Read Love Obsessed Online

Authors: Veronica Short

Love Obsessed (5 page)

BOOK: Love Obsessed
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He laughs, “You’re welcome, Erin.”

Two more women walk into the office space, eyeing me. Jake turns back to his desk and so do I. They don’t speak to me for a long time; they’re talking about their weekend. Keeping an eye on the time, I’m about to get up and walk into my classroom when the two women slide up to my desk, one on each side.

“So you’re the new teacher?” the one with glasses asks, her eyes doing a once over.

“You’re pretty young to be a teacher. Sure you’re not still in school?” the red head speaks. Wow, bitch alert.

“Yes, I’m the new teacher, and yes, I’m pretty sure I’m not in school anymore if my graduation was anything to go on.” They stare at me for a moment.

“I’m Beth, and this is Anita.” The red head says.

I stand up. “I’m Erin, and now my kids are arriving.” I walk out of the office space and into my classroom, where some kids and their parents are waiting.


Brandon and I made arrangements to meet up for lunch, his way of checking up on me. “So this is your classroom?” he asks, walking around in a circle.

“Yep, all mine. The kids are wonderful. They are so bright.”

His smile is wide, “Made it all worth it, the studying and me keeping you in line.”

“You keeping me in line?” I laugh out.

“And don’t you forget it.”

Shaking my head, laughing “You’re...”

“Who’s your friend, Erin?”

I stop laughing and look at Beth. “Brandon, Beth, Beth, Brandon.” I introduce them, not liking the way she’s looking at him. “Alright, Brandon, the kids will be getting back soon, and you should be at work instead of slacking off here.”

He throws an arm around me. “I never slack off with you, baby,” he says, and we walk out of the classroom, through the school grounds, and out to his car.

Once we’re by his car, I speak, “Not here, Brandon. Do not sleep with the girls that I work with, please.” I beg him.

“I won’t baby.”

“Promise me.” I’m as serious as he was when he asked me to promise him that I wouldn’t have any more contact with Cole.

“I promise.” I can tell that he isn’t just saying that, that he means it.


“How was your first week?” Jake asks on the walk to the car park.

“Good, thanks for asking, and thanks for all the help. It’s been handy.”

He shrugs, “Glad that I was useful.”

“Erin!” Ashley and Cameron, another set of teachers, approach us in the parking lot.

“Hey,” I offer.

“Hey! A few of us teachers head out to a bar on Friday nights.” I nod, following along. “You interested in coming along tonight? Meet a few of the other teachers, have a few drinks, dance, gossip... whatever floats your boat. It’ll be fun.”

“Sure! Can I bring someone along?”

“Absolutely.” Ashley chimes.

“Which bar?”

“Pete’s, and whenever you get there. We’re normally there about seven, ourselves.”

“Ok, cool. I’ll be there.” They leave, and when I turn back, Jake is gone.


“I’ve been invited to go out tonight. I’m going to go,” I tell Brandon when he enters the apartment later that night. He takes his jacket off, throws it over a chair and starts to unbutton his cufflinks.


“Pete’s. It’s a bar.”

“I’ll be ready in half an hour. That work for you?”


When we get to the bar, there are a few faces that I recognise from the school. We’re making our way to the bar when Cameron spots us approaching. “Erin! You made it. I’m so glad.” Cameron hugs me; he has had a few drinks already.

“I told you that I would be here.” Brandon clears his throat. Here we go; scare off all the men. Dependable Brandon. “This is Brandon,” I introduce them. They eye each other up.

“Brandon.” Cameron offers his hand, and Brandon takes it. “It’s good that you bring someone along to establishments like this. A gorgeous young lady like you shouldn’t be wondering the bars by alone.” Brandon eyes him. He’s thinking, wondering, what his game is.

“Let me get you two a drink,” Cameron offers.

“Great!” I exclaim, clapping my hands together, and glad that the awkwardness had passed. When Cameron leaves for the bar, I step in front of Brandon and point into his chest. “Be nice,” I warn.

