond they once shared was over. She wouldn’t be the other woman in his marriage. He’d made his choice but it didn’t stop the pain.

She inhaled deeply. Nicole felt Ashton’s eyes on her. She leaned back against the headrest and closed her eyes.

When she opened her eyes they’d arrived at a sprawling estate outside of Dallas. She didn’t realize she’d fallen asleep. Blinking, she observed her surroundings as the car came to a standstill.

“Why are we at your

He didn’t say a word but the left the car and came around to the passenger side. He opened the door and offered his hand. She took it. He shut the car door with his other hand and guided her toward the house.

The mansion was beautiful but seemed to be too much for one person. She’d been to his house only once for a barbecue. A Sinclair tradition that was normally held at his parents’ home but last year, his mother had volunteered Ashton’s place for the event. Ashton hadn’t been happy but he never could deny his strong-will mother anything.

At the function, Nicole never ventured inside the mansion,
although she’d been secretly curious about Ashton’s personal space. But there
had been no need since a large pool house and small cottages were situated on
the two hundred acres for all the guests’ needs.

Ashton punched in a code and the door slid open. He stepped back to let her proceed. When she stopped abruptly, he bumped into her. With a hand at the small of her back, he turned her towards him.

“You okay?” he asked

“Yes, I’m fine.”

He watched her closely. “You look tired.”

“I am.” She massaged the base of her temple.

He didn’t say anything but led them into a spacious living
room. Surprise at the opulent contemporary style of the room, her breath caught
at the beauty of the high ceilings and the subtle but bright décor.

A long off-white sofa covered with yellow and apple green
pillows sat on an Asian rug. Shiny hardwood floors flowed throughout the room. Many
homes in Texas were decorated in a southwestern style but not this one.

Although everything about the house spoke money, this room
had an elegance Nicole immediately loved. Maybe it was because the man who
occupied the house seemed too cold and emotionless to appreciate such beauty.

Ashton pointed
toward a sofa. “Have a seat.” He went to the wet bar across the room. “Would
you like something to drink?”

“Mineral water, if you have it.” She walked toward the sofa
but didn’t sit. She didn’t feel comfortable sitting while he towered over her. Although
she was of average height, he made her feel smaller.

“You have a lovely

Cold eyes spared her a
quick glance. “You’ve been here before.”

“Yes, but never inside.”

“Why not?”

She shrugged. “There was
no need.”

He poured the mineral
water into a glass added a couple of ice cubes and handed it to her.


He nodded, retrieved a bottle of whiskey, and released a measure into a glass. “I want you to feel comfortable.”

She frowned. “Why did you bring me here?”

“Tell me why you think I brought you here?”

“I really don’t know. Whatever you had to say could’ve been said in the gazebo.”

He walked to the window, looked out not saying anything for
a long moment, and then turned toward her.

“Your aunt and my mother are best friends.”

“So? Should I treat you like a blood relative?”

BOOK: Love is Only a Whisper (Whisper Series)
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