He shrugs and raises his hand, serving up the innocent motion. “What?” he asks.

“You know what.”

Reluctantly, he nods, and we make our way over to the bar where Cameron has our drinks waiting for us. We’ve been here a while, and I am enjoying myself. Brandon is off with some girl, which doesn’t surprise me, dancing with a blond. I have met a few new faces and have talked to a few more. They all seem very welcoming. Even Anita and Beth have come up and had a drink with me.

“So, that Brandon guy...” Jake’s eyes wander from me to Brandon, and then back to me.

“Is just a friend, nothing more,” I assure him.

“Good.” Jake orders two more beers, before asking, “Are you enjoying yourself?” He hands me over a beer when they arrive. I take this time to have a good look at him. Yes, I’ve seen him every day, but it’s hard to ogle someone when you’re being watched too. He has dark blonde hair that looks darker in this darkness of the pub, and he’s wearing glasses. I’ve seen him wear them a few times during the week; they suit him. He has this gruff on his face, like he hasn’t shaved in a few days, and I can’t help but like it.

“Very much. How about you?”

“My night’s getting better.”

“Good.” I take a mouthful of my beer. We chat and laugh. I’m really enjoying talking to him, but the stares are becoming uncomfortable.

“Come outside with me.” Jake gently tugs my hand, pulls me out of the chair I’m sitting in, and leads the way outside. “That’s better. We can talk without being stared at,” he continues. “Having eyes on us is a little uncomfortable.” He looks slightly nervous and shifts on his feet before he speaks again, “I want to take you out,” he shoots out. “I mean, I would really like to go out with you sometime. Just me and you with no eyes on us.”

“Seriously?” I’m stunned at his request. “I thought that maybe you and either Beth or Anita were a couple. With the way they both act around you, and toward me.”

“How do they act toward you?” He sounds slightly angry.

“I apologise. It doesn’t matter.”

“Doesn’t matter? Erin, if they’re...”

“Jake,” I shake my head to get him to be quiet so I can talk, “if there is nothing going on with anyone else...”

“There’s not.” He shoots in quickly.

“I would very much like to go out with you, where we don’t have eyes on us.”

“To be clear, it would be a date.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

He leans in and kissed my cheek. “We better get back inside before the rumours start going around.”


I’m sitting at home, just me, my bottle of bourbon, and the Xbox that’s hooked up to the biggest television that’s available, trying to make the pain go away. Picking up and finishing off the last of the bourbon from the bottle, I get up from my spot on the couch, and head over to the bar I have hiding in the corner of my apartment to fish out a new bottle. Opening it up, I take a mouthful before I hit the couch again to continue my game. My phone starts to ring, hoping against hope that its Erin, I reach over to the other couch cushion and pick it up. Nikki’s name flashes across the screen. Hmm, Nikki. I answer it,

“Nikki,” I speak into the speaker.

“Hey, baby. I’m in town. Want to party?” Her voice is full of seduction. She may be able to take my pain away, at least for a little while, anyway.

“I’m not in the mood to go out. Why don’t you come around here instead?” I suggest.

“I’ll be there soon,” and she hangs up. I get up from the couch and do a quick tidy up, jump into the shower, and then do a double check of the apartment before the doorbell rings, alerting me that there’s someone at the door. I rush over and open it. Standing there is a sexy Nikki, clearly dressed to get undressed fast; basically naked already.

“Hey, baby,” I say and step aside so she can walk in. She does and makes herself at home.

“Hey, yourself,” she replies, sitting down on the couch. Without asking, I pull two beers out of the fridge and head over to the couch myself. Sitting down next to her, I offer her a beer. She accepts and takes a mouthful before she straddles my lap. My free hand instantly goes to her revealed thigh, and her free hand goes to my shoulder. We both still have our beers in our hands, drinking, no words being said. Once our beers are finished, they’re set down on the lamp table, and Nikki’s mouth finds mine. My thoughts drift to Erin and what she’s doing.

Pissed at myself that my brain is going to that thought pattern at a time like this, I intensify the kiss, trying to feel something, but get nothing. When Nikki’s hand drifts down, she notices my lack of erection and looks up at me.  “I’m sorry, baby. Give it time. It’s been a long day,” I say, hoping that the traitor gets up soon.

“It's ok, baby. Let’s see what I can do about that.” She gets off my lap and sinks to her knees, attacking my pants. She works them down my thighs and down to my ankles, then gets him in her hands and then her mouth, but still nothing. I try to think of the things that normally arouse me, but nothing works. I throw my head back against the couch in frustration, and Nikki lets go, her eyes focused on my face.

“I’m sorry, Nikki. I don’t know......what’s happening,” I try to explain.

Nikki gets up from the ground. “It’s all good. It happens. Call me when it’s working again,” and she leaves, leaving me half naked and embarrassed on my couch.


“Will you be coming around Sunday?” Mum asks while standing in front of my desk at work. That’s what you get when you work in the family business. Grandad started this advertising and marketing business when he was young, and when he died, passed it onto Dad. One day, Ryan, Brandon or I will get it; probably Ryan, because he’s older and has been here the longest. I hope it’s me, of course, but because a prerequisite for being born into this family is getting a business degree and working in the family business, I’m not too fussed either way. I’ll always have a job, and once Dad dies and it’s passed on to Ryan, I’ll be free to leave and do what I want to do, and it’s a long shot, but I’ll hopefully have Erin with me. So, like I was saying, working in the family business gives you family around you all day, every day. Without looking up from my computer, I answer her.

“Will Brandon and Erin be there?” I don’t want to be around them; not right now. Brandon for doing what he did and for being a total asshole, and Erin for choosing to be with him and ripping my heart out. I don’t feel like going out anymore. I can’t get it up when I have girls over. I haven’t had sex with anyone since I told Erin how I feel. I haven’t had sex with Erin, period, and she’s already wrecked it for me.

After my failed attempt last night at getting laid, I drunk myself stupid, and tried to call Erin. Each and every time, her phone rang out. She’s avoiding me; ignoring me. I passed out from drinking too much, and then to make matters worse, because the universe hates me and has it out for me, when I woke from an Erin based dream, the traitor wouldn’t go down. I’ve been suffering from the worst case of blue balls ever since.

“Brandon is, but Erin has plans,” Mum trails off. That gets my attention, and I look up from the computer. Brandon and Erin separated? That’s rare.

“What plans?” I ask, curiosity getting the better of me.

Mum starts to fidget with the pens on my desk, “So is that a yes or a no to Sunday?” She’s trying to change the subject, avoid the question.

“What plans?” I ask more sternly.

Mum looks me straight in the eye, “She has a date Sunday night, so she won’t be attending.”

And there she goes and tramples on my heart. She has a date. Erin has a date. I thought that Brandon and Erin were together. The confusion sets in. “So Sunday?”

“Yeah. I’ll be there.”


Brandon is in a foul mood Sunday. He doesn’t talk. He doesn’t do anything, except be a grudge around the house. “Big night last night?” I ask, sitting in the chair opposite him.

“Not for me,” he grumbles back.

“How’s that?” Dad asks.

“Don’t want to talk about it,” he grumbles again. Something is really eating him up, and it’s Erin orientated.

It’s silent for a moment, and then Mum speaks, “What do we know about this guy who’s taking Erin out? Do we know where he is taking her tonight?” Brandon slams his cutlery down on the table, making everyone, including me, jump.

“What’s wrong son?” Dad asks.

“They changed their plans. They went out last night, and she didn’t come home.”

My throat drops into my stomach. She spent the night with him. Some fucker was with my Erin last night while I was here, suffering, because of her. It’s confirmed; the universe hates me. “I thought that you and Erin were a couple,” I silently say.

“No, Cole. I just wanted your sleaze bag hands away from her, and now she’s off with some total fucker who she won’t let me meet!” He gets up from the table and starts for the stairs.

BOOK: Love Obsessed
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